New Recipe Post Checklist: Steps to help food bloggers stay organised (2024)

New Recipe Post Checklist For Food Bloggers

For most of us food blogging is a passion.We all start off with lots of energy and good intentions but soondiscover what a minefield the food blogging world is. After the initial website setup, one of thebiggest challenge faced by a new food blogger can betime management and work-flow. Many feeldaunted and discouraged by their inconsistency to post and lack of traffic. I know this because I am one of them and I have found this last year such an interesting yetchallenging time. Everything I’ve learnt so far has been from other food bloggers’ online resources. I mean, a year ago, I didn’t even know what a plug-in was!

I’ve often read posts on Facebook groups from new bloggers asking the question: “Where to start?” or “How to organize your ideas and thoughts?”. I had the same problem and so Icreated myself a “New Recipe Post Checklist“. I’m a big list person, and most of all I LOVE crossing items off the list, to the point where, if I accomplish an extra task, I’ll write it on the list just so I get the satisfaction of crossing it out! Come one I bet you do too, don’t you?

Just like all of you, I have a lot to juggle in any average day. Sometime it’s all a bit overwhelming to say the least. On those days I find it helps to take a few minutes jotting down a “To Do List”, I then star at least 3 items that I must absolutely do that day or morning. This helped enormously. Once I have a list, I have a plan, and I’veimmediately regained control! I recently realised I need to apply this strategy to my blogging world too.

New Recipe Post Checklist

I developed this new recipe post checklist to help keep myself on track and organised with each new recipe I post. As you well know, it’s not just about creating content, you then need to make sure all your hard earned work gets read!

No doubt this will be an ever growing list, non exhaustive and ever changing. I have listed each stepof the process, from creating a recipe post, to actually generatingtraffic tothepost. Since creating and following this new recipe post checklistI’ve managed to stay on track and have, finally, started to see some increased traffic to my site. Very encouraging to say the least! I’m now going through all my older posts and making sure I’ve ticked all the boxes for them too. After-all, all that effort, time and passion that goes into creating each recipe deserves some reward!

If you are a new blogger you may find thisNew Recipe Post Checklist helpful. I’ve listed the steps below, but if you like you can also download the file and edit it to suityour own needs.

Do you use something similar?

How do you keep track of your work flow?

And is there anything you would add to this list?

Please make a comment below if you find this list useful or if you have some other great tips that you think should be included.

New Recipe Post Checklist For Food Bloggers


  • Research, develop and test recipe.
  • Take photos.
  • Write post.
  • Check SEO & Writing (Yoast).
  • Upload photos to computer and edit (I use Lightroom to file & edit).
  • Quick edit by marking all best photos with 5 star rating.
  • Edit the five star rated photos if required.
  • Add a few of the edited five star to the Social Share Mobile folder for sharing on social platforms directly from your phone.
  • Export all 5* edited photos to a new folder on your computer, eg: dropbox/folder name/Imported recipe images/recipe name (optimised for WordPress and with watermark).
  • Upload your chosen blog photos to your wordpress media file and drop into your post.
  • From Lightroom choose a couple of the best recipe photos and edit specifically for recipe share sites and export to a different folder without watermark.
  • Create a Long Pin image (735x1100px) by using a template from LR. Selectyour chosen two photos and click Print. From here select the Long Pin template (I found instruction on googleon how to create the long pin template) and “Print to File” and save in separate folder, eg: dropbox/folder name/For Canva Upload
  • Upload the Long Pin into Photoshop or other photo editing programme (I useCANVAbecause it’s easy!) and add your titles and text.
  • Download and save to: dropbox/folder name/Canva Created Images
  • Upload Long Pin to your recipe post. I put mine at the end and ask people to “Use this image to save to Pinterest”.
  • Set featured image
  • Preview post, edit, Publish!

SEO / Marketing:

  • Pin Long Pin to your relevant Pinterest boards & to all other relevant boards and relevant group boards (create a list of your group boards)
  • Add to your Pinterest scheduler (Tailwind orboardbooster)
  • Share post link to your linked FaceBookpage
  • From your FB page share the post to other relevant FB groups (create a list of these groups)
  • Post to Instagramusing high quality image from LR social share folder (can auto link to Twitter and Tumbler)
  • Stumbleyour recipe
  • YUM your recipe
  • MY TASTE add to your taste (like yum but UK based)
  • (you can register and share if you are from UK)
  • Recipe Chart – one off sign up.
  • Share your best images with Recipe Share sites: Check out this great articles on recipe sharing sitesby Charlottes Lively Kitchen.
  • Create quality links bycontributing to linkies, eg:Foodie100 Recipe Wall
  • Comment on other bloggers posts
  • Be active in FB groups ie: FBC Social Sharing; CookBlogShare; etc.

You can download my “New Recipe Post Checklist” here:

[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”New Recipe Post Check list_share” icon=”” style=”download”]

What tips and trick have worked for you?

If you found this post useful or if you think extra steps can be added please leave a comment below – would love to hear your views.


Pin this image to pinterest if you found this article helpful

New Recipe Post Checklist: Steps to help food bloggers stay organised (2024)


New Recipe Post Checklist: Steps to help food bloggers stay organised? ›

Include detailed recipe instructions: A blog post recipe isn't complete without a detailed breakdown of the recipe. Include ingredients, measurements, step-by-step cooking instructions, and serving suggestions. Embed personal experiences: We've said it before, but share personal experiences!

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Include detailed recipe instructions: A blog post recipe isn't complete without a detailed breakdown of the recipe. Include ingredients, measurements, step-by-step cooking instructions, and serving suggestions. Embed personal experiences: We've said it before, but share personal experiences!

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Staying active

By incorporating exercise into your routine, you can help burn off those extra calories from all the delicious dishes you're constantly creating and testing. Some food bloggers have even incorporated fitness into their content.

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Look for inspiration in cookbooks, magazines, online resources, and your own culinary experiences. Make a list of potential ingredients and flavors to add to that exciting recipe. A well-balanced, successful recipe has a harmonious combination of flavors, textures, and nutrients.

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The word count for recipe posts ranged between 2,000 and 3,300+ words. For news posts, like this cookbook announcement post, the word count maxed out at about 1,200. Here's the key takeaway: Whatever your subject is, you really just need your post to be long enough to cover it thoroughly.

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WordPress is the most popular online content management system. It's the best platform for a food blog. But before getting into the reasons WordPress is great for food blogs, let's clarify one thing: we're talking about

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Your only job during the first 6 months of running your food blog is to get a new recipe put out every week. Do not underestimate how difficult this is. You need a minimum of 20 high quality, unique pieces of content (recipes) before search engines even consider you anything other than a spammer.

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Your only job during the first 6 months of running your food blog is to get a new recipe put out every week. Do not underestimate how difficult this is. You need a minimum of 20 high quality, unique pieces of content (recipes) before search engines even consider you anything other than a spammer.

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According to ZipRecruiter, the average food blogger's salary in the US is $62,275 per year as of January 31, 2024. This average salary provides a general idea of what to expect, but keep in mind that actual earnings can vary widely.


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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.