How To Make Limoncello {Recipe, Calculations & FAQs} (2024)


Limoncello is an Italian world-famous Lemon Liqueur with bright, refreshing citrus flavor and sweet, zesty taste. Surprisingly, it's very easy to make.

In this detailed step-by-step recipe and FAQs you'll find all the tricks you need to know to make the most delicious authentic Italian Limoncello at home - just how Italians make it.

Once you make your first batch you'll be making it over and over again.

How To Make Limoncello {Recipe, Calculations & FAQs} (1)

In Italy, Limoncello is one of the favorite digestive drinks. It’s a perfect ending to any dinner, meat or seafood based.

There are also many Italian Limoncello based desserts that are just out of this world delicious.

Jump to:
  • Recipe In A Nutshell
  • What You'll Love About Homemade Limoncello
  • What To Expect
  • Ingredients
  • Tools You'll Need
  • How To Make Limoncello - Step By Step
  • Limoncello Variations
  • LIMONCELLO FAQ: All Your Questions Answered
  • Recipes Using Limoncello
  • Full Recipe
  • Limoncello Recipe Calculations

Recipe In A Nutshell

  • Wash and zest lemons removing only the yellow part of the peel.
  • Infuse in alcohol for 3 weeks.
  • Prepare sugar syrup with water and sugar. Let cool completely.
  • Filter lemon infused alcohol and mix with sugar syrup.
  • Bottle and enjoy!

HOW LONG TO INFUSE: at least 8 days, best 3 weeks (if you're using high proof alcohol like Everclear). With lower proof alcohol, like vodka it's best to infuse for 1 month or more.

RECIPE YIELD: 4 (17 oz/500 ml) bottles.

What You'll Love About Homemade Limoncello

  • Simplicity. All it takes is 4 ingredients and some patience. True, authentic Italian recipes are always simple. But the results are beyond ordinary. Limoncello is not an exception.
  • Flavor. Citrusy, refreshing with the perfect alcohol zest. If you’ve ever tasted even a store-bought Limoncello, homemade version is times superior than anything you could ever get otherwise.
  • Easy to make. Follow the recipe to a T and you'll make delicious Italian Limoncello even if you've never made it before.
  • Makes a unique Christmas Gift. Paired with these beautiful Italian brand Limoncello Glasses or these elegant Liquor Glasses it'll make a unique and well appreciated gift for any occasion.
  • Your friends will beg for the recipe.

What To Expect

  • Below you'll find calculations for different bottles sizes and proportions for different alcohol proof that I calculated for you!
  • I will also share tips, tricks and mistakes that NOBODY talks about!
  • Find out the most important tip to make a good tasting Limoncello with vodka.
  • You'll also find Limoncello variations: how to make Limoncello with oranges and mandarins.
  • You'll know how to store and how to drink it, including delicious recipes where you can use your homemade liqueur.

This Limoncello recipe and measurements that you will find in the recipe card below uses a 750 ml bottle of Everclear alcohol 190 Proof.

It makes about 2.1 liters of Limoncello which is equivalent to 71 fluid ounces or 4 (17oz / 500 ml) bottles.

For larger amounts of alcohol and lower proof alcohol (151 Proof, 90 Proof) see Limoncello Recipe Calculations section. The process of making Limoncello, regardless of the quantities, is the same.


How To Make Limoncello {Recipe, Calculations & FAQs} (2)
  • Organic lemons - untreated, unwaxed lemons.
  • Pure grain alcohol 190 proof/ 95% vol - this is how authentic Italian Limoncello is made.
    Can't find high proof alcohol? No Problem! Below you'll find how to make Limoncello with vodka and lower proof alcohol.
  • Water and white sugar to make sugar syrup.
  • Small sharp knife.
  • Vegetable peeler - optional but highly recommended.
  • Big glass jar. Has to be bigger than the amount of alcohol you're going to use as it has to fit lemon peels too.
  • Saucepan to prepare sugar syrup.
  • Big saucepan or a big bowl to mix lemon infused alcohol with sugar syrup.
  • Fine mesh sieve.
  • Coffee filter or cheese cloth (optional).
  • Funnel (for bottling).
  • Clear glass Swing Top Bottles (17 oz) or small 8.5 oz bottles that are perfect for gifting.
  • Chalkboard Labels (optional).
  • White Chalk Marker (optional).

How To Make Limoncello - Step By Step

Step 1: Prepare Lemon Peels & Infuse Alcohol

  • Quickly rinse lemons under cold running water and pat dry.
  • Using a vegetable peeler or a small sharp knife, peel off the lemon zest as thin as possible.
How To Make Limoncello {Recipe, Calculations & FAQs} (3)

PAY ATTENTION: We only need the yellow part. Excess white pith will result in bitter Limoncello!

If you're using a knife you might happen to cut some white pith together with yellow zest.

In this case just trim off as much of white pith a possible. It's easier to do that holding and running the knife almost horizontally. Make sure your knife is sharp.

How To Make Limoncello {Recipe, Calculations & FAQs} (4)

SIDE NOTE: Through years of making Limoncello, I've found that the best way to peel lemons for Limoncello is by using a vertical vegetable peeler just like this one. You'll save yourself quite some time and won't have to deal with any white spots whatsoever.

How To Make Limoncello {Recipe, Calculations & FAQs} (5)

Place all the lemon peels in the jar with alcohol.

How To Make Limoncello {Recipe, Calculations & FAQs} (6)

Keep the jar in a dark place, out of direct sunlight.

Leave to macerate for at least 8 days, best 3 weeks.

How To Make Limoncello {Recipe, Calculations & FAQs} (7)

Shake the jar every so often to help the infusion process. It's especially important if you're using vodka to make Limoncello and not high proof grain alcohol.

With high proof pure grain alcohol you can get away even if you set and forget your lemon infused alcohol and still produce an excellent Limoncello.

How To Make Limoncello {Recipe, Calculations & FAQs} (8)

Step 2: Prepare Sugar Syrup

The day when you're ready to make and bottle Limoncello prepare the sugar syrup, also known as simple syrup.

  • Mix water and sugar in the saucepan. On a medium heat continue to stir in the sugar until it’s completely dissolved. Let the syrup simmer until boiling.
  • Remove from the heat and allow to cool completely.

Step 3: Mix Lemon Infused Alcohol & Sugar Syrup To Make Limoncello

In large saucepan/mixing bowl add lemon infused alcohol passing it through a fine mash strainer lined with a coffee filter, cheese cloth or a paper towel (optional) to remove even the tiniest impurities.

You can also strain Limoncello once sugar syrup was added. It's not important at which step you filter your Limoncello.

KEEP IN MIND THOUGH: that it takes longer to strain through a coffee filter so if you'd like to do this it's best to strain Limoncello BEFORE adding sugar syrup.

Slowly start adding the sugar syrup to the lemon infused alcohol.

How To Make Limoncello {Recipe, Calculations & FAQs} (10)
  • Once you’ve added 5 cups, mix and taste. Limoncello will be pretty strong. Add more sugar syrup and taste again. I usually add all sugar syrup and Limoncello is still full-bodied.
  • If limoncello is still too strong to your taste, prepare and add extra sugar syrup to mild the taste.
  • I don’t recommend diluting the alcohol base too much. But this is why Homemade Limoncello is the best, because it's up to YOU what your Limoncello will taste like.
  • Once you’ve reached the perfect flavor, bottle your Limoncello in a glass bottle using a funnel.
How To Make Limoncello {Recipe, Calculations & FAQs} (11)

Tips & Tricks For Success

  • Make sure to remove as much of white pith from the lemon peels as possible. Excess white pith will result in bitter tasting Limoncello.
  • If you're lacking one or two lemons for the recipe instead of using a vegetable peeler, use a microplane zester to zest the lemons. This will extract the most flavor and essential oils. Also use a microplane zester if you're making Limoncello using vodka(!)
  • You can extract a little more flavor from lemon peels if you shake the bottle with infused lemon peels once a day. This step is optional if you're using Everclear alcohol or other 190+ Proof alcohol but it's super important when you make Limoncello with vodka.
  • Use a glass jar with wide mouth so you can easily remove lemon peels from the jar after maceration process.
  • Never add granulated sugar directly to Limoncello, it won't dissolve. If you want to make your Limoncello a little sweeter you can either add powdered sugar or make very concentrated sugar syrup. Without getting too much into chemistry, just keep in mind that to make sugar syrup the maximum amount of sugar that can be dissolved in 2 tablespoon of water is 100 grams (a little less than ½ cup).
  • Never measure alcohol by weight, especially high proof alcohol! You'll mess up the recipe completely. Here's why.
    Alcohol, especially high proof alcohol has lower density than water (yes, water can be measured by weight and it'll be equivalent to milliliters).
    • I'll give you an example.
      1 liter of water weights 1000 grams
      1 liter of 190 Proof (95%) alcohol weights 790 grams.
      That's 210 grams of difference (almost 1 cup).
    • Another example:
      1 cup of water weight 240 grams
      1 cup of alcohol 190 Proof (95%) weights 189 grams.
      That's 50 grams of difference (almost ¼ cup).
  • This is something I learned the hard way.
    So if you ever think I can just weight all the ingredients, ex. weight sugar, weight, water and weight lemons - please don't.
  • Opposed to alcohol, water can be measured by volume or by weight. As shown is the examples above 1000 milliliters of water is equivalent to 1000 grams of water.
  • Another nuance that nobody talks about is that 1 cup sugar + 1 cup water is NOT equal to 2 cups of sugar syrup! Sugar dissolved in water reduces almost by half in volume. So 1 cup sugar + 1 cups water will give about 1 ½ of syrup. That's why it's super important to follow the recipes and its measurements.
  • Last but not least important. Always add sugar syrup to lemon infused alcohol and not vice versa. If you add alcohol to sugar syrup you will not be able to adjust the alcohol content any more. While adding sugar syrup slowly to lemon alcohol gives you the most control of how strong or how mild your Limoncello will be.
  • If you add EXTRA sugar syrup to make a milder Limoncello keep in mind that it can NOT be stored in the freezer, only chilled briefly before serving. Mild Limoncello (30% vol or 60 Proof) WILL freeze at 5F/ -15C. Temperature of most family freezers is set to 0F/-18 C. Limoncello at 33-34% vol can be store in the freezer safely.
How To Make Limoncello {Recipe, Calculations & FAQs} (12)

Enjoy Limoncello as a digestive drink after dinner, in Italian known as "digestivo".

Fresh made Limoncello reaches its perfection in a few days after bottling.

Limoncello Variations

Of course Tradition Italian Limoncello is made only with lemon zest. However in your homemade version you can always try something new.

You can add a couple of orange peels or tangerine peels to infuse with lemons giving your Limoncello lemon-orange-y flavor.

  • Arancello or Orangecello - made with orange peel only.
  • Mandarincello - made with mandarins. It's very little know but it's absolutely delicious. I've tried it once at Farm Stay lunch and can't forget it since. In fact, this year I'm making a batch of Mandarincello for Christmas gifts! If you try it too, I'd love to know how you like it.
  • Limoncello Cream - the creamiest version on Limoncello. Made by infusing alcohol just like for making Limoncello, but instead of making a sugar syrup, you'll make cream syrup. This way you'll get Limoncello Cream - thick, flavorful and utterly delicious version of Limoncello to slowly sip or even enjoy as a dessert.

As a rule of a thumb all fruit should be ORGANIC, untreated and all peels, be it lemon peels, orange peels or mandarine peels should be trimmed well removing all the white pith.


Limoncello can be stored in the basem*nt or in a cool dark place in the pantry. If you have space in the freezer or in the fridge you can store it there.

Even though Limoncello doesn't require refrigeration for storage, it's best to keep limoncello in the freezer for a few hours before serving!

It’ll have an amazing “creamy” texture. Besides, alcohol doesn’t feel that strong and pungent when chilled.

How To Make Limoncello {Recipe, Calculations & FAQs} (13)

Will Limoncello Freeze?

Strong Limoncello, above 33% abv or 66 Proof w't freeze in regular freezer which is at 0F/-18C.

If you dilute it by adding extra sugar syrup it WILL freeze in the freezer. To chill 30% abv of 60 Proof Limoncello place it in the freezer inly for a short period before serving (1-2 hours).

How To Drink Limoncello

You can drink Limoncello straight or make one of these easy and delicious Limoncello co*cktails.

To drink Limoncello like Italians do it, just pull the bottle of Limoncello from the freezer and pour it into liqueur glasses or clear short glasses.

Here are some beautiful Limoncello glasses you can choose from:

How To Make Limoncello {Recipe, Calculations & FAQs} (14)

LIMONCELLO FAQ: All Your Questions Answered

In this sections I've tried to answer all possible questions you might have during Limoncello making process. If there's anything else I can help you with, feel free to ask in the comments.

Best Lemons For Limoncello - What Lemons To Use

Lemons is the most important ingredient in Limoncello recipe. No surprise here.

Since lemon zest will be macerated in the alcohol, it means alcohol will not only absorb the aroma and the flavor of the lemon zest but it’s also pull any medicine/pesticides/insecticides used on the lemons.

That's why you should use ONLY organic, untreated, unwaxed lemons. Lemons from your own lemon tree are the best (lucky you if you have one!) but of course you can get them from your trusted vendor.

I’ve heard really good feedback about organic lemons from the Organic Mountain. Six lb case is enough for 2 portions of alcohol.

Here are 2 more places where you can buy organic lemons online Organic Lemons with free 2-hour delivery from Amazon and Birch-Hill Organics Central Coast Meyer Lemons and Kiwi Fruit.

If you are buying in late November I suggest you get a bigger box. Limoncello makes a perfect Christmas gift 🙂

Type of lemon is not really important as long as they are fresh and firm to touch.

In Italy, whenever possible Limoncello is made with Sorrento lemons. They are famous for their aroma, thick full of essential oils skin that is perfect for making Limoncell.

How To Make Limoncello {Recipe, Calculations & FAQs} (15)

What Alcohol/Vodka To Use?

The best alcohol to make Limoncello is a high proof 190 Proof or 95% vol pure grain alcohol.

It has the most neutral taste and has the best capacity to extract the most flavor and aroma from lemon peels.

Here are two brands you can look for at your local liquor store or order them online.

I know, depending where you live, it's not always easy to get the highest proof alcohol. So what should you do if you absolutely can’t get 190 proof/ 95% vol. quality alcohol?

Don’t worry, you can still use a really high proof vodka (see calculations below). I’ve picked two options for you to go with.

US made 151 Proof/ 75 vol vodkas:

In this case you’ll need to adjust the ratio for sugar syrup. You can use my calculations that I provided below or do them yourself.

Here's a really useful tool to help you with that - Limoncello Alcohol Percentage Calculator. Simply type in the liquor quantity in milliliters, its proof divided by 2 and desired limoncello strength.

Say we want it at 34%. The answer will be the quantity of sugar syrup you need to get the perfect liquor.

If you’ve used pure 190 Proof Alcohol (95% vol) your simple syrup quantity will be equal to the one given in this recipe.

Your last option for alcohol is regular vodka, if that's the only thing you can get.
See my calculations above to sugar syrup and make sure to read my top tips above for making Limoncello with vodka.

What Is Limoncello Alcohol Content?

Authentic Italian homemade limoncello is about 38% vol or 76 Proof. Commercially available Limoncello varies from 30% to 35% or 60-70 Proof. With this recipe you'll get about 33-34 % vol Limoncello or 66-68 Proof.

This is the perfect alcohol content that allows you to keep limoncello in the freezer without freezing it.

And if you don't want to keep it in the freezer but still want to serve chilled you can simply add an ice cube and it'll lightly dilute it.

If you want to make a milder tasting Limoncello add an extra cup or so of sugar syrup (made with ⅓ cup sugar + 1 cup water) to make your limoncello milder (about 30% vol or 60 Proof).

What to do with lemons after making Limoncello?

There's no lack of variety when it comes to recipes using lemons.

The only problem is that there's no recipe with reasonable portion/batch that requires use of ALL the lemons left making Limoncello!

So here's what I do. It requires zero cooking, zero baking and you'll enjoy all the lemons flavor at its fullest.

How To Make Limoncello {Recipe, Calculations & FAQs} (16)
  1. Slice and layer with sugar. Slice lemons you have left and layer them in a glass jar with sugar. Store in the fridge and use to make lemon tea or lemon water. So easy, so quick and you'll end up drinking the most flavorful lemon tea for about a month or even more!
  2. Squeeze lemon juice. Pour it into ice cube tray and freeze. Use as needed to make Salmon Carpaccio, to make Italian Fruit Salad and even whenever you clean and cook fresh artichokes.

Can I Use Other Types Of Sugar?

Technically you can use other types of sugar and sweeteners but it's not recommended.

All sweeteners like corn syrup, honey, maple syrup, blue agave syrup and even brown sugar will impact the taste of the final product, sometimes not in a pleasant way. So substitute with caution and only if you're familiar with the alternative sweetener itself.

White sugar is the most neutral sweetener that will elevate lemon flavor and aroma instead of dominating it.

Recipes Using Limoncello

Besides enjoying Limoncello as a digestive drink you can also make a delicious Limoncello Cake. Super soft and flavorful it's like a rum cake, but much better 😉

You can also pour it over ice-cream or Lemon Semifreddo, flavor Italian Pastry Cream and of course, don't forget to make bubbly, citrus-y and super refreshing Limoncello Spritz co*cktail.

This Limoncello recipe was originally published on June 8th, 2017. It has been updated with more helpful information and new photos.
Thank YOU, my readers for asking questions and helping me create the most comprehensive guide on making Limoncello at home.

Full Recipe

How To Make Limoncello {Recipe, Calculations & FAQs} (17)

4.81 from 21 votes

Limoncello Recipe - How Italians Make It

The best Italian Limoncello recipe and everything you need to know about the limoncello making process, ingredients and tools you need. This recipe makes about 4 bottles (17 oz)

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Prep Time20 minutes mins

Resting Time7 days d

Course: Drinks

Cuisine: Italian

Servings: 50

Calories: 79kcal


Lemon Infused Alcohol

  • 8 big organic lemons or 9 small lemons
  • 750 milliliters pure grain alcohol 190 proof/ 95% vol approx 3 cups + 2 tablespoon (see notes if you're using 1 litre or 1.75 bottle)

Sugar Syrup (makes 1350 ml or a little over 5 ½ cups)

  • 2 ½ cups white sugar 550 g
  • 4 ½ cups water 1080 milliliters

Extra Syrup For Milder Limoncello (a little over a cup)

  • cup white sugar 75 g
  • 1 cup water 240 milliliters


  • Using a vegetable peeler or a small sharp knife, peel off the lemon zest as thin as possible. We only need the yellow part. If you happen to cut any white pith together with yellow zest, just trim off any white spots with a sharp knife.

    8 big organic lemons

  • Place all the lemon peels in the jar with alcohol.

    750 milliliters pure grain alcohol 190 proof/ 95% vol

  • Leave to macerate for at least 7 days, best 3 weeks or more.

    Make sure to keep the bottle out of direct sunlight.

  • Prepare sugar syrup. Mix water and sugar in the pot saucepan. On a medium heat continue to stir in the sugar until it’s completely dissolved. Let the syrup to simmer until boiling. Remove from the heat and allow to cool completely.

    2 ½ cups white sugar, 4 ½ cups water

  • In a large saucepan/mixing bow/ or a container add lemon infused alcohol. Continuously stirring start adding the sugar syrup. Once you’ve added 5 cups taste. Limoncello will be pretty strong. Add more sugar syrup and taste again.

  • Add more sugar syrup for a milder taste, reduce it for a stronger limoncello.

    I don’t recommend diluting the alcohol base too much.

  • Once you’ve reached the perfect flavor, bottle your limoncello in glass bottle using a funnel.

  • Chill in the freezer for at least a few hours before serving.


Make extra sugar syrup only if you want a milder Limoncello (less alcohol - about 30% abv or 60 Proof). You can either make extra syrup apart or all together when you prepare the sugar syrup.

Fresh made Limoncello reaches its perfection in a few days after bottling.

Quantities when using 1 liter (1000 ml) bottle:

  • 1 litre 190 Proof Alcohol
  • 12 lemons
  • 1800 ml (about 7 ½ cups) sugar syrup made with 730 grams (3 ⅓ cup) sugar + 1440 grams water (6 cups).
    This recipe makes about 2.8 liters of Limoncello or 94 fluid ounces.
    This quantity will fill 5.5 (17oz) bottles or almost 12 (8oz) bottles.

Quantities when using 1.75 litre bottle:

  • 1.75 litre 190 Proof Alcohol
  • 21 lemons
  • 3150 ml (about 13 ½ cups) sugar syrup made with 1280 grams sugar + 2520 grams water.
    This recipe makes about 4,9 liters of Limoncello or 165 fluid ounces.
    This quantity will fill almost 10 (17oz) bottles or 20 (8oz) bottles.

Liked this recipe?Follow @italianrecipeb for more!


Serving: 44ml | Calories: 79kcal | Carbohydrates: 11g | Fat: 0.04g | Sodium: 2mg | Potassium: 1mg | Sugar: 11g | Calcium: 1mg | Iron: 0.01mg

Did I miss anything? Let me know in the comment below!

Limoncello Recipe Calculations

Find done-for-you calculations and measurements of Limoncello ingredients when using different types of alcohol. All calculations below make 33-34% vol or 66-68 Proof Limoncello of moderate sweetness

How To Make Limoncello With Everclear 151 Proof Alcohol (75.5% abv)

Quantities when using 750 ml bottle:

  • 750 ml 151 Proof Alcohol
  • 9 lemons
  • 900 ml (about 3 ¾ cups) sugar syrup made with 440 g sugar (2 cups) + 720 ml water (3 cups).
    This recipe makes about 1650 milliliters of Limoncello or 55 fluid onces.
    This quantity will fill 3 (17oz) bottles or 6 (8oz) bottles.

Quantities when using 1 l (1000) ml bottle:

  • 1 litre 151 Proof Alcohol
  • 12 lemons
  • 1200 ml (about 5 cups) sugar syrup made with 580 grams sugar + 960 ml water (4 cups).
    This recipe makes about 2200 milliliters of Limoncello or 74 fluid onces.
    This quantity will fill 4 (17oz) bottles or 9 (8oz) bottles.

Quantities when using 1.75 litre bottle:

  • 1.75 litre 151 Proof Alcohol
  • 21 lemons
  • 2100 ml (about 8 ¾ cups) sugar syrup made with 1015 grams sugar + 1680 ml water (7 cups).
    This recipe makes about 3,85 liters of Limoncello or 130 fluid onces.
    This quantity will fill 7 (17oz) bottles or 16 (8oz) bottles.

How To Make Limoncello With Vodka 90 Proof (45% abv)

Ingredients for 750 ml bottle:

  • 750 ml 90 Proof Vodka
  • 9 lemons
  • 240 ml (about 1 cup) sugar syrup made with 260 g sugar (1 cup + 2 tbsp) + 125 ml water (½ cup).
    This recipe makes about 990 milliliters of Limoncello or 33.4 fluid onces.
    This quantity will fill almost 2 (17oz) bottles or 4 (8oz) bottles.

Ingredients for 1 l (1000 ml) bottle:

  • 1 litre 90 Proof Vodka
  • 12 lemons
  • 320 ml (about 1 ⅓ cup) sugar syrup made with 345 grams sugar + 165 ml water.
    This recipe makes about 1320 milliliters of Limoncello or 44 fluid onces.
    This quantity will fill 2.5 (17oz) bottles or 5 (8oz) bottles.

Ingredients for 1.75 litre bottle:

  • 1.75 litre 90 Proof Vodka
  • 21 lemons
  • 560 ml (about 2 ⅓ cups) sugar syrup made with 600 grams sugar + 290 ml water.
    This recipe makes about 2310 milliliters of Limoncello or 78 fluid onces.
    This quantity will fill 4.5 (17oz) bottles or 9 almost 10 (8oz) bottles

Top Tips For Making Limoncello With Vodka

While you can adjust sugar syrup amount and do all the right calculations to make Limoncello using vodka, there's still a problem. Average average 80-100 proof spirit isn't strong enough to extract much flavor and aroma.

So in order to help vodka get the most lemon flavor and essential oil out of the lemons pills you need to do a few extra steps.

  1. Don't use a vegetable peeler of knife to peel the zest. Instead, use a microplane zester and ZEST lemons, always avoiding the white pith.
  2. Shake bottle with vodka and lemon zest once a day.
  3. Let infuse for longer - at least 2 weeks or better yet 1 month.

Following the tips above you'll be able to produce a pretty good Limoncello with lower ABV spirit.

A wise Italian man once said: "If life gives you lemons - make Limoncello!"

And now you even have limoncello recipe, just like Italians make it.

How To Make Limoncello {Recipe, Calculations & FAQs} (18)

Let me know if you have any questions about the process of making homemade limoncello, ingredients, or anything at all.

How To Make Limoncello {Recipe, Calculations & FAQs} (19)

Cheers & Salute!

How To Make Limoncello {Recipe, Calculations & FAQs} (2024)


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.