Mulberry Jelly Recipe (2024)

“This is what the Sovereign Lord showed me: a basket of ripe fruit. ‘What do you see, Amos?’ he asked. ‘A basket of ripe fruit,’ I answered.” Amos 8:1-2

Mulberry Jelly Recipe (1)

Happy Memorial Day everyone! Hope you’re spending some time with the fam and remembering those who gave us our freedom.

My hub wanted to take the kids to the lake today to throw rocks in the water or fish, but my 5YO said he wanted to stay home because it was too hot (he’s related to me). I secretly think he just wanted to talk my leg off, but our staying home gave me time enough to finish my mulberry jelly, round 2. I thought since my mulberry expeditions have generated a lot of mulberry memories amongst my friends, that I would share my recipe here, in case you feel adventurous.

Oh, and I personally would stick with jelly since the seeds turn a weird shade of brown and the fruit/stem mixture really doesn’t look too appetizing.

Mulberry Jelly


1 gallon sized zipper bag full of well-rinsed mulberries (approx. 3 lbs.)*

¾ cup lemon juice

4 ½ cup sugar

1 box pectin


Jars (7 half-pint or equivalent), lids, rings for canning, plus any tools of the trade like jar grabber, magnet stick, and funnel


Cook mulberries over high heat, just barely covered with water, until a full boil is reached. Lower heat and continue to simmer for approximately 15 minutes. Then use a potato masher to squash all the berries down into the pan. (This is an imprecise art, so if you get the berries pretty well mashed up, you’re good.)

Place a colander over a pot that is big enough to cover all the holes on the bottom of the colander. Line colander with two layers of cheesecloth or other cloth to use for straining that you don’t mind throwing away. An old t-shirt could be used, since this is hick cooking. Pour the berry soup through the cloth in the colander. Then gather up the cloth and close with a zip tie. Let the bag sit until it is cool enough for you to handle. Then, wearing latex gloves unless you really like the color purple, squeeze said bag until you’re happy with how much juice you’ve extracted. At this point, I suggest throwing the bag of mulberry goo away. My chickens would not eat it and it didn’t really smell all that good anyway.

You should have approximately three cups of juice or more at this point.

Place 3 cups of mulberry juice in a pot with the lemon juice and one box of pectin. Bring to full rolling boil. (While this is occurring, you should be getting your jars, rings and lids ready.) When the mixture comes to a complete boil, add all the sugar at once. Stir sugar until fully dissolved and wait for mixture to return to boiling. (Once it does this, I suggest taking your jars, lids, rings out of the hot water and get ready to fill them.) Boil for one full minute. Remove from heat, ladle or pour into hot jars. Cover with hot lids, and seal with hot rings. Then, process full jelly jars for at least 10 minutes in hot water bath to ensure they seal properly. Remove from hot water bath and place on countertop. Listen for that distinctive POP that tells you all is right with the world.

Do not move the jars until fully cool, usually 6 or 8 hours. By this time, your jelly should have properly set. Tighten down the rings, and label for future reference.

Now you have to decide who is worthy to share your creation, or if you will keep it all to yourself. This recipe makes approximately 7 ½ half-pint jars of jelly, so you really should share. Unless you really like jelly…

*Note: mulberries can be quickly and easily collected by placing a tarp on the ground and having your hub, or other coordinated person, climb the tree and give it a good shake over the tarp. You should also taste the mulberries prior to using them to ensure they have good flavor. We have three small trees that are really tasty, but our neighbors’ trees taste like grass.

Happy Mulberrying!

“And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God…” Collosians 1:10

Mulberry Jelly Recipe (2024)


How do you preserve mulberries? ›

Freezing is the easiest way to preserve mulberries so you could enjoy them year-round. Mulberries almost always come off of the tree with a little bit of stem attached. You can leave the stem on or remove them before freezing, whichever you decide.

Do mulberries contain pectin? ›

Mulberries are a low pectin fruit, which means that they don't gel well on their own. But adding commercial pectin often requires adding huge amounts of sugar. The alternative is a super long cooking time.

How do you crush mulberries? ›

1) Rinse and drain the whole mulberries in a colander. 2) Add the mulberries to large pot with 1/4 cup of water on medium high heat. 3) Use a potato masher to smash the mulberries in the pot as they soften. Do this for 5 minutes or until all the berries are tender and smashed.

What is mulberry jam made of? ›

Mash berries using a potato masher. Combine 2 cups water, sugar, strawberry-flavored gelatin, and pectin in a bowl; stir until gelatin is dissolved. Stir gelatin mixture into mashed mulberries; bring mixture to a boil. Sterilize the jars and lids in boiling water for at least 5 minutes.

Why are mulberries not sold in stores? ›

While mulberry trees are easy to grow, the fruit is difficult to harvest and has a refrigerated shelf life of two to four days. That's why most grocery stores don't carry them. The mulberry looks like an elongated version of the more popular blackberry, almost conifer shaped, and grows on several species of the tree.

Is it safe to eat mulberries off the ground? ›

Mulberries are so special that they let you know when they are ripe. The best ones to pick are off the ground. That is the trees way of letting you know which berries it has perfectly ripened in offering to the 2 and 4 legged.

Are mulberries anti inflammatory? ›

May reduce inflammation

Mulberry leaf contains numerous anti-inflammatory compounds, including flavonoid antioxidants. Some research suggests that mulberry leaf may combat inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which are linked to chronic disease ( 14 ).

Why is my mulberry jam runny? ›

If there isn't enough pectin in the fruit itself and you don't add extra pectin, the result is runny jelly or jam. Additionally, if the fruit is overripe, its pectin levels are lower. Added pectin comes in a couple of forms. You can find powdered pectin and liquid pectin at grocery stores and online.

What pairs well with mulberry? ›

Mulberry, however, possesses a refreshing green / cucumber-like aroma (1-hexanol) which also gives slight herbal notes. It mixes well with cranberry, blueberry, elderberry, açaí, apple sauce, prickly pear fruit, grapes, or cognac.

How do you get bugs out of mulberries? ›

Mulberries are a snap to process. All you need to do is wash them. I always let berries soak in water with a tad of vinegar for a few minutes to kill germs and make any little bugs turn loose, but it isn't necessary.

Is it okay to eat the stems of mulberries? ›

Mulberries tend to have a small length of green stem break off with the berry when picked. You will probably want to remove these stems, although eating them is not dangerous. Common uses of mulberries include jams, jellies, syrups, wine, pies, crumbles, and sorbets.

Can you eat mulberries raw? ›

Some people place sheets or other materials around mulberry trees to catch the berries as they drop. This makes them quick to collect. While they're often eaten raw, mulberries can also be used to make jams, preserves, pies, and a variety of other delicious treats.

Do you need to remove mulberry stems for jam? ›

Mulberries have a central stem called the peduncle, which connects the fruit to the tree's branches. Depending on the variety, the stem can extend a short distance into the berry or run the entire length. Removing the stems before making this jam is important because they won't break down during cooking.

Which mulberries are the healthiest? ›

Because of their high fiber and nutrient content, white mulberries have many health benefits. White mulberry improves hemoglobin A1C levels, which is an indicator of long-term blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

How long will mulberries last in the fridge? ›

Store mulberries in the fridge for up to two days – place them on a plate lined with paper towel and cover with plastic wrap. Only wash them when you're ready to eat.

Can you freeze mulberries raw? ›

Thoroughly wash and dry the mulberries. Arrange them in a single layer on a baking sheet and freeze until solid. Transfer the frozen mulberries to airtight containers or freezer bags. Frozen mulberries can be utilized in smoothies, desserts, or thawed for snacking.

What is the best way to dry mulberries? ›

How to dry mulberries
  1. Use your fingers to gently and carefully pull the green stem end from the mulberry.
  2. Wash gently in cold water. Toss through lemon juice to keep the vibrant colour.
  3. Place in a dehydrator. Dehydrate until dry. They're ready when they are easily broken. Comments. Login to join the conversation.

Are dried mulberries as good as fresh? ›

The Bottom Line

Mulberries are colorful berries that are eaten both fresh and dried. They're a good source of iron, vitamin C, and several plant compounds and have been linked to lower cholesterol, blood sugar, and cancer risk.


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.