How to Start Investing in Tech Startups | HBS Online (2024)

Funding a tech startup that generates a positive return on investment can be challenging and involve significant risk. It’s sometimes hard to know where to begin since your investment isn’t guaranteed to pay off long term.

Identifying an innovative business idea often isn't enough. Some investors have personal savings, but if you’re just getting started, you may not have that cushion to fall back on.

If you want to invest in tech startups, here's an overview of the challenges you might face and seven tips to succeed.

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Top Challenges of Investing in Tech Startups

Investing in tech startups comes with challenges. For one, few become unicorns—privately held companies valued at over one billion dollars.

Approximately 90 percent of startups don't succeed, with 10 percent failing within the first year. The tech industry, specifically, has a 63 percent failure rate. In addition, only 20 tech startups reach $100 million in revenue annually.

Beyond being exposed to financial risk, you could invest in a corrupt company and damage your reputation. For example, artificial intelligence and data privacy are impactful topics for tech investors. Consider political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica, which unethically accessed Facebook users’ data during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Despite news of the scandal breaking in 2018, Facebook—and its stakeholders—still feel its impact.

While it's beneficial to mitigate as much liability as possible in business, some risk is inevitable. Here are seven tips for investing in the right tech startup and maximizing your returns.

Investing in a Tech Startup: 7 Tips

1. Determine Whether There’s Product-Market Fit

Successful startups require more than just good ideas. Their products must resonate with their target customers. This requires finding product-market fit.

“Product-market fit is creating a compelling product that properly satisfies the target market,” says Harvard Business School Senior Lecturer Jeffrey Bussgang in the online course Launching Tech Ventures.

Approximately 34 percent of startups fail because they don't find product-market fit. As an investor, it's crucial to ensure that any startup you consider accounts for product-market fit in its business plan. This requires market testing and positive, measurable results showing potential customers’ interest and value.

If a startup doesn't have a scalable product-market fit, it's best to avoid investing in it.

2. Evaluate Team Quality

Whether you're an angel investor or part of a venture capital (VC) firm, it's critical to research a startup’s product and its team.

According to Launching Tech Ventures, team quality is one of the main factors VC firms consider when making investment decisions.

Team quality includes factors such as:

  • Experience: While years of experience aren't always paramount, longer industry history can be worth considering—especially since the average age of a tech startup founder is 45.
  • Mission and value proposition: A company's mission statement and value proposition often guide team members’ strategic initiatives.
  • Commitment to sustainability: If you want to invest in a sustainable business, gauge its commitment to the triple bottom line.
  • Ethical practices: Many red flags can signify fraud or corruption, such as employees giving unrealistic guarantees regarding business growth or failing to register products.

Don’t just invest in an idea. Even if a startup achieves product-market fit, an ineffective team can put your investment at risk.

3. Research the Market

According to Launching Tech Ventures, VC firms must consider market size and dynamics before investing.

“It’s important to consider the individual startup within the larger ecosystem of startupland,” Bussgang explains in Launching Tech Ventures. “Are there opportunities within the ecosystem that will support the growth and success of this startup?”

Regardless of volatility, ensure the company has a solid go-to-market strategy—a thorough plan to reach customers effectively and efficiently.

Run customer acquisition experiments across channels to ensure you firmly understand the market.

“At this stage, the founder may bring on board additional sales and marketing resources to help them scale customer acquisition,” Bussgang says in Launching Tech Ventures, “ideally in the form of a growth team or expeditionary sales leader who’s accustomed to uncertainty and a lack of structure.”

4. Analyze the Business Model

Before providing funding, confirm the company has a good business model and revenue generation strategy.

The most common tech company business modelsinclude:

  • Freemium: The business provides a free tier of its product or service and charges for a full or upgraded version.
  • Employee benefit: Another organization purchases the company’s product to offer as a free benefit to employees.
  • Intermediation: The business acts as a bridge between products or services and consumers.
  • Disintermediation: The company streamlines product delivery by removing a step in the supply chain process.

“Not all business models are created equal,” Bussgang says in Launching Tech Ventures. “Certain business models tend to lead to more valuable companies.”

5. Examine the Pricing Model

It's crucial to know how the startup will make money before investing. According to Launching Tech Ventures, three typical pricing models are:

  • Advertising-based: It makes money by charging advertisers for ad space.
  • Transaction-based: It provides a platform for transactions and receives a cut of each.
  • Subscription-based: It continuously earns money rather than a one-time payment in exchange for its product or service’s use.

“Your selection of your business model—and the profit formula underlying it—is a critical aspect of the startup journey and can make or break your startup idea,” Bussgang says in Launching Tech Ventures.

6. Read the Term Sheet

Another step to take is understanding your investment’s terms. This requires a term sheet—a document that outlines the deal’s provisions. While helpful for entrepreneurs, it also protects you if something goes wrong.

“If everything goes well, most control terms don’t come into play,” Bussgang says in Launching Tech Ventures. “But when things go poorly, and there are disagreements, the documents determine who’s in the driver’s seat and has the power to make major decisions.”

A term sheet is just the first take of your proposed agreement’s terms and conditions. If something doesn’t align with your interests, don’t get deterred. Instead, take an active role in the negotiation process.

7. Consider the Company's Scalability

Does the company have a plan for scaling after it’s found product-market fit? According to Launching Tech Ventures, it needs a formalized process to produce sustainable growth.

It can take two approaches:

  • Aggressive: Trying to grow quickly despite a possible lack of confidence
  • Incremental: Scaling slower to learn along the way

Regardless of the approach, the primary question is whether the company is scalable in the first place.

According to the online course Entrepreneurship Essentials, founders should focus on six areas to boost scalability:

  • High-quality staff
  • A culture of shared values
  • A sustainable business structure
  • The ability to move quickly
  • Innovation
  • Financing flexibility

Scalability indicates whether the company can effectively respond to market changes and competition. Therefore, investing could put you at a competitive disadvantage if the industry experiences a monumental shift.

Begin Your Investment Journey

If you're ready to invest in a promising startup, becoming familiar with what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur is essential. Learning how startups succeed and fail can enable you to identify opportunities and risks when evaluating potential investments.

By taking an online course, such as Launching Tech Ventures, you can gain the tools and frameworks to start investing. Through engaging with real-world business examples, you can learn how to navigate the tech industry’s dynamic landscape and make strategic investment decisions for long-term success.

Are you ready to fund a successful tech startup? Enroll in Launching Tech Ventures—one of our online entrepreneurship and innovation courses—and download our free entrepreneurship e-book.

How to Start Investing in Tech Startups | HBS Online (2024)


How to Start Investing in Tech Startups | HBS Online? ›

Unlike public shares on the stock market, equity in a private company is not something that can traded or easily sold. Another route into the tech startup market is investing in publicly traded funds backed by venture capitalists. These venture capital funds provide exposure to companies that are not publicly listed.

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Unlike public shares on the stock market, equity in a private company is not something that can traded or easily sold. Another route into the tech startup market is investing in publicly traded funds backed by venture capitalists. These venture capital funds provide exposure to companies that are not publicly listed.

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OurCrowd is one of the few channels that enable smaller accredited investors access to private market startup deals. Join OurCrowd and start investing today.

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If You're Not an Insider

Today, private individuals can take part to some degree in the venture capital phase by investing in private equity funds that specialize in venture capital funding, allowing for indirect investment in startups.

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The amount of money you invest in a seed-stage startup should be proportional to your overall investment portfolio. For example, if you have a $100,000 investment portfolio, you should not invest more than $10,000 in a seed-stage startup.

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Investing in a start-up business can yield lucrative earnings, but it can also lead to you losing your money. If you're looking to take steps towards your financial independence, speak to a financial adviser who can help you use your money wisely. Find an adviser on Unbiased.

What does 500 startups invest in? ›

500 Startups is focused on a wide range of areas like SaaS, Mobile, Marketplaces, E-commerce, Fintech and Music/video. The 500 Seed Program emphasizes internet marketing and customer acquisition, design and user experience, and lean startup practices and metrics in San Francisco, Mountain View, and Mexico City.

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Lack of a clear value proposition: If the startup is not able to clearly articulate the value of its product or service, investors may be hesitant to invest. Lack of a solid business plan: Investors want to see that the startup has a solid plan in place for how it will generate revenue and achieve profitability.

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Platforms for Startup Investing

Ordinary people can invest in startups via crowdfunding sites. Startup investing platforms offer a curated selection of companies, and require varying minimum buy-ins. Major players in the crowdfunding startup space include: Wefunder.

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If the startup lists on the public markets, through an Initial Public Offering, 'IPO', or direct listing. If the investor chooses to sell some shares in a secondary share sale, or on a secondary market. If the startup turns profitable and chooses to pay dividends to shareholders.

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There are different ways companies repay investors, and the method that is used depends on the type of company and the type of investment. For example, a public company may repurchase shares or issue a dividend, while a private company may pay back investors through a management buyout or a sale of the company.

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Only 0.05% of startups get VC funding

Many promising startups seek venture capital as a way to secure investment, but it's extremely competitive and rare. A mere 0.05% of startups get VC funding.

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Startups take 3-4 years to be profitable, on average. Only 40% of startups actually turn a profit. The United States has 63,703 startups across the country, as of 2021. About 90% of startups fail.

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There are numerous reasons to invest in tech startups, but some of the most compelling include the potential for high returns, the opportunity to be a part of an innovative and growing industry, and the chance to support entrepreneurs who are working to create new and exciting products and services. 2.

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What are startup stock options. Startup stock options are a form of equity compensation that startup founders offer to their employees. In essence, they are an agreement between the employer and employee that gives the latter the right (but not obligation) to buy company shares in the future at a pre set purchase price ...

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Startup hunting can take the form of competitions, summits, meetups, and conferences. Attending industry-specific events will allow you to meet startups with similar interests.


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.