Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room (2024)

Welcome to the Central Intelligence Agency's Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room.

The Nixon Collection

Nixon and the People’s Republic of China: CIA’s Support of the Historic 1972 Presidential Trip

This collection marks the 50th anniversary ofPresident Richard M. Nixon’s February 1972 trip to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) – a landmark event that preceded the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. This small collection, consisting of three city guides, an atlas, and four leadership profiles, is a subset of the materials CIAproduced for President Nixon and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger in preparation for the seven-day visit.

City guides were produced on Peking (Beijing), Shanghai, and Hang-Chou (Hangzhou)1, as these cities were part of President Nixon’s tour of the PRC. Each guide included a brief history of the city, contemporary maps and photographs, and descriptions of geography, climates, and points of interest.

CIA also produced an 82-page atlas of the PRC for President Nixon’s trip. The US government distributed more than 4,000 copies to government customers and non-government institutions and libraries, and sold 30,000 copies to the public for a short period after the trip for $5.25, or $35.19 in today’s dollars. This is the first time in fifty years CIA has made the atlas available to the public.

This collection also includes leadership profiles—assessments that CIA provides US Presidents and other policymakers to assist them in understanding their foreign counterparts. The profiles in this collection include Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Chairman Mao Tse-tung (Mao Zedong) and Premier Chou En-lai (Zhou Enlai). A profile of Lin Piao (Lin Biao), Vice Chair of the CCP, prepared for this trip is also included in this collection; however, Lin died in a plane crash five months before President Nixon’s visit.


1 CIA did not begin using the non-Romanization spelling of Beijing and Hangzhou until 1979. This article provides updated spellings elsewhere in parentheses.

See The Nixon Collection(8 documents/331 pages).

Current/Central Intelligence Bulletin Collection

Central Intelligence Bulletin

Harry Truman was the first U.S. president to receive a daily intelligence digest. At his direction, the Daily Summary began production in February 1946, and continued until February 1951. President Truman was pleased with the product, but a survey group commissioned by the National Security Council in 1949 was critical of the Daily Summary and issued several recommendations to improve it. The new version, called the Current Intelligence Bulletin, began production on 28 February 1951, and this remained the format of the president's daily digest through Dwight Eisenhower's two terms, although it was retitled the Central Intelligence Bulletin in 1958. The Current/Central Intelligence Bulletin grew longer than its predecessor over time with the addition of more items and more analysis, and would eventually contain more graphics as printing technology improved.

2 January-30 June 1961

The new Kennedy Administration confronted a full array of international issues in 1961. In April, a group of CIA-trained Cuban exiles landed at the Bay of Pigs on the southern coast of Cuba with the goal of overthrowing the Fidel Castro regime and establishing an anti-Communist government. The outnumbered invading force was quickly repelled by Castro's troops. The year's reports were dominated by the worsening Congo crisis, with the fragmentation of the country widening despite the efforts of the United Nations, and US concern over the high tempo of Soviet testing of space vehicles and intercontinental ballistic missiles. The situation in Laos deteriorated, as the Communist Pathet Lao insurgency gained strength against the US-backed Royal Lao government.

The changes at the CIA following the Bay of Pigs included a format update for the president's daily intelligence report. The new version, called the President's Intelligence Checklist (PICL), was first delivered on 17 June 1961. The Central Intelligence Bulletin continued to be produced as a separate publication until 10 Jan 1974, when it was replaced by the National Intelligence Daily. The PICL, however, was the president's primary written intelligence source through the remainder of the Kennedy Administration. The Kennedy PICL reports are available here

This historical release includes: the Central Intelligence Bulletin reports from 2 January-30 June 1961 (2752 pages).

This release is the thirteenth and final release in the Current/Central Intelligence Bulletin series.

See the Current/Central Intelligence Bulletin Collection


aquiline adj. of or like the eagle.

Aerial intelligence collection platforms have played a critical role in US national security from the earliest beginnings of aviation. CIA's 1960s OXCART Program and its use of U-2s are examples of collection innovations that have kept US leaders informed about adversaries' capabilities and intentions. Despite their success, however, use of these platforms carried significant risks and repercussions, including detection and even pilot loss, such as the downing of the U-2 flown by Francis Gary Powers in 1960. Ever-evolving research by the CIA led to the development concept of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as collection platforms. An innovative Agency program in the 1960s codenamed Aquiline was the very first to test this concept. Based initially on the study of flight characteristics of birds, Aquiline was envisioned as a long-range vehicle that could safely and stealthily provide a window into denied areas such as the Soviet Union through photography and other capabilities, and would even support in-place agent operations. While it never became operational, the concept proved invaluable as a forerunner to today's multi-capability UAVs.

Learn more about CIA's early eagle (40 documents/289 pages).

The Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe: A 30-Year Legacy

The Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe: A 30-Year Legacy

This collection includes a broad sampling of articles from the National Intelligence Daily—the CIA's principal form of current intelligence analysis at the time—from February 1989 to March 1990. These articles represent much of the Agency's short-term analysis of events unfolding in Central and Eastern Europe as popular opposition to Soviet misrule erupted and quickly surpassed anything the Communist regimes were prepared to understand or to which they could respond. The material also represents a major source of information and insight for US policymakers into what was happening in these countries, where the situation was heading, and how a collapse of Communist rule in Europe and the beginnings of the breakup of the Soviet Union would impact Europe and the United States.

Please note: Some of the material is marked "NR" or "not relevant." This means that material is unrelated to events in Central and Eastern Europe, and was therefore not reviewed for declassification as part of this collection.

Learn more about the collapse of Communist rule in Europe (105 documents/151 pages)

Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room (2024)


What is the Freedom of Information Act reading room? ›

FOIA amendments signed into law in 1994 added a requirement that agencies must establish an Electronic FOIA (EFOIA) Reading Room. The EFOIA Reading Room contains such materials as certain agency manuals, specific agency policy statements, and opinions developed in the adjudication of cases.

What is the electronic reading room? ›

The USCIS Electronic Reading Room provides access to information identified under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). We will update the Electronic Reading Room when documents are requested 3 or more times, or when we proactively identify documents likely requested for release.

What records may be accessed in electronic FOIA library? ›

These records include contracts, agency policies, employee directories, and other types of policy, administrative, and personnel records.

What is the Electronic Freedom of Information Act? ›

Under the electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments, all federal agencies are required to make available on the Internet, any records that have been disclosed in response to a FOIA request and which the agency determines have become or are likely to become the subject of subsequent requests.

What is the Freedom of Information Act electronic? ›

The Electronic Freedom of Information Act (E-FOIA)

Each agency shall make available for public inspection and copying final opinions, including concurring and dissenting opinions, as well as orders, made in the adjudication of cases and a general index of the records.

What information is exempt from the Freedom of Information Act? ›

What exemptions are there? Some exemptions apply only to a particular category or class of information, such as information held for criminal investigations or relating to correspondence with the royal family. These are called class-based exemptions.

What are the rules for reading rooms? ›

Reading Room Rules
  • You will be asked to produce a photo ID on signing into the Reading Room.
  • Laptops, notebooks and pencils (no ink) are permitted in the reading room. ...
  • Food and drink are prohibited in the reading room.
  • Wifi and outlets are available in the reading room.

What is the purpose of the reading room? ›

A reading room is a quiet room in a library or museum where you can read and study.

What is a CIA reading room? ›

CIA Historical Collections. The Central Intelligence Agency's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Electronic Reading Room provides access to historical, declassified CIA documents.

What information Cannot be released under FOIA? ›

Information/data that is NOT covered by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) includes: Non-agency records and personal records. Public requests for access to physical artifacts or scientific samples (e.g. core samples, sediment, rocks, fossils, specimen samples, blood samples).

What shows up on a FOIA request? ›

Records obtainable under the FOIA include all "agency records" - such as print documents, photographs, videos, maps, e-mail and electronic records - that were created or obtained by a Federal agency and are, at the time the request is filed, in that agency's possession and control.

What categories of government records are exempted from access by FOIA requests? ›

  • classified information for national defense or foreign policy.
  • internal personnel rules and practices.
  • information that is exempt under other laws.
  • trade secrets and confidential business information.
  • inter-agency or intra-agency memoranda or letters that are protected by legal privileges.

What are unusual circ*mstances for FOIA? ›

"Unusual circ*mstances" means (1) the need to search and collect documents from offices separate from the office processing the request; (2) the need to search and collect a large volume of records; or (3) the need to consult with another agency (or a separate subdvision of the same agency) having a substantial subject ...

Can FOIA requests be denied? ›

Under this standard, the Department of Justice will defend an agency's denial of a FOIA request "only if (1) the agency reasonably foresees that disclosure would harm an interest protected by one of the statutory exemptions, or (2) disclosure is prohibited by law." In keeping with the President's commitment to openness ...

What happens if a FOIA request is ignored? ›

There are several things that can happen if you or your organization fail to properly comply with a FOIA request: Personal and Agency Litigation – Failure to comply with a FOIA request can result in a lawsuit being filed against you or your agency to compel the release of the requested information.

What is the Freedom of Information Act read? ›

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) gives any person the right to request access to records of the Executive Branch of the United States Government. The records requested must be disclosed unless they are protected by one or more of the exempt categories of information found in the FOIA.

What does the reading portion of the act cover? ›

The reading section measures your ability to read closely, reason logically about texts using evidence, and integrate information from multiple sources. The section questions focus on the mutually supportive skills that readers must bring to bear in studying written materials across a range of subject areas.

What does the Freedom of Information Act entitle you to? ›

What is FOIA? Since 1967, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has provided the public the right to request access to records from any federal agency. It is often described as the law that keeps citizens in the know about their government.


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

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Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.