Mushroom Bourguignon Recipe (2024)



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I don't know how to cook with wine and I would really like to make this. Can anyone suggest what kind of red wine would work well with this?


Dried mushrooms work well. One ounce will replace 8 ounces of fresh. Reconstitute by soaking in boiling water for 30 minutes. Lift the mushroom pieces out of the liquid and cut as needed. Let the liquid stand for a few minutes to let any grit settle, then pour off the clear liquid and use it as part of the broth in the recipe. Discard the murky remains.Many varieties of dried mushrooms are available in supermarkets and stores like Trader Joe's, Aldi and Sprouts & online through Amazon.

Stephen Lamade

Woodgal, Tasting helps, but in general "dry" red wines are those that are not considered fruity. In an article about using wine for cooking, Bon Apetit lists several dry wines. The maxim that "If I wouldn't drink it, then I wouldn't cook with it" always holds true. penchant is to use an inexpensive table wine, like Rene Junot, or an inexpensive Southern Rhone. And don't be afraid to sip while you cook.

Michael B

I roasted the mushrooms for 20 minutes in a 450 degree oven with some EVOO, S&P and thyme first. Then followed everything up to step 3, added the mushrooms and onions back in, covered the Dutch oven and let it chill out in a 350 degree oven for one hour. Worked like a charm, concentrated the flavors, with less stove time.


Made as directed using high quality basics (beef broth, butter, etc.). It was amazing. Once off the heat, I stirred in two tablespoons of good red wine vinegar. It was even better.

Truitt Jeter

Don’t be afraid of the thyme it takes :DSeriously use more fresh thyme.

Carol morris

Ducking my head for the onslaught: I don’t ever wash mushrooms, just brush off the worst of the growing medium should there be any. I’ve never had any taste or grit repercussions. I’ve always read that getting them wet makes them soggy.

Quesada Cook

Great recipe, true Bourgogne flavor. Our entire family loved it. Used frozen pearl onions to speed things up, tossed them in a few minutes before the mushrooms in each batch to thaw before browning. The recipe correctly mentions slicing the carrots thin - thin like <1/8 inch if you don’t want them still crunchy after 30-40 mins. We needed more broth and wine to maintain the sauce during summer. Looking forward to making this one again!

R DeJarnett

Beef bouguignon is traditionally made with Burgundy, but I have used Pinot noir as it is easier to get where I live and what I will use for this recipe. The rule of thumb is to use a wine that you would drink, not something designated just for "cooking."

Stephen Lamade

Looks wonderful. One could substitute small whole shallots, larger ones cut in half, if pearl onions were not available.


Delicious! Makes mass quantities, serves closer to 6 than 4! Served with polenta.


I'm going to use frozen pearl onions, they're already peeled. And pre-sliced mushrooms are already cleaned. Those 2 things along will knock most of the prep time off.


We loved the recipe as-is. I used 1/2 cremini, 1/4 shiitake and 1/4 portabella. I made polenta, would have rather used potatoes in hindsight. The mushroom garnish was not all that impressive for the work/cost. I could have used more carrots. I used the blanching method to peel the pearl onions. I’d love hear what others did to wash that many mushrooms. I used my salad spinner and couple changes of water, which I know is not the “right way”, but was much quicker than individually dry cleaning

Welsh Hills

Mushrooms browned much better without the onions. I used a combination of cippolini and sweet yellow onions—just what I had on hand. Used leeks from my garden, which I had in the freezer. Used Chianti as the wine. Served over homemade polenta. It all took much longer than the recipe stated. It was 45 minutes by the time the recipe said “lower temperature and cook 30-40 minutes until the sauce thickens.” All together, at least 90 minutes to get this meal on the table.


Melissa! This sounds delightful. Do you have a recommended substitute for the red wine? A few in the family do not consume. Would a vinegar work? Omit? Can’t wait to try it.

Disappointed Julia

Save your time and money. Go out to eat. I used fresh and some exotic mushrooms. Good beef broth and Pinot. And, yes, I can cook. Sadly, after a pretty penny spent on the dish, and after following instructions, it was lacking in that rich, depth of flavor that comes from the mushrooms, carrots and onions absorbing the reduced wine flavor. Luckily we opened a nice 2013 Petite Verdot to savor after leaving half of the Bourguignon on our plates. Chocolate will make me feel better later.


I simplified the cooking process by cooking all if the mushrooms in a Dutch oven simultaneously on a high heat and got the same results. This is a delicious recipe and will definitely make it a regular.

Linda Flo

This was delicious! I used a mixture of mushrooms, one of which was sh*taki. I would recommend cutting off them stems for those since they are pretty tough. I loved this recipe and would absolutely make again!


Eventually a great recipe. Used full amount of a mix of mushrooms as suggested. Took forever to stem and chop all the mushrooms. As another reviewer commented getting already sliced mushrooms would have saved time. Had to take four courses to brown a batch then start over at least three more times. This was before getting to the other ingredients. Great flavors with red wine, beef stock and soy, tomato paste. Used dry thyme because that was on hand. Start early on this one.


I wish this had some protein. I am thinking of maybe reducing the mixed mushrooms by half and subbing in a cup of TVP (rehydrated). Would that work? At what stage would you recommend adding the TVP?


Made this as the main entree for Christmas dinner for my ma and I. She is vegetarian, I am in love with anything with mushrooms, so needless to say, it was enjoyed by all<3 The mushrooms were wonderfully meaty, I used a variety of 5 different types which made the layers of textures exhilarating.

Elizabeth Thomas

Lovely recipe. I used all sh*ttakes because we love them. The soy sauce is a helpful addition. I used tart red cherry juice in place of the wine( we’re currently “ dry”).Not a bad substitution with all the other flavors.


This is fantastic exactly as written and is elegant enough to serve at a dinner party. I served it with a potato-butternut squash mash.


Added kale and used chix brothUsed baby Bella’s large kinePapparadelle


Didn’t love this. Found the mushrooms became very rubbery after stewing. Cutting back the liquid may help.

Los Gatos Linda

Tasty but some of the steps seem inefficient as some other reviewers have alluded to.Combine the tomato paste and broth rather than making a roux of it. Make a normal roux and then mix the broth/tomato mixture into the roux. Sautee the garlic on its own. Nothing worse than trying to get all the stuck bits of flour out of the garlic.For those with undercooked carrots: most bourgignons have rather thick chunks of carrots. Cook the bourgignon with the lid on for the first 20 min.


Here to say a few things:1) this is great and you should make it2) slightly labor intensive so just prep ingredients in advance and it goes smooth3) almost bought frozen pearl onions but in the end was glad I went fresh - go fresh! Even if it is kind of a pain to peel 8oz4) at first I thought frying fancy mushrooms at the end was going to be a bit “over the top” and almost didn’t do it , but then I did and it was 100 percent worth it5) I served it over egg noodles and it was great


First time I made this the available mushrooms were primarily creminis and button. We found it delicious. Now in mushroom season, I had available chantrelles, oyster, maitake, honshimeji and sh*takes plus creminis. I didn't think it good get richer with deeper flavors but it did. I did roast half of the mushrooms with olive oil, S&P and thyme. For wine I tend use what I will drink. We paired with a robust Pinot and cooked with that as well. Perfection

Stilettos in the Kitchen

This is a very lovely recipe to have for our Meatless Mondays and Try Again Tuesdays. I Frankensteined this recipe with the one from Smitten Kitchen: added 1 T of White Miso to up the umami factor and incorporated the smoked paprika into the sauce along with the tomato paste.We served this over egg noodles and intend to serve this over and over.

Lisa McCabe

Making this and thinking how a lifetime ago my newly divorced mum made a bourguignon for my brother and I — serving it in a formal chafing dish, setting the table with the ‘good’ dishes, lighting a candle and how age 10 and 8 how ungrateful we were. What did we know about love?

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Mushroom Bourguignon Recipe (2024)


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