Nasi Lemak, a Festival of Flavor (Recipe) | Will Fly for Food (2024)

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We made it our resolution this year to try every country’s national dish. Not that we weren’t already, we’ve been doing that but we wanted to make it a more formal category of this blog by sharing and presenting our experiences in an easier-to-digest format, hence our National Dish Quest.

Most people probably don’t know this but Will Fly for Food actually started off as a food and recipe blog. Ren’s a fantastic cook so for several years I had been building a database of her recipes in the Reneelicious Recipes section of this blog. We’ve shifted focus since then and Ren’s taken on other responsibilities which keep her from cooking as often, but it’s something we’d like to revisit. Ren frequently gets inspired by travel food shows so what better way to revive this part of our blog than to recreate and share recipes of all the national dishes we eat on our travels? So excited was Ren about the idea that she decided to recreate the beautiful nasi lemak dish we had (several times) in Malaysia a few years ago.

Some countries have more than one national dish so we’ll create a dedicated post for each. As much as possible, each will have a recipe as well as pictures, videos, and stories about our experience. 🙂

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Nasi Lemak, a Festival of Flavor (Recipe) | Will Fly for Food (2)

Photo by Faixal via Pixabay

Nasi lemak is one of my absolute favorite things to eat in Malaysia. I just love all its different flavors and textures, especially that spicy sambal! If you’ve never had nasi lemak before, it’s basically a breakfast dish consisting of fragrant rice served with chicken, fried ikan bilis (small anchovies), roasted peanuts, cucumber slices, sambal, and a hard-boiled egg. Though traditionally a breakfast meal, it’s now commonly eaten throughout the day. The term nasi lemak literally translates to “fatty rice”, and is in reference to the richness of the rice cooked in coconut milk.

We visited Kuala Lumpur and Langkawi in 2013 and I had this on three separate occasions if I remember correctly. This plate in particular was served at the Central Market food court in Kuala Lumpur.
Nasi Lemak, a Festival of Flavor (Recipe) | Will Fly for Food (3)

This one I had at the airport in Langkawi while waiting to board our plane back to KL. If you compare it to the previous picture, you’ll see that all the components are the same. I didn’t take a picture of it but I had it once more at the KL airport before flying back to Manila. It was at a Malaysian fast food chain called Marry Brown that specialized in nasi lemak!
Nasi Lemak, a Festival of Flavor (Recipe) | Will Fly for Food (4)

Nasi lemak may be Malaysia’s national dish but it’s also popular in neighboring areas such as Singapore, Riau Islands, Brunei, and Southern Thailand. I’ve never had it here but it can apparently be found in my native Philippines as well, in the Bangsamoro region of Mindanao!

We had the version you see below in Singapore at a restaurant called Nasi Lemak Kukus. The sambal in Singaporean nasi lemak tends to be on the sweet and spicy side but this restaurant offers the traditionally spicy kind as well. You can see the two types of sambal on our plate below. It’s interesting to note that there’s a Chinese version of Singaporean nasi lemak as well. It’s served with a variety of sides like deep-fried chicken drumsticks, chicken franks, fish cakes, curried vegetables, and tongsan luncheon meat. At Nasi Lemak Kukus, each side is individually priced so diners can customize their plates. They didn’t have it there but I read that the rice in Chinese-Singaporean nasi lemak can sometimes be colored emerald green as well using pandan leaves.
Nasi Lemak, a Festival of Flavor (Recipe) | Will Fly for Food (5)


For Coconut Milk Steamed Rice

  • 2 cups rice
  • 3 pandan (screwpine) leaves (tied into knot)
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 small can coconut milk (5.6 oz size)
  • Some water

For Tamarind Juice

  • 1 cup water
  • Tamarind pulp (size of small ping pong ball)

For Sambal Ikan Bilis (Dried Anchovies Sambal)

  • 1/2 red onion
  • 1 cup ikan bilis (dried anchovies)
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 4 shallots
  • 10 dried chillies
  • 1 tsp of belacan (prawn paste)
  • 1/4 tsp of salt
  • 1 Tbsp of sugar


  • 2 hard boiled eggs (cut into half)
  • 3 small fish (sardines or smelt fish)
  • Fried chicken
  • Dry, roasted peanuts
  • 1 small cucumber (cut into slices and then quartered)


  1. Rinse rice and drain. Add coconut milk, pinch of salt, and some water. Add pandan leaves into rice, then cook rice.
  2. Rinse dried anchovies then drain water. Fry anchovies until light brown, then set aside.
  3. Pound prawn paste together with shallots, garlic, and deseeded dried chilies with mortar and pestle. You can also grind them with food processor.
  4. Slice red onion into rings.
  5. Soak tamarind pulp in water for 15 minutes. Squeeze tamarind constantly to extract flavor into water. Drain pulp and save tamarind juice.
  6. Heat some oil in pan and fry spice paste until fragrant. Add in onion rings. Add in ikan bilis and stir well. Add tamarind juice, salt, and sugar. Simmer on low heat until gravy thickens, then set aside.
  7. Clean small fishes, cut into halves, and season with salt, then deep fry.
  8. Cut cucumber into slices, and then quartered into four small pieces.
  9. Dish up steamed coconut milk rice and pour some sambal ikan bilis on top of rice. Serve with fried fish, cucumber slices, hard-boiled eggs, peanuts, and fried chicken.

* * * * *

Now that you’ve seen Malaysian and Singaporean nasi lemak, it’s time to feast your eyes on Reneelicious nasi lemak! Doesn’t it look fantastic?! Trust me, it tastes every bit as good as it looks. I’ve been having it for the last two days! 😀 If you follow Ren’s recipe above, then you can have a delicious plate of nasi lemak just like this. Try it!
Nasi Lemak, a Festival of Flavor (Recipe) | Will Fly for Food (6)

Instead of regular fried chicken, Ren made hers with chicken lollipops. She even threw in a few pieces of fried biya (dried, butterflied goby fish) from Pangasinan. How lucky am I?! 😀
Nasi Lemak, a Festival of Flavor (Recipe) | Will Fly for Food (7)

If you do decide to try this recipe, then please let us know in the comments section below how it turned out. We’d love to hear from you. Thanks! 😀

Nasi Lemak, a Festival of Flavor (Recipe) | Will Fly for Food (2024)


What is the flavor of nasi lemak? ›

The coconut flavour is complemented by the dish's spicy sambal – a chilli paste made from dried chilies, garlic, shallots, and belacan (shrimp paste). In the 1970s, nasi lemak was sold in small packets of rice wrapped in banana leaves for just 30 cents, peddled door-to-door by vendors travelling from house to house.

What is the main ingredient in Malaysia's national dish nasi lemak? ›

Nasi lemak is a dish originating in Malay cuisine that consists of fragrant rice cooked in coconut milk and pandan leaf.

What makes nasi lemak so good? ›

Fragrant rice cooked in coconut milk and pandan leaves, served with a side of sambal (a spicy paste), eggs and anchovies, these are the components of a Nasi Lemak that make it a deliciously fulfilling meal.

What is the story behind nasi lemak? ›

It is believed that when the local Malay community resided by the seafront, the ready availability of ingredients such as the coconut, as well as the flavourful outcome of adding it to rice, resulted in the innovation of nasi lemak.

Is nasi lemak healthy or unhealthy? ›

High in Calories and Fat: Nasi lemak is generally high in calories and fat due to the coconut milk used in cooking the rice and the frying of various ingredients. Coconut milk is rich in saturated fat, which, when consumed in excess, can contribute to heart disease and weight gain.

Why do people enjoy eating nasi lemak? ›

Nasi Lemak is a dish that leaves a lasting impression on whoever gets a taste. The way it's prepared with fragrant rice cooked in coconut milk, served with a sambal that's both spicy and savory, crispy fried anchovies, roasted peanuts, boiled eggs, and cucumber slices is where it gets its charm.

What is a fun fact about nasi lemak? ›

6 Interesting Facts About Nasi Lemak
  • Nasi lemak literally means” fatty/oily rice” ...
  • It was once named one of the 10 healthiest international breakfasts. ...
  • It is considered Malaysia's national dish. ...
  • It was once a farmer's meal. ...
  • There are many regional variations across Southeast Asia. ...
  • Its origins are uncertain.
Sep 6, 2021

What does nasi mean in Malay? ›

Nasi Goreng is an Indonesian and Malay word for cooked rice, featured in many Southeast Asian dishes. Nasi goreng, a popular rice dish often simply called nasi. Other Southeast Asian nasi dishes: Nasi ambeng.

What does lemak mean? ›

noun. grease [noun] soft, thick, animal fat. fat [noun] an oily substance made by the bodies of animals and by some plants. fat [noun] a kind of such substance, used especially for cooking.

Why is nasi lemak green? ›

Just like most pandan-flavoured cakes and desserts, a few drops of green food colouring are commonly added for appearances, giving the rice a vibrant green colour that contrasts nicely with the red sambal and the white egg — the perfect picture of a delectable dish.

What food goes well with nasi lemak? ›

Nasi lemak is served commonly with ikan bilis sambal, sliced cucumber, boiled eggs, fried peanuts and ayam goreng (Malaysian fried chicken).

Why is nasi lemak rice blue? ›

Rice cooked in coconut milk and natural blue dye extracted from butterfly pea flowers.

What is Malaysia's national dish? ›

Although versions of nasi lemak can be found across South-East Asia, Malaysia claims this beloved street food classic as its own. It's clear why nasi lemak is Malaysia's (unofficial) national dish. Ask any Malaysian why they love nasi lemak (“rich rice”), and you'll instantly get a variety of responses.

How long can nasi lemak last? ›

How long can I leave the Nasi Lemak out? To ensure the best taste and quality, we recommend that the food be consumed within 3 hours from purchase. Unopened or unused Sambal will remain good for up to 3 days without the need for refrigeration.

What is the smell of Nasi Lemak? ›

Nasi lemak, or fragrant coconut rice, is known for the aromatic smell of fresh, green pandan leaves and the light flavor of sweet and creamy coconut milk. For those who never heard of pandan leaves, they are used for coloring and flavoring in Southeast Asian cooking.

What is the texture of Nasi Lemak? ›

In English, a direct translation of Nasi Lemak is creamy rice, and 'creamy' refers to a creamy texture of the coconut milk which is the main ingredient for this cuisine. The rice is cooked and sometimes steamed with coconut milk. Another main ingredient is the sambal or sauce which ranges in terms of its spiciness.

What is the flavor of nasi goreng? ›

In most parts of Indonesia, nasi goreng is cooked with ample amounts of kecap manis (sweet soy sauce) that creates a golden brownish colour, and the flavour is mildly sweet.

What is the difference between Nasi Lemak and nasi goreng? ›

In Indonesia, nasi goreng is a breakfast dish. This is why the Indonesian version is lighter, has fewer ingredients and is almost always topped with a fried egg. In Malaysia, nasi lemak takes pole position as a rice dish for breakfast. Nasi goreng is a very popular standalone meal for lunch or a simple dinner.


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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.