How To Enamel Jewellery | The Enamelling Process | The Bench (2024)

Whether you’re new to enamelling or you’d just like to brush up on your knowledge, we can help. In our guide on how to enamel jewellery, we’ll talk you through the ins and outs of the enamelling process to help get you started.

How to Enamel Metal

Step 1: Preparing the metal for the enamelling process

Enamelling metal is safe with a number of different alloys. Here are some top tips on preparing your metal ready for the enamelling process.

Enamelling is most commonly done on copper, fine silver and 18ct or 22ct gold.

Please note that alloys containing zinc and nickel are unsuitable as the enamel tends to react and not fuse to the surface.

When learning how to enamel jewellery, it is always worth remembering that cleanliness is key, and each metal type requires different preparation:

  • Copper – prepare your metal by using abrasive papers to remove any oxides. We then recommend you pickle the metal before applying any enamel to make sure it’s clean.
  • Fine silver and gold – clean the metal using a brass brush. Or, alternatively, use a glass brush under running water with protective gloves on.

Once your metal is cleaned and prepared you can get started with applying the enamel. We have put together some basic step-by-steps which you can follow here:

Step 2: Counter Enamel

Metal warping due to the high temperature of the kiln can cause cracks in enamel, so it is important to apply a layer to the back beforehand. This will create equal stress on both the front and back of the piece and help to prevent impurities. You can do this by applying a layer of counter enamel to the piece.

It’s worth noting that flat, thinner and/or larger pieces of enamelling metal are more like to warp, rather than domed pieces.

As a general rule, we suggest:

  • 1mm or lower should be counter enamelled
  • 1-1.3mm may need to be counter enamelled, depending on size and shape
  • 1.3mm or thicker does not usually need to be counter enamelled

The counter enamelling process is typically sifting, wet packing or using liquid enamel.

How To Enamel Jewellery | The Enamelling Process | The Bench (1)

Step 3: Applying Enamel

Depending on the enamels used, and the desired effect, a variety of methods can be used when learning how to enamel jewellery:

  • Sifting – dry powder can be applied directly onto the metal or over a flux layer
  • Wet process – finely ground powder is mixed in water and can be applied to the metal using a paintbrush.
  • Painting Enamel – special painting enamel powder is mixed with a painting medium (often pine oil) and painted onto the surface of a flux or coloured layer (usually white) while being fired in layers.
  • Liquid enamel – can be painted, sprayed or dipped.

Step 3: Firing

Any moisture needs to be dried off before firing, especially oil from a painting medium, as it will burn. You can do this by leaving wet pieces under a lamp or on a trivet above the kiln.

Firing times will vary depending on the piece and the temperature of the kiln – it is usually between 30 seconds and two minutes. Don’t forget to check the temperatures of your kiln before you start firing.

When firing, the enamel will go through three stages as it melts:

1. Crystalline/granular

2. Orange peel effect

3. Smooth and fully fired

How To Enamel Jewellery | The Enamelling Process | The Bench (3)

Health and Safety Tips for enamelling metal

You should be mindful of these health and safety considerations while learning how to enamel jewellery:

  • Keep the work area free from food or drink to avoid contamination and accidents
  • Enamel is a powder, so use it in a well-ventilated area and use a respirator mask designed for dust
  • Wear heat-protective gloves when taking items in and out of the kiln
  • Wear protective goggles to protect eyes from shards of fired enamel which may ‘ping’ off a piece, and use welders’ goggles if firing for long periods of time, or vocationally
  • Use water when sanding or stoning enamel to prevent inhalation of airborne glass particles
  • Pieces coming out of the kiln are HOT! Allow them to cool completely before handling

Top tips on how to enamel jewellery

  • Cleanliness and keeping colours separate and uncontaminated is key to successful enamelling
  • Finished enamelled pieces will not withstand being heated again. Think about how you can solder beforehand, as well as cold connections and set pieces into mounts
  • Finished pieces are fragile – protect them and treat them with care

And that’s how to enamel jewellery! Want to get started? You will find what you need to follow the enamelling process in Cooksongold’s extensive range ofenamelling supplies. For an extra helping hand, why not browse our selection ofenamelling books? They’ll give you more ideas and tips on how to enamel metal at home, as well as spark some inspiration!

Please note the first image in this blog contains necklaces made by Ruth Ball from her book, Enamelling by Ruth Ball

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How To Enamel Jewellery | The Enamelling Process | The Bench (2024)


What is the process of enamelling? ›

Enameling is a process by which powdered glass is fused to a metal substrate at high heat. Enamels can be applied to glass, ceramics, and most commonly, metals. The application of enamels can add color to metals such as copper, silver, and gold.

What is enamel used for in jewelry? ›

Historically, jewelry enameling has been used primarily to capture the color and vibrancy of gemstones without the laborious and expensive process of mining, cutting and setting these precious stones. Today, many prefer to incorporate colored enamel into jewelry for its unique appearance and fashionable color options.

What is the art of enamelling Jewellery? ›

Enameling is a decoration technique in which a glass of certain composition is fused to the surrounding or under laying metal. Although the exact origins are unknown, the art of enameling has been practiced since ancient times.

How is enamel made? ›

Enamel is a material produced by fusing powdered glass to a substrate. It is fired with additive pigments. Covering steel elements with enamel protects the base material from rust, gives the ware a pleasing aesthetic, and guarantees health and safety when enamelware is used in the kitchen.

Does enamel wear off jewelry? ›

Enamel may fade or chip over time with storage in direct sunlight and aggressive wear. We recommend cleaning your enamel jewelry with only warm water, mild soap, and a soft cloth. Please avoid any at-home ultrasonics and harsh chemicals.

Is enamel jewelry hard to make? ›

Because of its famously tricky nature, the application of hot enamel has long been considered an art form. The process is time-consuming and involves dry-sifting a very fine glass powder – combined with metal oxides, which add colour – onto the surface or wet packing the enamel into channels in the metal.

Can enamel jewelry get wet? ›

We do not recommend wearing your enamel jewelry in the shower as it could expose it to potentially harsh chemicals found in body products, and can contribute to more wear and tear. Additionally, our Fashion jewelry is gold and silver metal over brass, so it is not waterproof.

Why is enamel jewelry so expensive? ›

Making enamel jewelry properly requires great skill and ingenuity, and the enamel techniques that a jeweler uses can determine whether the piece will look nice and glorious or not. The higher the quality of the craft, the greater the value of the piece will be.

What is the process of enamelling gold? ›

The enamelling process involves fusing tiny glass particles with heat to form a solid layer of colour onto a variety of different metals, such as copper, sterling silver, fine silver and 18ct or 22ct gold.

Do you need a kiln to make enamel jewelry? ›

A kiln is preferable when enamelling complex or larger designs as these provide more stable hot temperatures needed to ensure the fusing process goes smoothly.

Can you shower with enamel jewelry? ›

To keep your enamel jewelry looking its best, avoid wearing it in the shower or while working out and store it in a safe, dry place. When your piece needs to be cleaned, simply use a soft, microfiber jewelry cloth to gently rub away any tarnishes found on the metal.


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