IwaOi Fanfiction Masterlist with 90+ Works (2024)

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IwaOi Fanfiction Masterlist with 90+ Works

Hello!In celebration accumulating over 290 bookmarks on my AO3 account featuringIwaOi, Haikyuu S4 part 2, and @haikyuuweek2020​ (Day 7 - Free Choice), Idecided to create a masterlist of all of my favorite Iwaoi fics in order tokeep myself organized as well as contributing to more traffic for those works!Works are split up into genres such as alternate universe (either notchildhood friends or set on Earth), angst, canon compliant (post timeskip with spoilers), canon divergent (childhoodfriends but divergent timeline post timeskip), high school, and university au

Formattingupdate: Jan 13, 2021 (spacing is wonky on the mobile app!).

Fic update: Jan 7, 2021

Thisis incomplete as I got distracted while re-reading a lot of these andhave only gone through half of my bookmarks, but feel free tocheck my own page here for the rest of them! I really do hope you guysenjoy reading these and leave comments and kudos! Please reblog and like somore people can enjoy

Titlesmarked with (♡) are my absolute favorites and there’s a chance Icried while reading them but otherwise they’re in alphabetical order

Alternate Universe

an allegory of all the thingswe could’ve been

  • Word count: 16k
  • Summary: “I don’t know anything about some red string,” Iwaizumi murmurs into the cracks of Oikawa’s skin, “or even about lifetimes or fate. But no matter where you are, I’ll find you. Gods or otherwise.” Reincarnation AU

And All thePrince’s Men

  • Word count: 65k
  • Summary: “Father only loves that which he owns, and I am the one thing that can never truly be his.” Royalty AU

Built a Temple in Me

  • Word count: 55k
  • Summary: Up the mossy mountain steps, past the komainu guardians and the faded red gate, and beyond the boundaries of the green shrine—that’s where the forest and the spirit world within it lies. That’s were Hajime met him, and where their story began.But intertwining of destinies can be ugly business, Hajime finds, when their first meeting begins with blood and the too-human eyes of a beast. God Oikawa AU
  • Quote: It fills his heart anyway, heals the hole in his chest that had been bleeding since he cut Tooru so forcibly from him.

Cotton Breathing

  • Word count: 13k
  • Summary: Long-distance and summer only but childhood friends AU

Conqueringthe Great King

  • Word count: 105k
  • Summary: Oikawa’s lips twitched into a smirk and he brought them hovering just over Iwaizumi’s, “One time thing, Two time thing, what’s it matter as long as it’s not a Relationship thing?”
  • Quote: Oikawa’s eyes twitched wide for less than a second, his knee pressed in hard against Iwaizumi’s thigh, “I may be gorgeous, but I’m not a doll.”

dear diary, i met a boy

  • Word count: 15k
  • Summary: Iwaizumi’s first impression of his upstairs neighbor involves getting woken up at two in the morning to the sound of Oikawa singing along to trashy pop music. He’d thought it would get better, but it all just goes downhill from there. Modern AU


  • Word count: 82k
  • Summary: Clearly Iwaizumi had a checkered past. Kyoutani has never asked about it, nor has Iwaizumi ever brought it up. He knows it’s a sore spot for his mentor, just like the gorgeous Monte Carlo he keeps hidden away is, so he leaves it alone. Out on the streets, you learn a little something about when to turn a blind eye in order to survive; Kyoutani knows better than most to leave the past of men like Iwaizumi well alone. Heist AU

Even Heroes (have the rightto dream)

  • Word count: 20k
  • Summary: Oikawa Tooru, ace reporter of the superhero beat of Asahi Shimbun, hates superheroes. Or maybe he just hasn’t met the knight one yet. Superhero AU


  • Word count: 8k
  • Summary: “It’s my fate,” Oikawa responds slowly. He’s crying. “It’s too lonely,” Iwaizumi’s heart sounded broken. “And I’m not there with you. Not really.” Edge of Tomorrow AU

In Defense of Reptiles

  • Wordcount: 9k
  • Summary:In their seventh year, Oikawa is chosen to be the Hogwarts champion in theTriwizard Tournament, and Iwaizumi suffers. Harry Potter AU
  • Quote: “You are so spoiled,” Iwaizumi tellshim, but lets him shuffle down until Iwaizumi’s hand is now running throughOikawa’s hair instead of rubbing his shoulder.

In the Telling

  • Word count: 6k
  • Summary: Muggleborn Iwaizumi could not be less impressed with pureblood Oikawa Tooru. Harry Potter AU


  • Word count: 72k
  • Summary: Within the first few months of his stay, Oikawa gets caught up in a war between cellblocks, becomes a prime target, and must decide just how far he’s willing to go to protect Iwaizumi Hajime. Prison AU

♡long nights, no peace

  • Word count: 18k
  • Summary: It’s the steady knowledge that Iwaizumi Hajime will always be someone that he can rely on, that no matter what the world throws at the two of them, they share in a piece of each other’s soul. Pacific Rim AU
  • Quote: Quiet settles between them softly, like the warm pressure of the blanket, or Iwaizumi’s fingers curling to lightly hold the fabric of Oikawa’s shirt.

The Long Light

  • Wordcount: 36k
  • Summary:Iwaizumi Hajime’s seventh year at Hogwarts begins, and begins, and begins, andbegins. Somehow, Oikawa Tooru is always there. Harry Potter AU

Magic Man

  • Wordcount: 12k
  • Summary:Oikawa is named the most desirable wizard in France. Iwaizumi is not impressed.Harry Potter AU
  • Quote:You keep saying partner or them. Is it rude of me to ask you to clarify?

Meet me in the grey area

  • Word count: 24k
  • Summary: Set in a hero/villain AU withIwa as our trusty hero and Oikawa as our charming villain

Saw Youat the Fish Market

  • Wordcount: 14k
  • Summary:In other words, Oikawa befriends hot part-time worker Iwaizumi and tries toimpress him both off and on the court, in hopes of more.

♡♡ (singwith me) A Song of Conquest and Fate

  • Word count: 26k
  • Summary: When Seijou receives a missive from Aobajousai to discuss a potential peace, its emperor Oikawa Tooru could not have foreseen the series of events that would follow. Historical fantasy AU


  • Word count: 53k
  • Summary: “What’s your name?”
    “Whatever you want it to be.”(Or, Oikawa gets directions from an attractive stranger on a street corner.). Escort AU

♡SomethingLike Us

  • Word count: 28k
  • Summary: Friends since childhood, Oikawa and Iwaizumi now live together, both playing for the National Team. It’s no secret that athletes who are bonded perform better. So if the two of them happen to bond…It’d be for the good of the team, right? A/B/O AU


  • Word count: 44k
  • Summary: Tries not to think of his rooftop garden, or the apartment he used to inhabit, or Hajime’s broken expression on the night they whispered their goodbyes before Tooru’s launch, attempting to push it all to the back of his mind behind visions of this alien world terraformed. Astronaut AU

Stop the Time

  • Wordcount: 10k
  • Summary:Iwaizumi Hajime, 27, E.R. nurse at University of Tokyo Hospital. Hospital AU

♡♡TheLoyalty of A Traitor

  • Word count: 76k
  • Summary: Iwaizumi Hajime was an undercover officer with a single objective: Infiltrate the Seijoh Syndicate of the Yakuza and tear them down from the inside out. His primary target was the boss, Oikawa Tooru. The job itself was simple enough, until Iwaizumi got in too deep and absconded not only from the mission, but from the city itself. Yakuza AU

These Flowers I Stole For You

  • Wordcount: 3k
  • Summary:ANBU don’t cry. They tear themselves apart, bit by bit, and then they stitchthemselves whole again. Naruto AU

on shipwreck shore

  • Word count: 8k
  • Summary: “I’m going to murder you in cold blood and feed you to the basilisks,” Iwaizumi says conversationally. “You can’t do that, I’m your boss,” Oikawa sings, positively sparkling. “Also we’re partners, which means,” he points at Iwaizumi and leans in, “you’re stuck with me.” Detective AU

Page 305 of304

  • Word count: 53k
  • Summary: “…she called you ‘papa’,” iwaizumimanaged. oikawa just stared for a moment longer before relaxing in a smile.“yeah. cute, right? but you can call me ‘daddy’ if you want.”

Temporary fix

  • Wordcount: 12k
  • Summary:“And you’ve shampooed his hair how many times now? Hmm. Yeah, that’s nottechnically a bromance.” A/B/O AU

Tokyo Boy

  • Word count: 16k
  • Summary: He has feelings for Iwaizumi Hajime, who probably has casual lovers just like him in every major city he visits on business. Oikawa is just his Tokyo Boy, just another pit-stop on Iwaizumi’s travels. Businessman AU

Trial byFire

  • Word count: 78k
  • Summary: (lawyer!AU - in which Iwaizumi loves his objections, Oikawa is beautiful, and they have more chemistry than two opposing attorneys probably should.)

Watch Me

  • Word count: 32k
  • Summary: Oikawa’s a cam model. It’s been a month since Iwaizumi first spoke in his chat. When they meet in person, things get complicated. Cam model AU


open when

  • Word count: 1k
  • Summary: Iwaizumi knew it was coming, but it still hurt. It still hurt when he opens one letter and drowns it in the tears he cannot keep at bay.

Chasing Paper Suns

  • Word count: 10k
  • Summary: Post-high school, Oikawa makes it to the national volleyball team but Iwaizumi doesn’t. The next three years become an exercise in growing up without growing apart
  • Quote: “ ‘it’s just—I’m just trying so hard—’‘What, and I’m not?’

Timeless (We Have 30 Days)

  • Word count: 12k
  • Summary: Or AU where you’re branded 50 days before you die. But Oikawa doesn’t tell anyone so now there’s only 30 days left.

the weight of water

  • Word count: 6k
  • Summary: “Again,” he says, the smallest tremor in his voice, and Oikawa blinks at him a moment before smiling, soft and sweet.
    “Iwa-chan,” he replies, and Iwaizumi closes his eyes.

Canon Compliant

Are You Listening?

  • Word count: 4k
  • Summary: 30 times oikawa said i love you and 1 time he didn’t have to
  • Quote: “Iwa-chan, watch out for the log—!” Oikawa looked on in horror as his best friend tripped and fell flat on his face.

Edge of the balcony

  • Wordcount: 8k
  • Summary:Iwaizumi looks older, he realizes. Oikawa knew he had aged as well, and so dideveryone around him, but the thing was when you see people often, you don’tnotice the subtle changes in appearance. And Oikawa hadn’t seen Iwaizumi infour years.

How can this loser ever win

  • Wordcount: 2k
  • Summary:everyone is in stupid love with Iwaizumi Hajime and he has no idea

♡♡♡Lost in Translation

  • Word count: 9k

  • Summary: Because misfortune come in threes, Iwaizumi Hajime starts his Thursday having a screaming fight with sh*ttykawa, spends his lunch break listening to the UCI women’s volleyball team gossiping about how Ushijima Wakatoshi had gone public about his longtime love affair with Oikawa Tooru, and closes out the day by drunkenly dropping his phone into a sewer grate.

maybe we could be enough

  • Wordcount: 9k
  • Summary:iwaizumi hums in reply as the car goes silent, frank ocean crooning from thespeakers. they stop at a red light when iwaizumi feels eyes at the side of hisface, and turns to look at oikawa.

Most people never even get asingle high school rival

  • Word count: 5k
  • Summary: Team Argentina gets to know IwaizumiHajime (27) Athletic Trainer.


  • Wordcount: 8k
  • Summary:They say it takes twenty-six years, for certain breeds to fully bloom.
  • Quote:Did you know that distance is only me, growing towards you?

♡♡♡rest on your laurels

  • Word count: 4k
  • Summary: In Iwaizumi’s heart of hearts, untouched by time, they are young and alive, burning with the hearth of home and bright as winter light. Unbreakable. Invincible.

♡♡♡Something Borrowed

  • Word count: 16k
  • Summary: In which Oikawa and Iwaizumi have always been a foregone conclusion to everyone else, but a massive, unanswered question to one another.

‘Til Infinity

  • Wordcount: 2k
  • Summary:“Hey,” he says, “that cloud looks kind of like a dick.”
  • Quote:“I got you ladybug”

♡♡♡You Set Off a Dream In Me

  • Wordcount: 15k
  • Summary:In which Oikawa is 41 and ready to retire. He’s at the top of his game andready to find a new challenge. Turns out his new challenge is pretty familiar.It’s high school, round 2.
  • Quote: A past with an Iwaizumi that wasn’t onthe opposite side of the net, monsters on all sides, guiding a setter that hadlived the dream left behind in the ruins of Tooru’s past self.

Canon Divergent

a worldalone

  • Word count: 60k
  • Summary: Iwaizumi has his medical books on the musculoskeletal system. Oikawa has his research papers on parallel universes. It isn’t until much, much later that they realize they have each other.

♡Almosta Stranger

  • Word count: 16k
  • Summary: Iwa-chan’s leaving Kapan. Tooru’s not sure he can forgive him, but he’s not going to admit his long-held feelings, either. A trip to Miyajima complicates everything.
  • Quote: There are only two things that have ever broken Oikawa Tooru’s heart. Iwa-chan would say Tooru has no heart to break, but that’s simply untrue.

Count your blessings, it goes1,2,3, me

  • Wordcount: 7k
  • Summary:He’s unsettled by the undefined boundaries of their relationship so it’s allhis luck that he accidentally wins three wishes to be granted just for him, andall that comes to mind is Iwaizumi.
  • Quote:Now, as an adult, past convenience of circ*mstance and the haze of hormonallust, exactly none of his feelings have worn off

♡♡♡thecourtship ritual of the hercules beetle

  • Word count: 66k
  • Summary: Tooru is pretty sure he could manage the mating habits of a mosquito. It’s the mating habits of people he can’t seem to get right.

♡daysfall away

  • Word count:17k
  • Summary: Except now he’s back home, so close to his old haunts and to Oikawa himself, and it's—weird.
  • Quote: “You and Tooru,” he begins, and then shrugs. “I was just thinking, you look at each other a lot.” And he walks away, leaving Hajime winded, and sort of aching, somewhere deep in his chest. Whatever that means.

♡here comes your man

  • Word count: 8k
  • Summary: Iwa-chan, it reads, Have a good day today! Good luck! <3 <3 <3 Suga chokes. It’s hard to imagine anyone calling the scowling and fierce Doctor Iwaizumi “Iwa-chan.” But marriage probably comes with all sorts of liberties. Doctor AU

♡♡In damp earth my body

  • Wordcount: 15k
  • Summary:Onscreen, the nation’s favorite setter has arranged himself so that he’sbowing, forehead pressed to the court, like he’s thanking everyone for theirkindness thus far, like he’s asking for forgiveness. Hajime thinks: sh*t, it’sreally happening

In the Businessof Love

  • Word count: 22k
  • Summary: Meet Oikawa Tooru: He’s a best-selling shoujo manga artist, a hardcore romantic and you won’t believe where he’s getting his lovey dovey fodder from…Enter Iwaizumi Hajime: He’s Oikawa’s best friend, a realist who also happens to be a wedding magazine writer despite not believing in romance…
  • Quote: A flare of pride lit in Oikawa as he watched Iwaizumi’s eyes crinkle with mirth and in that yawning second, it bloomed into a warmth that bordered on a burn, forcing a bittersweet inhale.

it’s been so long (nobody knowsme the way you do)

  • Word count: 8k
  • Summary: Tooru hums, only half-listening. Somewhere along the way, Hajime’s palm has settled itself over the curve of Tooru’s cheek, thumb tracing over the line of his jaw.
  • Quote: Iwaizumi blushes even more. “That you’re here, I mean. I’m happy that you’re here. With me.”


  • Word count: 19k
  • Summary: It’s the December after Iwaizumi’s lastyear in university when Tokyo welcomes him with a new ad campaign for BrightDays toothpaste, and Oikawa Tooru—fresh off a run at the 2016 SummerOlympics—has decided to grace the city with his signature grin, a flip of hiswayfarer sunglasses, and the most irrepressible tag line for the signboardabove.
  • Quote: “To be able to tell him, in thenew year.” This comes underOikawa’s breath, so low that Matsukawa and Hanamaki can’t hear, and the gamecontinues.


  • Wordcount: 89k
  • Summary:Iwaizumi barks out a laugh. “I’m still trying to get over the fact that youmade a PowerPoint presentation about why we should date.” Oikawa doesn’t tellhim the file has existed for the last twelve years, constantly receivesupdates, and that the original copy contained almost a hundred slides before heforced himself to get a grip.

Special Relativity

  • Wordcount: 22k
  • Summary:Time moves differently for people in different inertial reference frames. Oikawagoes on a two-year exploratory mission in space. Iwaizumi’s been waiting for alot longer than that.


  • Wordcount: 33k
  • Summary:In the summer of 2020, Oikawa Tooru returns home from his first successfulstint as captain of Japan’s national volleyball team. In one hand, he holds theundisputed weight of an Olympic medal, and in the other, his unresolvedfeelings for a childhood best friend.

♡♡ThirtyYears and Change (the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad)

  • Word count: 19k
  • Summary: It’s July 10th, 2024, and Oikawa Tooru is an Olympian. His smiling face airs on an NHK promo every 45 seconds. He’s captain of the national men’s volleyball team, reigning star of the professional leagues, and he hasn’t spoken to Iwaizumi Hajime in two years.
  • Quote: Oikawa’s grin in the last set of the morning’s game. Oikawa’s grin as they sat on their asses on a golf course. Oikawa’s grin when they were in college. When they were in high school. When they weretwenty-two, seventeen, fifteen, twelve, six.

High School

Bet On It

  • Word count: 13k
  • Summary: Hajime knows exactly how sh*tty Oikawa’s personality is, and has no scruples whatsover about betting Oikawa six thousand yen that he can’t be nice for an entire week.
  • Quote: The whole instant-compliance thing was seriously creeping him out. Oikawa from a week ago would have made a crack about how if he’d wanted something cold, he could have just put his face on Hajime’s shoulder.


  • Wordcount: 2k
  • Summary:Iwaizumi is asleep in the club room. Oikawa is blindingly awake in the clubroom. The sun moves slowly across the sky, and Iwaizumi’s skin is goldunderneath it. Oikawa watches the changing shadows on Iwaizumi’s face andthinks about nothing in particular.

Don’t thinktoo much

  • Wordcount: 6k
  • Summary: In which Oikawa and Iwaizumi have aconfusing, drunken encounter and then deal with the (sticky) consequences.
  • Quote: As soon as that thought crossed hismind, though, Oikawa did what he always did:exactly the opposite of what Hajime wanted


  • Wordcount: 12k
  • Summary:The day after their graduation ceremony, they drive to the beach at Shirahama.Iwaizumi drives, because it’s his car, and as he has told Oikawa on multipleoccasions, he’d rather die than let him touch the wheel.
  • Quote: ‘Yeah,’ he says, because they’re on abeach, and they’re supposed to be on a metaphorical journey, and they’resupposed to be growing up, and completing rites of passage, so it’s honesty,today - just for today, at least.

♡♡ising the body electric

  • Word count: 8k
  • Summary: It was never part of the plan, falling in love with his best friend, but then again, most things in Iwaizumi’s life that involve Oikawa rarely unfold the way he thinks they will.
  • Quote: But Iwaizumi thinks about Oikawa laughing with that girl in the low light of the gym, a particular kind of quiet intimacy that Iwaizumi’s only ever read about in books hovering in the air, and all it makes him feel is small and petty and spiteful.

it’s better than words

  • Word count: 3k
  • Summary: [ or : oikawa makes iwaizumi participate in three bonding activities for new friends, and iwaizumi just wants to know why oikawa’s being so weird about this]

Make sure you cross the line

  • Wordcount: 4k
  • Summary:With graduation just around the corner, Iwaizumi knows he has to gather thecourage to really ask Oikawa out.
  • Quote: He’s been asking Iwaizumi to go outwith him every single day this past week, increasingly panicked about gettinghis time and attention now that they’re nearing the end of this season of theirlives.

Only the jellyfish know

  • Word count: 6k
  • Summary: Their third and final year at Aoba Jousai has come to an end, and the guys decide to go to the beach the day after graduation. That day, the ocean water is salty, the watermelon is sweet, and the people are sweeter.


  • Word count: 6k
  • Summary: Being snowed in with all of Seijouvolleyball in his childhood home brings back a lot of memories for Iwaizumi,because it’s kinda Oikawa’s childhood home too.
  • Quote: It’s fate that brought them togetherand choice that keeps them that way. The closest description in Hajime’svocabulary is partners, but only because Oikawa taught him what its truedefinition is.

Told beforeand told again

  • Wordcount: 3k
  • Summary:This is how Hajime and Tooru fall in love, through the accounts of those aroundthem.
  • Quote: When Oikawa lets out a long, heavybreath, Iwaizumi looks up at him and frowns, and flings a towel over Oikawa’shead to cover his face. Then, he tugs, once, on Oikawa’s fingers, and leads himdown the hallway, Oikawa walking quietly in tow.

♡we can do better than that

  • Word count: 16k
  • Summary: Oikawa and Iwaizumi go on a road trip during the summer after their high school graduation. It doesn’t go as expected, but maybe that’s not such a bad thing after all.
  • Quote: Because Iwaizumi’s known Oikawa nearly all his life and never felt anything more than vague affection usually followed by intense irritation for him. But then suddenly at eighteen years old and nearly two weeks into a very badly planned road trip, it’s like someone flipped a switch somewhere inside Iwaizumi

♡when it starts to rain, they goinside

  • Word count: 33k
  • Summary: “Where?” starts Iwaizumi.“ My parent’s old lakehouse, silly, didn’t you hear me the first time?” OR: Oikawa takes Iwaizumi to his lakehouse for two weeks, post-graduation.

reassemble it

  • Wordcount: 15k
  • Summary:When Tooru was six years old, he discovered—unbeknownst to him at the time—twoof the most important things in his life: volleyball and Iwaizumi Hajime. Itwas ironic that he had stumbled upon them hand in hand—quite literally, too.

♡thingsthat change, things that stay the same

  • Word count: 8k
  • Summary: Oikawa realizes he’s in love with his best friend; it sucks for a while. (But only a while.)
  • Quote: Iwaizumi’s expression right now is less terrified than it used to get back then, but he’s tight-lipped with concern, and his broad body blocks out other passengers as if their stares might be a danger to Tooru too.

University AU

AnArchaeology of Affection

  • Word count: 23k
  • Summary: For Hajime, it is a riddle andsimultaneously so evident. It fills his chest, surging like water, paints heatup his neck. In retrospect, it eats up his days, makes them its own until itfeels like his heart has always been in his throat at the smile thrown overOikawa’s shoulder, the stilling of his fingers on Hajime’s sleeve.


  • Word count: 22k
  • Summary: In his first year of university, Oikawa builds a new friendship and upgrades an old one. Or: Ushijima is not a great wingman, but he tries his best.
  • Quote: “On the first day of his university career, Oikawa Tooru walks into his dorm, spots his assigned roommate, and turns one hundred and eighty degrees and walks right back out. He dials a familiar phone number - the first one he ever memorized - and starts complaining before Iwaizumi even gets the chance to say hello. “Iwa-chan,” he says, “tell me why Ushiwaka is in my dorm room.”

♡♡♡galaxies,within you

  • Wordcount: 21k
  • Summary:Hajime and Tooru move in together at the start of university. Too bad they’restuck with the two gremlins that haunt their apartment.
  • Quote:I AM A HEADASS

Hands to yourself

  • Wordcount: 11k
  • Summary: He missed his parents, and he missedTakeru, and Takeru’s badly behaved puppy. He missed Aoba Jousai, and he missedthe volleyball team. He even missed Karasuno and Shiratorizawa, just a little.

Home, and how wemade ours

  • Wordcount: 3k
  • Summary:“No, I like it here.” There’s a rustling as Iwaizumi shifts, inchingcloser. “I like it here, as in this crappy apartment—with you.”
  • Quote:“Do your fights end up being like—you know, about actual things and thenextending into toddler days and suddenly you’re accusing Iwaizumi of kissingthe girl you used to like in preschool?”

in progress toyou

  • Word count: 6k
  • Summary: The eventuality of Oikawa and Iwaizumi falling toward each other is dramatically lackluster. Still, it’s a process to go through.
  • Quote: “But what if you didn’t eat my pudding all the time?” Iwaizumi asks flatly, ignoring the way Oikawa is slapping his thigh to get out of his chokehold. “Do you think I buy them for you, huh? I buy them for me, you turd.”

Like we’re made ofstarlight

  • Wordcount: 6k
  • Summary:(a look into iwaizumi hajime’s journey of falling in love with oikawa tooru,from when they’re babies meeting for the first time to young adults moving intogether.)

Ninety nine percent

  • Wordcount: 14k
  • Summary:more than anything, oikawa tooru wants to be with iwaizumi hajime, but he’sonly ninety nine percent of the way there.
  • Quote:Their ace was lining up for the ball, knees bent and arm pulled back, just asTooru tosses the ball……to Hajime.

no sleep in the city

  • Word count: 7k
  • Summary: Along their journey to find Tokyo’s best ramen, Iwaizumi finds himself asked again and again why Oikawa is still single.
  • Quote: “I was only telling Hanamaki literally yesterday that your personality isn’t as vile as before,” Iwaizumi informs, slightly stiff from the way Oikawa’s got an arm looped through his own. “Why do you make me such a liar to people I care about?”

Out of nowhere

  • Wordcount: 8k
  • Summary:They move in together after graduation and it’s doing weird things toIwaizumi’s heart. He’s a little in denial about it.
  • Quote:Oikawa excitedly ran up to him when Iwaizumi came home with groceries theother day. Not about the food but just to say how boring everything is whenIwaizumi’s not there, eyes shining, and he couldn’t meet his gaze after fromblushing down to his neck. He doesn’t know how much more he can take.


  • Word count: 16k
  • Summary: Oikawa was always the brave one. Hajime just followed two paces behind.
  • Quote: “I’m in love with you,” Oikawa tells him three days after they graduate junior high, head in his lap and hands gently folded over his chest and completely and totally unconcerned that he’d just shattered Hajime’s world.


  • Wordcount: 38k
  • Summary:They’d ended up going to different universities, Tooru and he. The distance wasgood for them. The confession Hajime dropped in both their laps wasn’t. That’show it’d ended – a lifetime of friendship crumbled to dust in the space of fiveminutes. (Or, a lesson in learning to move on from things you can’t have, infinding old loves in new ways and in understanding that life is never trulysimple… till it is.)


  • Word count: 11k
  • Summary: At this point, is he really happy with just staying best friends forever? Will he be writing journals and collecting rocks forever (he will, he knows, but that is aside from the point)?

these foolish things (remindme of you)

  • Word count: 3k
  • Summary: Oikawa helps Iwaizumi move into his new college dorm.
  • Quote: He’s desperate for something to happen. It must show on his face because Iwaizumi blushes and looks away. The thing is, Oikawa always looks at him like this when Iwaizumi isn’t paying attention.

They say it rains diamonds onJupiter

  • Word count: 35k
  • Summary: “You’re in love with him. "Hajime considers denying it. "Yeah,” he says instead.
  • Quote: “Share the weight of your feelings with me, Hajime wants to beg when he hears Tooru’s first hitched breath. Let me carry some of your burdens”

to be first, to be best

  • Word count: 26k
  • Summary: Hajime is apparently something of a masoch*st, and as he stares down at the tie-dyed AREA51 T-shirt in his hands, he thinks “I’m totally in love with this asshole, aren’t I?”


  • Wordcount: 4k
  • Summary:“Koi no yokan,” he says. “The sense one can have upon firstmeeting a person that the two of you are going to fall in love.”
  • Quote:Because for all the bravado, for all the flaunting Oikawa does, he wantsHajime by his side, and no one else.

♡we shine like diamonds

  • Word count: 26k
  • Summary: “You know Abe-kun from class?” they snicker, hands cupped around their mouths like they’re passing along a filthy secret. “I hear his older brother is… gay.”

Where you are (I’ll be)

  • Wordcount: 6k
  • Summary:Theirs is a love that starts out like a seed and it takes two sets of handstending it for a shoot to appear. There are no dramatic declarations of love,only a pair of hands that find each other again and again and again.
  • Quote: Oikawa broke off into giggles asHajime slowed the descent of his hand from a slap to the back of Oikawa’s headto a gentle ruffle of the taller boy’s hair

♡♡withevery second that you could give

  • Word count: 9k
  • Summary: The journey of Iwaizumi and Oikawa going for gold.
  • Quote: He knows they’re too close. Iwaizumi knows it too, and they both decided to move in together anyway.

Your love is sunlight

  • Wordcount: 6k
  • Summary:It’s Iwaizumi’s birthday, and they have a talk about the future.
  • Quote: But Hajime doesn’t think any presentcould top this: them, kissing in a sun-dappled bathroom, Oikawa’s skin warmunder his hands, and the promise of a life together stretched out before them.
IwaOi Fanfiction Masterlist with 90+ Works (1)

188 notes - Reblog?
#haikyuuweek2020 #iwaoi #oikawa tooru #iwaizumi hajime #i spent more time on this than all of my edits combined pls appreciate this

IwaOi Fanfiction Masterlist with 90+ Works (2024)


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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Views: 6137

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.