Noble Houses of Lavenir (2024)

Noble Houses of Lavenir (1)

Noble Houses in Lavenir are the backbone of inner-city politics and gossip. They hold extensive power on the land they claim, lead militaries to manage the destructive land outside of Lavenir, and retain their representation by paying appropriate taxes. The noble houses in Lavenir have existed since its founding in 1530 AE (After Exile. Present year is 1750). Unlike more familiar structural systems in place for noble houses, a noble house in Lavenir commonly hires on and grants rank to those born out of one’s bloodline/lineage, however, many will still require a Haethian origin for admission. To form a new noble house, one must be Haethian-born and have accomplishments and wealth to prove their title(s).


  • 1 Requirements
  • 2 Involvement
  • 3 Estate Rules
  • 4 House Ranks/Hierarchy
    • 4.1 Familial Ranks
    • 4.2 Military Ranks
    • 4.3 Servant Ranks
  • 5 Application for a Noble House


➟ Player must be active on our server for at least 2 weeks with acceptable activity and community interaction to create a Noble House with a starting fee of 5 silver for the Athenaeum’s Census Bureau in admissions (does not include rental taxes).
➟ The owner of a noble house cannot own a player hub that also has political/military representation. If a player wishes to have a noble house and a player hub, the player hub must ICly be heavily affiliated with Lavenir, and may not assign a representative for Lavenir's political system. The hub must be believably associated with Lavenir. OOCly, staff will not make decisions for nor pry into player hub affairs.
➟ A noble house must have one specialty (military, education, merchantry, political, etc)
➟ Characters involved must be residents of Lavenir.
➟ Characters leading a noble house must be Haethian-born.
➟ Characters leading a noble house cannot have high-ranking officials who have power in another settlement/city in Haethis.
➟ Outside of events organized by staff (with full consent of all involved), there will be no military action made between noble houses.
➟ A noble house must choose 1 overarching religion (Demathian or Fuulseg - custom or Conan religions are not permitted. All noble houses must outwardly worship Visni).
➟ A noble house must have a write-up with a moderate amount of information providing information on history, culture, hierarchies, and leadership. Upon a noble house’s approval, you will be asked to import that information to the wiki with a page of its own (Fox can help with this).
➟ A noble house must be able to pay 40 silver a month to retain the housing shell in Lavenir.
➟ Participating in noble houses will open your character up to rumours and gossip, regardless of its provability. We ask players to be respectful and communicative when engaging in IC feuds.
➟ All of Epilogue’s rules still apply to the nobility system, including its importance to avoid metagaming, godmoding, and Mary-Sueing.
➟ Players may only join one noble house at a time, regardless of alts.


As a noble house functions like a clan, leadership will be responsible for providing stories and involvement with their members. Involvement may include hosting events such as arena games, military involvement, political meetings, banquets, tavern nights with entertainment, ballroom dances, hunting, and more. Below are some suggestions:

➟ A fundraising event to solicit donations from rival noble houses and guests for a particular reason including medicine, education, social assistance, religious affairs, and voting.
➟ Characters involved must be residents of Lavenir.
➟ A game day at Lavenir’s arena inviting challengers to race horses or duel.
➟ A soup kitchen night at the tavern providing free food to the needy.
➟ A banquet and dance to celebrate a holiday.
➟ A competitive hunting game requiring players to hunt for prizes.
➟ A recruitment drive for new House members.

Estate Rules[]

A noble house acts similarly to a clan in Conan Exiles, and noble house leaders are required to make a clan to represent the noble house and its land claim (the house will be ICly considered in Lavenir’s noble district, however, entering the house will warp you to a chosen location outside of Lavenir to reduce lag. The house’s inside can be located anywhere on the map. You may use your house’s outside as the “backyard”. We encourage you to put up a sign if you are building your house off of the admin island so players know that it is ICly located in Lavenir. Noble houses cannot become a player hub as they already exist ICly in Lavenir.

General activity and paying monthly taxes are the only requirements for persisting Noble houses, and they are permitted to merge with others if recruitment proves difficult. Each noble house must have at least one IC representative that answers to Lavenir’s Woven Council. Noble houses cannot be named anything offensive or reference the real world. Noble houses must follow the cultural boundaries in place by Lavenir to earn the Woven Council’s regard and recognition, where acting against noble expectations and modesty may result in demotion or loss of representation.

➟ A house shell in Lavenir will be provided with a warp to your character’s house located away from Lavenir. You will have to pretend that the house is actually in Lavenir, and not out in the wilds. The land outside of your house can be considered the backyard, which may include stables, sheds, gardens, servant’s quarters, etc.
➟ There must be at least 2 players confirmed for your noble house upon creation and must sustain at least 2 players for the remainder of its existence. AFK/inactive members will not count.
➟ A noble house of Lavenir must follow Lavenir’s etiquette and culture. While some influences may be present in a noble house’s theme, we ask that players involve characters that would succeed/have a history in Lavenir. We will accept alts as noble house leaders so long as activity can be shown with that alt.
➟ Noble houses will be provided a separate clan with up to 2,000 build pieces, 1,500 decorations to build their house. There will be no bonuses for players joining the noble house as clan members - you must use what you are provided to house as many players as you take on. The noble house will hold no bearing towards your character’s outside clan.
➟ You may insert history (at staff’s discretion) for a noble house that has existed for many years prior, or you may create a new noble house entirely. A noble house cannot originate from outside of Haethis.
➟ You may place up to 10 placeables (non-scripted, non-moving items) and 1 puppet NPC outside of your estate's shell in Lavenir.
➟ The noble house’s estate must be a realistic size and make sense of its location. As the warp in Lavenir will take you inside of the noble house’s estate you may use whatever walls/foundations you prefer. General IC regard should be accepting of Lavenir’s architecture and theme (ie no giant mead halls or attached cities).
➟ A noble house can only acknowledge 3 NPCs in the house, regardless of thralls. These characters cannot leave the noble house’s estate without your character being present, nor can they be used to metagame information.
➟ You must submit an application (found below) to be accepted by a staff member before your character’s noble house is accepted. Payment for starting a noble house is 5 silver, and rental fees for your noble house is 40 silver a month and must be paid to a thespian. Failure to provide payment may result in your house’s warp removal, and extended failures to pay resulting in the removal of the noble house’s build/clan.
➟ There is a cap on total noble houses in Lavenir, the present cap is 5 (staff may have their own house outside of cap).
➟ Please open a ticket if you are interested in setting up a noble house in Lavenir.

House Ranks/Hierarchy[]

Politics reigns in Lavenir and has since its conception, its noble houses representing the best and worst that the city-state has to offer. Though land may be minimal, the noble estates are large and kind, set into a district lovingly named Heirloom Road. As each noble house competes for favour and reward by the Woven Council, all are met with busied affairs. From banquets to militias, decorum can be earned or bought within each house’s hierarchy. The individuals of a noble house may earn or be hired on to various ranks and titles, with familial ranks often given by birthright or inner vote. It isn’t uncommon for one not related by blood to be a sworn member of a noble house, or even Heir, however, some do require a tie into the lineage to contend.

Familial Ranks[]

Head of House (Lord/Lady)

The individual that acts as the seat of power in their house; the utmost ruler of the House. The Head of House must have the same family name as the House’s, either earned or given, or from lineage. In Lavenir’s politics, it is the Head of House that attends meetings adjourned by the Woven Council, representing their house and house’s opinion. The Head of House's married partner would adopt the 'Lord' or 'Lady' title as well.

Heir of House (Heir/Heiress)

A title given to the first-born or preferred descendant or companion who would inherit the noble house upon the Head of House’s death or demotion. An Heir of House typically has other titles.

Page (Page/Handmaiden)

A descendant either adopted or born from the Head of House’s flock, the page is recognized as a member of the House amongst the Heirs, Knights, servants, and Head of House. A Page is sometimes given other ranks in the noble house, most popularly alongside a military rank, or to work another job in Lavenir to earn a specialty reputation. As education and experience is a focus for the noble houses of Lavenir, the Athenaeum employs many Pages and Handmaidens from nobility.

Military Ranks[]

Knight In Command

An individual who has been sworn into the noble house and commands the house’s military ranks. They pass orders from the Head of House to ensure military dues are completed. The Knights in Command are typically chosen to escort the Lords, Ladies, and direct descendants of a noble house in critical outings. A Knight in Command may also work as a Steward, whose job is to govern the noble house in the absence of its Head of House for a short time. The Knights in Command of Lavenir’s nobility often compete in partition alongside Lavenir’s Charge, their noble house’s decoration a common sway of public opinion.

Noble Knight

An individual who has served time and earned rank with a noble house. The noble knight is a decorated soldier who lives at the noble house’s estate, carrying orders from the Knight in Command onto the Squires. The Noble Knights are typically chosen to escort house members throughout Haethis on ordinary missions and outings where threats may not be imminent. A Noble Knight may host tournaments between other noble houses or train Squires for promotion. On more occasions than recorded, some individuals are awarded this rank in the trade of coin.


The beginner rank and title given to a hired militant, and rarely sworn in as an official member of the house. Squires typically do the grunt work of missions and defence and may be stationed in a noble house as security. In duty, the Squire holds a higher regard than the servants. A Squire may sometimes be given the tasks of a servant depending on their skills or needs.

Servant Ranks[]

(A noble house cannot have more than 4 servants)

In Waiting (Lord/Lady in Waiting)

Sometimes referred to as a Steward, a Lord or Lady in Waiting governs the noble house in the absence of its Head of House. The Lord or Lady in Waiting may act as direct correspondence with the noble house for outer affairs, and ensure that the noble house is being run according to the Head of House’s desires. There may only be one Lord or Lady in Waiting, however, they may utilize a Chamberlain to help them fulfil their duties.


The Chamberlain answers directly to the Lord or Lady in Waiting, or a Steward of the noble house and acts as the overseer to the lower-ranked housekeepers. The Chamberlain may still participate in a housekeeper’s duties at a lower frequency, or act as a Squire when there is need.


Extending the keeping of an estate, a housekeeper is the lowest rank of a servant and may be tasked with more than just dusting and changing linen. A housekeeper may also cook, tend stables, smith, tailor, cut wood, repair household goods, arrange transportation, and even take up part-time employment in Lavenir to bring in more money for the noble house.


A trusted individual tasked to deliver letters and possessions from the noble house, and provide upkeep to the bird coops. A courier may sometimes be asked to write letters for various members of the house outside of familial or high rank or bring gossip and rumours from the lower classes of Lavenir into their noble house.

Application for a Noble House[]

Once you are ready to apply for your noble house, please make sure you have at least 45 silver on hand (5 silver for registration and 40 silver for first month’s rent) and at least one other player interested in joining your noble house. Please open a ticket on our Discord with this application and your answers.

1) Please post your write-up here for your noble house submission, including information on creation, lineage, culture, specialties, and history.

2) What is the name of your noble house?

3) What is your house’s specialty focus?

4) How many players do you have for your noble house so far?

5) What religion (Visni or Veros pantheon) does your noble house worship? (Reminder: All noble houses must outwardly worship Visni)

Noble Houses of Lavenir (2024)


What are the noble houses of Westeros? ›

External links
v • d • e Houses from the Crownlands
Royal houseKing of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men (elected, currently Bran I the Broken)
Noble housesBlount · Brune · Buckwell · Farring · Gaunt · Massey · Rosby · Slynt · Staunton · Stokeworth · Thorne
3 more rows

Who are the noble houses of Meereen? ›

Nobility. Meereen is ruled by the Great Masters, members of the old slaving families who reside in formidable pyramids. These families include the Houses of Dhazak, Galare, Ghazeen, Hazkar, Kandaq, Loraq, Merreq, Naqqan, Pahl, Quazzar, Reznak, Rhazdar, Uhlez, Yherizan, and Zhak.

Who are the 8 Great Houses of Westeros? ›

The royal family itself rules the Crownlands directly, loosely making it another Great House, though technically it ranks higher than all the others. At the start of the books this list comprises the Starks, Lannisters, Arryns, Greyjoys, Tullys, Tyrells, Baratheons of Storm's End, and Martells.

Which is the most powerful house of Westeros? ›

House Stark takes the crown and Iron Throne as the best of the best that Westeros has to offer. House Stark's noble seat is Winterfell in the North.

What are the nine noble houses? ›

The Targaryens, Starks, Lannisters, Baratheons, Greyjoys, Tullys, Arryns, Martells, and Tyrells are the nine great houses in Game of Thrones. Each great house has its own unique history, alliances, and enemies which shape the plot of the series.

Who are the two great Valyrian houses? ›

In Westeros, the only major surviving Valyrian families were the Targaryens and their vassals, the Velaryons and Celtigars. While they generally retained classic Valyrian features, they acculturated to Westeros, adopting the Common Tongue and converting to the local Faith of the Seven.

What house does Daenerys belong to? ›

Introduced in 1996's A Game of Thrones, Daenerys is one of the last surviving members (along with her older brother, Viserys III, the "Beggar King") of House Targaryen, which, until 14 years before the events of the first novel, had ruled Westeros from the Iron Throne for nearly 300 years before being ousted.

What is the difference between a noble house and a royal house? ›

A royal house is a type of noble house, and they are not separate or mutually exclusive entities. Many of these houses are in several countries such as House of Butler which has held power and lands in countries such as France, Ireland, Germany and the UK.

What is the richest house in Westeros? ›

Who are considered the richest families in the Game of Thrones universe? The richest families in the Game of Thrones universe include House Martell, House Tyrell, and House Lannister. Individuals like Petyr Baelish and Daenerys Targaryen also hold significant wealth.


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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.