How to Freeze Spinach and Kale, Recipe for Joe's Special (2024)

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How to Freeze Spinach and Kale, Joe’s Special

This is a recipe I posted back in 2013. I’m bringing Joe’s Special back because it’s simple, paleo, keto friendly and a dish you may have never heard of. We love Joe’s Special for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

How to Freeze Spinach and Kale, Recipe for Joe's Special (1)

What is Joe’s Special?

It’s a medley of ground beef, spinach and eggs, made famous in San Francisco at New Joe’s, an Italian restaurant in 20’s, and was later placed on the menu at a place called Original Joe’s. Eventually, it landed on many menus in California and even ventured out of state. Isn’t it interesting how recipes develop and migrate, and this was all before the internet?

I first learned about this heavy protein, paleo, keto friendly breakfast, brunch or dinner when I lived in Southern California. Lots of restaurants served it and everyone quite familiar with it, except me.

I decided to bring you this recipe when gigantic bag of spinach was placed on my doorstep. I remembered Joe’s special, which, while many recipes use frozen spinach, I think is much better with fresh.

After I made a few green spinach and kale smoothies, and my Joe’s special in my cast iron pan, I still had this huge bag of spinach, and I didn’t want it going to waste.

I’ve never had to think about freezing spinach or kale because we eat it up fast enough, but was to go on and discover something amazing.

How to Freeze Spinach and Kale

You would think that I know just about everything concerning spinach, but I needed google (don’t I always) to help me discover that spinach can be frozen, but there is a specific way to do it, with varying opinions.

Some insist that spinach must be blanched and shocked before freezing, while others take the green super food directly to the freezer. I chose the latter, and was shocked at the results. I’m not sure what I expected, but this is what my spinach looked like when I took it out of the freezer. It looked exactly the same as the day I put it in, only it was frozen. By the way, you can also freeze kale the exact same way. Another great culinary discovery!

How to Freeze Spinach and Kale

  1. If you are getting it fresh from the dirt, triple wash it. Spin it dry with a salad spinner longer than you think you should. It has to be dry.
  2. Leave it out on towels for a few hours to really ensure it is dry.
  3. Wrap it in up gently in gallon size freezer bags. Don’t be concerned with quantities for future use. The spinach didn’t freeze into one cube and I was able to take only the amount out of the bag I wanted to for my recipe.

This is not spinach for spinach salad, but it most certainly can be sauteed, made into a smoothie, spinach manicotti or your favorite spinach recipe. The kale is especially good put into soups.

Joe’s special, a long time classic of ground beef, spinach and eggs, is something I’m making a little more frequently, now that I have all that spinach.

So tell me, have you ever had Joe’s Special and do you freeze your greens?

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How to Freeze Spinach and Kale, Recipe for Joe's Special (6)

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Joe's Special and How to Freeze Spinach

Joe's special, a medley of ground beef, spinach and eggs, first made famous in San Francisco

Prep Time10 minutes mins

Cook Time15 minutes mins

Total Time25 minutes mins

Course: Entree

Cuisine: American

Servings: 4

Author: Angela Roberts


  • olive oil
  • 1 small onion diced
  • 1 clove garlic minced
  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1/4 teaspoon red chili flakes
  • few sprigs fresh thyme or 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme or oregano
  • 1 bunch fresh spinach can use frozen, but must thaw and drain first
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/4 cup parmesan cheese


  • Saute onion until softened. Add in garlic and cook for one minute.

  • Add in ground beef and stir fry with onion and garlic until cooked through.

  • Add in salt, pepper, chili flakes and herbs.

  • Add in big handfuls of spinach. If frozen using my method, just add in frozen at this point. Spinach will soften right way.

  • Add in 4 beaten eggs.

  • Continue to cook until eggs are done.

  • Season again with salt and pepper.

  • Top with parmesan cheese.

Freeze Spinach

  • Wash, dry thoroughly. This is important. Once dry, place in plastic bags, freeze.

Please follow me oninstagram. If you make this recipe, please tag me #spinachtiger.

If you love this recipe,please give it five stars. It means a lot. xoxo

How to Freeze Spinach and Kale, Recipe for Joe's Special (2024)


How do you freeze spinach and kale? ›

Pack Greens into Freezer Bags

(If you have one, a vacuum sealer system works well with kale.) Avoid over-packing bags. Flatten bags before sealing to create kale portions that thaw quickly. Label your bags so you know when you put them in the freezer.

What happens if you freeze spinach without blanching? ›

Frozen spinach also works well in dips, quiche, and pasta dishes. It brings flavorful nutrition to homemade egg rolls, meatballs, and marinara sauce. If you know you'll use your frozen spinach within six months, you can freeze it without blanching. This method yields more of a slimy product upon thawing.

How to prepare kale for freezing? ›

How to Freeze Kale
  1. Wash and dry kale. ...
  2. Remove the leaves from the fibrous stem. ...
  3. Place kale leaves into a freezer-safe container. ...
  4. Seal and place into freezer for at least 3 hours.
  5. Remove frozen kale from the freezer and use as desired in smoothies, soups, or defrost to add to muffins and pancake batter.
Jan 5, 2023

Can you freeze spinach and kale without blanching? ›

Directions: Kale can be frozen without blanching but should be used within 4 weeks. Blanching greens before freezing stops the naturally-occurring ripening enzymes in the leaves. This will ensure that the leaves taste fresh and will not develop a bitter taste.

Is it better to freeze spinach raw or cooked? ›

While you can freeze either, if you have time it's better to cook the spinach first because cooked spinach compacts down into smaller balls so will take less space in the freezer.

What happens if you freeze without blanching? ›

Enzymes and Blanching

Enzymes are naturally occurring substances in plants that control the ripening process. Freezing only slows enzyme activity. Most frozen vegetables will lose quality in the freezer unless they have been blanched.

How to freeze a bag of spinach? ›

How to Freeze Spinach
  1. Wash your greens, pat or spin dry in a salad spinner.
  2. Place the leaves in flat layers inside freezer bags and press down.
  3. When the bags are full, squeeze out all the air, tie the bags up and place them in the freezer.
Nov 1, 2020

Does kale have to be completely dry before freezing? ›

Leafy kale has a tendency to trap dirt and requires a good rinse before freezing. Because the leaves and stems cook at different rates, you'll need to separate them before you freeze them. Roughly chop the leaves and cut the stems into 1-inch pieces, and be sure to thoroughly wash and dry both before freezing.

What is the best way to preserve kale? ›

Store Whole Bunches In the Fridge

To avoid excess moisture, wrap the whole bunch of kale in a layer of paper towels, and store in a supermarket plastic bag or a zip-top plastic bag in the refrigerator crisper drawer. The kale should keep for 1 week.

What does blanching kale mean? ›

Blanching is scalding vegetables in boiling water or steam for a short time. It is typically followed by quick, thorough cooling in very cold or ice water. Blanching stops enzyme actions which otherwise cause loss of flavor, color and texture.

Do you need to wash spinach before freezing? ›

Wash and Freeze

The spinach will need to be thawed for a couple of hours and squeezed out before putting it in dishes. Wash the spinach well. Pat or spin it dry in a salad spinner, being sure to remove as much water as possible. Lay the spinach in flat layers in freezer zip-top bags.

Can you freeze spinach in a plastic bag? ›

Pack the spinach in freezer-safe bags.

Fill one or more freezer-safe plastic bags with as much clean spinach as possible. Squeeze out any excess air, then seal the bags. Don't be afraid of packing the spinach too tightly. Tight packing is actually recommended since it leaves less room for excess air.

Can you freeze a bag of store bought spinach? ›

Yes! You can definitely freeze spinach. It's probably the best way to store spinach if you need to keep it for more than a week or so. The frozen greens are obviously great for smoothies, but they also work well in soups, sauces, casseroles, stir-fries, and so much more.

Can you freeze raw spinach and kale? ›

If you want to store your frozen leafy greens for several months they need to be blanched first. While you can freeze kale and other leafy greens raw they will only keep for a month to month and a half before the texture, color and flavor all start to deteriorate.

Can you freeze fresh spinach and fresh kale? ›

You can freeze kale (and bagged spinach), so you can keep it on hand without it getting all gross and stinky in the back of your refrigerator. It's incredibly simple to do, but if you're new to freezing vegetables make sure keep reading to understand how to make the best use of your frozen kale (or spinach).

Can you freeze fresh greens without blanching? ›

I think blanching collards before freezing preserves their overall quality, texture, and nutrition and also softens them a bit so they cook better when used in recipes. However, you can technically freeze them without blanching. To do so, wash and dry the greens, chop, and transfer to a freezer-safe bag or container.

How long does frozen kale and spinach last? ›

Freeze your greens for up to eight months

Fresh hardy greens like spinach and kale only last up to one or two weeks. But by freezing them, you won't have to rush to use them. For the best quality, though, try to use your greens within the first eight months.


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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.