Kamen Rider Revice / Weekend - TV Tropes (2024)

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This is a partial character sheet for Kamen Rider Revice. Subjective trope and audience reactions should go on the YMMV page.

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Kamen Rider Revice / Weekend - TV Tropes (1)

Emblem of Weekend

"Welcome... to Weekend."

— The organization's standard welcome.

A clandestine organization formed to combat the Deadmans, similarly to Fenix, though the latter's underlying corruption and intention to use Giff for their own ends puts them at odds with one another.

In General

  • Anti-Magical Faction: They appear to be something akin to this, as their reason for opposing Fenix is because they believe Giff is too dangerous and should be destroyed rather than studied.
  • Creepy Basem*nt: Their head of operations is in the Ushijima family's basem*nt, which gives off a Sickly Green Glow when viewed from the staircase leading up to it. Said basem*nt, as revealed in episode 47, used to belong to the Karizakis.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Most of their members wear black, but they're the only faction committed to legitimately opposing Giff.
  • Dwindling Party: starting with episode 39, all of them start to bite the bullet. First, Kimiko gets beaten to death by Giff Juniors while in the field, then Tasuke snuffs it Taking the Bullet for Hikaru, and after that, Masumi dies from overexertion.
  • La Résistance: Are an underground organization opposed to the government-sponsored Fenix agency. After most of Fenix's manpower was wiped out in episode 35 and finding out that Akaishi is linked to Giff, they begin to conduct anti-Deadmen operations on their own.
  • Milkman Conspiracy: You definitely wouldn't assume many of their members are really part of a secret underground organization from how they dress.
  • Mysterious Backer: To Sakura and Ikki, being the ones who gave them (respectively) the Libera Driver and Rolling Vistamp. While Sakura knows of their existence as of #21, Ikki is still in the dark. Ultimately Subverted in #27.
  • They Look Just Like Everyone Else!: They don't seem to have any sort of uniform for their members and instead dress in normal, everyday clothes. The only distinguishing feature of the ones that attack Sakura as part of her initiation test are their ski masks, while the higher-ups wear a varying piece of clothing with a red-and-black houndstooth pattern.
  • Unknown Rival: Fenix is completely unaware of their existence.
  • Wild Card: A third faction to shake up the conflict between the Riders + Fenix vs. the Deadmans.

The Masked Man (Unmarked Spoilers)

Masumi Karizaki

Portrayed by: Shinshu Fuji (voice), Yuji Nakata (suit)
Young Masumi Portrayed by: Kensuke Takahashi (live)

Kamen Rider Revice / Weekend - TV Tropes (2)

Leader of Weekend

Click here to see young Masumi

Your future is decided by what you can learn from the past.

The mysterious masked leader of Weekend. His true identity is Professor Masumi Karizaki, father of George and the inventor of the Vistamps made 30 years ago, based on the mysterious Giff Stamp. Initially thought dead, he is revealed to be alive partway through the series.

  • Archnemesis Dad: He is initially set up to be this, being the leader of a faction opposing George and Fenix; he is even resigned to the notion that one day he’ll have to challenge his son directly. Ultimately this never comes to pass, as George willingly joins with him against Giff and Akaishi.
  • The Atoner: He helped Genta/Junpei defect from NOAH, as well as eventually completed the Libera Driver and Rolling Vistamp, to try to make up for turning him into a Rider. Sakura points out these hardly make up for what he's done, which he doesn't deny.
  • Big Good: He has a shady past and employs some morally dubious tactics, but he heads up the main organization that's legitimately opposed to Giff's revival.
  • Didn't Think This Through:
    • He made the Vistamps such that they evoke animal DNA stored in human genes to provide a separate body for the extracted demons. This in turn also provides them animal-based abilities that allows them to overpower humans.
    • #43 further reveals that he transferred his own inner demon into George when the latter was a child. He admits that it was — in his own words — "lunacy" at the time, as he theorizes that it may have had an effect on George's personality. This even extends in #47 as Chic's influence corrupts George so much he becomes a villainous Kamen Rider.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: "Evil" might be a stretch, but he is at very best amoral and a Mad Scientist. It doesn't change anything about him apparently having quite the fondness for George, given his reaction to meeting Vail again and keeping a peculiar rock that his son studied as a child.
  • The Faceless: His face is obscured by a mask in the present day, and by other means (like camera angles) in flashbacks. In Revice Legacy his face is shown proper, with the latter revealing why he wears a mask: he suffered horrific burns trying to seal Vail.
  • Faking the Dead: Went into hiding after he survived his sealing of Vail.
  • Fantastic Racism: He sees all demons as a threat, which was why he sought to separate humanity from them in the first place. Even with knowledge that there are more benevolent demons such as Vice, he still believes they must be suppressed, in light of Giff's growing influence. Given the time it took Ikki to tame Vice, he might not be entirely wrong.
  • Foil: To Genta/Junpei. Both are fathers of main characters who were previously involved with NOAH before defecting, but while Genta betrayed them after falling in love with Yukimi and willingly threw his old identity away to instead live a normal life as a family man, Masumi's guilt over his past actions led to him abandoning his old life to dedicate himself Weekend, in the process leaving George filled with severe abandonment issues. Unlike Genta, who manages to successfully work to save the world alongside his children, Masumi dies with his relationship with his son broken, and it's only well after his death that George is able to make peace in regards to his feelings towards him.
  • Incurable Cough of Death: Develops one around #39 along with throwing up blood, even remarking that he's reached his limit.
  • I've Come Too Far: This was his mindset when he was working for NOAH at that time. The NOAH captain AKA Buu-san called him out for that.
  • The Last Dance: In #42, he gives Vail the Crimson Vistamp in a final attempt to atone for his past sins, knowing that he doesn't have much time left.
  • Last Words: Before his condition worsens in #44, which results in his death:

    "Did I manage to leave anything for George...?"

  • My God, What Have I Done?: See My Greatest Failure. To quote himself:

    "Is that the true power of Giff? I might have just opened Pandora's box..."

  • My Greatest Failure: He considers implanting Giff's cells into Genta/Junpei and creating Vail the day he sold his soul to the Devil.
  • Papa Wolf: His only response to reuniting with Vail is a cold warning that he stay away from George.
  • Parents as People: By and large, his portrayal in the series falls into this. While Masumi clearly loves George and cares about his well-being, the results of his decisions—and his mistakes—are impossible to ignore. His work is what enabled NOAH to use Junpei Shiranami as a tool and gave them the resources to eventually retool as Fenix, his paranoia caused him to transfer his own inner demon to George, and his fervent need to atone for what he did as NOAH's head scientist led him to abandon George after Vail's sealing and go into hiding to build up Weekend. While he never denies these mistakes or his flaws, they are all the source of both his troubled relationship with George and the main conflicts in Kamen Rider Revice, since his work allowed demons to proliferate in the real world again. Even after he dies, his flaws and failures still cause trouble for the cast proper, as George breaks down into a villain for a while due to the unresolved issues between himself and Masumi, while Masumi's experiments on Junpei led to Vice's existence, which in its turn is the reason for Ikki's progressive memory loss and Vice's turn as the final antagonist of the show.
  • Unknown Character: Up until #23, he never made any physical appearance in the show proper and was only known to have created the Vistamps and Rider System in Revice.
  • Reluctant Mad Scientist: Even while he was with NOAH, Karizaki wasn't too thrilled with the work he had to do.
  • So Proud of You: He gives George a proud thumbs-up to acknowledge his development of the Destream Driver — which proved to be the Superior Successor of the Vail Driver, stating that he has finally surpassed him.
  • Vocal Dissonance: In flashbacks in the main series, Young Masumi is still voiced by Shinshu Fuji, despite being played in person by Kensuke Takahashi (and whose voice we have heard in Revice Legacy).
  • Walking Spoiler: It's hard to talk about him without bringing up that 1) Weekend has a leader, and 2) he's George's father and the (presumed) late Karizaki.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist:
    • The Vistamps' original purpose was said to relieve humans of the burden of their inner demons. As seen with Vice and Kagero, certain self-awakened inner demons can actually be a nuisance or even a threat to their hosts.
    • He claims to have made the Rolling Vistamp as a tool to help Ikki re-suppress Vice, who he sees as a potential threat, but the resulting Body Swap that happened as a result of his use was completely unexpected.
  • You See, I'm Dying:
    • In #42 he reveals to Vail that, like him, his body has reached his limit.
    • He gathers Ikki et al in #43 to tell them this.

"Ushijima Family"

A trio of agents who were previously undercover in Happy Spa under the guise of a family, tasked with observing the Igarashis.


Portrayed by: Toshihiro Yashiba

Kamen Rider Revice / Weekend - TV Tropes (3)

Kamen Rider Revice / Weekend - TV Tropes (4)

The main spokesman for Weekend, who masqueraded as the father of the "Ushijimas".

  • Becoming the Mask: While he claims that he only saved Hikaru due to Over Demons being too important to lose, it's evident that he truly did see Hikaru as his real son.
  • Everyone Has Standards: He's visibly horrified to learn that Professor Karizaki implanted Giff's own cells into a young, dying Junpei Shiranami/Genta Igarashi, creating Vail and turning the man into a living weapon and research subject.
  • Family Extermination: His real wife and daughter were killed by the Deadmans.
  • Grasp the Sun: Reaches out towards the sun with both hands, just before he expires.
  • The Handler: He's Weekend's main representative and the one who explains their organization to Sakura.
  • Large Ham: He gets very loud and expressive when he briefs the Igarashi siblings on the truth about Fenix and the Deadmans.
  • Last Words: Before succumbing to his wounds:

    "Peace without freedom... is ultimately meaningless. Please... you have to prove it... my son."

  • Number Two: Appears to serve as Professor Karizaki's second-in-command, in addition to his role as main spokesman.
  • Precious Photo: Keeps a photo of his real family with him, which we only learn of after his death in #40.
  • Revenge: He joined Weekend in order to avenge his (real) wife and daughter, who were killed by Deadmans.
  • Taking the Bullet: Just as Hikaru is about to be impaled by Akaishi, Tasuke shoves him out of the way, taking the hit instead.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: In #40, Hikaru calls him out for being a Control Freak and imposing his decisions on everyone else.


Portrayed by: Nori

Kamen Rider Revice / Weekend - TV Tropes (5)

Kamen Rider Revice / Weekend - TV Tropes (6)

The mother of the "Ushijima family".

  • Becoming the Mask: While she was only trying to get close to the Igarashis to keep tabs on them, she admits she did genuinely enjoy their bathhouse.
  • Last Words: To Hikaru, before she gets mortally wounded by a Hell Gifftarian:


  • Out of Focus: Despite being featured in the opening credits as one of Weekend's major representatives, her appearances are few and far between.
  • Satellite Character: While Tasuke and Hikaru both have distinct roles as Weekend's spokesman and Sakura's sparring partner, there isn't a lot that defines Kimiko besides her relationship to her fake husband and son.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: She is mortally wounded in #39 after the few appearances she makes.


Hikaru "Ushijima"/Kamen Rider Over Demons (I)

Portrayed by: Tomoya Oku (live), Takahiro Yoneoka (suit)

The son of the "Ushijima family", and Sakura's karate classmate and sparring partner.

He later acquires the Demons Driver and Kuwagata Vistamp, using them to transform into Kamen Rider Over Demons.

Tropes that apply to him in general

Kamen Rider Revice / Weekend - TV Tropes (7)

Kamen Rider Revice / Weekend - TV Tropes (8)

  • Becoming the Mask: Even after the masquerade as a family is no longer required, he continues to address Tasuke and Kimiko as "Dad" and "Mom", showing that he's come to truly regard them as his parents. He does not take it well when they are killed in #39 and #40.
  • Forced to Watch: Pinned by a Hell Gifftarian, he can only watch helplessly as Kimiko is mortally wounded by another.
  • Jumped at the Call: When given an opportunity to prove himself a hero, he takes it right away, becoming the first user of the upgraded Demons Driver system.
  • Passing the Torch: He gives the Demons Driver and Kuwagata Vistamp to Tamaki in #46.
  • Secret Test of Character: Given how he was Sakura's sparring partner, his matches with her were likely a way of testing her fighting prowess to see if she would be a useful asset for Weekend.
  • Sole Survivor: Of the "Ushijima Family" and the original four members of Weekend's upper echelon.
  • The Only One Allowed To Kill You: Upon learning of Akaishi's revival in #43, Hikaru declares that he will be the one to defeat him, desiring to avenge Tasuke's death. While he does deliver a beatdown to Akaishi, the strain ultimately becomes too much for him, which undoes his transformation before he can truly finish him off.
  • The Unchosen One: Like with Hiromi, he uses the Demons Driver not because of any special attributes on his part, but because he both wanted to prove himself a worthy hero and he was the next best option to use it.
  • Tragic Keepsake: Keeps Tasuke's glasses with him after the latter's death.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: #43 hints that he became Over Demons not just to contribute to Weekend, but to gain Tasuke's approval as well.

    "Have I become an asset to our fighting force, Dad...?"

Tropes exclusive to him as Kamen Rider Over Demons

Kuwagata Vistamp Voiced by: Kenjiro Tsuda

Kamen Rider Revice / Weekend - TV Tropes (9)

Delete Up! Unknown! (Michi.) Unrest! (Konran.) Unlimited! (Koeru. Kamen.) Rider. Over Demons!

  • Feather Flechettes: Condor Genomix grants him the ability to fire a barrage of energy feathers from the Demons RumbleJoker.
  • Finishing Move:
    • Demons Finish:
      • Kuwagata Genome: Over Demons extends four cable-like mechanical appendages from his back and uses the manipulators at the ends to grab four bystanders. He then activates the wing on his shoulder and flies away from the battlefield while producing a trail of cyan energy and pulling the people along with him.
    • Demons Requiem:
      • Mogura Genomix: Over Demons punches a hole in the ground with the Demons Digzon, burrowing beneath the enemy before bursting out and delivering a circular drill-Rider Slash.
      • Full (Batta + Condor + Scorpion + Anomalocaris) Genomix: Over Demons jumps towards the enemy and delivers a kick covered in green energy. Upon landing, he swings the RidolStinger, which is covered in red energy. He then rams the enemy with his shoulder. After rebounding, he jumps forward and performs a dual cyan energy slash with his right Bladior. Now at a distance, he extends his tail and covers it in red energy before stabbing the opponent twice with it. When the opponent counterattacks, he parries the attack with another energy slash with his right claw. He then jumps toward the enemy and delivers an energy slash with his left claw. Afterwards, he performs a series of punches and kicks before delivering an upward kick that produces a trail of red energy, launching the enemy into the air. Over Demons flies up to meet them, with the RumbleJoker covered in purple energy. He then launches eight feather-shaped projectiles made of purple energy. The projectiles home in on the enemy and pierce them simultaneously before dissipating. Soon afterwards, Over Demons delivers a flying kick surrounded by a dome of red energy, producing an orange shockwave upon impact. Over Demons continues flying through the air with the enemy as the kick produces red electricity. He then kicks the opponent away, producing red shockwaves as well as a sonic boom.
  • Flight: The O Wingal Shade on his right shoulder can be extended, allowing him to fly. He can gain extra wings via the Condor Genomix's Demons RumbleJoker.
  • Hour of Power: As a safety precaution, Over Demons' Mogura Genomix has only a third of the total operating time as compared to Demons, while greatly reducing the strain on the user.
  • Japanese Beetle Brothers: He is themed on the stag beetle.
  • Mythology Gag: Over Demons' Animal Motif is one to Gatack, contrasting Vail's to Kabuto.
  • One-Winged Angel: Full Genomix sees him pile on Genomixes to become a more monstrous, but far stronger form. It's powerful enough to overpower Akaishi in his Gigademos form, though has a lot of strain and takes time to set up.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Full (Batta + Condor + Scorpion + Anomalocaris) Genomix's Finishing Move can only be described as an utter beatdown. He uses all four Genomix attributes to absolutely wail on his opponent, ending in a Rider Kick.
  • Super-Speed: Like Vail, he is able to move at lightning speed.
  • Superior Successor: Downplayed. While Over Demons is considered to be Demons' Super Mode, its stats are a minor increase with the exception of jump height. However, it uses the user's own Inner Demon instead of Vail, making it less dangerous to use. It also has features Demons doesn't naturally have without Genomixes, such as Flight. While his Genomixes have a lower operating time, he can also use any number of them he wants to.
  • Wing Shield: Similarly to Holy Live, Over Demons can use the O Wingal Shade to block enemy attacks.


"Fenix Member"

Portrayed by: Takahiro Yoneoka

An operative currently undercover in Fenix, and the one who delivered the Rolling Vistamp to Ikki and Vice.

  • Exact Words: Twice. The first is that he said the Rolling Vistamp he gave to Ikki did come from Karizaki. He just did not specify which Karizaki. The second is that it would be able to ease Vice's headaches. It did, but he never said what will happen to Ikki and Vice when used.
  • The Mole: Acts as Weekend's mole in Fenix.
  • No Name Given: His name is ultimately never revealed.

Sakura Igarashi/Kamen Rider Jeanne

Portrayed by: Ayaka Imoto (live), Yuki Miyazawa (suit)

The youngest child of the Igarashi family and the series' tertiary Rider. She joins Weekend following Olteca's death and Giff's revival.

For her character tropes, see her section under Happy Spa.

Hana Natsuki

Portrayed by: Yui Asakura

Formerly the evil queen of the Deadmans under the name "Aguilera". She joins Weekend following her departure from the cult and the destruction of her demon contract.

For her character tropes, see her section under Deadmans.

Gō Tamaki

Portrayed by: Kurodo Hachijoin

A former general and enforcer of the Deadmans under the name "Julio". Following his departure from the cult and the destruction of his contract, he is brought in as an employee of Happy Spa under the pseudonym "Tamaki Orifu", before following Hana in joining Weekend.

For his character tropes, see his section under Deadmans.

Demons Army Corps

The military force of Weekend.

General tropes

Kamen Rider Revice / Weekend - TV Tropes (10)

Left: α-type; right: β-type

Decide Up! Rise! (Noboru.) Rage! (Ikari.) Requiem! (Kanashimi.) Kamen Rider!

  • Homage: To the mass-produced Kamen Riders in previous series such as the RioTroopers and ZECTroopers.
  • Finishing Move: Like Demons and Over Demons, the Demons Troopers are capable of performing finishers.
    • Demons Driver:
      • Demons Finish:
      • Spider Trooper: has two variations.
      • Demons Trooper α produces silk that encircles and restrains two enemies before glowing red. The Demons Trooper then punches one of the opponents with his lower right arm covered in crimson energy, producing a burst of magenta energy upon impact, before doing the same to the second opponent with his left arm. With his lower right leg covered in crimson energy, the Demons Trooper performs a roundhouse kick that produces a yellow energy slash along with strands of silk. The kick strikes both opponents, producing more magenta energy upon impact.
      • Demons Trooper α entangles the opponent with silk produced from his hand. The end of the silk remains connected to his hand as he pulls it, restraining the target.
      • Kuwagata Trooper: Over Demons' O Wingal Shade appears on the shoulder of Demons Trooper β, who extends the wing and wraps it around the opponent, restraining them.
    • Ohin Buster 50:
      • Stamping Strike:
      • Kuwagata Trooper: Demons Trooper β charges the Ohinbuster50 with bright yellow energy gathering at the end of the barrel and rings of orange energy surrounding the weapon. The Demons Trooper then fires a yellow energy construct of a stag beetle's horns that is surrounded by blue, purple, and cyan energy. The horns strike the opponents, destroying them and resulting in an explosion.
  • Men of Sherwood: Their job is to back up the much stronger Riders and take care of the Mooks and lesser enemies so they can do their job. They're quite competent at this, able to take care of Giff Juniors and even Gifftarians without much trouble.
  • Palette Swap: They're basically gray repaints of Demons and Over Demons, with different visor patterns.
  • Spider-Man Send-Up: The α-type troopers are one to Spider-Man's clones as well as the Spiderlings,note while the β-type troopers are one to the Beetles.note

Hiromi Kadota

Portrayed by: Junya Komatsu

The former head commander of Fenix. After his brief retirement, he joins Weekend as the commander of the Demons Army Corps.

For his character tropes, see his section under Fenix.

Kamen Rider Revice / Weekend - TV Tropes (2024)


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