Norwegian Kringla Recipe - Updated | My Other More Exciting Self (2024)

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Norwegian kringla (or kringle, depending on how you spell it) is a Christmas tradition in my family. I remember my Grandma Anderson making it every holiday season and several years ago, I decided it should be one of my traditions too.

A couple of years ago, I posted one of our family recipes for this treat, but it was always a really finicky combination of ingredients. I could never quite get the dough to roll easily without using too much flour. And as any self-respecting Norwegian knows, too much flour will ruin a good kringla.

My Uncle Allan in New York posted his recipe from Grandma Anderson (his mom) a couple of years ago on Facebook and I saved it. This year, I decided to give this version a whirl to see if I would have more success.

Behold … I am happy to report this recipe yields a more perfect kringla!!

What is kringla?

It’s complicated. 😉

I suppose it’s considered a cookie – but it’s definitely more pillowy and cake-like in texture and just slightly sweet. Kringla is shaped like the letter “B” (that’s how my Grandma described it) although sometimes it turns out closer to a figure-eight – think pretzel shape. It’s light and a little fluffy and magnificent!

I love my kringla with a swipe of butter on the top but you can enjoy them plain too.

Is kringla Norwegian?

Kringla is definitely has Scandinavian roots. If you believeWikipedia, then the Norwegian version is actually called “Kringle” (or ‘kring-al”) and the Swedish version is “Kringla”, but my very Norwegian family has always said kringla so that’s what I’m going with.

How many recipes for kringla are there?

Like any good traditional family recipe, probably way too many to count! My mom said Grandma Anderson had several different kringla recipes because she was always trying to perfect the cookie for Grandpa Anderson, who was very picky about his kringla!

Is making kringla difficult?

It is definitely not that complicated – the dough is easy to put together and you let it sit in the refrigerator overnight. Once you get the hang of handling the doll, rolling out the pieces in the shape of a pencil, and making the “B” shape, you’ll get into a groove. And kringla only take 5-7 minutes to bake!

What tools do I need to make kringla?

The best cookies during the holiday season always have family traditions tied to them, don’t you think? If you try this kringla recipe, let me know what you think! (And if you want to save the recipe, be sure to Pin the graphic below to Pinterest.)

Norwegian Kringla Recipe - Updated | My Other More Exciting Self (5)

Norwegian Kringla

A traditional Norwegian treat during the holidays!

Print Recipe Pin Recipe

Course Dessert

Cuisine Christmas, Norwegian


  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1.5 cups sour cream use full fat
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1/2 teaspoon Salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 3 cups flour
  • Extra flour for rolling


  • Mix the egg yolks, sugar, sour cream and salt with a hand mixer on medium speed.

  • Add the baking soda, baking powder and vanilla and continue to beat on low speed until combined.

  • Add 3 cups of flower and continue to beat on low speed until incorporated.

  • Cover bowl and put in refrigerator and chill the dough overnight (or at least 8 hours)

  • When you are ready to make the kringla, preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. and move a rack to the top shelf.

  • Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper.

  • On a clean, flat surface, cover your work area with a silicone baking mat if you have one and then dust that with a bit of flour. (You can also use a large cutting board, clean countertop, or pastry board as your work surface.)

  • Take the cookie dough out of the refrigerator and spoon out a heaping tablespoon of dough. Roll this in flour on all sides to form a ball, then cut it into 3 equal pieces with a sharp paring knife.

  • Roll out each section with your hands into a strip in the shape and thickness of a pencil. If the dough sticks to the surface, add a tiny bit of flour until it doesn't stick anymore. Don’t roll the strip too thin or they won’t raise. Place the strip onto the cookie sheet and form into a shape like the letter "B".

  • Bake at 350 degrees F. on the top rack in the oven. (This is so the bottoms won’t over-bake and get hard.)

  • Bake until just a very small hint of browning shows on top. (This was about 7 minutes in my oven, but watch your first batch closely to get a feel for timing as this could be as little as 5 minutes depending on your oven!)


  • You may need to experiment a little with this process. Don’t get too hung up on the shape … if you get something close to a “B” or even a figure eight/pretzel shape, you are doing great!

Keyword Christmas cookies, Kringla recipe, Norwegian cookies, Norwegian tradition

Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!


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Norwegian Kringla Recipe - Updated | My Other More Exciting Self (2024)


Is Kringla the same as Kringle? ›

Kringla is not the same as Kringle, which is a Scandinavian coffee cake made with ground almonds and a powdered sugar frosting. Kringla (with an “A”) is a soft cookie that is almost like a sweet bread. It is made in a figure eight shape and is meant to be very plain.

What nationality is Kringla? ›

This cookie originates in the Scandinavian countries … Norway, Sweden and Denmark. As with many Kringla recipes, the ingredients and baking methods vary from region to region and country to country. Browsing other recipes for Kringla shows a variety of fats used including butter, lard and shortening.

How to store Kringla? ›

Kringle can be left out on counter for 3-4 days. If you are not going to consume within that period, place in freezer in plastic packaging. Freeze for up to 6 months. To warm: Heat oven to 350° and put Kringle (unfrozen) in for 3 minutes.

Who makes the best Kringle? ›

The Best Kringle in North America - Uncle Mike's Bake Shoppe.

Does Kringle need to be refrigerated? ›

Kringle stay fresh a long time although we recommend 7 days at room temperature, 10 days in the refrigerator, or 6 months in the freezer. We seriously doubt it will last that long, since they are quite delicious, but it's always nice to know you have options!

What is the most popular cookie in Norway? ›

Favorite Norwegian Cookie Survey Results
  • 74.54% – Krumkaker / Krumkake / Norwegian cone cookies (1,300)
  • 4.24% – Fattigmann / Poor man's cookies (74)
  • 3.84% – Sandkaker / Sandbakkels (67)
  • 3.1% – Rosetter / Rosettes (54)
  • 3.1% – Smultringer / Doughnuts (54)
  • 2.98% – Kransekake / Almond ring cake (52)
Jan 12, 2023

What to eat with Kringla? ›

In addition to your morning coffee, Kringle pairs well with a cold glass of milk, fresh juice, or yogurt for breakfast, lunch, or a snack. In the evening, complement your Kringle with a cold beer or a glass of wine for a delightful treat.

What does Kringla mean? ›

The word originates from the Old Norse kringla, meaning ring or circle.

How long is Kringla good for? ›

Kringle is best served at room temperature or slightly warmed and stays fresh for a long time. We recommend 7 days at room temperature, 12 days in the refrigerator, or 6 months in the freezer. When thawing, just set it out on the counter and allow Kringle to thaw naturally.

Can I freeze kringla? ›

Kringle will stay at its best for about 5 days at room temperature or six months in the freezer. If you don't plan on eating your Kringle Gift for a few days, put it in the freezer, and when ready thaw at room temperature for about an hour.

Does Kringle go bad? ›

At room temperature, kringles will last for 1 week. Kringles in the refrigerator can last up to 10 days. If kept in the freezer, kringles will last for 6 months.

What is another name for a Kringle? ›

A Kringle is a “Danish". “Danish pastry” or a “Danish” is an umbrella term for various types of buttery, flaky pastry.

What does kringla mean? ›

The word originates from the Old Norse kringla, meaning ring or circle.

Are Kringles from Trader Joes? ›

The Kringles sold at Trader Joe's are one of few non-private labelled items at the store, and are made by the Racine, Wisconsin-based bakery O & H Danish Bakery.

Why is Santa called Kris Kringle? ›

All of these names derive from traditional gift-bringers: the American custom is named after Santa Claus, or St Nicholas (Poland and Ukraine), while Chris Kindle and Kris Kringle are both corruptions of the original name of the Austrian gift-bringer Christkindl, which means the "Christ Child".


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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.