Frequently Asked Questions | Pennymac (2024)

mortgage relief & assistance

Will my credit be affected by accepting a trial period payment plan or a loan modification?

Yes. Staying current on your payments is the best way to protect your credit. If you enter into a modification, your credit may be negatively affected. Your loan will be reported as paying under a partial payment plan during the trial period, and as modified after the final modification agreement is signed, notarized and returned. In addition, if you’re behind on your payments when you start your trial, your loan will continue to be reported as “delinquent” until your loan has been permanently modified, even if you’re making your trial payments. Credit scores are determined by a customer’s credit history and are not controlled directly by Pennymac. Our commitment is to accurately report the status of all our customers.

My property has been damaged due to a natural disaster. What should I do?

If you've been impacted by a natural disaster or property damage caused by an accident, click here to learn more.

What are the basic eligibility requirements for a loan modification?

A loan modification may be an option if: you are ineligible to refinance, you are facing a long-term financial hardship, your monthly mortgage payments are no longer affordable, you are behind on your mortgage payments or likely to fall behind soon, and/or you have the willingness and ability to make reasonable monthly mortgage payments.

Will Pennymac perform an escrow analysis when completing a loan modification?

Yes. Lenders perform an escrow analysis to determine the escrow payments prior to establishing a trial period payment, taking into consideration the tax and insurance payments that may come due during the trial period.

My loan is currently in foreclosure. What happens next?

A forbearance plan may be an option for you, even if you are currently in foreclosure. Typically, a loan is referred to foreclosure at or around the 120th day of delinquency, unless the loan is being evaluated for a loan modification or other foreclosure prevention program.

A repayment plan may be an option for you, even if you are currently in foreclosure. Successful completion of your repayment plan may help avoid a foreclosure sale while giving you time to bring your loan current.

A modification may be an option for you, even if you are currently in foreclosure. Successful completion of a modification may help avoid a foreclosure sale while giving you time to bring your loan current.

How do I apply for a loan modification?

Pennymac offers a number of modification options. Click here to learn more about loan modifications.

I need payment assistance as a result of a natural disaster or property damage?

A repayment or forbearance plan may be a payment assistance option for you. Successful completion of your repayment or forbearance plan may help avoid a foreclosure sale while giving you time to bring your loan current. Please visit our Property Damage & Payment Assistance page here for more details.

Am I eligible for a repayment plan?

You can contact Pennymac today to speak with a representative who can determine if you pre-qualify for a repayment plan or other home retention option. Please be prepared to provide verbal financial information concerning your current income and expenses.

Will a repayment plan affect my credit?

Yes, a repayment plan can affect your credit. Every plan is unique, so it may be best for you to reach out to your single point of contact to learn how your specific plan may impact your credit. Please note, Pennymac does not control your credit score. We recommend that you contact the credit agencies for information on how the repayment plan may impact your credit.

What is a repayment plan, and how can it help my current situation?

A repayment plan allows you to catch up on your missed payments over time while continuing to make your current payments. If you qualify for a repayment plan, we can spread your past-due amount over an agreed upon term and add it to your current monthly mortgage payment in order to bring your loan current. By exploring a repayment plan option, you are working on finding a solution to your temporary hardship so it does not have long term effects. No further late charges will be assessed on your loan as long as you make your payments on time.

What should I do if my loan is scheduled for foreclosure?

If you’re in foreclosure proceedings or your home has been scheduled for a foreclosure sale, contact Pennymac immediately so we can discuss your available options. You may also want to take advantage of HUD-approved housing counseling services. You can call the Homeowners Preservation Foundation hotline at (888) 995-HOPE to speak with a HUD approved Housing Counselor in your community. In order to protect your rights under applicable foreclosure law, it’s important that you continue to respond to any foreclosure notices you may receive. We encourage you to contact a lawyer or housing counselor to learn more about the legal consequences of foreclosure.

What is a trial modification or trial plan? What happens if I don't successfully complete the trial plan?

The purpose of the Trial Period Plan is to show that you're willing and able to make the modified monthly payments. The trial period lasts a minimum of three months. If you qualify, we'll send you a Trial Period Plan Notice explaining the terms and amount of your payments. It will be based on our estimate of what your monthly payments would be with a permanently modified loan. Your Trial Period Plan becomes effective when you make your first trial plan payment. Payments can be made online using the One-Time Payment option on this website. You must make each Trial Period Plan payment in a timely manner, in the amount specified in the notice, in order to receive a permanent modification. If your original loan payment does not include amounts to pay your property taxes and/or homeowners insurance, an escrow account will be created and those amounts will be added to your monthly payment. If you’re unable to successfully complete the Trial Period Plan to receive a permanent modification of your mortgage, you may need to consider options that involve relocation to a more affordable home. If your home is currently worth less than the amount remaining on your loan, you may be able to either sell your house through a short sale or sign over title to your home to your lender through a deed in lieu of foreclosure. These programs usually include relocation assistance payments to help you move to a more affordable home.

I've made all my payments during the trial period; what happens next?

To be approved for a permanent loan modification, you must successfully complete your Trial Period Plan, complete housing counseling if you have been asked to do so and return any additional required documentation in a timely manner. After you're approved, you'll receive a letter and Modification Agreement defining the changes to your home loan. You will need to sign the Modification Agreement in front of a notary and return the notarized executed agreement as soon as possible, but no later than the deadline date listed on your documents. Your modification only becomes permanent after Pennymac receives the executed agreement and verifies accurate signatures and notary. Until then, we strongly encourage you to continue making payments in the same amount you paid during your trial period. Please note: Once your loan is permanently modified, your new monthly payments could be higher than your Trial Period Plan payments.

What if I do not qualify for a loan modification?

Depending on the timing, we will try to work with you on another loss mitigation option, which may involve relocating to a more affordable home.

Frequently Asked Questions | Pennymac (2024)


What should I put on my website frequently asked questions? ›

What should be included in an FAQ page?
  • Include common questions that are frequently asked by your customers or visitors. ...
  • Provide clear, concise, and easy-to-understand answers to each question. ...
  • Organize questions into categories to make it easier for users to find the information they're looking for.

What are basic FAQ questions? ›

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) is a set of common/obvious queries your web visitors or customers may have. Some common examples include questions about service hours, shipping and handling, product details, return policies, etc., depending on the industry.

How to build a good FAQ? ›

Instead, when creating a great FAQ page think about:
  1. Including real FAQs that your customers actually ask you.
  2. Keeping things simple & organized.
  3. Making your FAQ page searchable.
  4. Optimizing it for SEO.
  5. Updating it every quarter.
Jul 27, 2024

What does a FAQ document look like? ›

An effective FAQ page should include a clear and concise introduction, questions and answers divided by categories, links to additional resources, and a search function to help visitors quickly find the answers they are looking for.

What is the best format for a FAQ document? ›

The FAQ format is straightforward — it should include your customers' most asked questions, written from the point of view of your customer. Some pro tips to keep in mind when writing your FAQ page: Look at your competitors' FAQ landing pages. Chances are, their customers are asking similar questions to yours.

How do I create a FAQ template? ›

How to create an FAQ page: 8 best practices
  1. Use data to pick the right questions. ...
  2. Answer questions in multiple formats. ...
  3. Decide how to structure the FAQ section. ...
  4. Settle on an FAQ page design. ...
  5. Make your FAQ page easy to find. ...
  6. Make it easy for users to contact support. ...
  7. Track progress and performance.
Dec 8, 2023

What are the most Frequently Asked Questions? ›

100 Most Asked Questions on Google
#QuestionMonthly Searches
2What is my IP800,000
3When is Mother's Day 2024681,000
4How many weeks in a year486,000
5How many days until Christmas434,000
96 more rows
Jul 18, 2024

What is the purpose of Frequently Asked Questions? ›

Frequently asked questions, or FAQs as they are known, are a great way to improve your customer's experience of your website. It allows you to answer the questions that are most commonly asked surrounding your product or service. At the same time, there are also many other benefits to having FAQs on your website.

How long should an FAQ be? ›

How long should my FAQ answers be? As short as possible while still answering the question. If you find your response drags on, you can always split one set into multiple sections. Alternatively, you can end your short answer with a link to another page with full-length legalese.

How do I get the $16728 Social Security bonus? ›

Have you heard about the Social Security $16,728 yearly bonus? There's really no “bonus” that retirees can collect. The Social Security Administration (SSA) uses a specific formula based on your lifetime earnings to determine your benefit amount.

How much money can you earn when you're 65 and on Social Security? ›

If you will reach full retirement age in 2024, the limit on your earnings for the months before full retirement age is $59,520. Starting with the month you reach full retirement age, there is no limit on how much you can earn and still receive your benefits.

What is the Social Security 5 year rule? ›

If you become disabled before your full retirement age, you might qualify for Social Security disability benefits. You must have worked and paid Social Security taxes in five of the last 10 years.

How do you present Q&A? ›

8 Tips to Help You Run a Successful Q&A Session
  1. Hold a briefing session.
  2. Plan the time.
  3. Stick to the limit.
  4. Get a great moderator.
  5. Prepared questions.
  6. Notify the audience.
  7. Collect questions throughout.
  8. Don't start a debate.
Apr 27, 2023

How do you write a FAQ description? ›

How to write a FAQ page
  1. Consider what questions customers commonly ask. You can aim to identify what questions are most commonly asked by customers. ...
  2. Categorise the questions. ...
  3. Design the FAQ page. ...
  4. Ensure it's easy to find. ...
  5. Monitor any changes in customer questions. ...
  6. Update the FAQ page regularly.
Jun 27, 2024

Do you put an apostrophe in FAQs? ›

Both FAQs and FAQ's are regularly used, as any random survey of websites will show. I even saw faqs recently. Writer and editor Stan Carey tells us that although guidance on this issue is not unanimous, such apostrophes are largely unnecessary and potentially confusing.


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.