How Danielle Busby Really Stays In Shape - The List (2024)

  • Entertainment
  • Reality TV

ByKorey Denton

Danielle Busby is many things. She is a wife, a business owner, a mom to six daughters, and a total fitness fanatic. Even though Busby has literally carried five human beings inside of her at the same time, she's still in fantastic shape, as any fan of her hit TLC reality show, OutDaughtered, knows. Even though Busby has a certain amount of privilege that allows her to stay in shape, she still works hard for her physique.


Busby looks so good that people have accused her of getting work done, but the truth of the matter is that Busby just works hard for her body. For the Louisiana native, staying in shape is just part of who she is. But, if you're curious as to howexactlyDanielle Busby really stays in shape, then read on. Busby is strong as a mother, and there are certain exercises, products, foods, and workout programs she sticks to in order to keep herself in good health.

Danielle Busby does a lot of planks

As a busy mom of six — seven, if you count the Busby family pup–Danielle Busby has to be flexible when it comes to staying in shape, and that doesn't just mean yoga. Because her days are filled with caring for her family, Busby doesn't always have the time or space to do a long, complicated workout. But what she does have time for is planks, as seen on her Instagram page. Lots and lots of planks.


The exercise requires no equipment and can be done virtually anywhere, so it's no wonder Busby is a fan of the move. In fact, Busby has been spotted encouraging the followers of her fitness apparel brand, CADi Fitness, to take part in a plank challenge. Busby has even posted photos of her daughter Riley attemptingto do planks — something she clearly learned from her mom. Planksare simple yet effective, and therefore perfect for a mom on the go like Danielle Busby.

Just taking care of her kids is a workout in and of itself for Danielle Busby

Caring forone kid can be stressful and time-consuming, but, as a mom of six, Danielle Busby has a whole lot more to juggle all at once. In fact, just her daily routine with her kids can be a pretty great workout for her. When Busby first gave birth to the quints, it took her a little while to get back on her feet, and understandably so. But when she was able to go on a family outing, she got her first dose of how pushing six kids in a stroller was a workout in and of itself.


In a blog post for It's a Buzz World, Busby wrote about how they took the kids in the "the BIG 6 seater stroller...which, is so comical to look at." She described it as being "huge and heavy," but it can fit all her kids in it. Busby noted there's "nothing like pushing 200 lbs around."

Even when she isn't actually working out, she's still getting in some movement, and that's a key part of Busby staying in shape.

Danielle Busby is mindful of what she has control over when it comes to fitness

It's no secret that not everyone can easily find time for a workout. Between going to work, taking care of kids, doing housework, and everything else life can throw at you, fitting in fitness isn't always easy. Danielle Busby is no stranger to that conundrum. However, she's made every effort to ensure that she is constantly looking for ways to move her body, even if it's just for a little bit.


In a video for TLC about bouncing back after pregnancy, Busby explained that she sometimes just has to do a little movement here and there throughout her day while she's taking care of the quints. "I try my best to be mindful about 'what muscle is this working?' and 'how can I make it look better while at home all day with babies?'" she explained in the video. Even though Busby can't control a lot in her life, she can control working out. So, she makes it a priority, which is definitely a big reason why she's in such great shape.

Danielle Busby doesn't need too much space or equipment for a good workout

Because Danielle Busby is constantly on the go, she is often short on time and she doesn't always have the space to get in a good workout. Sometimes, she might only have time to exercise quickly in the living room while her kids nap.


"You find time to eat, you find time to sleep, well, I try to find time to get some fitness in every day," Busby said in a 2017 video for TLC's YouTube channel. Additionally, in the video, Busby was surrounded by her six children as she completed several exercises, including mountain climbers, triceps dips, side planks, leg raises, and more, proving that you don't need a huge gym to get in an effective workout.

Busby has also shared some of her favorite home workouts to her Instagram highlights, including several that require no equipment and very little space.

Danielle Busby loves spin classes

It's no secret that boutique fitness classes are all the rage. From fancy Pilates studios to high-intensity interval training group classes, people love targeted workouts, despite their hefty price tags. Danielle Busby is no exception. The reality TV star loves a good spin class — so much so that she even started a businessthat offersspin classes, as noted by Bustle.


In 2017, Busby and her husband, Adam, partnered with friends to open up a spin studio, Rush Cycle, and she was very passionate about it. "Rush Cycle is a 45-minute indoor cycling class," she told ABC13 in February 2018. "You get a 45-minute full-body workout on a stationary bike. You're going to get a lot of cardio. You're going to do some upper body and abs, and you'll also do some weights in the class." For Busby, spin class is a great way to stay in shape, and it takes less than an hour.

Danielle Busby works out on her Peloton

Though Danielle Busby loves a good spin class, she and her husband left their business venture of Rush Cycle behind, as noted byTV Shows Ace. It's unclear exactly when and why the Busbys ended their partnership with the spin studio, but, just because they aren't involved with the studio anymore, that doesn't mean the family matriarch is no longer taking part in spin classes.


In a January 2020Instagram post featuring a smiling Busby sitting on a Peloton spin bike, the wife and mother explained that at-home workouts with the stationary bike was a big part in helping her stay on track with her fitness, despite everything else that was going on in her life. "I was out of fitness workouts for 10 weeks after having a hysterectomy, to then having the flu and still suffering from upper respiratory issues," Busby explained to her Instagram followers. "BUT TODAY...I took my mental side of 'I can't' to I CAN!"

Danielle Busby likes to fuel her body with healthy foods

When Danielle Busby was pregnant with the quints, her take on nutrition changed quite a bit. As Busby explained in an interview with Fit Pregnancy, "There were parts of my pregnancy where I had to consume 4,500 calories daily." And even though she "worked with a dietitian," Busby likely had to adjust to healthy eating routines again after giving birth.


As Busby explained to ABC13, now that she's gone through pregnancy, she cooks healthy meals for herself and her family. She will use "banza chickpea noodles," rather than regular pasta, and she drinks a lot of "green smoothies." Additionally, Busby has also been spotted drinking juices and doing detoxes on Instagram alongside her husband. Even though Busby is practically a fitness guru, she's also a huge proponent of healthy eating, and she couldn't stay in as great of shape as she's in if she didn't eat right.

Danielle Busby sometimes enjoys a simple walk with the kids

With as busy as Danielle Busby is, the mom of six is practically a professional multitasker. Just like she can turn her kids' nap time into her gym time, she can also turn a simple walk with her kids into a workout, and that's impressive. However, it's also something that just about every mom can do.


In a blog post for It's a Buzz World, Busby explained that, even though she can find ways to raise her heart rate at home, "taking the stroller out with the quints" and walking or jogging is sometimes the best way to work in some fitness time into her daily life. That way, her kids get some fresh air and quality time with their mom, and Busby gets to stay in shape. Taking care of children can be exhausting, but a family walk or jog is an amazing way to take care of oneself... and maybe tire the kids out too!

Danielle Busby works out with family a lot, which makes it more fun for her

Anyone who watches OutDaughtered knows that Danielle Busby is extremely close with her family, especially her two sisters. Busby's sisters, Courtney and Ashley, are such a huge part of her life, and the three often work out together.


The three of them are so connected through fitness that they actually started their own fitness apparel line, CADi fitness. Obviously, the "C," "A," and "D" in CADi stand for Courtney, Ashley, and Danielle. On the website for CADi, there's an explanation of how the company came to fruition: "Our passion for fitness has been a constant between us and is a reminder of our strength as sisters, wives, mothers and business owners."

By making fitness a family affair, Busby is able to stay in excellent shape and is also able to foster relationships with those who mean the most to her.

Danielle Busby uses supplements to boost her energy

Most people who work out a lot use some kind of supplement to boost their energy levels, and Danielle Busby is no exception. Busby isn't exactly a professional athlete, but, with six kids, multiple jobs, and the struggle of trying to add workouts into her daily routine, it's not surprising that she needs a little burst of energy to help her through it.


In one Instagrampostshared in September 2018, Busby discussed a product called ID Life Energy, which she calls her "late afternoon ...'I need to wake up' drink." But that's not the only product Busby uses to stay in shape.In an Instagram highlight, Busby shared another product from the company that really helps her keep up with everything she needs to get done — ID Life Slim+. "Having six kids, I am constantly exhausted, constantly have like my quint brain," she explained, noting, "When I have something that gives me that energy and focus, that is what makes me feel so accomplished for the day."

Danielle Busby knows how to make the most of the outdoors

Just because Danielle Busby puts her kids first, that doesn't mean she can't make time for herself. In fact, one of Busby's favorite ways to get a workout in is to take the kids outdoors and exercise at the same time. For fans of OutDaughtered, this might sound familiar, as there have been a few scenes where Busby takes the kids outside while also getting her sweat on.


In a video for TLC's YouTube channel, Busby gave some great tips for how moms can work out while taking their kids for a walk outside. "As you're walking, incorporate a lunge," Busby advised. She also said that she'll do some squats, calf raises, leg lifts, and even standing crunches, all while entertaining her kiddos. "Any type of cardio you can do is great for your body, so, you know, taking your stroller out, walking your kids," she shared, adding, "But in my case, it's walking about 250-260 pounds right now." Supermom much?

Squats are an important part of Danielle Busby's workout regimen

Having a nice booty is practically the biggest trend in the fitness and fashion world, and it'd seem Danielle Busby is doing her part to stay on trend given one of her favorite workouts. The mom and business owner really enjoys doing squats as part of her daily fitness regimen. For Busby, squats are just one way that she is able to continue to look great, despite having a hectic life filled with six kids and multiple jobs.


In a blog post for It's a Buzz World, Busby explained that jump squats were some of her favorite exercises to do. No matter how busy she might be, there is always time for squats. Additionally, on the Instagram page for her fitness apparel brand, CADi Fitness, Busby promoted a squat challenge for her followers to take part in. Squats are all the rage, and Busby clearly enjoys working on her lower body and staying in shape.

Danielle Busby credits these two moves for helping her get back into shape

Recovering from pregnancy takes a lot of time and effort, especially when you had five kids at once. But for Danielle Busby, there were two exercises that she made sure she did as much as possible to get back into shape after her pregnancies with the quints and with oldest daughter Blayke. In a video for TLC's YouTube channel, Busby explained how she got strong after giving birth. "Sit-ups and push-ups were like the key ... after I had the babies, after I had Blayke actually, just to help me slowly get back into things was sit-ups and push-ups every day," she said.


On her It's a Buzz World blog, Busby also shared that those two moves were part of her daily routine. "Push ups & sit ups... [it's] like a must do," she wrote. "I love starting the day off with those! (Get the quints milk warming in the microwave, press start on the coffee pot, and then hit the pushups and sit-ups for the 3 minutes it takes to warm the milk cups)." Push-ups and sit-ups don't require any equipment or much space, so it makes sense Busby would rely on them to stay in shape.

Even when she was pregnant, Danielle Busby used light weights to work out

There's no denying the fact that Danielle Busby is a supermom, in every sense of the word. She carried five baby girls at one time, gave birth to them, kept them healthy, and has taken care of all her kids and herself in a really inspiring way. But on top of all of that, she even worked out while she was pregnant with the quints. For many people, working out while pregnant with one baby sounds unappealing enough, but to workout with five babies inside of you sounds pretty difficult.


For Busby, it was just part of her routine. In a YouTube video for TLC, she explained how she worked out while pregnant. "Whenever I was pregnant with quintuplets and could not have a lot of activity ... I always carried one simple weight," she said, adding that it came to the hospital with her right before she gave birth to the quints. Busby explained how she would sit down and do arm workouts in the hospital.

For Busby, working out is a priority — that much is obvious. But the way she stays in shape is fascinating, and if anything, she proves that anyone can get in shape no matter their schedule.

How Danielle Busby Really Stays In Shape - The List (2024)


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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