How To Counter Yasuo LOL (2024)


How To Counter Yasuo LOL (1)

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We will go over How To Counter Yasuo LOL. Yasuo is one of the best champions in the game once you master him and he may be quite difficult to counter. As a Yasuo main and playing him over the years I have identified some hard matchups in the recent meta of Season 12 and 13 upcoming changes.

Champions That Counter Yasuo In Laning Phase

There are a few champions that can go toe-to-toe with Yasuo in the laning phase and come out on top. Here are 10 of them:

1. Jax – Jax is a master of 1v1 combat and can easily take down Yasuo in a fair fight since he has his E ability which is a good counter to Yasuo’s auto-attacks (main damage source).

2. Irelia – Irelia is another champion who excels in 1v1 situations. She can match Yasuo’s speed and damage output, making her a tough opponent for him. Her passive makes her super strong against him and once she proc’s it’s almost certain she will win the duel.

3. Darius – Darius is a juggernaut who can easily take down Yasuo in a head-to-head fight. His high damage and tankiness make him a difficult opponent for Yasuo to deal with. Darius bleed along with built in E CC ability can cancel a lot of his dashing and take him out effortless.

4. Garen – Garen is another tanky champion who can withstand Yasuo’s damage and come out on top. His spin to win ability is also a great counter to Yasuo’s wind wall. Since Yasuo relies to walk over into champions and either poke or hit them with auto attacks he has to sit in potentially Garen’s E ability and take a lot of damage.

5. Olaf – Olaf is a champion who thrives in extended fights. He can take a lot of punishment and still dish out a ton of damage. This makes him a difficult opponent for Yasuo to deal with. Olaf is basically one of the best duelists and as he gets lower in health his stats get amplified so Yasuo will have a very difficult time auto attacking him. Furthermore his ultimate counters Yasuo’s wind making it impossible for Yasuo to knock him up to proc his ultimate.

6. Renekton – Renekton is a natural counter to Yasuo, his entire kit counters him. He can stun and proc his Q fairly easily against him while dealing a lot of damage at the same time. The only way he loses this is if all his abilities are on cooldown.

7. Volibear – Volibear is a tanky champion who can easily take down Yasuo in a head-to-head fight. His high damage and tankiness make him a difficult opponent for Yasuo to deal with.

8. Riven – Riven is another champion who excels in 1v1 situations. She can match Yasuo’s speed and damage output, making her a tough opponent for him.

9. Kennen – Kennen is a champion who can easily take down Yasuo in a fair fight. His high damage and ability to stun make him a difficult opponent for Yasuo to deal with. Furthermore Kennens mobility and poke make it very hard for Yasuo to avoid getting low before he gets all-in’d by a Kennen ult.

10. Shen – Shen is a tanky champion who can easily take down Yasuo in a head-to-head fight. His taunt ability is also a great counter to Yasuo’s wind wall. Furthermore Shen has natural defensive abilities all of which mitigate Yasuo’s damage giving him the upper hand in a duel.

Struggling to beat Yasuo in ranked? We’re here to help! ELO Boosting

Champions That Counter Yasuo In Teamfights

There are a few champions that can go toe-to-toe with Yasuo in teamfights and come out on top.

1. Mundo – Mundo is a tanky champion who can absorb a lot of damage. He can also deal a lot of damage, making him a threat to Yasuo. His passive it makes it very hard for Yasuo to knock him up. Furthermore he can typically outheal all the Yasuo damage late game and be a front line for his team.

2. Master Yi – Master Yi is a skilled warrior who can take down Yasuo in a teamfight with ease. Since Yi outputs a lot more damage than Yasuo he can easily auto attack him to death before Yasuo even proc’s his ultimate ability. Additionally his Q makes him untargettable and Yasuo can’t use his knock-up on him easily.

3. Fiora – Fiora can outduel him in team fights and even lock him down with her W. Since his wall is good at blocking particles it will not work against Fiora as she has Melee abilities and can be sticky on him without losing the damage output.

Generally any champion that’s melee will do well against Yasuo in a team fight because his wind wall ability does not work well against them.

Champions That Can Beat Yasuo 1v1

There are a few champions that can beat Yasuo 1v1, but it really depends on the situation. Here are 10 champions that could potentially take him down:

1. Vayne – Vayne is a mobile champion that can kite Yasuo easily and deal a lot of damage with her auto-attacks and abilities. Despite Vayne being an ranged champion she can Q close to Yasuo and back off to avoid his Wind wall. This unique ability gives her an edge because using her E can disengage if Yasuo tries to dash into her and still kill him. One thing to note here is that if you try to duel him early you will most likely lose as your damage is still very low.

2. Master Yi – Master Yi is a very strong melee champion that can quickly dispatch Yasuo if he gets in close. As we mentioned earlier Yi can out-damage and kill Yasuo before he even has the chance to proc his ultimate.

3. Tryndamere – Tryndamere is a very strong melee champion that can easily take down Yasuo if he gets in close. He has a lot of damage and can heal himself, making him hard to take down. His ultimate ability is a very good counter to Yasuo which gives him enough time to get on top of him and kill him right out.

4. Warwick – Warwick is a very strong melee champion that can easily take down Yasuo if he gets in close. He has a lot of damage and can easily heal himself, making him hard to take down. The biggest thing with Warwick is that he can lock down Yasuo with his ultimate and basically outheal any damage he has done to him. The only way Yasuo stands a chance here is if he gets an executioner item but even then it’s a very hard matchup for him.

5. Rammus – Rammus is generally too Tanky for Yasuo to take down. In late game he has so much armor that basically can negate all his abilities. Furthermore his ultimate along with his e can paralyze Yasuo from moving while still taking damage and dying to him.

The Top Meta Yasuo Counters

There are a few different ways to play Yasuo, but in the current meta he is most often played as an ADC. Here are the top 10 counters to Yasuo in the current meta:

1. Kog’Maw – Kog’Maw does very well against Yasuo. He has long range and can kite Yasuo easily. His W gives him extra armor penetration which helps a lot against him. Furhermore his ultimate cannot be blocked by Yasuo’s Wind wall which makes him particularly vulnerable. The slow from his E also delays and sets back Yasuo when he’s dashing between minions to kill Kog.

2. Caitlyn – Caitlyn is another ADC with great range and kiting ability. She also has a trap that can easily catch Yasuo out if he tries to dash in. This lets her do damage to him from distance without being punished back. This matchup can go sideways however if Yasuo properly uses his wind wall to block her highest damage combo which is trap, auto, q. So if you are a good Caitlyn you will want to first bait out that before you try to land your abilities.

3. Tristana – Tristana is another ADC that does well against him. Her W allows her to jump away from Yasuo’s Q, and her ultimate can easily push him out if he dashes close to her. Furthermore in late game her range gets very high and she can keep hitting him past his wind wall. So even though his wind wall is strong initially she can just prolong the fight and win anyway.

4. Anivia –Anivia is a great counter to Yasuo because of her strong area of effect abilities. Her flash frost and glacial storm abilities can easily disrupt his movement and damage him. She can also use her wall of ice ability to block his windwall. One thing to note here is that if your passive is down you do not want to take extended team fights with Yasuo because he can easily finish you off if you are outside tower range, so be careful and fight him when you are strong and in most times you should be able to win easily.


If you enjoyed How To Counter Yasuo LOL please consider dropping me a cheer below I would really appreciate it.

Which is your favorite Yasuo counter?

My favorite is Anivia, he has a very good zoning power towards Yasuo and can safely deal a lot of damage to him. Whenever I have this matchup I almost never lose. The only problem is the early phase of the game where he can just push me into the tower range and I need to use my abilities to farm up minions. This is bad because I eventually run out of mana and need to base. To mitigate this I typically run teleport when I do this to come back to lane fast without losing too much experience and gold from the minions.

I have some other similar articles which you can find below:

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You can find more about Yasuo here:

How To Counter Yasuo LOL (2024)


How to counter Yasuo in LOL? ›

Keep your distance and avoid being poked by Yasuo. Yasuo will deal a lot of damage when he has 100% critical hit. ADC champions are easy to destroy if Yasuo gets close. Keeping your distance and poking from a distance is the most effective way to counter Yasuo for ADC.

What is Yasuo weak against? ›

Based on our analysis of 105 221 matches, the best counters for Yasuo roleName are Tryndamere, Gragas, Taliyah, Viego and Pantheon. On the other hand, Yasuo roleName counters Corki, Ziggs, Tristana, Talon and LeBlanc.

Who counters Yasuo the most? ›

Based on our analysis of 19 764 matches, the best counters for Yasuo Top are Rammus, Kennen, Zac, Sett and Poppy. On the other hand, Yasuo Top counters Varus, Gwen, Akshan, Vladimir and K'Sante.

How to punish Yasuo? ›

Yasuo's Wind Wall can block incoming projectiles. Yet it has a long cooldown period which mid-laners can exploit. Engage him when his W ability is on cooldown. Punish him with heavy damage spells during this window of vulnerability.

Is Yasuo hard champion? ›

TL;DR: Yasuo is difficult because he has lots of options each second, and you have to choose the best one. It's also not easy to execute these plans of action, as his skills require precise movements.

What is the best counter for Yasuo bot? ›

Yasuo Bot has a 49.9% win rate and 0.6% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked C tier. Based on our analysis of 6 673 matches, the best counters for Yasuo Bot are Kalista, Tristana, Nilah, Vayne and Xayah. On the other hand, Yasuo Bot counters Twitch, Miss Fortune, Draven, Aphelios and Jhin.

Can Yone beat Yasuo? ›

Based on the analysis of 3 416 matches in eloName in Patch patch, Yone has a 49.2% win rate against Yasuo in the Mid, which is 1.7% lower than expected win rate of Yone. This means that Yone is more likely to lose the game against Yasuo than on average.

What damage type is Yasuo? ›

Active: Yasuo thrusts forward, damaging all enemies in a line. dealing physical damage to enemies hit. Steel Tempest is treated as a basic attack.

Can riven beat yasuo? ›

Based on the analysis of 386 matches in eloName in Patch patch, Riven has a 59.1% win rate against Yasuo in the Top, which is 8.0% higher than expected win rate of Riven. This means that Riven is more likely to win the game against Yasuo than on average.

How to counter Yasuo top reddit? ›

how do you beat Yasuo?
  1. Stay close to tower. Poke him with your q and be frugal with your e because he can easily block the latter with his wind wall. He can't block your q.
  2. Let him kill himself under your tower and go 0/7. Don't be afraid to use your ult to execute him.
  3. Wait for him to scale anyway.
  4. Lose game.
Jan 4, 2023

What lane is Yasuo best in? ›

Yasuo is a mid-lane attack damage assassin. He is a melee champion and can struggle a lot in the early game when trying to walk up and last hit minions. Once you hit level 5 and get Last Breath, you can look to stack your Steel Tempest until you get your tornado.

Can Darius counter Yasuo? ›

Darius wins against Yasuo 55.66% of the time which is 6.59% higher against Yasuo than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Darius wins against Yasuo 4.42% more often than would be expected. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Darius build & runes against Yasuo.

What does Yasuo scream? ›

Yasuo shouts in an Ancient Ionian dialect. "Aseryo!"

Does Yone forgive Yasuo? ›

Yone's journey in the death realm symbolizes his battle with guilt and his ultimate reconciliation with his past, leading to his forgiveness of Yasuo.

How to fight Yasuo reddit? ›

how do you beat Yasuo?
  1. Stay close to tower. Poke him with your q and be frugal with your e because he can easily block the latter with his wind wall. He can't block your q.
  2. Let him kill himself under your tower and go 0/7. Don't be afraid to use your ult to execute him.
  3. Wait for him to scale anyway.
  4. Lose game.
Jan 4, 2023

What champions counter Yasuo in wild rift? ›

5 Best Champions to Counter Pick Yasuo in Wild Rift, Deflect His Whirlwind
  • Fiora. If you're coming up against Yasuo in Baron Lane, your best bet is to pick Fiora as she's a strong matchup for Yasuo. ...
  • Akali. Another great Champion to counter Yasuo in Wild Rift is Akali. ...
  • Fizz. ...
  • Malphite. ...
  • Annie.

How did Yasuo beat Yone? ›

This was a price he was willing to pay, until he was tracked down by the one he dreaded most—his own brother, Yone. Bound by honor, they circled each other. When their swords finally met, Yasuo's wind magic overcame Yone's dual blades, and with a single flash of steel, the outcast cut his brother down.

Who does Yone counter? ›

Based on our analysis of 57 341 matches, the best counters for Yone roleName are Viego, Neeko, Lux, Fizz and Tryndamere. On the other hand, Yone roleName counters Naafiri, Azir, Aurelion Sol, Corki and Ryze.


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