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  • #ActivitésDePleinAir
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    • Date de création 19 July 2023

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    Activez la géolocalisation pour obtenir des conseils personnalisés en matière de voyage pour votre emplacement actuel. Votre emplacement est uniquement utilisé pour afficher les recommandations.

    • Voir les offres et les bons plans à proximité
    • Trouver l'inspiration pour son voyage en fonction de son emplacement
    • Obtenir des prévisions météorologiques locales et des informations indispensables

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    Durée du voyage

    Dites-nous quand vous comptez vous rendre en Irlande et nous vous ferons des recommandations personnalisées au cours de votre voyage. | (58) | (59)
    • Événements recommandés pendant votre séjour
    • Rappels et mises à jour utiles concernant votre voyage


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    Cela supprimera tous les éléments que vous avez précédemment indiqués en favoris dans votre tableau. Veuillez noter que vous ne pouvez pas annuler cette action. | (2024)


    What is the official website for Ireland? ›

    Ireland - this is Ireland |

    What do US citizens need to enter Ireland? ›

    Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

    There is no minimum passport validity requirement for U.S. citizens entering Ireland. We recommend you have a passport that is valid for the duration of your stay, evidence of sufficient funds to support your stay in Ireland, and a return airline ticket.

    What I wish I knew before going to Ireland? ›

    Ireland Travel Tips: What to Know Before You Go
    • Pack smart.
    • Travel out of season if you want fewer crowds or are on a budget. ...
    • Choose your transport carefully. ...
    • Don't try to cram too much in. ...
    • Explore more than just the major cities and touristy spots. ...
    • Go with your own road trip over booking a guided tour.

    Is it hard to drive in Ireland as an American? ›

    Driving in Ireland can be tricky for us Americans. Driving on the left, quirky roundabouts, and teeny-tiny one lane roads that you are sharing with other drivers, animals, and farm equipment.

    Is Ireland cheap or expensive? ›

    In general, yes – Ireland is a fairly expensive place to visit as a tourist. Between the sky-high costs of accommodations and rental cars in the summer and the high overall prices in western Europe, a trip to Ireland can end up being rather expensive.

    What is the .com for Ireland? ›

    There are a number of domains to choose from, perhaps the most popular and familiar being the dot-com (.com). The dot-ie (. ie) domain is strictly reserved for companies doing business in Ireland. Other commonly used domain suffixes include dot-net, dot-biz, dot-org and dot-info.

    How long can I stay in Ireland as a US citizen? ›

    Americans can visit Ireland for up to 90 days without needing to apply for a visa or preclearance. However, if you wish to emigrate to Ireland, you will need to apply for preclearance before you travel to the country.

    Is it safe to travel to Ireland right now? ›

    Ireland - Level 1: Exercise Normal Precautions.

    Do I need cash in Ireland? ›

    The Euro is the currency in the Republic of Ireland. Because most places you visit will be able to take your credit or debit cards, you don't need to take much cash.

    What not to say when visiting Ireland? ›

    Book now and join one of our premium small-group tours to discover the world like never before.
    • “I'm Irish”
    • Quizzing about potatoes.
    • Anything about an Irish car bomb.
    • “Top of the morning to you”
    • “Everything is better in… (insert large city)”
    • “St Patty's Day”
    • “Do you know so-and-so from…”
    • “I love U2”
    Dec 8, 2023

    Is it rude not to tip in Ireland? ›

    No, tipping isn't generally expected in Ireland, but it's a nice gesture to show appreciation for excellent service. While there's no set rule, if you've enjoyed the service in a restaurant or a taxi ride, for example, leaving a few euros can express your thanks.

    What is the #1 thing to see in Ireland? ›

    Ireland's most visited natural attraction is The Cliffs of Moher. This magical vista captures the hearts of up to one million visitors every year. Standing 702 ft at their highest point they stretch for 5 miles along the Atlantic coast of County Clare in the west of Ireland.

    What is the Irish dollar called? ›

    The monetary unit in Ireland is the euro, often represented by the € symbol or abbreviated as EUR. As Northern Ireland is part of the UK, the currency is the pound sterling, often represented by the £ symbol or abbreviated as GBP.

    What is the temperature in Ireland by month? ›

    January5°C/ 41 °F5°C/ 41 °F
    April8°C/ 46 °F11°C/52 °F
    July15°C/ 59°F14°C/57 °F
    October10°C/ 50°F7°C/44.6 °F

    Is Uber in Ireland? ›

    Choose the best ways to get around Dublin

    Consider Uber as an alternative to taxis when getting around Dublin. With Uber, you can trade flagging down cabs for requesting rides on demand, no matter the time of day. Request a ride from an airport to a hotel, head to a restaurant, or visit another place.

    What is the official tourism website of Ireland? ›

    Tourist Information

    If you would like to find out more about what there is to see and do on a holiday on the island of Ireland, you may find what you are looking for at www.ireland.comOpens in new window.

    What is an Irish website address? ›

    The official Internet country code for Ireland is . ie and is the only online address that is Irish. A . ie tells the global community that you are Irish and tells the Irish community that you are local.

    What is Irish website ending? ›

    ie is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) which corresponds with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for Ireland.

    What is the best way to see Ireland for the first time? ›

    If you travel alone or with a friend, consider taking a tour. If you are going to explore a good chunk of Ireland and there is more than one of you, I suggest you rent a car. It's the cheapest and easiest way to see Ireland. The cheapest way to hire a car in Ireland is by using this Ireland car hire company.


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    Article information

    Author: Ray Christiansen

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6448

    Rating: 4.9 / 5 (49 voted)

    Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Ray Christiansen

    Birthday: 1998-05-04

    Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

    Phone: +337636892828

    Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

    Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

    Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.