Our Vision | OptimaData (2024)

Databasetechnologie Migratie Open Source Cloud migratie Automatiseren Rol van de DBA

Database technology

Data and database technology are developing at a very quick pace. Data is Big which leads to a continuous demand for knowledge that is up-to-date and experience with data and databases.

Besides this, technology develops at the speed of light. Traditional, relational databases are very useful to existing environments that focus on transaction, and apps wich support business-decisions. The unstoppable migration to the Cloud, new business requirements, dynamic workloads, and a drive for cost efficiency require companies to maintain and improve their current database environment. A solid assessment during the development phase can prevent many problems in terms of availability, scalability, and downtime.

Migration towards open source

At the same time, many companies are reconsidering their database strategy and adopting new database technologies. Gartner, for instance, expects 70% of the new apps that are developed in-house to be developed in open-source DBMS, such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB by 2025. Gartner goes even further in predicting that by 2026, open-source-based DBMS products will account for more than 25% of DBMS revenue, which will increase their attractiveness to mainstream buyers.

The Dutch market will not and cannot escape this worldwide trend. Big parties are already actively investigating possibilities to transfer from existing technology to open source. Many will follow!


Open Source Database Expertise

Our Vision | OptimaData (1)When selecting a database service provider, it is important to choose a partner that not only masters the technology of the relevant open source platform as a DBA but also one that participates in the community of the open source product. To secure our open source database expertise on platforms like PostgreSQL, MariaDB, MySQL, MongoDB, we are active in these communities and (local) user groups, we are partner of MariaDB and MongoDB, we contribute to the community of PostgreSQL by reviews, organizing meetups, talks, breakout sessions and sponsoring (inter)national events like PGConfEU and PGday NL. The Postgres community has included us in the list of selected Professional Services where we are listed as 1 of 3 Dutch PostgreSQL database support vendors.

“We zijn daarom op zoek gegaan naar een goede partner die ons kan helpen met onze database-omgeving. De kennis en expertise van OptimaData leek precies te passen bij wat wij nodig hadden en daarin zijn we nog geen moment teleurgesteld.”

Robert Stoppels

Budget Energie

Our Vision | OptimaData (2)

Cloud migratie

Although there is still some reticence about data in the cloud, we do see the larger online platforms and SaaS service providers housing their databases in some form of cloud solution. Gartner predicts that by 2025, cloud database management systems (DBMS) sales will account for 50% of total DBMS market revenue. Further, Gartner says that by 2027, 75% of all databases will be on a cloud platform – a development that will dramatically change the DBMS vendor landscape.

Smaller companies also face this almost inevitable move. Especially when scalability and availability become increasingly important.

OptimaData biedt ons een waardevolle toevoeging door daar van buitenaf kritisch naar te kijken en deskundige aanbevelingen te doen voor volgende stappen.

Karin Valk

Valk Solutions

Our Vision | OptimaData (3)


Much manual database management and maintenance work is already being automated. We see a trend in automated deployment where complete custom database infrastructures are deployed in an instant on-premise or in a cloud solution. Even best practices and HealthChecks can be processed automatically during the deployment of the (open source) databases.

Rol van de DBA

Our Vision | OptimaData (4)

These 3 main developments in the database management market undeniably have a huge impact on database management and the role of the DBA. We see the traditional (full-time) DBA disappearing more and more and the demand for Database Reliability Engineers increasing. Regular (manual) management tasks make way for infrastructure advice, scripting, applying best practices in deployment, thinking along in Continious Delivery and Integration. A coordinating spider in the web. Who can advise, design, deploy and manage the best solution for the specific environment with knowledge of multiple platforms. Based on need and no longer a full-time basic position in ICT departments.

This is the market where OptimaData wants to actively support its clients. With knowledge, expertise and the right people in the right place at the right time!

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Our Vision | OptimaData (2024)


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.