How to Manage Your Jar of Sourdough Discard - Zero-Waste Chef (2024)

Go here for 23 simple recipes that call for sourdough discard.

I get a bit nervous when my jar of sourdough discard runneth under. I love having pungent, easier-to-digest, fermented flour in the refrigerator, ready to use in a discard recipe such as banana bread, pizza or pita bread. But I don’t want to accumulate several jars of discard. I have only so much space in the refrigerator—and my tummy.

I regularly teach free sourdough starter workshops and the questions below regarding discard come up the most frequently. If you have a question about discard that I haven’t addressed here, please ask away in the comments.

What is sourdough discard?

When you feed your sourdough starter, you remove most of it from its jar before stirring in its meal of fresh flour and water. The starter you remove doesn’t have enough life it in—bacteria and yeast—to leaven a loaf of bread. But just as waste isn’t waste until you waste it, discard isn’t discard until you discard it, which you don’t need to do.

Why would I want to store my sourdough discard instead of throwing it out?

Baking with discard reduces food waste and thus, greenhouse gas emissions. Wasted food comprises 21 percent of the US waste stream and if the amount of food wasted globally were a country, it would be the third largest polluter in the world, behind China and the US. But besides the environmental benefits of eating discard, it adds flavor to all kinds of food. The most sustainable food often tastes the most delicious.

Sourdough discard works well in many baked goods that don’t require lively yeast—flat foods like crackers, tortillas and pancakes. Or you can use it to flavor recipes that rely on leavening from other sources, such as active dry yeast, baking soda and baking powder.

Where should I store my jar of sourdough discard?

Store your discard in a jar in the refrigerator where it will continue to ferment, albeit very slowly, whereas at room temperature, it will ferment quickly and you will soon have very ripe discard on your hands that won’t be useful for much of anything. You can also store your discard in the freezer.

How long does discard keep? How old is too old?

It depends.

I constantly recycle my jar of discard in the refrigerator. I’ll add a quarter cup of discard to it a couple of nights in a row and then might remove a cup to make pizza dough the next day. After I add discard to the jar, I stir it into the existing contents (usually…sometimes I’m in a hurry to get the feeding done asap and don’t bother stirring). So, my sourdough discard is never actually very old.

I will continue to recycle discard in its jar until either the lid becomes too crusty to open and close or I completely empty the jar. In other words, my jar of discard stays in the refrigerator for many months before I start collecting it in a clean jar.

Now, if you don’t regularly add and remove discard from your jar—if it just sits there in the refrigerator without any additional food for many weeks—it will become extremely sour and difficult to work with. Cracker dough won’t roll out, for example—it falls apart.

Stored in the freezer, sourdough discard will theoretically keep indefinitely. I’ve left it in the freezer for as long as six months, untouched (i.e., I don’t add or remove discard). Before using it, let it thaw in the refrigerator or at room temperature, never in the microwave. The microwave will cook/kill it.

My discard tastes too sour. Can I fix it?

If you don’t like the sour flavor, you have a couple of options to reduce it. The addition of baking soda in sourdough crackers, for example, neutralizes the sour flavor. I once accidentally omitted baking soda in my dough and it tasted pretty awful. Fortunately, I had tasted it before rolling it out and merely mixed in the baking soda to remedy the problem (always taste as you go!). The crackers tasted delicious as usual.

You can reduce the sour flavor by feeding your discard some fresh flour and water. At that point, it’s more of an active starter than discard. Your recipe will not only taste less sour but also rise a bit more than usual with the extra yeast in it.

What should I do with my sourdough discard if mold develops?

If a bit of white mold appears on the surface of your sourdough discard, remove it. If it appears more entrenched, you may want to compost it. If pink or orange mold develops, definitely compost your discard. I have never had mold form on my discard. I think it is quite rare. The acids in the discard help prevent mold from forming.

If I neglect my discard, do I have to toss it?

If it looks okay but you have left it for so long that it will impart too sour a flavor in whatever you cook with it, or will not render good dough or batter, rather than throwing it out, feed it some flour and water to perk it up—how much depends on the amount of discard in there. Or remove a small amount of discard, feed that, wait and bake with it after a few hours. Sourdough leaves lots of room for experimentation.

What is this grey liquid on top of my discard? Should I throw the discard out?

Often a layer of grey liquid will form on top of the discard—or even your starter. I usually pour this hooch off but you can also simply stir it in. If it smells strong like acetone, I’d pour that off to reduce the bacteria strain creating that aroma. It won’t hurt you—your discard is merely hungry—but it smells awful.

A SCOBY has formed on top of my discard. Does it think it’s kombucha?

If you leave your discard in the refrigerator for a month or longer, without adding new discard to it, a rubbery, dark layer may form on top. When I was stranded in Canada at the beginning of Covid for nearly four months, my discard back in California developed a 5mm-thick SCOBY on top. I had never seen this before. Underneath, the starter looked fine. I composted the SCOBY, removed a spoonful of discard and fed it in a clean jar. After a couple of feedings, the revived starter bubbled happily in its jar.

I always have way too much sourdough discard. How can I manage it better?

When I first started baking with sourdough, I kept a much larger starter—I fed 100 grams each of flour and water to 35 grams of starter. Do that every day and you can easily accumulate many jars of discard. I keep my starter small today—I feed 40 grams each of flour and water to a scant tablespoon of starter. This keeps my discard jar low—but not empty. I get nervous when the jar runs out.

I accidentally used all of my starter in a recipe. Can I revive sourdough discard?

Absolutely! A jar of sourdough discard serves as an insurance policy against starter death. If you have some discard on hand, remove a spoonful of it and feed it fresh flour and water in a clean jar. You should have a bubbly starter ready to bake with after a couple of feedings, depending on the discard’s condition.

Have questions about the sourdough starter itself?

I have a list of FAQs for that too. Go here to read it.

  • How to Manage Your Jar of Sourdough Discard - Zero-Waste Chef (1)
  • How to Manage Your Jar of Sourdough Discard - Zero-Waste Chef (2)
  • How to Manage Your Jar of Sourdough Discard - Zero-Waste Chef (3)
  • How to Manage Your Jar of Sourdough Discard - Zero-Waste Chef (4)
  • How to Manage Your Jar of Sourdough Discard - Zero-Waste Chef (5)

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How to Manage Your Jar of Sourdough Discard - Zero-Waste Chef (2024)


How do you manage sourdough discard? ›

How to store sourdough discard. You can store sourdough discard in a separate container, then bake with it when you want — for instance, maybe you fed your starter on Tuesday, leaving you with discard that you want to use to bake pancakes on Saturday.

How to keep your sourdough starter jar clean? ›

use a flexible jar spatula to scrape down the sides of the jar. use a paper towel or damp cloth to wipe the rim of the jar after feeding. regular feeding of your sourdough starter will help keep the bacteria and natural yeast working to avoid mold.

How do you dispose of sourdough discards? ›

Place your discard starter in a large bowl and add cold water, stirring to thin it to the consistency of milk; then pour it down the drain, flushing the drain with additional cold water. Will sourdough starter hurt your septic system? No, it shouldn't; it's simply organic matter and yeast.

How often should you change your sourdough starter jar? ›

If you're keeping your starter in the fridge and only feeding it 1 or 2 times a week then you could change your jar every 2-4 weeks. You want to keep your starter jar clean so there's a lesser chance of contamination. Here's a few tips to keep your jar clean⬇️

How long can you keep sourdough discard before it goes bad? ›

How long can sourdough discard be stored? Best practice is to use the discard within 3-4 weeks, but if left longer it is okay. It just becomes more broken down and sour over time.

Where should I store my sourdough discard? ›

Store it for future baking: You can store sourdough discard in an airtight container in the refrigerator for future baking with sourdough discard recipes. When you're ready to use it, let the discard come to room temperature before using it to bake. I will keep sourdough discard in the fridge for about one week.

Should sourdough starter jar be airtight? ›

It will need a lid or cover, but not something airtight: Sourdough starter emits gas, and a sealed canister can explode.

Do sourdough starter jars need to be sterilized? ›

Other glass jars such as jam jars aren't therefore recommended in case a build up of gas from the starter causes them to break. Your container must also be thoroughly cleaned and sterilised before storing your starter.

Where is the best place to keep sourdough starter? ›

Once your starter is alive and active it only needs to be fed when you want to use it. Store your starter in the fridge with a fitted lid on in between uses.

What can I do with a large amount of sourdough discard? ›

Sourdough Recipes That Use LOTS of Discard
  1. 2 Ingredient Sourdough Discard Crackers (No Roll Recipe) ...
  2. Sourdough Discard Waffles Recipe. ...
  3. Sourdough Discard Pancakes. ...
  4. Sourdough Dutch Baby (German Skillet Pancake) ...
  5. Quick Sourdough Discard Scallion Pancakes [with dipping sauce] ...
  6. Sourdough Meatballs. ...
  7. Sourdough English Muffins.
Oct 17, 2023

Should I discard starter every day? ›

Do I have to discard my sourdough starter? It would be best to discard some portion of your starter each time you feed it unless you want to continue to let it grow. Eventually, you need to discard the used food (flour and water) that's sustained your starter during the last fermentation period.

Should sourdough discard be runny? ›

Old sourdough discard is runny, slimy, and may smell like alcohol due to the fermentation byproducts and the starter being hungry. Hence, why I recommend using discard in a week so the flavor doesn't affect recipes. At 100% hydration, sourdough discard is 50/50 water and flour.

Should I clean the sides of my sourdough starter jar? ›

During a feeding, discard part of your starter per usual and then scrape down as much residual starter as possible, reincorporating it back into the mixture. Then wipe the top and sides of the jar with a towel to remove any remaining liquid. If you can get the top half reasonably clean, that's good enough.

When should I start saving sourdough discard? ›

When in the process of making a new sourdough starter you should not save the sourdough discard. During the beginning stages of making a starter it is more susceptible to mold and other bad bacteria. You will want to wait until the starter is doubling in size and bubbling with each feeding.

Is it better to keep sourdough starter in glass or plastic? ›

The criteria for a great sourdough starter jar are: Strong and sturdy. Made of glass or ceramic. Easy to clean (even better if it's dishwasher safe)

What do you do with sourdough discard? ›

You can always use this discard by directly mixing it into a dough for baking. Your discard, as long as it's in good shape, will leaven any bread dough just as well. The discard is just like a levain you would make for a recipe. The only difference is it's the same makeup as your starter.

Do you have to discard every time you feed sourdough? ›

Do I have to discard my sourdough starter? It would be best to discard some portion of your starter each time you feed it unless you want to continue to let it grow. Eventually, you need to discard the used food (flour and water) that's sustained your starter during the last fermentation period.

Does sourdough discard have to be active? ›

It can be at room temperature or come directly from the fridge. The texture is less bubbly (if bubbly at all) when compared to fluffy active starter. Sourdough discard is not active enough to make bread dough rise, and despite its name the “discard” does not have to be thrown away.

Can I keep adding to my sourdough discard? ›

Can you add sourdough discards together in the same jar? Yes you can add sourdough discards from different days together in the same jar. You just need to make sure you stir it well and you don't leave it sitting in the fridge for too long. Sourdough discard should be used within two weeks.


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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.