By Robert Spencer 29 Comments
Pro-Palestinian protesters chant “d*ath to America” while waiving Hezbollah Flags and light an American Flag on fire at a protest in NYC.
The enemy is already
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) April 15, 2024
No one will be deported. No one will even be investigated. It isn’t as if these were “insurrectionists” or some other group that is out of favor with the regime.
Wellington says
We all should not forget that the real threats to America are white supremacists and Donald Trump. Joe Biden has said so many times and he is a man of wisdom, integrity and courage. So, don’t bother about pro-Hamas demonstrators shouting death to America. They are as nothing compared to the enormous twin menaces of Donald Trump and white supremacists.
Yes, it’s come to this in America, i.e., an utter fool holding the highest office in the land. To put it mildly, this is not what the Founding Fathers of America wanted though they feared such might occur.
It’s occurring now.
gravenimage says
Wellington, there was just a feature on my local news radio station, KCBS, saying that when concerned about nuclear safety that we should not look for link to terrorist groups but political links *to Trump voters* and other conservatives. It was taken for granted by the interviewer that this assertion made any sense–or was even legal..
Gourdhead says
Phuck you Wellington.
Sean says
Stay strapped or get clapped, fellow citizens. Sanity has taken a backseat to everything else.
Grannya says
There should have been massive arrests from one coast to the other of these protesters, especially those yelling death to America! Also go into those rooms where muslums are teaching people how to say Death to America in their Islam language! Send them to Iran, Gaza, the African nations killing Christians.
Betty J Harrison says
agree even those with “citizenship” promised to not be loyal to anyother country when they yell “Death to America” they have broken that pledge and should have citizenhip revoke and deprt them
Keith O says
The American flag is a lot like the Aussie flag.
Sure, you can love it or hate it.
But don’t expect the privileges that come with it if you hate it.
And if you hate it so much that burning my flag is what you want to do? Fine, that’s freedom of speech.
Just remember to wrap yourself in it and douse it with petrol before you burn it.See AlsoHow a Celebrated Artist Redesigned the Stars and Stripes to Mark His Pride in Black AmericaWhat Does A Black American Flag Mean? Check Out The MeaningA Timeline Of Black American Flags Throughout History | EssenceDe African-American Flag, symbool van black pride, heeft Nederlandse wortelsReply
SC says
We dont do petrol in the US. [Says the former brit] however I do get your drift and agree whole heartedly.
James Lincoln says
Keith O,
Yes, but shouldn’t we first remind the pro-Hamas protesters to take the M-80s out of their pockets before they light themselves on fire?
I mean, someone else could actually get hurt. (sarc off)
Keith O says
mike says
let’s burn all the Palestinian flags we can find
then see the double standardsReply
Sc says
Preferably while they are wrapped around a pro palestine protester.
somehistory says
One of the guests on FOX, says they are not “pro-palestinians,” they are “pro-hate.”
mozlums hated long before Israel was allowed back into the ‘homeland’ of centuries, thousands of years, ago. long, long before the current warring between iran, funding and training it’s supported terror groups and against Israel.It is just that hatred is being allowed to blossom, and “lawlessness” is increasing.
When things are ‘nipped in the bud,’ like maintenance on a vehicle, whatever the problem can be kept under a measure of control.
Things are out of control now, in places like NYC, because the various *authorities* didn’t want to appear racist or phobic, even when not acting was racist.
Reaping of what has been so vigorously sown.Reply
James Lincoln says
I, as well as Barney Fife, agree with you.
When trouble starts, you need to “nip it in the bud”:
See AlsoAfrican-American flags (U.S.)Reply
somehistory says
Thank you, James. And thanks to good ole’ Barney. He was funny, but right.
gravenimage says
WPM says
The cops face losing their jobs or even going to jail if they try too hard to ” arrest ” or even try to stop the protestors using too” much force”. Thirty years ago the mounted units would be pushing in swings them billy clubs so hard they would have tennis elbow by the end of the day .Blocking bridges, roadways ,Today they are shooting flare guns off the Brooklyn bridge would not be tolerated. The big news in NYC this week is the court case of Trump facing changers for paying extortion money to a porn star to keep her mouth shut for according to Trump taking her to dinner before he ran for president .Even if Trump had a one night stand with this honeypot ,she did not hold her end of the bargain ,the last time I looked adultery is not even a crime in NYC or Washington DC. If it was many people on both sides of the aisles could face charges . Next week they will try to throw Trump in jail for unpaid parking tickets ,or for recording NBA games.
Nabil Bissada says
I time they are saying DEATH TO AMERICA and burn the USA flag. They must deport to their lovely country or to any Muslim countries.
If you do not deport these terrorists means you agree for what they’re doing.
These terrorists Muslims have more power in USA than any other Muslim countries.
Ron says
I doubt it’s anything more than snot nosed college KIDS who didn’t get their ass beat enough as a young one. Still further misguided by educational institutions. Grow up and pay for your own education, get a job and keep your pie hole shut.
bagsgroove says
Yeah keep your pie hole shut for you will not be getting any pies,or other food at all when you are on the street homeless because you wasted your time protesting something you do not understand anything about. Better yet go live in islam and see how will treat you.
Westman says
It appears a trend is beginning to hold the organizers of protests liable for damages to police officers as illustrated by this refusal of the Supreme Court to weigh in on prosecution of a BLM leader:
Let’s hope the rest of the states do this.
Rick Gordon says
The obvious questions are … ‘ Why are they here? How did they get here? And what can be done to remove them ASAP?
As an example of what may happen sooner than later… will Dearborn, the home of Ford Motor Company and its founder Henry Ford become a no-go zone for any non-Muslim? Is it the start of our form of Paris, France or Liverpool, UK?
James Lincoln says
Dearborn, in some ways, is already a no-go zone.
The way that it is now, I have NO intentions of going there.
OLD GUY says
If you hate America what in the HELL are you doing here? The door opens outward and you can leave and go anywhere else that will let you in. I’am sure you can find paradise in any one of the great Muslim/islamic countries or try Africa or South America even Europe has openings for people who hate America.
But before you leave you might want to think about who is paying you to chant Hate America and burn our flag, what is their true agenda.Reply
gravenimage says
Pious Muslims of course want to turn the civilized West into another Islamic hell hole.
CalvinsLutheran says
Don’t worry America. We will all be convinced very soon what our options are. Right now we think we can handle this. Look at Europe, Australia, and Canada and see our future. We will all be AGHAST in a FEW MONTHS. This catatonic commander in chief has no ability to see past his pampered nose what’s ahead and we are FOLLOWING HIM INTO A DARK CAVE.
The new “Rave” scene. It is a no-accountably free pass at gratuitous aggressive and self-aggrandizement. If you reward a brat/brats for bad behavior, they will continue to do so. And worse.
And of course, we have the underlaying and organized take down of the West. Which is the far larger of the components.
These guys above are sheep at the Rave.
Jedothek says
Deport them all, except for the 2% who are citizens.
Gourdhead says
Why aren’t these scumbags shot dead in the street?