Most Popular Healthy Recipes of 2014 (Vegan, GF) + News! – Oh She Glows (2024)

Most Popular Healthy Recipes of 2014 (Vegan, GF) + News! – Oh She Glows (1)

Happy 2015! To welcome the New Year I have some exciting news to share. You’ve been asking me for months and I can finally tell you that I’m working hard on a second cookbook! It’s slated for 2016 (official date TBA) and I’m incredibly excited to create this next collection of fresh, healthy, and inspiring recipes for you. I’ve been listening to your feedback over the past several months, and I hope to create a second book that will make a kick-butt companion to the first. I’m bursting with ideas and simply can’t wait to share it with you.

I remember vividly how daunting the creation of the first cookbook felt. I took on all of the writing, recipe development, food styling, photography, etc. It was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done and I felt like quitting a few times, but having come through the other side I realize it was just part of the journey. I feel like the second cookbook process will go more smoothly in some ways; I now have a solid organizational system in place as well as the experience of creating the first book under my belt. I will do many things differently this time, and I know where I’m headed (which is half the battle). Other parts of the next book will surely feel more challenging because I now have a baby who’s becoming more active as the days go by (this year, she’ll be crawling, walking, etc….crazy!). But I’ll figure out a new normal, as I have been these past 3 months. One bonus since having her is that I find I’m much more efficient when I do sit down to work. I can crank out a blog post in half the time now. Well, on a good day, anyway.

One thing is for sure, I can’t wait to see this new cookbook come to life! And I am so thankful for your enthusiasm for a second book. After going through a lull in creativity during my pregnancy, I totally feel like I have that spark back and ideas are pouring into my mind on a daily basis. I have hundreds of recipe ideas and a dozen new recipes already in the vault. It’s a solid start.

PS – I will be putting out a call for recipe testers in the coming weeks. I just need to finish getting the testing site ready and the recipe feedback and submission forms in place. Last time I simply relied on a big group of friends and family as my recipe testers, but since many of you expressed interest to be a recipe tester I’m going to open it up to my dear readers. I will be looking for ALL kinds of skill levels, so don’t worry if you are just starting out. More on all of this soon. It’s going to be fun!

For an end of the year recap, I put together the most popular 15 healthy recipes of 2014. I left out the desserts because I figure most of us are looking for healthier fare this time of the year (with one big exception below because it was the chocolate hit of the year! Keep it in mind for Valentine’s Day). I’m also sharing some of your comments about the recipes below just for fun.

Most Popular Healthy Recipes of 2014 on Oh She Glows:

15. 5-Minute Oatmeal Power Bowl {4.9 stars out of 24 reviews}

Frances writes, “Hot oatmeal! My favourite! I’ve been having this every morning at work. I actually look forward to work because of this bowl. (is that weird?) Instead of soaking the oats though, I just put the oats, cinnamon, coconut sugar, and chia seeds in a small ziplock, and my toppings in another container. Then I’ll assemble and mix with almond milk and pop it in the microwave for a few minutes. Totally delicious and energizing! Loveee <3”

14. Glowing Green Pasta Primavera {4.9 stars out of 8 reviews}

Chris writes, “I just made this and had to come on here and post something about it. IT WAS AMAZING!! I didn’t even use a blender for the sauce, just added the ingredients at the end… sans the hemp seeds, was fresh out of hemp. But it still came out so amazing. The taste… And the colors… And the…EVERYTHING! Even my husband, a very non-vegan was amazed at the taste. I had to give him mine and came another for me. I cut the veggies in half for a single portion but made the sauce with the amount it called for… Worked out great!”

13. Banana Bread Muffin Tops (4.9 stars out of 19 reviews}

Roxane writes, “The kids approved of this treat! My youngest was even eating the batter raw off the spatula. My eldest took and bite and said: “this tastes just like a muffin! You can’t tell the difference.”

12. Speedy Veggie n Brown Rice Noodle Bowl {4.7 stars out of 10 reviews}

Kate writes, “This was omg fabulous. I am super picky about sauces and this one was phenomenal, I actually was eating some with a spoon, lol. Overall lovely mix of flavors and seasoning was perfect. I deal with a lot of food and allergy issues (gluten, dairy, nut free and low histamine) which has made eating and cooking incredibly difficult for some time. This blog helped get me back into enjoying cooking and eating again, so I am incredibly grateful for all the great recipes and comprehensive allergy info.”

11. Creamy 10-Spice vegetable Soup {4.8 stars out of 62 reviews}

Sheila writes, “GREAT recipe!!! I cannot say this enough. My husband and I were in the mood for soup and I thought I would try this out. We were blown away with how delicious this soup was! I made it again for a pot luck party at work and received so many compliments. There was not a drop left over! Thanks again Angela for another stellar recipe!”

10. Green Warrior Protein Smoothie {4.8 stars out of 4 reviews}

Brittany writes, “Thanks for creating a wonderful, delicious, and filling smoothie! I work in the medical field and don’t know when lunch will be. I have made this smoothie for the past 3 days and it has kept me full until lunch!”

9. Feel Good Hearty Granola Bars {5 stars out of 16 reviews}

Annaliese writes, “These are wonderful! I mixed up a batch last night for some back-to-school/broke graduate student snacks when hunger strikes at the lab, and they are wonderful. Not too sweet, crunchy from the seeds and nuts, and oh-so-oat-y! I also added in a TB of chia seeds for good measure. Will be trying these with dates and dried coconut next time! I love that the binder and major sweetener is banana…affordable, on-hand and good for you!”

8. Crispy Quinoa Cakes {4.7 stars out of 93 reviews}

Katie writes, “These are drop-dead delicious. I made these Tuesday night, I “tested” about 5 of them straight from the oven, I just ate the last of the batch for lunch today. So good. Next time I make these, I need to make sure I eat dinner BEFORE I make a double batch of these bad boys so I can make them last!”

7. Ultimate Green Taco Wraps {4.9 stars out of 46 reviews}

Jordan writes, “Made this for dinner last night…YUM! I used a packed of taco seasoning I already had in the cupboard instead of the spices in the recipe because that’s all I had. Was so good – I ate three and I still have HEAPS left over for lunch at work today…and dinner tonight. Maybe even lunch again tomorrow if I’m lucky ;) I also used green and brown lentils because that’s all I could find in the supermarket. Love this recipe – it’s so fresh and filling, but in the good, satisfying way. THANK YOU :)”

6. Almost Instant Chocolate Chia Pudding {4.8 stars out of 6 reviews}

Eva writes, “Delicious and easy! I added some carob powder and it made for a nice rich flavor. Thank you!”

5. Crispy Smashed Potatoes with Creamy Garlic Aioli {4.9 stars out of 81 reviews}

Zilia writes, “I had some dinner guests over tonight and make these… Even my 8 year old LOVED the avocado-aioli. Yum yum yum. Huge hit, thank you!”

4. Soft and Chewy Baked Granola Bars {4.5 stars out of 6 reviews}

Andrea writes, “Angela, I love these! What a fantastic, easy, healthy for me and my children. I am especially excited about these because they are nut-butter free, which means that I can pack them for my kids when they need a snack out of the house… almost everywhere we go requires that foods are nut-free.”

3. My Favourite Vegan Chili with Homemade Sour Cream {no reviews as the plugin isn’t working – will fix this soon!}

Leigh writes, “It wasn’t just me who loved your chili and sour cream but everyone in our house loved it. Okay, all 3 of us give it 2 thumbs up and our cat who LOVES the smell of cumin for whatever reason became “kitchen cat” while it was cooking!”

2. Cauli-power Fettuccine Alfredo {4.8 stars out of 35 reviews}

MB Savino writes, “I found your website when looking for some meatless recipes for my 21 year old vegetarian/vegan daughter for when she comes home for the weekend from college. I’ve made several, including this one and WOW it was great. My Italian husband gobbled up the fettuccini Alfredo and neither one of us felt guilty! We had some sautéed broccoli on the side and mixed it in as we ate, it was filling, delicious, and healthy. Also a recipe that can be made on a week night after work. It’s a keeper!”

1. 6 Tips for Flawless Kale Chips + All Dressed Kale Chip Recipe {5 stars out of 35 reviews}

Can you believe kale chips won??

Kimberly writes, “These were perfect! I’ve struggled with getting my chips ‘just right’ for a while now. So glad I found your tips!! I did have to adjust the time in the oven, but not by much! Thanks for posting.”

Most Popular Healthy Recipes of 2014 (Vegan, GF) + News! – Oh She Glows (2)

The most popular dessert award goes to my Double Dark Chocolate Coconut Macaroon Torte! You guys went nuts over this grain-free dessert (pssst – it’s nut-free too!) {4.9 stars out of 42 reviews}

Brigette writes, “I made two of these for a Hanukkah party I attended yesterday where the hostess was both gluten-free and vegan. I haven’t had a ton of luck producing vegan desserts I’m thrilled about in the past, but let me tell you… This was DELICIOUS. And easy! I had people following me around the party asking about it. Two women insisted I share the recipe. It is so rich and good, and it was perfectly suited for the occasion. I would definitely make it again. BRAVO!!!!”

Most Popular Healthy Recipes of 2014 (Vegan, GF) + News! – Oh She Glows (3)

So…which recipe was my favourite of the year? I’d have to pick my Crowd-Pleasing Vegan Caesar Salad! This has also been a popular recipe on the blog since I posted it at the end of November. {5 stars from 42 reviews}

Noreeny writes, “I made this as a New Year’s Eve treat for myself (along with the favorite chili recipe [which was also fantastic]) and this was by far – not a second of doubt in my review – the best Caesar salad I’ve ever tasted. Forget all the recipes with chicken/shrimp and dressing rich in milk products and anchovies. This is the real deal.”

As always, thank you for your feedback on recipes. I really appreciate when you give tips on substitutions you tried out (as I’m sure others do) and whether the recipe is kid/partner/family/friend approved.

Cheers to all the vibrant veggie-filled food we’ll eat in 2015! Can’t wait.

Most Popular Healthy Recipes of 2014 (Vegan, GF) + News! – Oh She Glows (2024)


Where is Angela Liddon now? ›

Angela is now focusing her time on The Oh She Glows Recipe App. “I am adding a lot of new recipes for our app users and planning new features.

What is the most eaten vegan food? ›

10 of the most popular vegan recipes
  • Mexican guacamole. Everyone's favourite Mexican dip is 100% vegan. ...
  • Stuffed green bell peppers. Stuffed peppers are prepared in a variety of ways. ...
  • Tabbouleh. ...
  • Spring rolls with soy sauce. ...
  • Caponata. ...
  • Gazpacho. ...
  • Biryani. ...
  • Panzanella.
Mar 24, 2023

What is the most unhealthy vegan food? ›

Here are a few vegan products you need to watch out for — plus, some healthier alternatives.
  • Frozen fake meats.
  • Tofu deli meats.
  • Vegan desserts.
  • Coconut yogurt.
  • Frozen meals.
  • Veggie chips.

What are vegans most deficient in? ›

Intake and status of vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron, zinc, iodine, calcium and bone turnover markers were generally lower in plant-based dietary patterns compared to meat-eaters. Vegans had the lowest vitamin B12, calcium and iodine intake, and also lower iodine status and lower bone mineral density.

What is the main vegan food? ›

A vegan diet is based on plants (such as vegetables, grains, nuts and fruits) and foods made from plants. Vegans do not eat foods that come from animals, including dairy products and eggs.

Which country is #1 for vegans? ›

India. Three of India's major religions — Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism — teach the practice of ahimsa, or non-violence towards all beings. Because of this religious tradition, India has the highest percentage of vegetarians out of all the countries in the world.

What do extreme vegans eat? ›

Raw veganism

A raw vegan diet includes vegetables, fruits, nuts, grain and legume sprouts, seeds, and sea vegetables. There are many variations of the diet, including fruitarianism.


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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.