Large Quantity Recipes - Gravy and Sauces to serve a Crowd (2024)

Large Quantity Recipes - Gravy and Sauces to serve a Crowd (1)

Now that you've cooked your holiday turkey to serve a huge crowd of guests, you need a luscious large quantity recipe for gravy or sauce to top it off.

Producing a good gravy is often a hit or miss proposition. If your gravy making skills are not what you want them to be, cut this recipe in half and make the gravy in two batches.

Here you will find recipes for a basic turkey or chicken gravy with variations. Also included are recipes for cream gravies, mushroom and Hollandaise sauce and compound butters.

Turkey or Chicken Stock
Makes 3½ to 5 cups. Serves about 20

Turkey or chicken necks, hearts, gizzards and wing tips
1 large onion, thickly sliced
1 large carrot, thickly sliced
2 garlic cloves, smashed
1 celery rib, roughly chopped
Handful parsley stems
10 black peppercorns
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
1 bay leaf

Cut the turkey neck into 1-inch pieces. Put the ingredients in a heavy pot and add enough water to cover. Bring to a boil over medium heat, skimming any foam that accumulates. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for about 2 hours.

Add more water as needed to keep ingredients covered. Skim off foam and excess fat.

OPTIONAL: Drain stock into clean saucepan and reduce to 3½ cups.

Large Quantity Recipes - Gravy and Sauces to serve a Crowd (2)

Make Ahead Stock

Often, making chicken or turkey gravy can bring the whole meal preparation process to a grinding halt.

Make the poultry stock days or even weeks ahead by purchasing poultry wings, legs and necks separately. To make 1/2 gallon of stock you will need:

5 pounds of parts
3 medium onions
2 large carrots
2 large garlic cloves

1 celery rib
Parsley, fresh thyme leaves, black peppercorn, bay leaves

Cut the poultry into smaller pieces. Put the ingredients in a heavy pot and add enough water to cover. Bring to a boil over medium heat, skimming any foam that accumulates. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for about 2 hours.

Add more water as needed to keep ingredients covered. Skim off foam and excess fat.

Store the stock in the refrigerator, covered up to 5 days. Freeze in small containers up to 4 months.

Use the drippings from the roasted turkey or chicken to this stock before making a pan gravy as instructed below. Heat stock before using

Pan Gravy- Serves 50

Makes 1 gallon
Serving size: 1/3 cup
Recipe can be easily cut in half to serve 25 or less

1 cup hot meat drippings and/or other fat or oil
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 tablespoons salt, or to taste
Freshly ground black pepper to taste
1 gallon meat or poultry stock

To a large saucepan add the hot meat drippings or fat. Add the flour and blend well. Stir in the salt and pepper and cook for about 5 minutes. Gradually add the stock, stirring constantly with a wire whisk. Cook until smooth and thickened


Giblet Gravy: Add 1 quart cooked giblets, chopped

Onion Gravy: Lightly brown 1 pound thinly sliced onions in hot fat before adding flour

Seasoned Gravy: In water or meat stock cook until tender, 1 pound diced carrots, 1/2 cup chopped celery and 1½ cups chopped onions. Stir into flour and fat mixture just before or after adding the stock.

Plain White Sauce for Creamed Gravy
Makes 1 gallon, serves 50+

8 oz butter
8 oz all-purpose flour
4 quarts milk
1 1/2 tablespoons salt

Make a roux
Melt butter in large skillet or pot. Add flour and cook and stir until smooth. Add one-fourth of the milk and beat with whisk until smooth. Gradually add remaining milk while stirring. Cook until smooth and thickened, about 15 minutes.

Savory Cream Gravy
Makes 1 gallon, serves 50+

8 oz butter, melted
4 oz celery leaves, coarsely chopped
4 oz green onions, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
7 oz all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons dried basil leaves
1 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 3/4 quarts chicken stock, canned or homemade
2 cups water
3/4 cup soy sauce
2 cups half-and-half milk
2 1/2 cups sour cream

Sauté celery leaves, green onions and garlic in butter until softened but not browned. Sprinkle flour, basil and nutmeg over vegetables and blend well.

Meanwhile, combine chicken stock, water, soy sauce, and milk. Slowly add liquids to vegetables. Cook, stirring constantly until mixture thickens. Thoroughly blend in sour cream. Do not boil. Keep warm.

Fresh Mushroom Sauce
Makes 1 gallon
Serving size: 1/3 cup
Recipe can be easily cut in half to serve 25 or less

4 pounds fresh mushrooms
2 sticks butter or margarine
1/4 cup finely chopped shallots or onions
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
2 quarts chicken stock, hot
2 cups whole milk or cream
Salt and ground pepper to taste

Clean, trim and slice mushrooms. Melt butter in a large pot. Sauté onions and mushrooms. Add flour and blend. Cook and stir, 5 minutes. Add stock and milk while stirring with a whisk. Cook until thickened. Taste for seasoning. Add salt if needed.

Hollandaise Sauce

Makes about 18 ounces
Serves 12
Serving Size: 1½ tablespoons

It is recommended that this sauce be made only in small quantities or batches

1½ sticks butter, divided into 3 portions
1½ tablespoons lemon juice
3 egg yolks
Pinch salt and cayenne pepper

Place 1/3 portion of butter, lemon juice and egg yolks in a bowl over a pan of hot (not boiling) water. Cook slowly, beating constantly. When first portion of butter is melted, add second portion and beat until mixture thickens. Add third portion of butter and salt and red pepper. Beat until thickened. Serve at once

Compound Butters

Yields 2 pounds
Cut ingredient proportions in half to yield 1 pound of butter

These seasoned butter can be used to rub on turkey or chicken before roasting. Use generously. Compound butter can be wrapped in foil and frozen, almost indefinitely

2 pounds unsalted butter, softened
Flavoring (see below)

Mix flavoring with softened butter. Form into a 1-inch diameter log by shaping with plastic wrap. Refrigerate until firm and flavors blend. Soften slightly to use as a meat rub or slice while firm to use in pasta, vegetables or breads.

Basil Butter: Add 4 cups fresh basil leaves, finely chopped, 3 minced garlic cloves and 1/4 cup lemon juice.

Herb Butter: Add a combination of about 2¼ cups chopped fresh herbs of your choice. Use chives, parsley, thyme, basil, or sage. Use intensely flavored herbs like tarragon and rosemary in lesser amounts. Add 3-5 minced garlic cloves and 1 tablespoon lemon juice.

Lemon Butter: Add 1 cup lemon juice, 2 teaspoons lemon zest and ¼ cup Dijon mustard

Orange Butter
: Add 2-3 teaspoons orange zest and 1 tablespoon honey


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Large Quantity Recipes - Gravy and Sauces to serve a Crowd (2024)


How much gravy do I need for 60 people? ›

In general, aim for at least 1/3 cup of gravy per person, with about an extra cup for every six people. Desserts are also not included in that estimated one pound of food per person.

How to bulk up gravy? ›

Another way to thicken gravy without flour is to roast vegetables like carrots, onions or shallots, celery, whole garlic and red bell peppers with the meat. Strain the juices and puree the vegetables and add it to the de-fatted meat juices, wine and some stock. Reduce the liquid to a thick gravy then strain and serve.

How much turkey gravy for 20 people? ›

How Much Gravy Per Person
  1. 4 people - 2 cups.
  2. 6 people - 3 cups.
  3. 12 people - 6 cups.
  4. 20 people - 10 cups.
  5. 4 people - 2 cups.
  6. 6 people - 4 cups.
  7. 12 people - 8 cups.
  8. 20 people - 13 cups.
Nov 19, 2023

How to increase gravy quantity? ›

If you want more gravy you need to add more liquids and natural flavours. Add onions, carrots and parsnips in with the beef, and touch of water, olive oil and salt.

How much gravy to feed 100 people? ›

How Much Gravy per Person?
  1. Amount per person: 1/3 cup of gravy.
  2. Total Amount per 100 servings: 33 cups (8 1/4 quarts) of gravy.

How many cups of gravy do I need for 50 people? ›

You'll want 1/3 – 1/2 of a cup of gravy per person. So if you need 6 servings then you want 2-3 cups. I tend to go with the higher amount because I like leftover gravy. (For ideas of what to do with leftover gravy, check this out!).

What do restaurants use to thicken gravy? ›

Onion paste, cashew paste, cream, butter, melon seed paste, cornflour slurry and roux (equal parts of cooked flour and butter) are some of the commercially used thickening agents.

What is the secret to good gravy? ›

Here are my principles for making great gravy without fear:
  • Make it ahead. This is the most important one. ...
  • Make a really good homemade turkey stock first. Don't skimp on this crucial first step. ...
  • Reinforce the stock's flavor. ...
  • Simmer, simmer, simmer. ...
  • Strain and cool. ...
  • Reduce. ...
  • Hot liquids only.
Nov 5, 2021

How much gravy for 10 people? ›

How much gravy per person? Plan for ⅓ cup of gravy per person.

How much gravy do I need for 22 people? ›

How much gravy per person? Plan for ⅓ cup of gravy per person.

How many people does 1 quart of gravy feed? ›

However, experts say that ⅓ to ½ cup of gravy per guest is a good place to start. Our favorite Make-Ahead Gravy makes one quart of gravy, which would serve eight to twelve guests.

How much gravy do I need for 26 people? ›

How Much Food to Serve at a Party
Gravy (1/3 cup/person)8 cups33 cups
Stuffing (3/4 cup/person)19 cups75 cups
Cranberry Sauce (1/2 cup/per)12-1/2 cups50 cups
35 more rows
Apr 1, 2024

What adds flavor to gravy? ›

Fortunately, Shannon has several suggestions for fixing bland gravy, starting by adding a bouillon cube, herbs or a splash of wine or cognac. But if you have time to spare, add pan drippings from turkey, bacon or bacon drippings, caramelized vegetables (like onions, leeks, carrots and celery), herbs or garlic.

What to add to gravy to make it taste better? ›

Add Herbs. Try thyme, sage, chopped parsley, a teeny bit of tarragon, and some chives. When using fresh herbs, add them toward the end of cooking. Lemon verbena, lavender, rosemary, basil, and mint for simple syrups.

Is it better to make gravy with flour or cornstarch? ›

Browning adds more flavor to the gravy and gets rid of the raw flour taste. You're basically making a roux. We find that a flour-based gravy holds up better and reheats better later, which is why we tend to prefer using flour over cornstarch to make gravy unless we have a guest who is eating gluten-free.

How do you calculate food for 60 guests? ›

Rules to Plan By

Each adult will consume 1 pound of food total; children, about 1/2 pound. The more options you have, the less you need of each; decrease the main course portion sizes by 1 to 2 ounces if served on a buffet. Guests will always eat — and drink — more at night than during the day.

How much gravy to make per person? ›

How much gravy per person? Plan for ⅓ cup of gravy per person.

How many servings of gravy per person? ›

1/3 cup should be plenty per person. On the contrary of gravy, cranberries are something that I seem to think just get better the longer they sit. 1/3 cup per person is plenty, but don't be too disappointed if you have leftovers.

How much food should I prepare for 60 people? ›

A general rule of thumb I learned at buffet class in cooking school was to estimate 1 pound of food per person. This number has served me well through many parties over the years. Some people eat more, some less and it all evens out in the end. Better to have too much than too little, so don't beat yourself up.


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.