GMT +8 Countries / UTC +8 Countries 2024 (2024)

GMT+8 countries are countries which lie partially or completely within the GMT+08:00 time zone, where the local time is eight hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+00:00), which is the time in Greenwich, England. GMT has actually been replaced by Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), although GMT remains the more commonly known of the two terms. As such, the GMT+8:00 time zone is also known (more correctly) as UTC+08:00. GMT+8 also has several region-specific alternate names, including China Taiwan Time (CCT), Western Standard Time (Australia), Hong Kong Time, Irkutsk Time, and more. Located in Eastern Asia, UTC+08:00 is one of the earliest time zones in the world (UTC+12:00 being the earliest).

GMT+08:00/UTC+08:00 has a larger population than any other time zone in the world, and is home to an estimated 24% of the Earth's inhabitants. This is primarily due to an unusual decision by the government of China, one of the two most populous countries in the world (along with India). Although China's geographical area stretches across five time zones, the country's government has chosen to use only GMT+8:00 across its entire expanse. Thus, China's full population falls into UTC+08:00.

Countries in the GMT+08:00/UTC+08:00 Time Zone:



AustraliaWestern Australia
Hong KongAll
IndonesiaCentral Indonesia, including parts of Kalimantan, Lesser Sunda Islands, Sulawesi
MongoliaEastern Mongolia, including Dornod, Ulaanbaatar, and Sukhbaatar
RussiaFar Eastern Federal District and Siberian Federal District

The Importance of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

Originally developed by British railroads in the 1840s and made a global standard at Washington DC's International Meridian Conference in 1884, Greenwich Mean Time established a universal international standard time system that enabled the coordination of time all around the world. GMT divides the world into 26 time zones—one for each hour in the day plus two overlapping extras to accommodate the remote Pacific Island country Kiribati—each running vertically from Earth's north pole to its south pole. Time zones are named according to their distance from the longitudinal meridian that passes through Greenwich, England and establishes the GMT+0:00 time zone.

While the borders between time zones are clearly defined, they are also notably flexible. Countries whose territory touches more than one time zone are free to choose which of those time zones they wish to utilize. For example, the countries of Turkmenistan, Iran, and Oman are geographically positioned in a vertical north-south row, but they adhere to three different time zones (including Iran's custom GMT+03.50).

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) compared to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

The term GMT is often used incorrectly, especially among English speakers, as it technically refers only to the time zone in which Greenwich, England is located (GMT+00:00). The more correct label for time zones is Coordinated Universal Time, or UTC.

When time zones were first introduced, the time was calculated and timekeeping devices were calibrated by measuring the movement of astronomical bodies—particularly the rotation of the Earth. However, as technology progressed, scientists realized that the speed of Earth's rotation is not constant, but fluctuates by fractions of a second at both predictable and unpredictable intervals. While a discrepancy of a few seconds a day made little difference 100 years ago, in the modern era even such a small variation can have a negative impact on sensitive scientific and technical operations.

To alleviate this concern, time is now calculated using atomic clocks such as hydrogen masers and cutting-edge "cesium/caesium fountain" clocks, which will not gain or lose a second of time in 100 million years. Atomic clocks are operated in groups—for instance, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology operates twenty atomic clocks in Boulder, Colorado—in climate-controlled areas and their times are compared to ensure accuracy.

GMT +8 Countries / UTC +8 Countries 2024 (2024)


GMT +8 Countries / UTC +8 Countries 2024? ›

Current time in UTC/GMT+8 time zone is 10:38:45. UTC+08 time is 8 hours ahead from the UTC time (Universal Time).

What time is GMT+8 in EST? ›

Getting Started
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) to Eastern Standard Time (EST)
8 pm GMTis4 pm EST
9 pm GMTis5 pm EST
10 pm GMTis6 pm EST
11 pm GMTis7 pm EST
8 more rows

What time is GMT+8 right now? ›

Current time in UTC/GMT+8 time zone is 10:38:45. UTC+08 time is 8 hours ahead from the UTC time (Universal Time).

What country is 24 hours ahead of the USA? ›

None if you compare time with all the USA 50 States. American Samoa is the only contender for the comparison year round and Kiribati, Tonga as well New Zealand (for Tokelau) are all 24 hours ahead of American Samoa all year round.

What countries are UTC+8? ›

Countries in the GMT+08:00/UTC+08:00 Time Zone:
Hong KongAll
IndonesiaCentral Indonesia, including parts of Kalimantan, Lesser Sunda Islands, Sulawesi
8 more rows

What is UTC 8 now? ›

Current time in UTC/GMT-8 time zone is 13:26:49.

Are GMT and UTC the same? ›

Coordinated Universal Time

Although both GMT and UTC display the same time, there is a difference: GMT is now considered just a time zone officially used in some European and African countries. But UTC is not a time zone, but rather the new time standard that is the basis for clock time and time zones worldwide.

Is America GMT 8? ›

GMT-8 is 8 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). USA and Canada have the GMT/UTC minus 8 hours offset when Daylight Saving Time is NOT in use.

What time is GMT 8 in New York? ›

Time in GMT+8 and New York
GMT+8New York (-12h)
Friday 11:00PM11:00AM
Saturday 12:00AM12:00PM
32 more rows

What is meant by UTC? ›

Prior to 1972, this time was called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) but is now referred to as Coordinated Universal Time or Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). It is a coordinated time scale, maintained by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM).

What GMT is California? ›

GMT -7 hours

Is Hong Kong GMT+8? ›

Currently, Hong Kong time is defined as UTC+08:00.

Which two countries have the biggest time difference? ›

Maximum time difference between two countries is 26 hours ⏱ You can see that the most extreme time zones are +14 hours at Line Islands (Kiribati), and -12 hours in and around Baker Islands (US). Therefore, the maximum possible difference between times on Earth is 26 hours.

Which country is 1 day ahead? ›

Kiribati – pronounced Kiribas – is the only nation on Earth to permanently trespass into GMT+14: the earliest time zone in the world. You can think of Kiribati as the eternal land of tomorrow: if it's Sunday where you are, it's probably Monday in Kiribati.

Where does time start on Earth? ›

In 1884, an international conference composed of 25 nations and states, including the United States and the independent Kingdom of Hawai'i, voted for the Greenwich Meridian to be the prime meridian for the earth.

Where is GMT minus 8? ›

GMT-8 is 8 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). USA and Canada have the GMT/UTC minus 8 hours offset when Daylight Saving Time is NOT in use.

Is GMT-8 China time? ›

China Standard Time (UTC+8) is consistent across Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, as well as equivalent with Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, most of Mongolia, Malaysia, Irkutsk Time (Russia), Western Australia and Central Indonesia.

Is California GMT+8? ›

California is in the Pacific Time Zone in the United States of America (USA). US Pacific Standard Time (PST) is 8 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time ( GMT-8 ).

What country has 8 time zones? ›

Australia: Australia is the world's sixth largest country and has eight time zones. The southern continent of Oceania is largely defined by Australia's land mass and the islands it takes under national territory. The Australian time zones are UTC+5, UTC+6:30, UTC+7, UTC+8, UTC+9:30, UTC+10, UTC+10:30 and UTC+11.


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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.