Homemade Liquor Recipes (2024)

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Homemade Liquor Recipes (1)

Here are a few homemade liquor recipes that I enjoy making, especially during the holidays!It really is something special to be able to make your own homemade liquors. It is a fun activity to do as a couple or as a nice homemade gift.

Homemade Liquor Recipes

Homemade Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey

What you need:

  1. 1 bottle of whiskey (1.75L) – I used inexpensive blended Canadian whiskey
  2. 8-10Organic Cinnamon SticksHomemade Liquor Recipes (2)
  3. 200 ml (approx 6.5 ounces) homemade simple syrup – boil equal parts Organic Cane SugarHomemade Liquor Recipes (3) and water until sugar is dissolved, let cool
  4. Cheese Cloth for straining


    • Let the cinnamon sticks sit in the whiskey for about 4-5 days, swishing it around daily with the jar closed.
    • On the 4th day, I opened the jar and noticed the strong cinnamon scent and gave it a try. It was perfect! Let the cinnamon sticks sit in there for as long as you want and when you get the desired level of cinnamon flavor.
    • Strain the mixture into another container to get the cinnamon sticks and any debris out of the whiskey.
    • Lastly, combine the simple syrup if you decide to sweeten yours.
  • Now it’s ready to bottle!

Create the perfect gift or always have cinnamon whiskey on tap by customizing a whiskey barrel for storing your homemade cinnamon whiskey!

Homemade Authentic Limoncello

What you need: (per approx. 2 liters of limoncello)

10 Fresh Organic LemonsHomemade Liquor Recipes (5)
1 liter of grain alcohol (I use Everclear)
3 and 3/4 cups Organic Cane SugarHomemade Liquor Recipes (6)
1 liter of water
Ball Half-Gallon Jar(s)Homemade Liquor Recipes (7)
Cheese ClothHomemade Liquor Recipes (8)


1. Peel the lemon rind from every lemon, trying not to peel away the white part.
2. Add the lemon rind pieces to a half gallon mason jar.
3. Add the grain alcohol and secure the lid tightly.
4. Let it sit for about 10-14 days, swirling the contents once daily.
5. After the 10-14 days, strain the grain alcohol to separate the lemon rind.
6. Boil the water, sugar and lemon rind.
7. Once dissolved, allow the simple syrup to cool.
8. Strain and discard the lemon rind.
9. Combine the simple syrup and the grain alcohol.
10. Strain the contents through several layers cheese cloths to remove any debris.
11. Add the limoncello to mason jars and store in the fridge.

Note: This drink is best served chilled.

Homemade Ginger Beer

To make ginger beer you will need the following ingredients:

  1. 50g / about a ¼ cup of ginger beer plant (yeast used to ferment the beverage) – http://gingerbeerplant.net – selling the one and the only authentic ginger beer plant on Earth
  2. 200 – 600 g / 1 to 3 cups of Organic Cane SugarHomemade Liquor Recipes (9) – this is just a guide, use your judgement and adjust as you progress
  3. 2 liters or 4 pints of water
  4. juice of a lemon – Organic Lemon Juice PreferredHomemade Liquor Recipes (10)
  5. 1/2 teaspoon of cream of tartar if you have but it’s not vital
  6. 5-12 cm / 2-5 inches of Organic Ginger RootHomemade Liquor Recipes (11) or to taste


  1. Boil the ingredients together for about an hour (except the yeast).
  2. Let the liquid cool to room temperature.
  3. Place the cooled liquid in a carboy with a fermentation lock to let the gases out, but keep the impurities from endangering the flavor of the brew (turning it to vinegar).
  4. Put the yeast into the liquid and let it ferment for about five days unless you want it stronger and less sweet or ferment for a shorter time if you want it more like sweet soda without as much alcohol. * A good guide to when it is okay to bottle is when it is just a little bit sweeter than you would like the brew to taste.
  5. Strain yeast and save it for another brew, bottle and let the bottles sit at room temperature (65-70 degrees) for about five days (periodically releasing any gas build-up to prevent explosions) and then refrigerate until drinking.

A Quick List of Helpful Brewing Equipment:

Homemade Margarita Mix

Here is the recipe for making your own homemade margarita mix:

1 cup water
1/2 cup sugar (I use 1/4 cup sugar instead or substitute it with honey, agave or stevia)
1 cup fresh squeezed lime juice (about 8-12 limes)


1. Heat the water on the stove top and then add the sugar. Stir it up until it is well dissolved. Set the mixture aside to cool.
2. Juice your limes. Any simple hand juicer works or you can squeeze them by hand (what a workout!).
3. Combine the sugar-water mixture with the lime juice in a pitcher or container.

The mix is good for 7-10 days in the fridge.

Fireball Old Fashioned

For a Fireball Old Fashioned co*cktail you will need:

1 ounce Fireball
1 ounce Bourbon
1 teaspoon Organic Maple Syrup
1 tablespoon organic apple or orange juice
Dash of Orange Bitters
co*cktail Shaker


Combine the ingredients in your co*cktail shaker and shake over ice then serve.

Here are some supplies for your homemade liquor recipes:

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Homemade Liquor Recipes (2024)


What is the best alcohol for making liqueurs? ›

Most homemade liqueurs start with vodka. This spirit is an ideal base for liqueurs because it's colorless and flavorless, making it the perfect blank canvas. Start by creating some of the most popular liqueur flavors, like coffee, amaretto, and Irish cream — they all rely on vodka for their kick.

How much sugar for homemade liqueur? ›

To make, the ratio is 1 part sugar to 2 parts water. Boil together for about 5 minutes at a full boil and be sure the sugar is dissolved. The syrup MUST be cool BEFORE adding the alcohol mixture as heat evaporates the alcohol. PROPORTIONS: One cup syrup plus three cups 80 proof vodka equals 60 proof liqueur.

What ingredients are used to make liquor? ›

Alcohol is made by putting grains, fruits or vegetables through a process called fermentation. This is a chemical reaction where yeast or bacteria react with the sugars in the other ingredients to produce ethanol (the alcohol in the drink) and carbon dioxide (which can mean the drink has bubbles).

What is homemade liquor called? ›

In English, moonshine is also known as mountain dew, choop, hooch (abbreviation of hoochinoo, name of a specific liquor, from Tlingit), homebrew, mulekick, shine, sneaky pete, white dog, white lightning, white/corn liquor, white/corn whiskey, pass around, firewater, and bootleg.

What is the simplest liquor to make? ›

Hard cider, mead, or even fruit wine, are all very easy to do. In all cases you need yeast, a vessel with an air lock, and water.

How long do homemade liqueurs last? ›

Finished liqueurs can last for a year if you aren't opening the bottle frequently. If the bottle is never opened, they'll probably be good for 2 to 3 years. Generally, the only thing that will spoil a liqueur is oxygen, so you just need to be sure your bottle has a tight seal if you plan to store it for a long time.

What is the best sugar for making alcohol? ›

Pure sucrose is the reference standard for all fermentable sugars because it contributes 100% of its weight as fermentable extract. It does not contain the 5% moisture as glucose does. One pound of sucrose dissolved in enough water to make one gallon (3.8 L) yields a solution with a specific gravity of 1.046.

How long does it take for sugar to ferment into alcohol? ›

Let the mixture ferment.

It should take about two to ten days for the yeast to produce alcohol. The time required will vary depending on the type of yeast used, and on how much sugar was added. It will take longer to completely ferment more sucrose.

How to make homemade alcohol with yeast and sugar? ›

Mix sugar with water until dissolved, add yeast, wait. Boom, you have alcohol. It won't be very tasty, but it will be alcohol, depending on how much sugar you add, you could have up to around 14% ABV. Remember not to seal your container, gasses build up during fermentation and can cause dangerous pressure levels.

What are the six basic liquors? ›

There are six primary liquors — whiskey, brandy, vodka, rum, gin and tequila. These beverages fall under the liquor category because they use a similar distilling method, but each has a distinct flavor that arises from using different ingredients and aging processes.

What is the key ingredient in liquor? ›

Ethanol and water are the main components of most alcoholic beverages, although in some very sweet liqueurs the sugar content can be higher than the ethanol content.

Which alcohol smells the most? ›

Beer and wine, for example, are the least intoxicating drinks but will cause the strongest odor. A much stronger drink, such as scotch, will have a weaker odor. And vodka leaves virtually no odor at all.

What is the illegal homemade liquor? ›

While individuals of legal drinking age may produce wine or beer at home for personal or family use, Federal law strictly prohibits individuals from producing distilled spirits at home (see 26 United States Code (U.S.C.)

What alcohol is made from potatoes? ›

Neutral Potato Alcohol is commonly used in the production of Vodka, as potatoes and grains provide a neutral flavor profile for the alcohol. The use of potato alcohol to produce alcoholic beverages, however, is just limited to just vodka. Many more spirits are made using Neutral Potato Alcohol as a base.

What is the difference between moonshine and liquor? ›

What is Moonshine? Making moonshine started early in American history when the U.S. government imposed a tax on whiskey and spirits. In the past, there was never an absolute definition of what constituted moonshine. It's generally considered to be a clear, unaged whiskey with a corn base.

What alcohol is used in liqueur? ›

A liqueur is a distilled spirit that is crafted from a liquor base like rum, whiskey, gin, brandy or cognac, vodka, or tequila which has then been sweetened and transformed with added flavors. This means that every liqueur is a liquor while only a portion of liquors are liqueurs.

What are most liqueurs made from? ›

A liqueur is a distilled spirit like vodka or brandy that is sweetened with sugar or syrup, and oftentimes it also contains flavoring agents such as fruit, herbs, and oils. Most liqueurs are sweet, but some have a bitter taste as well, depending on the herbs used.

What are the 2 methods of producing liqueurs? ›

Fruit liqueurs are produced by the infusion method, in which fruit is steeped in the spirit, which absorbs aroma, flavour, and colour. Plant liqueurs, naturally colourless, are produced by either percolation or distillation. Percolation is accomplished in an apparatus much like a coffee percolator.

What is the strongest liqueur? ›

Spirytus. Spirytus is a Polish spirit that has 96% ABV, making it 192 proof, so it is slightly stronger than Everclear.


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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.