Paul Figiel Email Address & Phone Number | Senior Client Services Manager Of Venture Solutions Inc (2024)

Senior Client Services Manager at Venture Solutions Inc

Brief Introduction of Paul Figiel

Paul Figiel is working as the Senior Client Services Manager in Venture Solutions Inc located in United States. Here is the email id (p******* of Paul Figiel. Click to get access

Email and Phone number of Paul Figiel






Venture Solutions Inc


United States

Paul Figiel Summary

Paul Figiel is the Senior Client Services Manager at Venture Solutions Inc. Their career began as a Territory Sales Manager at Spectrum Brands, transitioning through several roles including Sales Support Specialist at Ge Energy, Customer Service Manager at Standard Register, Operations Manager at Brighthouse Financial, Senior Customer Service Manager at Consolidated Metco before their current position since 2021. Paul Figiel's academic background is equally impressive, having earned a degree in Bachelor Of Arts (B.A.) from University of North Carolina at Charlotte, between 2001 and 2003. This education has provided a solid foundation for their career, enabling them to bring a depth of knowledge and expertise to their role. Currently Located in United States, Paul Figiel's contact details include their email (p******* and a phone number, facilitating direct communication for professional inquiries.

Paul Figiel Colleagues


Doris Faust

Chief Compliance Officer at Venture Solutions Inc


Mike Nidey

Regional Vice President, Sales at Venture Solutions Inc


Mark Kuehn

Vice President of Information Technology at Venture Solutions Inc


Bonnie Relford

Director/Senior Director at Venture Solutions Inc


Vicki Nelson

Director of Technology Solutions at Venture Solutions Inc


Jill Krueger

Director of IT, Client Facing Solutions at Venture Solutions Inc


Sherryl Smith

Strategic Account Director at Venture Solutions Inc


Doug Kuhn

Director Software Engineering at Venture Solutions Inc


Rajesh Nair

Director Software Engineering at Venture Solutions Inc


Melanie Glawe

Director, Solutions and Implementation at Venture Solutions Inc


Tyler Kukurza

Director of Operations at Venture Solutions Inc

Industry Contacts in United States

Matt Jaeger

Account Executive at Smartsheet


Matt Johnston

Director, Commercial Solutions at Design Interactive


Matt Jones

Vice President of Engineering at MediaBeacon

Matt Jones

Digital Marketing Manager at Octal Digital

Matt Kaatz

Sales Manager at BlackBerry


Matt Kaiser

Senior Director, Software Development at OSI


Matt Kalmenson

Vice President of Sales , Commercial Sales and Cloud Service Providers at Veeam Software

Matt Kammer

Senior Program Manager at Amazon

Matt Kanfer

General Sales Manager at SmartRecruiters

Matt Karres

Deputy Component Program Manager at Booz Allen Hamilton

Contacts Similar to Paul Figiel

Tabitha Ottiwell

Digital Work Flow Manager at ClearChoice Dental Implant Centers


Tabitha Rain

Director of Education at Eduro Healthcare


Tabitha Vieweg

Associate Director at The Joint Commission


Vince Colaianni

Assistant Vice President/Trust Portfolio Manager at Sandy Spring Bank


Vince Hufford

Vice President Product Development at Clearwater Payments

Zulema Montemayor

Manager, Product Marketing at NACE International

Zuma Martin

WA Information Technology Program Manager at U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Zvone Sparovec

Operations Manager at Kaart

Zyna Bakari

Public Health Program Manager at Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle

Zyvan Lee

Complex Manager at Federal Bureau of Prisons

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Paul Figiel

Who does Paul Figiel work for?

Paul Figiel works for Venture Solutions Inc as Senior Client Services Manager

What is Paul Figiel’s role in Venture Solutions Inc?

Paul Figiel's role in Venture Solutions Inc is Senior Client Services Manager

What are Paul Figiel's contact details?

Paul Figiel's email address is p*******

Who are Paul Figiel’s colleagues?

Some Paul Figiel's of colleagues are Doris Faust, Mike Nidey, Mark Kuehn, Bonnie Relford, Vicki Nelson, Jill Krueger, Sherryl Smith, Doug Kuhn, Rajesh Nair, Kim Fossey, Melanie Glawe, Tyler Kukurza

Where is Paul Figiel based?

Paul Figiel works for Venture Solutions Inc and is based in United States

What is Paul Figiel's position at Venture Solutions Inc?

Paul Figiel's position at Venture Solutions Inc is Senior Client Services Manager.

Who are some key decision-makers at Venture Solutions Inc apart from Paul Figiel

Some key decision-makers at Venture Solutions Inc include Doris Faust as Chief Compliance Officer, Mike Nidey as Regional Vice President, Sales, Mark Kuehn as Vice President of Information Technology, Bonnie Relford as Director/Senior Director, Vicki Nelson as Director of Technology Solutions, Jill Krueger as Director of IT, Client Facing Solutions, Sherryl Smith as Strategic Account Director, Doug Kuhn as Director Software Engineering, Rajesh Nair as Director Software Engineering, Kim Fossey as Strategic Account Director, Melanie Glawe as Director, Solutions and Implementation, Tyler Kukurza as Director of Operations.

Paul Figiel Current Workplace Details

Paul Figiel Email Address & Phone Number | Senior Client Services Manager Of Venture Solutions Inc (1)

Senior Client Services Manager

Venture Solutions Inc


$50 - 100M

Head Count

250 - 1000


Arden Hills, Minnesota, United States

Paul Figiel Past Employment

Paul Figiel Email Address & Phone Number | Senior Client Services Manager Of Venture Solutions Inc (2)

Senior Client Services Manager

Venture Solutions

Jan 2021 - Present

Paul Figiel Email Address & Phone Number | Senior Client Services Manager Of Venture Solutions Inc (3)

Senior Customer Service Manager

Consolidated Metco

Jan 2018 - Jan 2021

Paul Figiel Email Address & Phone Number | Senior Client Services Manager Of Venture Solutions Inc (4)

Operations Manager

Brighthouse Financial

Jan 2015 - Jan 2018

Paul Figiel Email Address & Phone Number | Senior Client Services Manager Of Venture Solutions Inc (5)

Customer Service Manager

Standard Register

Jan 2005 - Jan 2015

Paul Figiel Email Address & Phone Number | Senior Client Services Manager Of Venture Solutions Inc (6)

Sales Support Specialist

Ge Energy

Jan 2000 - Jan 2005

Paul Figiel Email Address & Phone Number | Senior Client Services Manager Of Venture Solutions Inc (7)

Territory Sales Manager


Jan 1997 - Jan 2000

Paul Figiel Email Address & Phone Number | Senior Client Services Manager Of Venture Solutions Inc (8)

Territory Sales Manager

Spectrum Brands

Jan 1995 - Jan 1997

Paul Figiel Education Details

Paul Figiel Email Address & Phone Number | Senior Client Services Manager Of Venture Solutions Inc (9)

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Bachelor Of Arts (B.A.), Psychology

Jan 2001 - Jan 2003

Paul Figiel Email Address & Phone Number | Senior Client Services Manager Of Venture Solutions Inc (10)


Bachelor Of Science (Bs), Criminal Justice

Jan 1989 - Jan 2001

Paul Figiel Email Address & Phone Number | Senior Client Services Manager Of Venture Solutions Inc (11)

Western Carolina University

Jan 1987 - Jan 1989

Paul Figiel Email Address & Phone Number | Senior Client Services Manager Of Venture Solutions Inc (12)

Western Carolina University

, Criminal Justice/Police Science

Jan 1987 - Jan 1989

Paul Figiel Email Address & Phone Number | Senior Client Services Manager Of Venture Solutions Inc (13)

South Mecklenburg HIgh School

Jan 1984 - Jan 1987

Paul Figiel Email Address & Phone Number | Senior Client Services Manager Of Venture Solutions Inc (14)

South Meck HS

Paul Figiel Email Address & Phone Number | Senior Client Services Manager Of Venture Solutions Inc (15)

South Meck HS

Paul Figiel Email Address & Phone Number | Senior Client Services Manager Of Venture Solutions Inc (16)

South Meck HS

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Paul Figiel Email Address & Phone Number | Senior Client Services Manager Of Venture Solutions Inc (2024)


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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.