Perfect Mince Pies | Fruit Recipes | Jamie Oliver Recipes (2024)

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Perfect mince pies

With filo and puff pastry

  • Vegetarianv

With filo and puff pastry

  • Vegetarianv

“This light and fluffy mince pie recipe makes a great change to shortcrust ones – everyone loves 'em! ”

Serves 24

Cooks In1 hour

DifficultySuper easy


Nutrition per serving
Of an adult's reference intake

Tap For Method


  • 100 g good-quality mincemeat
  • 25 g dried cranberries or blueberries , chopped
  • 2 clementines , zest of
  • 1 splash sherry or brandy
  • flour , to dust
  • 250 g puff pastry
  • 1 pack filo pastry
  • 50 g butter , melted
  • 1 free-range egg , beaten
  • 50 g flaked almonds
  • icing sugar , to dust

Tap For Method

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Tap For Ingredients


  1. It really wouldn’t be Christmas without being offered a mince pie, would it? I decided to do a bit of reinventing on the classic mince pie, so in this recipe I’m using a combination of puff and filo pastry, both of which you can buy ready-made in the shops for extra convenience.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200°C/400ºF/gas 6. Scoop the mincemeat into a mixing bowl and mix in the dried berries, the clementine zest and the sherry or brandy.
  3. Dust a clean work surface with flour and roll out the puff pastry into a big rectangle about 20cm x 40cm and the thickness of a pound coin. Thinly spread the mincemeat over the pastry, leaving a 1cm gap around the edges. Tightly roll up the pastry, lengthways, like a Swiss roll, place it on a floured tray, and pop in the fridge to firm up.
  4. Take two cupcake trays (for 12 cupcakes each) and butter each one lightly with the melted butter. Place one layer of filo pastry over the tray (you may need more than one sheet to cover each tray depending on the size of the sheets) and ease the pastry into each hole. Brush with the melted butter, then cover with a second layer of filo pastry. Brush with butter again.
  5. Take the puff pastry roll out of the fridge and, with a sharp knife, cut it into 24 slices. Place each slice, flat-side down, into a filo-lined hole. Brush with the egg and sprinkle a few flaked almonds on top of each little pie, then pop both trays in the oven for about 25 minutes, until cooked and golden brown.
  6. Leave to cool, then crack the individual pies out of the trays. Dust with a little icing sugar before serving.
  7. PS You can freeze the cooked, cooled mince pies in their trays (just wrap the lot in cling film) or in a plastic container. Just reheat them in a hot oven straight from the freezer.


What pastry are mince pies made from?

Traditionally shortcrust pastry. However if you prefer the flakiness of puff pastry then this works beautifully well in mince pie recipes, too. To make gluten-free mince pies, simply switch in gluten-free plain flour when you make the pastry from scratch.

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© 2024 Jamie Oliver Enterprises Limited

Perfect Mince Pies | Fruit Recipes | Jamie Oliver Recipes (2024)


Why should you stir mincemeat clockwise when making mince pies? ›

Traditions, folklore and superstitions

Stirring the mincemeat was quite an event, and English tradition dictates that it should only be stirred clockwise. Stirring the mincemeat anti-clockwise would lead to bad luck and poor fortune in the coming 12 months.

Are mince pies best frozen cooked or uncooked? ›

We prefer to bake, cool and freeze. Then defrost and warm as and when needed. However you can freeze them uncooked.

What is the difference between mince pie and mince meat pie? ›

All About Mincemeat: The Fabulous Filling for Mince Pies

If you are wondering what the difference is between a mince pie and a mincemeat pie, wonder no more—they are the same thing.

What was the original filling for mince pie? ›

The early mince pie was known by several names, including "mutton pie", "shrid pie" and "Christmas pie". Typically, its ingredients were a mixture of minced meat, suet, a range of fruits, and spices, such as cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg.

How do you keep the bottom of mince pies from getting soggy? ›

Sprinkle dried breadcrumbs or crushed cornflakes, or other types of cereal, on the bottom crust before filling and baking in the oven. The layer will absorb moisture and prevent the filling from turning the crust soggy.

Why can't you eat mince pies on Christmas Day? ›

It has been claimed that eating the snack is illegal in England if done so on Christmas Day. The tradition comes from the time of Oliver Cromwell in the 1650s, when mince pies were banned at Christmas, along with other tasty treats. Cromwell wanted to tackle gluttony in England.

Why don t mince pies have meat in them? ›

By the 18th century it was more likely to be tongue or even tripe, and in the 19th century it was minced beef. It was not until the late Victorian period and early 20th Century that mince pies dropped the meat and had all fruit fillings (albeit with suet). Even today there are traditions associated with mince pies.

What is the best way to eat mince pies? ›

Better still, go with the traditional serve, where everyone eats their mince pies with the little foil cup perched under their chin (useful to catch any major pieces of debris, but not too prissy), and then put the Hoover round later.

Why are mince pies so nice? ›

That's the beauty of them! A good mince pie is a delicately spiced, sumptuously light fruit filling encased in a buttery, crumbly crust. They're like souffles in that they're incredibly easy to do badly, but when baked properly they are a gustatory delight!

What are mince pies called in America? ›

Today, we are accustomed to eating mince pie as a dessert, but actually “minced” pie and its follow-up “mincemeat pie” began as a main course dish with with more meat than fruit (a mixture of meat, dried fruits, and spices).

What is the slang term for mince pies? ›

Mince pies = eyes

This is a term used widely in London even to this day, usually to describe a girl's features. Her eyes would be described as Minces, an even more slang term from the original mince pies.

What do Americans call mincemeat? ›

In American English, "mincemeat" is a sweet pie filling (I think it's mince pie in BrE) which originally contained some meat but in modern times it is generally made mostly of apples and raisins. It's not very popular anymore, but you sometimes see it around Christmas time.

What odd ingredient did mince pies once contain? ›

Martin Fone investigates the most traditional seasonal food of all, mince pies, and finds that they really did contain meat at one time in the past. Just be grateful you never got served one made with fish...

What is a substitute for suet in mincemeat? ›

Vegetable shortening: Vegetable shortening has a mild flavor like suet and hardens in the refrigerator, making it simple to shred and add to foods that call for shredded suet. Shortening consists of sunflower oil, palm oil, and wheat flour, which create a similar, crumbly texture to suet.

What did mince pies used to be called? ›

Mince pies were always a festive pie and eaten around Christmas time. Other names for mince pies include 'mutton pie', 'shrid pie' and 'Christmas pie. '

Which direction should you stir mincemeat? ›

When making the mincemeat mixture for the pies, for good luck it should be stirred in a clockwise direction. You should always make a wish when eating the first mince pie of the season and you should never cut one with a knife.

Why mix mince in one direction? ›

Episode 9: Dumpling Tips and Tricks Tip #1: Mix the filling in one direction. This helps create myosin which is a protein structure that helps the filling stick together and to make it more tender when cooking.

Should you stir mince? ›

It will release all of its liquid becoming tough, stewed and grey. Avoid over-stirring the mince as it fries. Allow the mince to develop a good brown colour before breaking it up and turning. If the meat or the oil is beginning to scorch, reduce the heat.

What is the etiquette for mince pies? ›

Going on to how one should formally eat a mince pie, she explains: 'One would pick up the mince pie with a thumb and first finger, and lift [it] away from the plate. 'The mince pie is crumbly, so make sure anything that falls from the mince pie falls onto your plate.


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