Paying Zakat on Wealth in Islam: Its Ruling According to Its Status - Masarat Initiative (2024)

Zakat in Islam is not just an obligation but a fundamental pillar that emphasizes social justice. With the growth of financial transactions, the rules of zakat on wealth emerge as a precise system to ensure wealth distribution and achieve balance in the Islamic community.

Today, in our article, we will introduce you to the most important rulings on zakat on wealth, how to pay it, and its virtue in Islam. Let’s begin.

The Ruling on Not Paying Zakat on Wealth

We distinguish two cases in not paying zakat on wealth:

The Ruling on Avoiding Zakat on Wealth Due to Stinginess

Refusing to pay zakat out of miserliness is considered a major sin. The Quran states: (And those who hoard gold and silver and do not spend it in the way of Allah – give them tidings of a painful punishment).

With money becoming a substitute for gold and silver in modern times, the ruling on avoiding zakat on wealth and zakat on valuables like gold and silver is considered the same.

The Ruling on Forgetting to Pay Zakat on Wealth

Ignoring zakat on the grounds of forgetfulness reflects a negligence of religious jurisprudence and its rulings, which requires a Muslim to be familiar with its jurisprudential rulings and conditions. Thus, it is incumbent upon him to pay his zakat to cleanse his conscience before Allah and fulfill the rights of the poor, considering the payment for the forgotten years as much as possible.

Paying Zakat on Wealth in Islam: Its Ruling According to Its Status - Masarat Initiative (1)

The Ruling on a Muslim Who Does Not Pay Zakat on Their Wealth

Allah says: (And those who hoard gold and silver and do not spend it in the way of Allah – give them tidings of a painful punishment on the day when it will be heated in the fire of Hell and seared therewith will be their foreheads, their flanks, and their backs, “This is what you hoarded for yourselves, so taste what you used to hoard”).

Therefore, neglecting to pay zakat is a clear violation of Islamic law, as Islam emphasizes the necessity of paying zakat on wealth at its specified times without delay. Those who refrain from it must seek forgiveness, repent, and quickly correct this by paying it.

To Whom is Zakat on Wealth Given?

Zakat on wealth is distributed as mentioned by Allah in His noble book: “Charities are only for the poor and the needy, and those employed to collect [them], and those whose hearts are to be reconciled, and to free captives and debtors, and for the cause of Allah, and [for] the [stranded] traveler – an obligation [imposed] by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.”

In this verse, Allah mentions eight categories eligible for zakat. Some righteous people have said that the most deserving of zakat wealth are the poor and the needy because Allah mentioned them first in the verse. However, it is mandatory to identify the neediest among them for the zakat wealth.

Paying Zakat on Wealth in Islam: Its Ruling According to Its Status - Masarat Initiative (2)

The Virtue of Zakat on Wealth in Islamic Sharia

The obligation of zakat, a fundamental pillar of the religion, reflects the spirit of solidarity and affection among Muslims, embodying the right of Allah and the poor to the wealth of the rich. Its virtue is seen in several aspects, including:

Paying zakat on time brings blessings to wealth, purifies it from impurities, and cleanses the soul from miserliness and attachment to the fleeting world. Enhancing social solidarity as zakat on wealth strengthens the bonds between the rich and the poor, deepening the sense of responsibility and cooperation among Muslims.

Masarat Initiative for Online Education in Northern Syria

By contributing your zakat to the “Masarat” initiative, you actively participate in connecting displaced and refugee communities in northern Syria with online education opportunities, thus alleviating the burden of its costs. This free initiative plays a vital role in eradicating illiteracy and supports students’ determination to complete their education, ensuring a better future for them

Paying Zakat on Wealth in Islam: Its Ruling According to Its Status - Masarat Initiative (3)

Frequently Asked Questions on Paying Zakat on Wealth

What is the ruling for someone who does not pay zakat on time? What should they do?

It is not permissible to delay zakat beyond its due time, so one must hasten to pay it.

When is zakat not required on wealth?

Zakat is not required on wealth if it does not reach the nisab (minimum amount) by the end of the lunar year.

Is it permissible to prepay zakat on wealth?

Prepaying zakat is allowed only out of necessity, as stated by the Maliki school, and a prophetic hadith confirms that zakat is not obligatory on wealth until a lunar year has passed over it. However, some see it permissible to prepay it to meet urgent needs like poverty or famine, benefiting the Islamic community.

Does zakat on wealth have a specific time?

Zakat on wealth is due after a lunar year has passed since the wealth reached the nisab and remained above this threshold.

Is it permissible to pay zakat without mentioning it's zakat?

It is important to specify the money as zakat when the financial situation of the beneficiary is unknown, to ensure the needs of the needy are met. However, if the giver is aware of the recipient’s poverty, mentioning it is not required.

Paying Zakat on Wealth in Islam: Its Ruling According to Its Status - Masarat Initiative (2024)


What is the ruling on giving zakat? ›

Muslims should take inventory of their possessions and wealth. Once they reach nisab or the threshold, which is the value of 87.48 grams of gold or 612.36 grams of silver, they must pay zakat. The total amount to be paid is 2.5% or 1/40 of their total savings and wealth.

What is the zakat on wealth? ›

For every sane, adult Muslim who owns wealth over a certain amount – known as the Nisab – he or she must pay 2.5% of that wealth as zakat.

What is the rule for zakat money? ›

The amount of wealth you pay is fixed. Zakat is 2.5% of the surplus wealth you have owned for one lunar year. The person eligible to pay Zakat must have been in ownership of the nisab (minimum amount of wealth) for one lunar year before paying Zakat on their surplus wealth.

What is the ruling on Zakat ul Fitr? ›

Zakat ul-Fitr is compulsory upon every self-supporting adult Muslim who has food in excess of their needs, on behalf of themselves and their dependants. The quantity is described by the Prophet (PBUH) as 1 saa' of food, and 1 saa' is equivalent to 4 madd.

Is Zakat due on all wealth? ›

No. Zakat is paid yearly on four general categories of “growing and producing” wealth that reach established thresholds (nisab) after a complete lunar year of the Islamic calendar (hawl) has passed on them or at harvest: Livestock. Currency.

Do I have to pay Zakat on gold every year? ›

A: In principle, Zakat must be paid on gold that one has owned for a full year, not just once, but for every year that one owns it.

Can you give Zakat to a rich person? ›

Three groups of exceptions among the Zakat-ineligible categories. The rich (1), those who can work and earn (2), a Zakat-obliged man's immediate relatives (6) and those who work at Zakat collection and distribution may receive payment for their services from Zakat.

How much Zakat for $1,000? ›

zakat on cash savings

Zakat is a percentage of your savings that you must give to charity each year. The zakat on cash savings is 2.5%. This means that if you have $1,000 in cash savings, you must give $25 to charity. Zakat is not the same as taxes.

What are the four types of the wealth on which Zakat must be paid? ›

It is Zakat that Muslims are required to pay annually on wealth that includes: currency, gold, silver, and property. It considers your comprehensive net assets (total wealth). The amount of Zakat Al-Mal that each Muslim owes will vary because it is 2.5% of net wealth that a person holds for a year.

Do you have to pay Zakat if you have debt? ›

I have debts. Do I pay zakat? The basic principle is that debts are deducted from wealth, and if the remainder is still above the nisab threshold, zakat is payable, otherwise not.

Can I give Zakat to my sister? ›

If the relative you want to pay your Zakat to is so distant that you have no legal responsibility in Islam to provide for his or her living expenses, you can pay your Zakat to them, even directly.

How much is Zakat al-Fitr 2024 USA? ›

How much is Zakat Al-Fitr 2024? Zakat is 15$ for each person in the family young or old.

Can I pay Zakat on behalf of my parents? ›

The recipient must not belong to your immediate family: your spouse, children, parents and grandparents cannot receive your zakat.

Which relatives are eligible for Zakat? ›

The recipient must not belong to your immediate family; your spouse, children, parents and grandparents cannot receive your zakat. Other relatives, however, can receive your zakat.

Can Zakat be given to non-Muslims? ›

So to answer the question, “Can Zakat be given to non Muslims?” No, it is not permissible but you will also be rewarded for giving charity to non muslims. In other words, you are being encouraged to help the needy in spite of his religion in Islam. May Allah give us the will to be kind to all of His creatures – Ameen.


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