Oyster Dressing Recipe, Oyster Stuffing Recipe, Whats Cooking America (2024)

What's Cooking America » Cooking Articles » » Thanksgiving » Grandma’s Oyster Dressing History and Recipe

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This is the dressing of oyster lover dreams! The oyster nectar makes the dressing so moist and flavorful. What’s not to love about a dressing that includes fresh oysters? Oyster Dressing can often be one of the best parts of a Thanksgiving dinner. This dressing must be served as a side dish and not as a turkey stuffing in the turkey.

This recipe was shared with me by Doc Lawrence and his Sips Across America columns. The recipe is by Chef Josh Butler, Executive Chef at the Florida Governor’s Mansion in Tallassee, FL.

Oyster Dressing Recipe, Oyster Stuffing Recipe, Whats Cooking America (1)Photo Credit: Matthew Mead, The Associated Press

LearnHow To Shuck Oysters.

Pleasecheck out my Thanksgiving Turkey dinner menu which includes Grandma’s Oyster Dressing.

History of Oyster Dressing:

Oyster dressing is a favorite of New Englanders that dates back to the 18th century in America as oysters were predominantly found along the eastern coast of North America. Oysters had been used with or without bread crumbs for stuffing poultry or fish over 335 years. The tradition of oyster dressing was brought over from British colonists that settled in America. In Britain, oysters were added to stuffing that was more traditionally used in fowl (chicken), fish, calves he ad, leg of mutton, hares (rabbit) and pigs.

Oysters used to be more plentiful and the most commonly eaten shellfish in America. They were cheap and plentiful enough for the working class to afford. Many early American cooks stuffed their turkeys and chicken with oysters since it was an inexpensive source of protein. Turkeys were very expensive and adding the oysters helped ensure there was enough protein to feed a large group. As the express wagons and railroads made it more possible to transport goods in the mid-19th century, the oyster market was able to expand and set off a national oyster addiction. Fresh, raw oysters were commonly served in taverns as oysters were a cheap food to serve with beer and liquor. By 1850, every major town in America had an Oyster saloon also known as oyster bars, oyster house or raw bar.

1685 – Earliest cookbook reference: The Accomplisht Cook, London, Sauce with Oysters and Bacon, The oysters were cooked and mixed with spices and herbs stuffed in the pullets belly and roasted.

1796 – American Cookery by Amelia Simmons, Meats – To smother a Fowl in Oysters: “Gill the bird with dry oysters, and sew up and boil in water just sufficient to cover the bird, salt and season to your taste – when done tender, put it into a deep dish and pour over it a pint of stewed oysters, well buttered and peppered, garnish a turkey with sprigs of parsley or leaves of celery: a fowl is best with a parsley sauce

1832 – The Cook’s Own Book: Being A Complete Culinary Encyclopedia, by A Boston Housekeeper. Chicken Stuffing recipe – “Fill your chickens with young oysters cut small, truffles, parsley and spices and roast them.”

1880 – Miss Parloa’s New Cook Book and Marketing Guide by Maria Parloa – Boiled Turkey – “Chop half a head of celery very fine. Mix with it one quart of bread crumbs, two scant table-spoonfuls of salt, half a teaspoonful of pepper, two heaping table-spoonfuls of butter and two eggs. Stuff the turkey with this; sew up and truss. The stuffing may be made the same as above, only substitute oysters for celery, and serve with oyster sauce.”

The Washington Post, Food Section – A Short Course On the History of 8 Thanksgiving Foods, by Amanda Moniz, November 22, 2013
New England Recipes, Oyster Stuffing History.
Wikipedia, Oyster bar.
Oysters: A Culinary Celebration, by Joan Reardon, 2004, Guilford, Conn, Lyons Press.
Historic Columbus Taverns: The Capital City’s Most Storied Saloons by Tom Betti and Doreen Uhas Sauer, 2012, Charleston, SC, History Press

Oyster Dressing Recipe, Oyster Stuffing Recipe, Whats Cooking America (2)


Grandma's Oyster Dressing Recipe:

Prep Time

20 mins

Cook Time

45 mins

Course:Main Course


Keyword:Grandma's Oyster Dressing Recipe

Author: What's Cooking America


  • 4tablespoonsbutter,divided
  • 1cuponion,chopped
  • 4green onions,chopped
  • 2stalkscelery,chopped
  • Pinchcayenne pepper
  • 3cupsCornbread,crumbled (either homemade or store bought)
  • 3cupsbread crumbs,small dice*
  • 1/2cup freshparsley,minced
  • Saltand freshly-ground pepper to taste
  • 2largeeggs,lightly beaten
  • 1pint fresh liveoystersshucked and drained (reserve 1/2 cup oyster liquid)**


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

  2. Lightly butter a large rectangular baking pan.

  3. Heat 2 tablespoons of the butter in a large skillet over medium-low heat. Saute onions and celery in the butter until tender; remove from heat an add a small pinch of cayenne and let cool.

  4. Combine cornbread and breadcrumbs in a large bowl. Gently fold in sauteed onions, salt, pepper, and parsley.

  5. Add beaten eggs and toss more; moisten with the reserved oyster liquid until moist but not soggy. Gently stir in the oysters.

  6. Pat the mixture into the prepared baking pan (it should make a 1-inch layer in the pan).

  7. Dot with remaining butter and bake about 45 minutes, until golden brown and set in the center.

Recipe Notes

* Check outMaking Homemade Bread Crumbs

**Lean How To Shuck Oysters

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Comments and Reviews

Oyster Dressing Recipe, Oyster Stuffing Recipe, Whats Cooking America (2024)


Where is oyster dressing popular in America? ›

Oyster dressing is a favorite of New Englanders that dates back to the 18th century in America as oysters were predominantly found along the eastern coast of North America.

Why do people put oysters in stuffing? ›

Why It Works. Oysters add a savory, briny flavor to the stuffing without making it overly seafood-y. Drying the bread allows it to absorb more flavorful moisture, like chicken stock and oyster liquor. Fennel and tarragon blend beautifully with the oysters.

What is the history of oyster stuffing? ›

The history of Oyster Dressing dates back over 300 years ago. This savory side dish was brought to America by the British colonists. At the time, oysters were quite plentiful and could be easily gathered along the shoreline. This Thanksgiving side is still quite popular.

What temperature should dressing be cooked at? ›

Cook until the center of the dressing reaches 165 degrees. When checked with a food thermometer. Never place frozen dressing or other frozen food in a slow cooker, it will not reach proper safe temperature fast enough.

What is the most popular dressing in the United States? ›

Ranch Dressing

The ranch is hands down America's most beloved salad dressings. It is made from a number of ingredients such as buttermilk, mayonnaise, mustard, garlic, onion, chives, salt, and pepper.

What is the name of the American oyster? ›

American Oyster (Crassostrea virginica)

How are oysters killed before you eat them? ›

The bad news is, it died within a few minutes of being shucked. Once an oyster's flesh is removed from the shell by cutting the adductor muscle (that tough bit that keeps the oyster clamped shut) the oyster continues to breathe for three to five minutes.

Why do oysters turn you on? ›

Because oysters are rich in zinc, they may help maintain healthy levels of dopamine to enhance sexual function. Still, additional human studies are needed to evaluate whether foods rich in zinc, such as oysters, directly affect dopamine levels and libido.

Why do they say not to chew oysters? ›

We're often asked, “Are you supposed to chew oysters?” and we're here to tell you that despite what you may have heard, it's not recommended to swallow an oyster whole. Biting into the oyster allows flavorful juices to escape and enhances the overall savoring experience.

Where is oyster stuffing from? ›

The first published version of oyster stuffing in America was in Amelia Simmons's American Cookery (1796), where the recipe “To smother a Fowl in Oysters” calls for the bird to be filled with dry oysters, boiled, and then placed in a deep dish, covered with stewed oysters, and served with a parsley sauce.

What country invented stuffing? ›

Purportedly ancient Roman, or else Medieval, cooks developed engastration recipes, stuffing animals with other animals. An anonymous Andalusian cookbook from the 13th century includes a recipe for a ram stuffed with small birds.

Why do we only eat stuffing on Thanksgiving? ›

Traditionally stuffing is part of the Thanksgiving meal, part of a relatively big production. So, it's “special” and it's also “work”. If we had stuffing regularly, that it wouldn't be so special. Greased bread is also not the most healthy snack to have around.

Can I cook stuffing at 325 instead of 350? ›

How do you safely cook stuffing? The stuffed meat, poultry, or stuffing in a casserole should be placed immediately after preparation in an oven set no lower than 325 °F.

How do you know when stuffing is done cooking? ›

Also, you'll need a food thermometer for determining when stuffing is safely cooked to a minimum internal temperature of 165°F. Use this temperature as a guide, whether you serve stuffing separately in a casserole dish or stuffed into poultry or meat.

How to tell if stuffing is done in the oven? ›

Food Safety for Turkey Stuffing

If stuffing your turkey, be sure to cook until the internal temperature of the stuffing mixture reaches 165F and IMMEDIATELY remove the stuffing from the turkey once the turkey is out of the oven.

What is the most consumed salad dressing in the United States? ›

Ranch dressing is the most popular salad dressing in the United States, with 40% of Americans naming it their favorite. Italian dressing is the second most popular salad dressing, preferred by 10% of the US population. 8% of Americans prefer Caesar salad dressing.

What state is most known for oysters? ›

Even though Alabama only has 60 miles of coastline, the state is one of the leading producers of oysters in the U.S., with great examples coming from sites like Dauphin Island and Bayou La Batre. In the Bayou La Batre area on the gulf, look out for Murder Point Oysters, which have a rich and creamy texture.

What culture uses oyster sauce? ›

Oyster sauce is a thick, savory condiment common in Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Malay and Khmer cuisine that's made by cooking oysters. Traditionally, oysters are slowly simmered in water until the liquid caramelizes into a viscous, dark black-brown sauce.

Where is oyster sauce used? ›

Oyster sauce adds a savory flavor to many meat and vegetable dishes. The sauce is a staple for much Chinese family-style cooking. It is commonly used in noodle stir-fries, such as chow mein. It is also found in popular Chinese-American dishes such as beef with stir-fried vegetables.


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