Online Dating Site - Register For Free on Match UK! (2024)

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More than 300,000 convsersations start evry month on Match****

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2.6M people have already met someone on Match*. Could you be next?

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1 in 5 Brits knows a Match couple*****

Why Match?

Find a person you match with

Our members are looking for their very own love story and we do everything to help them achieve it.

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Check out our detailed profiles
On Match, dating profiles are very detailed. You can find matches using the criteria search or just browse through the array of members’ profiles.

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Bye bye routine, hello surprise.

Come and meet singles near you at one of our vibrant and informal Match nights.

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Try a real video date

See your date’s reactions for the very first time, from the safety and comfort of a Match video call!

2.6M people have already met someone on Match*. Could you be next?

Broad visibility of your profile

There’s more to Match than just Match. Register with us, create your perfect online dating profile and so you don’t miss out on a chance to find that special someone, your profile can be made visible to members of our dating services for the over 50s or single parents if you’re part of categories of singles they address and you consented to it. That means you will increase your chances of being contacted!

For more information about your profile visibility clickhere.

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Online Dating Site - Register For Free on Match UK! (8)

Trust and safety

We want Match to be a fun, safe online dating site where you can meet serious, committed singles ready for a real relationship. The safety of our clients is our top priority, and we work hard to keep our site safe. We moderate every single profile picture and description on our site, and the protection of your personal data is our priority.

Plus if you ever feel uncomfortable about a profile or a message you receive you can always block or report a member to our moderators. They’ll be happy to help. We also have lots of tips about making sure you stay safe while you’re using our site and when you decide it’s time to meet in real life. Just take a look in our help centre.

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Cyber-bullying leads nowhere. Least of all to love.

Match is fighting cyber-bullying to give you a safer dating experience.
If you receive messages which make you feel uncomfortable, you can:

  • - Report a profile to alert the Moderation and Safety team.
  • - Block a profile to avoid being contacted by that person again.

Learn more

Want to be more in control?

With Match, you’re in charge. You can visit singles’ profiles without alerting them, or set your preferences so you can only be contacted by singles who match your search criteria. The choice is yours!

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Choose “Incognito Mode”

Incognito mode is your online dating superpower. It lets you view other people’s profiles discreetly – they won’t know you’ve visited – and ensures you only appear to people you know you’re interested in. Which means less hassle – and more chance of finding a date!

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Opt for “Zen Mode”

Zen mode is great when you need a little peace and quiet. Activate it and only people who match your criteria will be able to contact you – so you know they’re worth a look.

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Here at Match, we pull out all the stops to help you find your special someone.

Every day, you’ll be sent personalised selections of singles’ profiles by email and via our push notifications. Check out our recommendations wherever you are – don’t let love pass you by!

How to encounter dating?

You are three steps away from dating your special someone

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Online Dating Site - Register For Free on Match UK! (15)

Tell us who you are!

Talk about yourself. The secret? Be natural, honest and spontaneous. A few lines are enough to make an impression.

Why not add a bit of humour, too?
Be precise: the more search criteria you complete, the greater your chances are of being contacted by singles who share the same interests as you.

Share your photos. Create an album that reflects your personality.

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Online Dating Site - Register For Free on Match UK! (17)

Find the right person

Meet the person who’s right for you thanks to our detailed search.

Discover our personalised selection of detailed dating profiles.

Come and meet other singles at our Match evenings and activities.

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Online Dating Site - Register For Free on Match UK! (19)


Don’t know how to kick start the conversation?

Tell them about the little details that attracted you to their online dating profile or discuss your shared interests.

Or be creative and share a music link, or a GIF!

Read our advice articles to make your profile as attractive as possible and find tips on how to break the ice.

Discover our dating advice

Our singles nights and activities

Join the community!

Make space in your diary! Come to our singles nights and events for your age group in your area.

Meet singles through a shared interest at one of our many activities or over a drink at one of our free drinksevents.

Don’t want to come on your own? Ask your friends to cometoo!
What are you waiting for?

Book your place at an upcoming singles event in the UK.

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  • Discover our singles nights in London.

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Our success stories

2.6M people have already met someone on Match*. Could you be next?

Here are just a few of them: real-life single men and women who were ready to start a relationship and trusted Match to help them find it. Maybe the next success story we can tell will be yours!

Read their stories

Match dating app

Download the Match online dating app and you’re always ready to check out profiles near you, and chat with real, committed singles ready for a real relationship. Free for iOS and Android, it puts all the power of Match in the palm of your hand for a faster, smoother online dating experience.

How do you show you’re ready for a real story?

Be calm. Be kind. Be yourself.

Online Dating Site - Register For Free on Match UK! (27)Online Dating Site - Register For Free on Match UK! (28)

Online dating may have led to an increase in casual dating and hook-up culture.

But people looking to meet singles on Match have chosen our service because they’re ready to start a real story. So how do you make sure someone you meet online understands you’re serious, and how do you establish those expectations?

The secret isn’t really a secret, and it’s something you’ve almost certainly been told before. The key is to be yourself, be kind and be calm. And it all starts with writing your profile.

Discover mature dating on Match and browse senior singles on our website.

Online Dating Site - Register For Free on Match UK! (29)Online Dating Site - Register For Free on Match UK! (30)

Think about the sort of person you would like to share a long-term relationship with.

Looks matter, for sure. But the chances are you would choose someone who is genuine, considerate, interested in you and who makes you laugh. There’s nothing wrong with that: it’s the most human thing of all: we want to be with people who make us happy.

When you write your online dating profile, make sure you’re the sort of person you would want to be with. Try to resist the temptation to talk just about yourself: make it clear you’re interested in other people too. What would you like to do together with your date? What do you enjoy in people? Show that you are someone who is great company, not just someone who expects people want to be with them.

Meet singles near you

In Manchester, Edinburgh, London, Portsmouth…
Wherever you are, there are people waiting to meet you! Still not convinced?
Register and see for yourself!

Online Dating Site - Register For Free on Match UK! (31)

London dating

Dates in London: Are you single and living in London? Register free for Match and browse thousands of profiles of other single Londoners. Arrange dates in the capital at our singles events.

London Dating

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Edinburgh dating

Dates in Edinburgh: Want to meet eligible Edinburgh singles? Browse our wide selection of profiles or attend a singles event in the Scottish capital.

Edinburgh Dating

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Manchester dating

Dates in Manchester: Want great dates in Manchester? Register on Match and meet singles in Manchester on our website, or at a drinks event or a meet-up activity organised by Match.

Manchester Dating

With thousands of singles up and down the UK ready to start a real relationship, why not check out who’s looking for someone like you in a city near you.

Liverpool datingLeicester datingBristol datingGlasgow datingBelfast datingBirmingham datingCambridge datingAberdeen datingCardiff datingLeeds datingBelfast datingNewcastle datingNottingham datingSheffield datingCardiff dating

Ready to widen your search?
Check out singles in your region and get chatting!

Devon datingLincolnshire datingEssex datingHampshire datingHertfordshire datingKent datingYorkshire datingSurrey datingNorfolk datingNorthern Ireland dating

Language matters when you’re online dating!

Words of love and everyday life

Online Dating Site - Register For Free on Match UK! (34)Online Dating Site - Register For Free on Match UK! (35)

Don’t be afraid of words! All the new casual dating sites that have appeared recently have transformed the game of seduction into something like a video game.

The result? Many singles have given up dating altogether as it is just too exhausting! However, many singles are looking for serious, deeper and more authentic encounters and a long-term relationship.

The key to this new demand for authenticity is through words. Yes, even in the instant world of online dating, words are what really count.

Online Dating Site - Register For Free on Match UK! (36)Online Dating Site - Register For Free on Match UK! (37)

Let’s start with the words you use to describe yourself. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but our singles consistently tell us that a profile description matters more to them than a photo***.

It’s important, especially on a serious dating site, that you take the time to make your written presentation as good as it can be, and reveal your true self honestly and carefully.

And words can break the ice! It can be hard to introduce yourself to a single you find interesting; it is always difficult to find the right way to approach them and find THE message that will attract their attention. Anyone can write ‘hello’, but is it going to make you stand out from the crowd during your encounters? In dating first impressions count, and the first words you exchange online can make all the difference.

Online Dating Site - Register For Free on Match UK! (38)Online Dating Site - Register For Free on Match UK! (39)

Finally, words say a lot during a first date in real life.

Looks really aren’t everything, and when you’re finally face-to-face in front of a person, you can’t hide behind your screen any more! But rest assured, people generally prefer good humour to good looks on a first date, and they want someone with whom they can share an interesting conversation. The most important thing is to be yourself and stay as natural as possible.

Online Dating Site - Register For Free on Match UK! (40)

Ready for a real love story? Find out how to get started on Match!

  • After I’ve created my Match account, how do I log in?

  • Is Match really free?

  • Will I find people ready for commitment on Match?

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Start meeting singles who are ready to commit today

Our services

Visit our pages

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© 2024 Match | Match is a meetic network website.

Broad visibility of your profile: By creating your profile on Match, it will be visible on the local variants of our service which use the same platform operated under different brand names. For more information about the terms of your profile’s extended visibility, clickhere.

For any complaints and enquiries you may contact us here. If we are not able to resolve a complaint, you may submit it through the EU online dispute resolution platform at Please note that a complaint submitted through the online platform will not be considered unless you have raised it with us first.

*Data based on an extrapolation from Dynata survey conducted in July 2021, among a representative sample of 2 004 respondents aged 18+ in the UK which has been combined with the total population of this age group (Source Eurostat 2020). 6% of interviewees claim having already met someone on Match.

**All profile pictures and descriptions are moderated.

***Data based on an internal study conducted between October 29th and November 16th 2018, among a representative sample of 1552 respondents aged 18+ in the UK.

****Internal data - average number of conversations (=2 messages exchanged between 2 members) starting on Match every month - January to March 2023.

*****Survey conducted by Dynata in July 2021, among a representative sample of 2 004 persons aged 18+ in the UK. 21% claim they know a couple who have met on Match.

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We are a member of the Online Dating Association (ODA). We are committed to maintaining standards, protecting users and giving those users assurance as outlined in Our Guiding Principles. Further information about ODA can be found here. A link to our customer service arrangements is provided here.

Online Dating Site - Register For Free on Match UK! (2024)


What is the reply for free feature on Match? ›

What is Reply for Free? This feature allows free members to reply to paid subscriber emails. The paid subscriber assumes the cost as this requires an additional Add-On purchase. Once the purchase is complete, the paid subscriber must send an email to the free member.

Can I message on Match without paying? ›

We also offer free trials on a regular basis so non-paying members can read and send replies to their messages for a brief period of time.

Can you be on Match for free? ›

Match is available in free, standard and premium plans. Prices range from free to $40.41 a month, depending on which plan and how many months you choose to subscribe to.

What free dating website is totally free? ›

If you're looking to try dating via app-only platforms, some options with free features include Tinder, Hinge, Bumble and Grindr.

Can you reply to a Match without paying? ›

Match also offers ala carte paid features that any user can purchase: Private Mode (allows you to reveal your profile to only selected users) MatchPhone. Reply For Free (allows free members to respond to your messages)

Do you have to respond to every message on Match? ›

Some members choose not to respond to all contacts, although Match encourages everyone to reply to all messages received.

Can I look on a Match without signing up? ›

You can get a feel for the site without making a monetary commitment. If another person's login is not available to you, you can still search through without a login. The only limitation is that you will see only one photo and you'll be cut off after viewing a few profiles.

Is Match worth it without paying? ›

You get very limited features and abilities if you don't pay, while you can message many more people for free on Hinge, Bumble, Tinder, and other dating apps. With the paid version, I felt like I could use the app more freely and browse many more folks, plus actually be able to message them.

What is the best free dating app? ›

  • Best free dating app overall. OkCupid. Jump to Details. ...
  • Best hookup app. Tinder. Jump to Details. ...
  • PROMOTED. For those simply looking for sex. ...
  • Best dating app for 30s and 40s. Hinge. ...
  • Best gay hookup app. Grindr. ...
  • Best dating app for women. Bumble. ...
  • Best free dating app for gay men. Archer. ...
  • Best dating app for queer women. HER.
Jun 19, 2024

Is there a 100% free dating site without payment? ›

No Creditcard Needed Dating - DateHouse 100% Free Online dating Forever, No Credit Card Required.

Can I use dating com without paying? ›

You can register on for free. The free membership will let you view user profiles, receive and read invites, which can be chat requests and broadcasted messages sent from the “Let's Mingle” feature. To take full advantage of the platform, however, you'll need to invest in the paid membership.

How to find out if someone is registered on a dating site for free? ›

Use a dating profile reverse search website or app. These services search through dating profiles for someone's name, phone number, or email address. Try to make a dating profile with the person's email. If they already have a profile on the dating site, you'll get a message saying the email is taken.

How do I use Match and meet without paying? ›

You can explore Match for as long as you like without paying anything — but your dating explorations can only go so far on the dating website and app. Though singles with a free membership can read their messages, they can only respond to messages sent by premium Match members or Top Picks.

How many free conversations do you get on Match? ›

Overall, it's easy to see all your matches and chat conversations on both the app and website. Unfortunately, the free version doesn't allow you to message more than one person a day.

How do you send a reply to Match? ›

Tap on the profile photo. Note: A preview of the last message sent/received will be displayed. Then, tap on the message preview in the gray field to open the message. Type a message in the message field and press Send, to respond.

Why do I get no responses on Match? ›

It could be as little as one misguided photo, one poorly written statement in your profile, or sending out emails that fail to ignite interest. Or it could be the symptom of a larger problem, such as failing to create an emotional response, failing to spark attraction, or completely blending in with the competition.


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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.