Nettle Love: The Stinging Gourmet Vegetable + Frittata Master recipe — Foraging and Feasting (2024)

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Dina Falconi

Nettle Love: The Stinging Gourmet Vegetable + Frittata Master recipe — Foraging and Feasting (1)

Nettle love is when you can't get enough of this newly emerged, freshly cooked, wild vegetable. This perennial plant of the Urticaceae family is one of the first to show up once spring arrives. And it's so easy to prepare:just saute or steam it. Or substitute nettle for kale or spinach in your favorite cooked recipes. I love to make frittatas, and nettle frittatas are one of my favorites (see recipe below).

Nettle leaf has a rich, hearty (meaty), deep-green flavor. It is a blood-building, vitamin-and mineral-rich tonic food, especially high in calcium, magnesium and iron. Nettle is fiery. Use it to support circulation and resolve wet cold conditions in the respiratory system. It supports kidney and adrenal function and is used for improving skin, hair, joints, allergies and arthritic conditions. In addition to all these gifts, let's not forget the place nettle has as a gourmet vegetable to be eaten with breakfast, lunch or dinner. However, keep in mind that too much can be irritating/ stimulating to some enthusiastic nettle eaters (myself included). One serving a day hasn't caused any harm yet.

To help with identification and harvest, here is our Spring Nettle Plant Map from our book Foraging & Feasting. Remember to wear gloves when handling nettle to protect yourself from its sting —unless you want to (be clear about this) engage in urtication therapy, considered a topical treatment for congested, stiff muscles and joints.

Nettle Love: The Stinging Gourmet Vegetable + Frittata Master recipe — Foraging and Feasting (2)

Frittata Master Recipe

Serves 4

Frittatas offer another great way to feature wild flavors while making a wholesome delicious meal. Serve them for breakfast, lunch, or dinner — or any time of day. A dish somewhere between an omelet and a crustless quiche, frittatas are simple to prepare. This basic recipe allows you to combine various wild greens, aromatic herbs, and cheeses to create satisfying frittatas with the seasonal offerings from fields, gardens, and farmers’’s markets.

  • 5 tablespoons fat of choice: butter, olive oil, lard, bacon drippings, etc.
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 3 cups of wild vegetable of choice*, coarsely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons strongly flavored aromatic fresh herb, finely chopped, or 2 teaspoons if the herb is dried: wild bergamot, oregano, hardy marjoram, thyme, savory, etc.
  • 6 large eggs, preferably organic and pasture raised
  • 1/3 cup heavy cream, crème fraichefraîche, or whole milk, preferably organic and grassfed
  • 1 cup grated cheese (cheddar or Colby type cheeses weigh about 3½ oz), preferably organic and grassfed
  • 3 pinches salt to equal 1/4 teaspoon, or to taste
  • 1/8 teaspoon black pepper, or to taste

* Some scrumptious wild choices: leaves and tender stems of nettle, yellow or broad-leaf dock, lamb’s quarter, amaranth, dame’s rocket, purple dead nettle, mallow; day lily shoots; and wild mushrooms.

  1. In an ovenproof, heavy bottomed, 9 inch pan, such as a cast iron pan, heat 3 tablespoons of fat over medium-low heat.
  2. Add onion and vegetable and sauté until tender, stirring occasionally; put the lid on the pan if needed to keep the vegetables from drying out.
  3. Once the vegetables are tender, add the strongly flavored aromatic herbs and 1 pinch of salt, and sauté for 1–2 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile, in a bowl, mix eggs with cream or milk, 2 pinches of salt, and 1/8 teaspoon black pepper.
  5. Stir sautéed vegetable mixture into egg mixture.
  6. Heat the remaining 2 tablespoons of fat in the pan, add the egg-vegetable mixture, and cook over medium-low heat for about five minutes, until the bottom of the frittata is cooked.
  7. Turn oven on to broil, sprinkle the cheese over the top of the frittata, and place in the oven about 4 inches away from the broiling flame. Broil the frittata until it puffs up and browns, about 5–7 minutes.
  8. Serve straight from the oven. Cold leftovers are delicious too.

Nettle Love: The Stinging Gourmet Vegetable + Frittata Master recipe — Foraging and Feasting (3)

Golden Eggs From Pastured Hens: While all eggs provide a good source of complete protein, all eggs are not equal. Taking the effort to buy the best eggs available — ideally from pastured hens given free range to eat grass, weeds and bugs outside in the sunshine, and fed naturally grown, non-genetically modified grain — is well worth the effort. These eggs are truly nutritious, full of vitamins A, D, E, and K2, and contain a balanced fatty acid profile (omegas in the right ratios). So getting to know who has the best eggs in the neighborhood is worthwhile knowledge indeed.

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Nettle Love: The Stinging Gourmet Vegetable + Frittata Master recipe — Foraging and Feasting (2024)


Are stinging nettles poisonous? ›

Stinging nettle is generally considered safe when used as directed. Occasional side effects include mild stomach upset, fluid retention, sweating, diarrhea, and hives or rash (mainly from topical use). It is important to be careful when handling the nettle plant because touching it can cause an allergic rash.

How to make stinging nettle tea in NZ? ›

Stinging nettle tea recipe for your nerves. You can use fresh or dried nettles in this recipe for a herbal tea to help your nervous system. Add to a teapot or coffee plunger with 150ml hot water. Leave to steep for about 10 minutes.

Is nettle tea bad for kidneys? ›

Nettle tea benefits the kidneys by increasing urine output and uric acid removal. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it improves kidney function and urinary flow. Nettle tea is a natural diuretic that promotes proper fluid flow in the kidneys and bladder, preventing kidney stones from forming.

Who should not take nettle? ›

Avoid stinging nettle if you're allergic or sensitive to nettle or plants in the same family. Avoid if you're pregnant or breastfeeding because there isn't enough information on its safety. Use with caution if you're elderly because of the potential of causing low blood pressure.

Does nettle tea increase estrogen? ›

Stinging nettle pollen is a common cause of hay fever during the warmer months. There is also a possibility that nettle may affect estrogen levels. One 2007 case study focuses on a male who developed breast tissue and a female who developed high estrogen levels and nipple discharge due to nettle consumption.

Is it safe to drink nettle tea every day? ›

The bottom line. Whether you forage for your own leaves or buy it in a more convenient teabag form, having a cup of nettle tea every day offers a range of health and nutritional benefits, from reducing blood pressure to offering protective anti-inflammatories and antioxidants.

Is nettle tea good for your liver? ›

Packed with a variety of polyphenolic compounds and pigments, nettle leaf detox drinks reduce liver inflammation. A regular cleanse with nettle leaf detox drinks can help lower blood pressure and improve the heart's antioxidant defenses.

What happens if you get stung by a nettle? ›

What are nettle stings? Nettle stings can be itchy and you may feel a stinging or burning sensation. This will usually settle down within a few minutes or a few days and you can often treat them yourself. They may cause a raised area nettle rash on the skin.

What happens if you eat raw stinging nettle? ›

These compounds can cause rashes, bumps, hives and itchiness. It might seem a bit scary, but fresh nettles can be eaten raw. But be cautious and be sure to neutralize the formic acid that can sting you. Use your teeth, blender, mortar and pestle, or juicer to crush nettle leaves and eliminate their sting.

Can humans eat stinging nettles? ›

Roots, seeds, stems and young, tender leaves are all edible. Native Indigenous people use stinging nettle for medicine, ceremony and as a food source.

What is the antidote for nettle stings? ›

Baking soda.

It's an alkaline, which neutralises the nettle sting's acid. Mix a few drops of cold water with some baking soda in a cup. Then, spread it over the sting using a gentle Cushelle tissue – they're soft enough to relieve nettle stings gently, but strong enough to administer the mixture effectively.


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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