How to fix the taste of bland curries in 5 interesting ways | The Times of India (2024)


01/6​​How to fix the taste of bland curries in 5 interesting ways​

How to fix the taste of bland curries in 5 interesting ways | The Times of India (1)How to fix the taste of bland curries in 5 interesting ways | The Times of India (2)

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There are times, when the taste and texture of curries and gravies don’t turn out as per your expectations, and that’s when you feel like discarding the whole thing, but is that the only resort or is there a way to fix bland, thin or tasteless curries? Well, here are a few quick hacks to fix and accentuate the taste and texture of any gravy at home by following some simple tips given below.


02/6​​Add spices​

How to fix the taste of bland curries in 5 interesting ways | The Times of India (3)

How to fix the taste of bland curries in 5 interesting ways | The Times of India (4)How to fix the taste of bland curries in 5 interesting ways | The Times of India (5)

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The easiest way to fix a bland and tasteless curry is by adding spices like red chili powder, cumin, coriander, garam masala, curry leaves and turmeric. Just make a quick tempering and pour over the curry to give it a nice punch of spices and herbs. You can also sprinkle the spices and heat the curry and let it simmer, this can also enhance the taste.


03/6​​Add more flavours​

How to fix the taste of bland curries in 5 interesting ways | The Times of India (6)

How to fix the taste of bland curries in 5 interesting ways | The Times of India (7)How to fix the taste of bland curries in 5 interesting ways | The Times of India (8)

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Another simple way to improve the taste of bland curries is by adding some slightly roasted onions, garlic, ginger. You can toss or caramelize them separately and add them to the curry and simmer for sometime so that it can absorb the flavours.


04/6​​Fix thin gravies​

How to fix the taste of bland curries in 5 interesting ways | The Times of India (9)

How to fix the taste of bland curries in 5 interesting ways | The Times of India (10)How to fix the taste of bland curries in 5 interesting ways | The Times of India (11)

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A good way to fix the texture and taste of thin curries is by introducing dairy ingredients like milk, yogurt or cream, this adds a rich texture and enhances the taste of curries.


05/6​​Herbs ​

How to fix the taste of bland curries in 5 interesting ways | The Times of India (12)

How to fix the taste of bland curries in 5 interesting ways | The Times of India (13)How to fix the taste of bland curries in 5 interesting ways | The Times of India (14)

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Fixing cooked curries and gravies is no less than a challenge, but a simple way to do so is by adding freshly chopped herbs like coriander, basil, fenugreek leaves, spinach, mint leaves. The fresh flavour of these herbs can instantly elevate the taste and texture and give them a health twist.


06/6​​Add a thickening agent​

How to fix the taste of bland curries in 5 interesting ways | The Times of India (15)

How to fix the taste of bland curries in 5 interesting ways | The Times of India (16)How to fix the taste of bland curries in 5 interesting ways | The Times of India (17)

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Lastly, if the curries and gravies are runny, bland and lack taste, a simple way to deal with this is by making a slurry of gram flour/cornflour and adding this to the curries along with a choice of seasonings can help in accentuating the taste.


How to fix the taste of bland curries in 5 interesting ways | The Times of India (18)

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How to fix the taste of bland curries in 5 interesting ways  | The Times of India (2024)


How to fix the taste of bland curries in 5 interesting ways | The Times of India? ›

The easiest way to fix a bland and tasteless curry is by adding spices like red chili powder, cumin, coriander, garam masala, curry leaves and turmeric. Just make a quick tempering and pour over the curry to give it a nice punch of spices and herbs.

How to make bland curry taste better? ›

There are so many things you can do to improve this; in no particular order:
  1. Use chicken thighs instead of breasts for more flavour. ...
  2. Use ghee or butter to make the dish fuller in flavour.
  3. Use yogurt instead of heavy cream. ...
  4. Use lemon or lime juice. ...
  5. Add sugar. ...
  6. Add whole peppercorns while cooking. ...
  7. Garam masala.
Feb 6, 2018

How to make Indian curry tastier? ›

A curry can be sweetened by adding honey, syrup, or sugar. These ingredients add flavour and balance to a sour or bitter curry. Add around one tablespoon of either ingredient to your curry while cooking and taste. Continue to slowly add syrup, honey, or sugar to the dish until a sweet flavour is achieved.

How do you tone down curry taste? ›

Top five ways to make a curry or chilli less spicy
  1. More vegetables. ...
  2. Coconut milk or cream. ...
  3. Lemon, lime or vinegar. ...
  4. Yogurt or soured cream. ...
  5. Sugar or ketchup.
Dec 21, 2020

Why are my curries always bland? ›

Depending on the type of curry your making add spice and dont be a afraid to add it. people often have a fear of over salting or over doing it with spices but its that fear that holds us back from enjoying cooking. Curries can be bland if you haven't used enough of the base aromatics of garlic, ginger, and onion.

How to fix bland food? ›

From blah to bravo: 5 ways to fix a bland recipe
  1. Salt. As Samin Nosrat says in her book “Salt Fat Acid Heat,” it matters when you use salt. ...
  2. Acid. One of my favorite ways to perk up a bland dish is with a splash of acid. ...
  3. Chile peppers. ...
  4. Sugar. ...
  5. Fresh herbs.
Mar 8, 2023

What adds flavor to curry? ›

A curry mix has a warm, robust spicy taste as a result of combining roasted and grounded coriander seeds, turmeric, cumin and chili peppers. Other spices commonly found within the blend are fenugreek, clove, mustard, black pepper, nutmeg or ginger.

What is the secret to the best Indian curry? ›

Tips for the Perfect Curry
  • Use fresh spices. For the best results, always try to use fresh spices. ...
  • Give the spices a toast. ...
  • Wrap up your whole spices. ...
  • Blitz your tomatoes. ...
  • Onions are the key. ...
  • Don't overcook your chicken. ...
  • Keep your garlic and ginger fresh. ...
  • Add exciting toppings.

What is the secret ingredient in Indian curry? ›

I think that the secret ingredient for any curry is salt. If salt is not there then whatever you add does not taste good. It is not really secret, there are spices Cumin or Mustard or Coriander I use and Tamarind for sourness. Some times you do not have to any thing just have to fry good: OKRA or Potato.

How to make an Indian curry milder? ›

Acidic ingredients like lemon juice or vinegar can cut through the spiciness and provide a tangy flavor. Yogurt or sour cream can help cool down the heat and add a creamy texture to the curry. By using starchy foods like potatoes or rice, you can counteract the spiciness and mellow out the flavors.

How to reduce masala taste in curry? ›

Starchy foods like rice, bread, and potatoes can help dilute the spiciness of curry. Add in a small ball of bread or potatoes, this can also help in reducing the fiery taste of the curries. Tomatoes can add a bit of sweetness and acidity that can help balance the spiciness of curry.

Why do you put yogurt in curry? ›

It's common practice in India to add yogurt to Indian cooking. People add it to curry to balance the spices and lighten the dish. It can also make thick curry, a thin. Hence, it can really elevate the flavors of the dish.

How do you fix a tasteless curry? ›

The easiest way to fix a bland and tasteless curry is by adding spices like red chili powder, cumin, coriander, garam masala, curry leaves and turmeric. Just make a quick tempering and pour over the curry to give it a nice punch of spices and herbs.

How do you get the taste out of curry? ›

Add a tin of coconut milk or cream, or plain yogurt or sour cream, stir it well and taste. You can also add it just a little at a time, before mixing and tasting. I tend to add lots, because my kids don't like a very spicy curry, so it can never be too mild.

Why do all my curries taste the same? ›

The answer lies in the combination and quantity of spices used along with the main ingredients. The vegetables used have there own flavours and the right quantity of spices brings out it's natural flavours in the best possible way.

How to make curry sauce more flavorful? ›

Here are a few suggestions:
  1. Add more spices: Store-bought curry sauces often lack the depth of flavour that homemade sauces have. ...
  2. Use fresh ginger and garlic: Fresh ginger and garlic add a lot of flavour to curries. ...
  3. Add a touch of sweetness: Some store-bought curry sauces can be quite sour.
Dec 16, 2021

How to increase spices in curry after cooking? ›

If you want to bring a bit of heat to the curry, try adding some chili powder or cayenne pepper. If you want to add a bit of smokiness, try adding some smoked paprika or cumin. You can also add fresh herbs such as cilantro or mint to bring freshness and flavor.

How to make store-bought curry better? ›

Add in more dried spices.

To my taste, the aroma from these spices are among the first I notice when I eat green, masaman or panang curry. While the store bought pastes may contain them, in my experience their aromas don't come through.

What can I add to curry to reduce sweetness? ›

Top Tip: If you've added too much sugar, you can counteract this by adding a few drops of lemon juice. In the hustle and bustle of life it is easy to get distracted and forget about the pot on the stove.


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.