Manage leads in the prospecting workspace (2024)

Last updated: August 22, 2024

After you set up your leads, within the prospecting workspace, you can quickly and efficiently manage your leads from the Leads tab. You can easily review your leads and their current status, last activity, and next activity. You can also schedule the next activity or perform an activity (e.g., call, email, enroll in a sequence, etc.) from one place.

Create leads

You can create leads by pulling in leads, creating leads manually, or creating leads with a workflow.

Pull in leads

Managers with property edit permissions must first configure the Leads feature. To configure the Leads feature and pull in the leads you want your reps to work:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Workspaces > Prospecting.
  • Click the Leads tab.
  • Click Start using Leads.
  • In the Which contact lifecycle stages do you want us to pull leads from? dropdown menu, select the lifecycle stages you want to import.
  • In the That entered the above stage(s) dropdown menu, select your desired timeframe for when these contacts entered the lifecycle stages selected above.
  • Click Pull in leads.

Manage leads in the prospecting workspace (1)

  • Review your settings and make any additional edits if needed.

Manage leads in the prospecting workspace (2)

  • Click Next.
  • Click Done.

You can change the Leads feature setup at any time if you navigate to the Leads tab, then, in the upper right corner select Actions > Open settings.

Reps without property edit permissions will also need to configure the Leads feature. Reps must be assigned as the owner of the leads they want to pull in. To pull in your leads:

  • On the Leads tab, click Pull in leads.
  • In the Which contact lifecycle stages do you want us to pull leads from? dropdown menu, select the lifecycle stages you want to import.
  • In the That entered the above stage(s) dropdown menu, select your desired timeframe for when these contacts entered the lifecycle stages selected above.
  • Click Pull in leads.

Manage leads in the prospecting workspace (3)

  • If the user with property edit permissions hasn't configured the feature yet, you can click Copy to copy the link, then send it to them so they complete the configuration.

Manage leads in the prospecting workspace (4)

  • Click Next.
  • Click Done.

Create leads manually

To manually create leads:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Workspaces > Prospecting.
  • Click the Leads tab.
  • In the upper right, click +Add lead.
  • Click Contact to create a contact lead, and click Company to create a company lead.
    • In the dropdown menu, select the contact or company record the lead will be associated with. If the Sync lead owner with contact and company owner toggle is turned on in your settings, you can only associate contcts or companies you own.
    • In the Lead Name field, enter the name of the lead.
    • (Optional) Click the Lead Pipeline Stage dropdown menu and select the stage.
    • (Optional) Click the Lead Type dropdown menu and select the type.
    • (Optional) Click the Lead Label dropdown menu and select the label.
    • Click Create Lead.

Create leads using workflows

To create leads using workflows, learn how to create a workflow. Then, you can add the Create record action and create a lead.

Manage leads

Please note: after a lead has moved to Qualified or Disqualified, only a super admin can edit the lead stage.

To manage your leads:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Workspaces > Prospecting.
  • Click the Leads tab.
  • Once you have imported your leads, you can view a list of your leads on the Leads tab. Target accounts will be labeled.

Manage leads in the prospecting workspace (5)

  • Users with super admin permissions or View Prospecting as another user permissions can view all leads (including unassigned leads). To view all leads, click the Actions dropdown menu and select View all leads.
  • To filter your leads, click the filters at the top of the table.
  • To edit the information that's displayed in the table, click Edit columns.
  • Users withsuper admin or bulk delete permission can delete a lead. To delete a lead, select the checkboxes next to the leads you want to delete and click Delete.
  • To review your leads and take action:
    • Select a lead's name from the lead list.
    • In the right panel, an overview of the contact will appear.
    • Here you can complete actions like sending an email, making a call, or enrolling the contact in a sequence by clicking the associated icon. If you perform an action like sending an email or making a call and logging the outcome as Connected, the lead status will automatically be updated. For example, if you email a New lead, after sending the email, their status will be updated to Attempting. Below is a table that shows what performed actions will result in an automatic update to the lead stage:
Lead stage Action or Logic
New Lead created from thelead settingswill automatically have this value.
Attempting When the lead owner sends an email or calls the lead.
Connected When the lead replies to your email, or if there are activities such as logging a call with a Connected outcome or completed meeting outcome.
Disqualified Must be manually updated.
Qualified Must be manually updated.

Manage leads in the prospecting workspace (6)

    • On the Overview tab, you can also review when you last contacted the contact and when their last engagement was.
    • Additionally, you can see the last activity and the next activity.
    • If the contact doesn’t have an activity scheduled for the future, you can schedule the next activity by selecting the Schedule next activity dropdown menu. You can also schedule the next activity directly from the leads list.

Manage leads in the prospecting workspace (7)

    • On the About, Notes, and Associations tabs, you can review additional information like recent communications, notes, about info, deals, tickets, etc.

Learn more about using the prospecting workspace.

Manage leads in the prospecting workspace (2024)


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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.