How to Make Dandelion Tea 3 Tasty Ways (+Benefits & Recipes) (2024)

Last Updated on March 22, 2024

Ever tried dandelion tea? It may sound a little odd to the uninitiated, but dandelion tea has numerous health benefits, and can be made in several different ways. It’s pretty tasty, too! Here’s everything you need to know about how to make dandelion tea from roots, flowers, or leaves with fresh or dried dandelion. The humble dandelion has so much to offer!

How to Make Dandelion Tea 3 Tasty Ways (+Benefits & Recipes) (1)

Table Of Contents

    • Benefits of Dandelion Flowers
    • Benefits of Dandelion Leaves
    • Benefits of Dandelion Roots
    • How to make dandelion tea from fresh flowers:
    • How to make dandelion tea from leaves:
    • How to make dandelion tea from dandelion roots:
      • Dandelion Root Tea Recipe:


One of most foragers’ favorite edible weeds, dandelions are packed with nutrients and medicinal compounds, whether you use them in dandelion tea or in numerous other delicious and nutritious recipes. Here’s loads more on the benefits and uses of dandelions.

Medicinal teas are one of the easiest ways to get more beneficial herbs like dandelion into our diets. We sip drinks throughout the day, and if a couple of them are health-supporting herbal teas, we get additional benefits along with hydration.

Best of all, dandelions are free for the picking just about everywhere, and you can make dandelion tea from the flowers, leaves, or roots. When roasted, dandelion root takes on a coffee-like flavor that’s delicious on its own or combined with chicory, a dandelion relative.

Free, great for you, and delicious? What’s not to love?

In addition to dandelion tea, you can try wild violet tea, nettle leaf tea, elderberry tea, mulberry tree leaf tea, spruce tea, pine needle tea, hibiscus tea, lemon balm tea, borage tea, elderflower tea, goldenrod tea, and so many more!

Here are some of my favorite herbal tea blends. You can also target teas for specific issues you want to address, such as herbs for sleep, herbs for stress relief, or herbs to soothe coughs. You can also try ginger tea for colds.


The benefits of dandelion tea will vary with the part of the plant you use. All parts of the plant contain an array of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, as well as inulin, a prebiotic that supports gut health. Here’s a very thorough explanation of the different compounds found in dandelions and their biological activity.

Because we get different compounds from the leaf, root, and flower, herbalists use the different parts of the plant to address different issues.

Benefits of Dandelion Flowers

High in antioxidants such as lutein, dandelion flowers are thought to support eye health, and help to alleviate headache, backache, and menstrual cramps.

Benefits of Dandelion Leaves

Bitter dandelion leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals, and are most often used to stimulate digestion and as a diuretic.

Benefits of Dandelion Roots

Dandelion root is most often used to support liver health and address issues affected by the liver, such as metabolism and hormone balance. Herbalist Brigitte Mars reports that it’s also helpful for alleviating allergies, digestive issues, osteoarthritis, and several viral illnesses.

Herbalist Maud Grieve reports that “The name of the genus, Taraxacum, is derived from the Greektaraxos(disorder), andakos (remedy), on account of the curative action of the plant.” Both the British and American pharmacoepias included dandelion.

InThe Green Pharmacy, James Duke notes the lecithin contained in the flowers as “useful in various liver ailments” and potentially in supporting brain health. He recommends teas made from the leaves or roots for upper respiratory infections.

Herbalist David Hoffman notes dandelion’s exceptional diuretic ability paired with high levels of potassium, which sometimes get negatively affected by other diuretics.

Researchers are also exploring dandelion root extract as a treatment for cancer.

Dandelions are rich in antioxidants, and are being studied for their effects on cholesterol, diabetes, and as an anti-viral.

How to Make Dandelion Tea 3 Tasty Ways (+Benefits & Recipes) (3)

Do you find plant medicine fascinating? Check out the array of herbal courses offered by The Herbal Academy.


Dandelions are in the Asteraceae family, along with chamomile, calendula, and ragweed. If you’ve got a ragweed allergy, be cautious about consuming dandelion, especially the flower, though dandelion allergies aren’t very common.

Like other medicinal plants, always check contraindications and drug interactions before consuming dandelions. Dandelion tea may interact with lithium, antibiotics, and other medications, and may also slow blood clotting. Discuss any contraindications with your doctor before consuming dandelion tea.

Also note that dandelion’s diuretic effect can be somewhat pronounced. Often known in France as piss-en-lit (literally, pee in the bed), dandelion tea may not be the wisest choice too close to bedtime 😉


All of them! You can make dandelion tea from the flowers, leaves, and roots. Try them all and see what you think. Keep reading to learn how to make dandelion flower tea, dandelion leaf tea, and dandelion root tea.


Even though most people easily recognize dandelions, positive plant identification is always important. Consult a good field guidebefore foraging any plant for the first time. (Here are some of my favorite foraging books.)

One of my favorite foraging experts, “Wild Man” Steve Brill, reports, “There are no poisonous look-alikes. Other very similar Taraxacum species, as well as chicory and wild lettuce only resemble dandelions in the early spring.”

Dandelion leaves are smooth (not hairy) and have only one flower per stem. If you find something that looks like a dandelion but has multiple flowers on each stem or hairy leaves, you’ve probably found cat’s ear, which is apparently also edible.

Wild lettuce(Lactuca), hawkweed(Hieracium), and sow thistle(Sonchus), also resemble dandelion.

Harvest dandelions from areas that haven’t been treated with herbicides. If you’re foraging dandelions on public lands, assume they’ve been sprayed unless you definitively know otherwise.

While foraging dandelion leaves and flowers from time to time is easy and fun, getting enough dandelion root to keep you in dandelion root tea is a bit more of a project. I usually buy dried dandelion root in bulk. A one-pound bag of dandelion root will last you a VERY long time!

Love learning about medicinal herbs? Follow on Pinterestor like HealthyGreenSavvy on Facebook to keep up with the new ones I share every day!


Absolutely! If you’re not able or don’t want to forage dandelions for your dandelion tea, there are plenty of pre-bagged options for a quick cuppa.

Many have additional herbs for flavor and medicinal properties. Here are some to consider:

Vitacost is one of my favorite places to find delicious herbal teas at reasonable prices, especially if you shop during one of their frequent sales. You can check out their dandelion teas here.

You can save even more using a browser extension called Honey to get additional savings at Vitacost and other online retailers. I typically get about 20% back on my purchases at Vitacost. You can find out about and join Honey here. Rakuten is another smart option for getting cash back from your online purchases.


As you might expect, tea made from different parts of the dandelion will taste different. The flowers are slightly sweet, while the leaves make a pleasant green-tasting tea. The roots are often roasted to make a rich tea that many people enjoy as a coffee substitute.

Ready to make some dandelion tea? Here’s what to know about how to make dandelion tea from the flowers, leaves, and roots.


Below are instructions for how to make dandelion tea from the different parts of the plant, but you can absolutely mix and match. You can make tea from flowers and greens together, or even use the entire plant, though typically you’d prepare the roots differently from the aerial parts (the part of the plant above the soil), as they’ll extract better when simmered on the stove rather than just steeped in boiling water.

But the choice is yours. Have fun experimenting with different combinations and see what you like best.

How to make dandelion tea from fresh flowers:

Collect about 10 flowerheads and remove the green base, which can add a bitter flavor to your dandelion flower tea. Place dandelion flowers in a small teapot and cover with 8 ounces of freshly boiled water. Allow to steep 10-15 minutes.

You can also make dandelion flower tea using a cold-brew method. Use 1 part dandelion to 1 part cold water and refrigerate 4-6 hours before serving.

How to make dandelion tea from leaves:

Leaves are typically dried before making them into tea, though you can make dandelion leaf tea from freshly-gathered leaves as well. It has a brighter green flavor, as is often the case when using fresh rather than dried leaves for tea. You can gather your own and dry them, or buy dried dandelion leaf in bulk.

To make dandelion leaf tea, steep 2 teaspoons of dried dandelion leaf (or a small handful of fresh leaves) in 8 oz of boiled filtered water. Strain and enjoy.

How to Make Dandelion Tea 3 Tasty Ways (+Benefits & Recipes) (4)

How to make dandelion tea from dandelion roots:

Dried, chopped dandelion root that you’ve gathered and prepared yourself or purchased can be simmered in hot water to make a simple tea. The flavor is greatly improved if you toast the roots first, making more of a coffee-flavored drink.

To roast dandelion roots: You roast roots that are already dried, whether you’ve dug them yourself or purchased them. The easiest way to roast dandelion roots is in a pan on the stovetop. Use medium heat and stir frequently until they become golden brown.

Dandelion roots need to simmer on the stovetop briefly to release their beneficial compounds, so rather than pouring boiling water over the chopped dandelion root, we cook it over low heat for 20-30 minutes.

Dandelion Root Tea Recipe:

Use one tablespoon of dandelion root for every 8 oz water. I find that if I’m going to bother getting a pot dirty and use energy on the stove, it’s best to make more than one serving at a time. You can refrigerate your dandelion root tea for several days.

If you would like your dandelion root tea to be more of a latte experience, you can add a splash of milk (or your favorite alternative milk) and top with a little cinnamon or nutmeg.

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Dandelion tea can be made with more than just dandelions. You can alter the flavor or tap into the benefits of other medicinal plants by combining your dandelion tea with other favorite herbs.

Some to consider:

The sky’s the limit! Have fun experimenting with different combinations till you hit on a few favorites. Then leave a comment and let us know what you liked.

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How to Make Dandelion Tea 3 Tasty Ways (+Benefits & Recipes) (5)
How to Make Dandelion Tea 3 Tasty Ways (+Benefits & Recipes) (6)
How to Make Dandelion Tea 3 Tasty Ways (+Benefits & Recipes) (7)

How do you like your dandelion tea? Share your favorite dandelion tea recipe in the comments!

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How to Make Dandelion Tea 3 Tasty Ways (+Benefits & Recipes) (8)

Additional dandelion tea photo credits: Dandelion flowers in tea cup: ivabalk; Dandelion flowers in bowl: Ajale; pin image: MarianVejcik

Disclaimer: I’m a health & green living enthusiast, not a medical professional. Content on this website is intended for informational purposes only and is not meant to provide personalized medical advice. I draw on numerous sources, some of which are linked above. Please consult them for more information and a licensed professional for personalized recommendations.

How to Make Dandelion Tea 3 Tasty Ways (+Benefits & Recipes) (9)


Susannah is a proud garden geek and energy nerd who loves healthy food and natural remedies. Her work has appeared in Mother Earth Living, Ensia, Northern Gardener, Sierra, and on numerous websites. Her first book, Everything Elderberry, released in September 2020 and has been a #1 new release in holistic medicine, naturopathy, herb gardening, and other categories. Find out more and grab your copy here.

How to Make Dandelion Tea 3 Tasty Ways (+Benefits & Recipes) (2024)


What makes dandelion tea taste better? ›

How to make dandelion tea taste better depends on the person. If you prefer bitter herbs, it may not need anything at all. It has a natural, earthy flavor. If you prefer sweeter drinks, you can add milk, honey, or cream.

How do you boil dandelion leaves for tea? ›

Bring water to a rolling boil and pour into your cup. Steep the dandelion tea for 5 to 10 minutes. Taste every 30 seconds after the first 5 minutes to ensure flavor your enjoy.

How do you make dandelion taste good? ›

Cooking dandelions eliminates some of the bitterness. First boil the greens for about 5 minutes, then transfer to a pan with hot olive oil and garlic, and sautee for 3-5 minutes. Eat as is or add to other dishes like pasta or scrambled eggs.

How to make dandelion tea benefits? ›

After cleaning and preparing the plant, pour hot water over the top of greens or roasted and ground roots, steep, strain, and enjoy! If your garden is already flooded with dandelions, you don't need to rely on store-bought tea (just make sure you or someone else hasn't treated your lawn with chemicals):

What is the best way to drink dandelion tea? ›

For fresh dandelion tea make sure that no herbicides or pesticides have been used on the area before picking the flowers. Place six flowers or leaves in a cup. Add hot water and let steep for 15-20 minutes. For those who enjoy a heartier coffee-like brew, skip the delicate flowers and go straight for the root.

How do you make dandelion tea not bitter? ›

If not bitter, remove the greens from the water and serve hot. If still bitter, leave the greens in the boiling water.

What is the best form of dandelion to take? ›

You can eat them cooked or raw. The root is usually dried, ground, and used as a tea or coffee substitute. Dandelion is also available as a supplement in capsule, extract, or tincture form. Currently, there are no clear dosage guidelines, as very little human research has been conducted.

When should you not drink dandelion tea? ›

If you have allergies, be sure to check with your healthcare provider before taking dandelion. Surgery: Dandelion might slow blood clotting and lower blood sugar. It might cause extra bleeding and problems with low blood sugar during and after surgery. Stop using dandelion at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

How to flavor dandelion tea? ›

Dandelion tea may develop bitter flavors. To balance out the astringent notes, you can use sweeteners like raw honey or blend the dandelion plant parts with other herbal tea leaves.

What part of the dandelion is best for tea? ›

And while you may see dandelions popping up on tree lawns and backyards, every part of the dandelion, including the flower, root and stems, is actually edible or able to be consumed. But typically, dandelion tea is made from the leaves, although the root is often ground and used as well.

How long do you boil dandelions for? ›

There's a high chance you'll be buying the dandelions with the roots, so trim them off and rinse those greens well! What is this? Boiling the greens helps remove the bitterness and they take about 15-20 minutes to cook, depending.

What not to mix dandelion with? ›

What other drugs will affect dandelion?
  • lithium;
  • an antibiotic, such as Cipro, Levaquin, Avelox, Noroxin, and others;
  • a blood thinner or medicine to treat or prevent blood clots;
  • a diuretic or "water pill";
  • heart or blood pressure medication; or.
  • a sedative such as Valium.
May 30, 2023

What are the side effects of dandelion tea? ›

In some people, dandelion can cause increased stomach acid and heartburn. It may also irritate the skin. People with kidney problems, gallbladder problems, or gallstones should consult their doctors before eating dandelion.

What is the healthiest way to eat dandelions? ›

Sauteeing the greens with olive oil and garlic is a good treatment for any leafy green. Boil the greens for 5 minutes, then sautee them in a pan of hot olive oil and garlic for up to 5 minutes. Baked. Similar to how you might bake kale chips, you can make dandelion leaf chips by baking them in your oven.

What happens when you drink dandelion root tea every day? ›

Potential Health Benefits of Dandelion Tea

Dandelion contains taraxasterol, a compound known for having significant antioxidant properties that combat inflammation. Taraxasterol can help regulate your white blood cells and keep them from triggering inflammation unnecessarily.

How long to boil dandelion flowers for tea? ›

Boil one cup of water and add it to a large bowl. Carefully add dandelion flowers and steep for five to ten minutes. Transfer tea to a large glass pitcher and refrigerate for four to thirty-six hours. Add lemon juice or sweeteners, such as stevia, to bring out the sweet refreshing flavor of the tea.


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