Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (2024)


  • Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng]

  • Episode 04: Hell and Paradise

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Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (8)

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Episode 01: The Death Row Convict and the Executioner Episode 02: Screening and Choosing Episode 03: Weakness and Strength Episode 04: Hell and Paradise Episode 06: Heart and Reason Episode 08: Student and Master Episode 09: Gods and People Episode 10: Yin and Yang Episode 11: Weak and Strong Episode 12: Umbrella and Ink Episode 13: Dreams and Reality

A squad of prisoners and their guards are sent to investigate a mysterious island. They get stranded there and must rely on each other to survive the island's mysterious and monstrous residents.

Actors: Jim Foronda,

Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (12)

Jim Foronda

Cassie Ewulu,

Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (13)

Cassie Ewulu

Chikahiro Kobayashi,

Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (14)

Chikahiro Kobayashi

Junichi Suwabe,

Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (15)

Junichi Suwabe 29 March 1972, Tokyo, Japan

Ben Balmaceda,

Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (16)

Ben Balmaceda

Macy Anne Johnson,

Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (17)

Macy Anne Johnson

Makoto Furukawa,

Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (18)

Makoto Furukawa

Konomi Kohara,

Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (19)

Konomi Kohara

Kensuke Ôta,

Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (20)

Kensuke Ôta

Bill Jenkins,

Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (21)

Bill Jenkins 24 May 1955

Cody Savoie,

Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (22)

Cody Savoie


Genre: Drama,Action,Adventure,Thriller,Fantasy,Animation

Director: Kaori Makita

Country: Japan

Release: 2023

IMDb: 8.1


Duration: 24 min

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Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (24)

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Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (34)

ACTORS OF "Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng]"

Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (35)

Jim Foronda

Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (36)

Cassie Ewulu

Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (37)

Chikahiro Kobayashi

Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (38)

Jun'ichi Suwabe

29 March 1972, Tokyo, Japan

Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (39)

Ben Balmaceda

Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (40)

Macy Anne Johnson

Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (41)

Makoto Furukawa

Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (42)

Konomi Kohara

Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (43)

Kensuke Ôta

Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (44)

Bill Jenkins

24 May 1955

Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (45)

Cody Savoie

Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (46)

Jordan Dash Cruz

June 18, 1990 in Florida, USA

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Hells Paradise: Jigokuraku - Season 1 [Sub: Eng] - Free Anime Movies Watch Online on GoGoAnime (2024)


Is Hell's Paradise Jigokuraku canceled? ›

The series ended with the 127th chapter on January 25, 2021.

Where will Hells Paradise be streaming? ›

Watch Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku. Netflix.

Is Hells Paradise going to be on Crunchyroll? ›

Based on Yuji Kaku's immensely popular manga, the Hell's Paradise anime, available for streaming on Crunchyroll in the U.S., introduced audiences to a fresh shonen adventure with its debut in April 2023.

How many episodes are in season 1 of Hells Paradise? ›

The official website for the Hell's Paradise anime has announced that the debut season will consist of 13 episodes, and it will be a single cour anime. Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku is an adaptation of Yuji Kaku's manga, and it is being produced by Studio Mappa.

Is Hell's Paradise season 2 out? ›

Hell's Paradise season two is officially on the way, but we still don't have a confirmed release date yet. The anime series was always destined to be a winner, even before its first season aired in spring 2023.

Does Gabimaru return to his wife? ›

After arriving, Yui spots Gabimaru and sheds tears as her husband rushes towards her. Having finally been reunited, along with Iwagakure being dissolved by the shogun, the two walk away together to start a new life.

Does Gabimaru's wife exist? ›

Her name and his recollections of her smiling eyes and gentle voice are all he has to offer as proof of her existence. However, for Gabimaru, these tiny yet vivid details are enough. In the later chapters of Hell's Paradise, it is confirmed that Yui is indeed a real character.

Is Hell's Paradise kid friendly? ›

For parents considering the manga series "Hell's Paradise" for their children, it's important to be aware of the mature themes and violence depicted. The protagonist's journey, while fantastical, includes intense scenes that may not be suitable for younger audiences.

Does Sagiri like Gabimaru? ›

However, her feelings for Gabimaru are not selfish in that she wants him all to herself, rather, she is visibly happy for him whenever he mentions his wife. Sagiri has an undeniable love for Gabimaru, but it is purely as a close friend and never as a lover.

Why did Gabimaru lose his memory? ›

Sagiri explains to everyone the Gabimaru has lost his memories due to losing too much of his Tao.

Is Hells Paradise Based on a true story? ›

VIZ's new manga series Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku stars swordswoman Asaemon Yamada. While she and her story may be fiction, her name is well-known in Japan and tied deeply with sword history. Japan has a long history of sword-making, and their swords (called nihonto in Japanese) are unique in the world.

Did Hell's Paradise anime end? ›

Photo Credit: Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku (2023) Viz Media

At chapter 45 of the manga, the Hell's Paradise anime comes to an end.

Does Gabimaru get his memory back? ›

Shion asked Gabimaru if he had fought one as well. Gabimaru answers yes and confirms to everyone that he has regained his memories. Having told his experience, Yuzuriha gives her opinion that it would be best for them to escape the island but Gabimaru objects stating that he needed the pardon to truly be with his wife.

Is Gabimaru immortal in Hell's Paradise? ›

As an Iwa shinobi he had followed their principles, such as continuing forward with a mission, defeating his opponents no matter what the tactics were, and that his life had no value if he were to die. His line of work has also made him immune to the sight of death. Gabimaru's hesitation to take Sagiri's life.


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.