Funeral Information | Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors Inc. (2024)

Creating a Meaningful Service

For centuries, funerals have helped us say goodbye. No matter what kind of funeral ceremony you are planning, it helps to understand the parts of a meaningful funeral. Each element serves a unique purpose and plays an important role. When you put the elements together, you create a ceremony deserving of the special life that was lived.

Funeral Information | Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors Inc. (1)

One of the purposes of music is to help us assess our feelings, both happy and sad.

During the funeral ceremony, music helps us think about our loss and embrace our painful feelings of grief. Music is an important part of many social rituals.

  • Choosing Music for the Service
    Consider music that was meaningful to the person who died or to your family.
  • Music Services are Typically Available at the Funeral Home
    Most funeral homes and many churches and other places of worship have the capability to play CDs or music from iPods. Make sure to check out the quality of the sound system.
  • Arranging for Live Music
    If you’d like to have live singers or musicians, your funeral director or clergy person can help you contact and schedule them. Most funeral homes and churches will have their own organist or pianist.

Readings help us acknowledge reality and move toward the pain of the loss.

Including readings helps those attending the funeral to acknowledge the reality of the death and to move toward the pain of the loss.

  • Religious funeral ceremonies typically contain a number of standard readings from the faith’s literature.
  • Both religious and secular ceremonies may also allow time for readings that represent the person who died.
  • Readings can be selected that capture the unique life and philosophies of the person who died.
  • It is completely appropriate to inject humor if it is a true reflection of your loved one.

Symbols say for us what we could not possibly say in words at this time.

When words are inadequate, ritual and the presence of symbols like flowers, food, candles and even the body of the person who has died, help us express our thoughts and feelings.

Examples of Symbols Include:

  • Flowers
    Flowers represent love and beauty. Accepting flowers from friends is a way of accepting their support.
  • Food
    Friends bring food as a way of nurturing mourners and demonstrating their support.
  • Candles
    The flame of a candle represents the spirit. For some, it also represents life’s continuation beyond death.
  • The Body
    Whether present in an open or unopened casket, the body of the person who has died serves as a focus for mourners and helps them acknowledge and embrace their pain.

Memories are the most precious legacy we have after someone we love dies.

Memories are the most precious legacy we have after someone we love dies. Your family can choose to provide opportunities for memory-sharing beyond the eulogy. As we all realize, not everyone feels comfortable speaking in front of a crowd. Through memories, those who have died continue to live on in us.

Be sure to talk to your funeral director about ways of sharing memories at the funeral. Some creative alternatives include:

Memory Baskets

Provide a time and place during the visitation or the funeral service where people can write down memories on paper and place them in a memory basket. Some of these memories can be read during the eulogy or tacked on a board for others to read.

Memory DVDs

Some funeral homes offer memory DVDs that incorporate visual images with music. There are a growing number of companies that can offer this service, including websites that guide you through the process of developing your own video. Ask your funeral director for details.

Memory Letters

Some friends and family members may want to write a personal letter to the person who died. These letters can then be sealed and placed in the casket or displayed near the casket for other mourners to read.

Memory Tables or Memory Boards

Many funeral homes make available tables or boards for families to display memorabilia and photos. If the person who died had a favorite hobby, consider setting up a display that represents this (e.g. model trains, photos of her garden, fishing tackle). Physical objects that link mourners to the person who died can be displayed too (e.g. special articles of clothing, favorite toys for a child). You could also set out family photo albums and framed pictures. Memory tables give mourners a good place to gather and share memories of the person who died.

Recording the Service

Many funeral homes have equipment to videotape and/or audiotape funeral ceremonies. More and more families are finding that capturing the funeral for posterity allows them to replay it later in their grief journeys, when they’re not so overwhelmed and exhausted. The recording often becomes a cherished family keepsake. It can also be duplicated for friends and family who are not able to attend the service.

Funeral Information | Keith D. Biglow Funeral Directors Inc. (2024)


Why do funeral directors make so much money? ›

The sale of caskets happens to be one of the most profitable ventures that funeral homes engage in. Usually, they make the caskets necessary for each family. And to say the least, the coffins are priced to make a profit.

Are funeral directors wealthy? ›

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary for funeral home managers is $72,110 per year (as of May 2022). The median annual salary for morticians, undertakers, and funeral arrangers was $51,570 that same year.

What happens when you go to funeral directors? ›

Think about it this way: your conversation is intended to do two things: 1.) Share accurate biographical details of the deceased to assist the funeral director in completing relevant paperwork, and 2.) come to an agreement about the plans for the funeral, memorial service, or celebration-of-life.

Why are funeral costs so high? ›

A funeral home is a 24-hour, labor-intensive business, with extensive facilities (viewing rooms, chapels, limousines, hearses, etc.), which must be factored into the cost of a funeral. A majority of the expense is typically in the funeral home professional fees and merchandise for the funeral or memorial itself.

What is the highest funeral director salary? ›

How Much Do Funeral Director Jobs Pay per Year? $52,500 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers. $76,000 is the 75th percentile.

Do you tip funeral directors? ›

Who should get funeral gratuities? Funeral directors typically do not receive gratuities. However, it's customary to thank the funeral director with a thank-you note, and by leaving a positive review for the funeral home online.

How long after death do you see a funeral director? ›

Typically, funerals take place within one to two weeks after death, given all arrangements can be made within that time.

Why do funeral directors wear top hats? ›

Why Do Funeral Directors Wear a Top Hat? Hats have been a mark of elegance and from a funeral perspective, its a sign of respect towards the person who has died and a sign of mourning. The funeral director role is steeped in tradition and history, so many of those aspects still remain today.

Do funeral directors handle bodies? ›

Once the body can be released, some states allow for families to handle the body themselves, but most people employ a funeral director. The body is placed on a stretcher, covered and transferred from the place of death – sometimes via hearse, but more commonly these days a minivan carries it to the funeral home.

Do morticians do embalming? ›

Cleans and dresses the body. If there will be a viewing the mortician arranges the body in the casket, and does their hair and makeup. If the family has chosen to have the remains embalmed, the mortician does the embalming.

Who owns most funeral homes? ›

Three large corporations now own 15% of the 23,000 homes in the funeral home industry. Service Corporation International (SCI), based in Houston, is the largest of the three, followed by Loewen Group Inc., based in Vancouver, Canada and Philadelphia, and Stewart Enterprises Inc., based in New Orleans.

Can a body be viewed without embalming? ›

Many funeral homes will offer to embalm a person's body prior to their burial. It preserves their body for a viewing and a funeral. But it's not mandatory for embalming to take place.

What questions will a funeral director ask? ›

What Questions will a Funeral Director ask?
  • What type of service would you like?
  • Would you like the deceased dressed in their own clothes?
  • Would you like to visit them?
  • Is there a particular minister you would like?
  • Are there any particular songs you would like played?

How do funeral directors close the mouth? ›

The oral and nasal cavities are swabbed clean, checked for any purge material, then the throat area is packed with cotton. A common method of mouth closure is via needle injector. A needle with a barbed tip and with a wire attached is driven into the maxilla, behind the teeth, and another driven into the mandible.

Why are funeral homes so profitable? ›

A funeral home business generates income in several ways. The most common way is through the sale of funeral services. This includes the cost of the funeral director, embalming, transportation, and other related services. Another way a funeral home business can generate income is by selling products.

What are the cons of being a funeral director? ›

Cons of being a mortician
  • Nontraditional work hours. Morticians may have to work nontraditional work hours. ...
  • Career stigma. Working as a mortician may lead to a career stigma for some. ...
  • Emotionally challenging. ...
  • Requires diverse knowledge and skills. ...
  • Medical risks.
Mar 15, 2024

Who makes the most money in the funeral business? ›

High Paying Funeral Professional Jobs
  • Funeral Director. Salary range: $52,500-$76,000 per year. ...
  • Embalmer. Salary range: $41,000-$58,000 per year. ...
  • Cemetery Caretaker. Salary range: $42,500-$50,500 per year. ...
  • Funeral Arranger. Salary range: $44,000-$50,000 per year. ...
  • Crematory Operator. ...
  • Funeral Attendant.

Is funeral directing stressful? ›

Sometimes it is just the nature of our business and we find the adrenaline to “suck it up” and move forward. But at other times this feeling of “never being finished” can lead to mental health stress and funeral director burnout.


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.