Guide to Representations & Warranties Insurance (2024)

As representations and warranties (R&W) insurance becomes increasingly mainstream, get this comprehensive look at this facet of coverage.

Over the past decade, representations and warranties insurance (RWI or R&W) has become an established tool in the merger and acquisition (M&A) toolbox for both private equity and strategic buyers. In fact, RWI is used in an estimated 75% of private equity transactions and 64% of larger strategic acquisitions.

We have good news for buyers: Broad coverage and competitive pricing are the keywords for RWI in 2023.

Learn more in Woodruff Sawyer’s updated Guide for this evolving coverage.

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What Is Reps & Warranties Insurance?

R&W insurance is a breach-of-contract coverage designed to enhance or replace the indemnification given by the seller to the buyer. In short, R&W covers loss caused by any breaches of the seller’s representations, whether it involves issues with their customer contracts, employment agreements, or the secret recipe of their product (i.e., intellectual property or IP).

The indemnity package is usually the most contentious part of any merger or acquisition negotiation. R&W steps in to eliminate contention and provide everyone with a cleaner, faster, and safer deal.

The RWI Underwriting Market Has Grown Significantly

The RWI underwriting market has grown substantially in the last two years. It was not too long ago that there were only three or four markets writing this type of risk. By mid-2023, there were 26 markets, with one new market already this year and two new markets last year. We believe this growth will level off, but there is certainly a thriving and competitive marketplace.

Changes in Premiums From 2022 to 2023

The changes we saw at the end of last year are eroding further as 2023 progresses. As of June, standard rates are now running 2%–3% of the limit bought. (For analysis, read our blog post, .)

Guide to Representations & Warranties Insurance (1)

We see this trend as very good news for our clients and those needing RWI. The average number of quotes went through the roof, and the premium prices are on par with the beginning of 2018, if not slightly more competitive.

The lowest quote we have seen so far this year is 2%, a return to 2018 in terms of pricing.

How Does Reps & Warranties Insurance Work?

The Typical Policyholder

While either buyer or seller can be insured, 97% of the policies placed are buy-side, protecting the buyer from any breaches of the seller’s representations. Here are five buy-side details:

  • Buy-side policies have additional fraud coverage that sell-side policies can’t provide.
  • The insured buyer can pick a coverage limit and survival period (i.e., the period for which the policy is in place) beyond what the seller is willing to give.
  • With this coverage, the buyer can avoid suing their newly acquired management team. If any breaches or misrepresentations come up, they can go directly to the carrier.
  • Buy-side policies allow the buyer to offer lower escrows or more competitive terms in an auction.
  • The insurance can replace distressed company indemnification with A+ rated indemnification.

How Underwriters Assess M&A Risk

When drawing up the R&W policy, underwriters evaluate:

  • The nature of the sale purchase agreement (SPA) terms and conditions
  • The nature of the specific warranties being given in the context of the transaction
  • The quality of the due diligence


While the insurance is designed to cover all warranties, certain exclusions are standard:

  • Forward-looking warranties (sales projections, etc.)
  • Purchase price adjustments
  • The availability or usability of net operating losses or R&D tax credits
  • Areas of coverage that are difficult to get, such as Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) violations, union activity, underfunding of pensions, wage and hour violations, etc.
  • Known issues

Placement Process and Timing

Placing R&W coverage is a two-part process:

  1. The initial non-binding indication occurs one week after receiving the target financials, draft sale and purchase agreement, and any information memorandum that has been prepared by the seller. Underwriters provide initial indications on premium, retention, areas of concern, or heightened risk. This costs nothing.
  2. Underwriting requires a $30,000–$45,000 up-front “diligence fee.” Underwriters and their counsel are granted access to the data room and begin reviewing the diligence reports and the disclosure schedules. It involves a two- to three-hour diligence call with underwriters, deal team members, and third-party diligence providers. Twenty-four hours after the call, underwriters provide a draft policy and follow-up questions, if any.

How Pricing Is Determined

The policy retention or deductible is expressed as a percentage of overall transaction size. The minimum for mid-size deals is 0.75% of the transaction.

For larger deals above $500 million in enterprise value (EV), it’s more common to see a 0.5% retention, which can be in the form of a seller’s escrow, the buyer’s deductible, or a combination of the two. A 0.75% retention drops down to 0.5% after 12 months, regardless of the size of the transaction. Those starting at 0.5% may not see a further drop.

Guide to Representations & Warranties Insurance (2)

Premium is expressed as a percentage of the limit of coverage bought and is not related to transaction size. As of June, premiums range from 2%–3% of the limitation of coverage. It’s worth noting that minimum premiums are running around $100,000 for ordinary deals with $3–$5 million of limits requested.

Claims Trends

Halfway through 2023, we've found the rate of claims has been relatively consistent with previous years, while the number of claims has increased. This increase is largely attributable to the surge of M&A activity in 2021. However, we have seen interesting shifts in claims, including:

  • Claims are being noticed later than usual, between 12 and 18 months post-close.
  • First-party, or indemnification, claims (where the insured brings a claim directly to the carrier) remain more common than third-party claims. However, third-party claims are on the rise for 2023 and will likely continue to uptick.
  • Data security/privacy breach is a top RWI claim. Carriers are increasingly concerned about the adequacy of cyber coverage, and buyers should expect this to be an area of heightened diligence.

Guide to Representations & Warranties Insurance (3)

Find out more about RWI claims trends in an upcoming blog.

Choosing a Specialty Broker

R&W insurance is a complex and fast-growing marketplace. It requires a dedicated insurance broker who understands this type of coverage and is backed by the resources to handle all insurance lines and questions that come out of a transaction.

Woodruff Sawyer believes that clients are best served by a team dedicated to reps and warranties insurance, with access to broader resources that can review all your organization’s insurance needs and present a holistic solution.

Read the full guide for additional details about retentions, exclusions, program structure, and limits.

Guide to Representations & Warranties Insurance (2024)


What is the guide to reps and warranties insurance? ›

In short, R&W covers loss caused by any breaches of the seller's representations, whether it involves issues with their customer contracts, employment agreements, or the secret recipe of their product (i.e., intellectual property or IP).

How much does R&W insurance cost? ›

Over 2,000 RWI policies bound annually among 20+ RWI providers. RWI premium typically ranges from ~3%–4% of the insured amount (downward trend over the last 1–2 years is resulting in many opportunities pricing below 3%).

Who pays for RWI Premium? ›

Failing that, the seller will seek an arrangement under which RWI is the buyer's main recourse, although there could also be some liability for indemnification, such as claims below the policy retention or above its coverage limit. Ideally the sellers will want the buyer to bear the policy retention and premium cost.

What are the exclusions for R&W insurance? ›

Common exclusions under RWI policies include fraud (although buyer-side policies will cover seller's fraud), disclosed items or otherwise actually known breaches, fines and penalties, purchase price adjustments, and forward-looking statements. Policies also exclude injunctive, equitable and other non-monetary relief.

What does reps and warranties insurance not cover? ›

RWI does NOT cover known, material issues uncovered during diligence or issues of which the buyer's deal team had actual knowledge, breaches of covenants in the purchase agreement (i.e., the requirement to pay off company indebtedness as of closing or the non-compete), purchase price adjustments and forward-looking ...

What are reps and warranties for dummies? ›

A representation is a statement of fact that is true to the best of the maker's knowledge on the effective date of the representation. For instance, "Seller represents that Seller has the authority to transfer this company." A warranty gives the buyer indemnification if the representation is false.

Who typically pays for reps and warranties insurance? ›

Typically, buyers pay for the reps and warranties insurance because there are so many unknowns from their perspective, and they want protection. However, there are very rare instances where sellers pay for the insurance.

Who buys reps and warranty insurance? ›

While it is always a breach of the seller's reps and warrants that is the trigger for coverage, either the seller or the buyer can be the insured. If the seller is insured, this is referred to as a sell-side policy and if the buyer is insured, this is referred to as a buy-side policy.

What is the deductible for rep and warranty insurance? ›


This is the amount of “loss” someone has to suffer before the insurance begins to pay out. In reps and warranties insurance, the deductible is expressed as a percentage of the overall transaction size. Currently minimum deductibles are at 1%.

Is RWI covered at signing or closing? ›

Once any underwriting call follow-up questions are answered and policy wording is negotiated, RWI coverage is typically bound at signing or closing.

What are the benefits of R&W insurance? ›

Representations and warranties (R&W) insurance helps reduce the risk associated with mergers and acquisitions (M&As). R&W insurance can eliminate the need for traditional indemnification provisions and decrease escrow or holdback.

Do reps and warranties survive closing? ›

A statute of limitations operates to limit the time during which a claim may be brought against a party. If a purchase agreement is silent as to survival, reps and warranties survive until the applicable jurisdiction's statute of limitations for claims for breach of contract lapses.

How common is R&W insurance? ›

The use of R&W Insurance is becoming more popular, and the volume of R&W Insurance sold has increased considerably in recent years. One recent estimate suggests it is now used in 20-25% of U.S. private transactions. R&W Insurance can be purchased as either Seller Side or Buyer Side coverage.

What is the difference between R&W and W&I insurance? ›

Depending on the jurisdiction, such insurance may come as representations and warranties (R&W) or warranty and indemnity (W&I) insurance. Although they serve the same basic purpose — coverage for unknown historical issues — their pricing, underwriting process, and scope of coverage are markedly different.

What does "no riders" mean in insurance? ›

A rider is an optional coverage or feature you can add to your life insurance policy, often for an additional cost. Riders can help cover life events that your standard policy does not. Riders can provide benefits for critical illness and more during your lifetime.

What is the standard reps and warranties clause? ›

Standard representations and warranties commonly relate to: ∎ The party itself. contract. In a commercial contract, transaction- specific representations and warranties typically relate to the nature, type, quality, and condition of the goods, assets, or services central to the subject matter of the agreement.

What is the RWI policy? ›

Under a buy-side representations and warranties insurance (“RWI”) policy, the buyer in an M&A transaction recovers directly from an insurer for losses arising from certain breaches of the seller's representations and warranties in the acquisition agreement.


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