Herby Bread-and-Butter Stuffing for Two Recipe (2024)



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Karen Artiaco

Stuffing is often THE most traditional part of the Thanksgiving meal. This is a good recipe, but I would need to use a good sourdough wheat or levain bread. I would sauté 1/2 C diced celery with the shallots, followed by a quick sauté of 1 C sliced mushrooms. So feel free to add the ingredients or spices and herbs that will bring back your fondest memory of a Thanksgiving stuffing.To all those who will point out that this is “dressing” not “stuffing,” remember, “you say tomato, I say tomahto!”


Very good suggestions which illustrate the flexibility of a good recipe.I would need to omit the egg. No problem there, just add a bit more stock.As far as stuffing or dressing: you could use a bit less stock and stuff the bird with it, making it inarguably stuffing.Or, pour some pan drippings into it, and no one will ever know, except how delicious it is.


To prepare fresh bread, just tear up or cut bread roughly and toast lightly i a 250 or 300 F oven for a few minutes. If it seems to have dried out too much, just add more moisture (speaking from experience).


I have to start off by saying I’m not a stuffing/dressing person but I saw this photo and immediately thought, “now that’s something I think I can get behind.”Although Thanksgiving is happening on a much smaller scale, I still wanted it feel special with amazing food. Today I experimented with some recipes that I’ve been eyeballing, just to get a feel for timing and flow. This dressing recipe was on my list and it was everything! Crunchy, chewy, savory and anything but mushy. Loved it!


Dressing, is traditionally served alongside the turkey, if you grew up in the backwoods of South Carolina. Stuffing, however, is called that because it is literally stuffed in the turkey. So, yes, this is dressing. Not stuffing. It's a preparation thing, not a terminology. If you grew up in the backwoods of South Carolina, of course.


This is exceptionally good! The egg and broth make for a wonderfully light texture, unlike other dressings I have made. I used more traditional herbs (thyme, rosemary and sage), sautéing them in step 2. I wasn't quite up for dill, basil or cilantro in my dressing, but to each their own. It was the texture of the final product that set this apart.

Peter W

Lol, no one cares if you call it dressing or stuffing.


I love these tips, esp the celery which I always find to be such a crucial element in stuffing. Yum...can’t wait. Any ideas on how to stale the bread? Maybe tear/cut it a day before and just leave out until the day?


I’ve never made stuffing before; but tried this recipe because of all the fresh herbs. I bought a half-loaf of garlic sourdough bread and a half-loaf of rosemary sourdough bread to use instead of plain bread. I don’t think the extra butter pieces on top are needed; but this the best stuffing I’ve ever had. I will be baking this more often than once a year. I highly recommend this recipe.

My changes

substitute olive oil for butterBefore putting in oven, cook in cast iron skillet for 20 min on low. That makes the bottom crusty, too


Not at all. I always use egg. It helps keep it a bit moist and holds it together.

caryn corenthal

Excellent dish. I added an apple and used my challah bread.I used about 3/4 cup homemade stock and I did use the egg.


Needed 4 more servings than planned so tripled the ingredients. Used pain au levain for the bread and added 2 cups of mushrooms, which I sautéed in the same pan I’d just cooked the shallots in. Mushrooms added flavor and texture. The result was fabulous and a lot less fussy than other recipes for stuffing I’ve used in the past. Who needs sausage?


This is basically the stuffing I’ve made for more than 15 years. I have laid a turkey half or spatchco*cked chicken over the stuffing and roasted it covered for 20 minutes and uncovered for 20-30. Always turns out with plenty of crispy, buttery, crunchy yum and a beautiful roasted bird on top. I do prefer Ciabatta for the bread and add chopped rosemary and sage as well as thyme because I love the flavor. I sometimes add sautéed finely diced and sautéed celery for my husband.


A propos Karen's comment about Thanksgiving traditions, in addition to adding celery and mushrooms, I added chestnuts.


be sure to use a small enough pan that the stuffing is at least 2" deep or thick. otherwise it might be dry by the time the top is crisp.


How do you prevent little bits of cooked egg creeping into the dressing, leaving white spots ... it looks like scrambled egg mixed in with the bread etc. Did my mother's stuffing include egg? I don't think so.


Be sure to thoroughly mix the broth and egg before adding to the bread. Stuffing, which goes insided the bird, should not have eggs. Dressing, which is baked outside the bird, often includes eggs. This recipe turned out great for me!


Fantastic! I added celery, because I love the taste and the crunch. This will be my go-to dressing recipe from now on.


Followed other suggestions to add celery and mushrooms, and used thyme and rosemary and then parsley. Turned out great!

Diane F.

Added mushrooms. Otherwise, followed the recipe and it was delicious! Perfect size for four servings.


- Cube/tear bread into 1” cubes. Bake at 275 degrees for about 40-50min.- 1 celery stock, diced- 1/4 C diced apple (optional) - can use oregano in place of marjoram- likely need more than 1/2 C vegetable stock


This was a perfect size for my daughter and me to enjoy this Thanksgiving- we only had a small amount that didn’t get eaten. From a taste perspective, it was buttery and soft in the middle with crispy end pieces. Loved the addition of so many herbs. Will definitely make again.

Andrew Fox

Mint? Not sage? Nope.


Doubled the recipe, after adding about 3/5 c of celery and a generous handful of mushroom. Came out really beautifully. Makes enough for eight small servings as part of the festive meal.


IMO sage should be the major spice of stuffing. This came from my Grandmother who was born in 1888.


I’m going to try this with Simple Kneads gluten free sourdough bread. I’ll post about how it went after Thanksgiving!


Use leftover biscuits instead of bread.

Caty C

This was DELICIOUS. Made it in a loaf pan and it came out great. Highly recommend!


Stuffing was cooked inside the bird, dressing was cook outside the bird in the oven. Here in New England… the stuffing was often with giblets … the dressing was child friendly… for the kids table.

Paul R

This was quite good. I didn't have a small enough pan for it so I just put it in a pie plate in the air fryer/toaster oven. It worked quite well.

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Herby Bread-and-Butter Stuffing for Two Recipe (2024)


Should I put an egg in my stuffing? ›

The most important ingredient of stuffing may be the binder, which keeps all the other elements in place. For a fluffy texture, use eggs. Stock is the most-used binder. Less conventional possibilities include fruit juice (such as apple or orange) and alcohol (wine or liqueur).

How much stuffing per person? ›

Plan to serve about 3/4 cup of stuffing per guest. That amounts to roughly 4 cups of prepared stuffing for 5 guests and 7-1/2 cups for 10 guests. However, if you have grand plans for using leftovers in Stuffin' Muffins or turkey potpie with a stuffing crust, feel free to make a little bit more.

What is traditional stuffing made of? ›

Turkey stuffing was popularized in the early days of Thanksgiving, as it is written in many 16th-century Boston area documents. Stuffing most often uses dried bread, herbs, and vegetables that are reconstituted with liquid, stuffed into the turkey cavity, and baked until it is firm and finished cooking.

What is the best bread for stuffing? ›

#1: White Sandwich Bread

Texture: Because of its small hole structure but fluffy texture, it was the best at absorbing liquid and butter, gaining a very pleasing, steamy bread pudding-like texture.

How moist should stuffing be before baking? ›

The stuffing should be moist but not wet. If there is a puddle of broth at the bottom of the bowl, you've added too much. Add more bread to soak up the excess moisture. If the mix is still dry and crumbly, add more liquid and toss gently until it starts to clump together.

How much stuffing do I need for 8 people? ›

3/4 cup of stuffing per person should be plenty. There's enough division on the topic that some people may have seconds while others have none! If you have stuffing lovers in your home, better to round up to 1 cup person just in case.

How much stuffing do I need for 20 people? ›

In order to fill the cavity of the bird you are stuffing, you should make 3/4 cup of stuffing per person. You may not be able to fit all the stuffing into your turkey. If this is the case, then you can even make a casserole to fill up your guests!

How many bags of stuffing do I need for 12 people? ›

How much stuffing per person? A 14-ounce bag of stuffing makes about 11 servings.

What is British stuffing made of? ›

Stuffing consists of a mixture of savoury ingredients such as breadcrumbs, herbs, fruit, nuts, sausagemeat and onion which are bound together with egg or liquid to form a semi-solid mixture. It is usually cooked with roast meat such as chicken, pork or lamb and is served as an accompaniment to the sliced, cooked meat.

What can I add to stuffing mix? ›

Mix in specialty flavors.

The sausage adds flavor and moisture to the stuffing when you cook it all together in the same pan. Some of my specialty stuffing recipes have sweet flavors mixed in to balance the savory dish like cubed apples, chopped figs, or dried raisins or craisins.

What's the difference between stuffing and filling? ›

Although most people in America debate on whether the dish should be called stuffing or dressing the people of Pennsylvania call it filling. Essentially filling is the same as stuffing or dressing. The name suggests that it will fill something like stuffing does.

Is it better to make stuffing with fresh or dry bread? ›

Any attempts to make stuffing with soft, fresh baked bread will result in a bread soup with a soggy texture. Follow this tip: Stale, dried-out bread makes the best stuffing.

Is it better to toast or dry bread for stuffing? ›

dry!" The reason for this is that stale or dry bread will hold up better after cooking and keep its texture even after adding your broth or liquid. If you use soft, fresh bread, you'll ultimately wind up with a soggy, mushy stuffing.

Should you toast bread before making stuffing? ›

We start by cubing our bread—for traditional recipes, we favor a simple white sandwich-style loaf—then toast it in the oven at a low 275°F for about 45 minutes, tossing it every now and then to help it dry evenly.

Does stuffing mix have eggs? ›

Most commercial stuffing brands use animal products like milk, egg whites, butter, and chicken broth to bind the stuffing together. Some brands also use cornbread, which uses egg in the mixture. Homemade is the way to go if you want to incorporate only plant-based ingredients in your vegan stuffing mix.

What can I use instead of egg to bind stuffing? ›

Some common egg substitutes include:
  1. Mashed banana. Mashed banana can act as a binding agent when baking or making pancake batter. ...
  2. Applesauce. Applesauce can also act as a binding agent. ...
  3. Fruit puree. ...
  4. Avocado. ...
  5. Gelatin. ...
  6. Xanthan gum. ...
  7. Vegetable oil and baking powder. ...
  8. Margarine.
Mar 30, 2021

Can you mess up stuffing? ›

Your Bread Is Too Fresh

There's nothing better than soft, fresh bread—except for when it comes to stuffing. If you want your stuffing to hold up and not end up a soupy, soggy mess, make sure your bread is dried out or staled for a few days.

How do you make stuffing moist after cooking? ›

Add Butter and Broth Before Reheating

Often upon refrigeration, the stuffing will soak up any excess moisture and will appear drier than when originally served. Depending on the amount of stuffing you plan to reheat, drizzle a few tablespoons or up to 1/4 cup of chicken or turkey broth into the stuffing to moisten it.


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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.