Related Papers
Flowscapes: Infrastructure as landscape, landscape as infrastructure
2012 •
Daniel Jauslin
Authors: Nijhuis, Steffen. · Jauslin, Daniel. · De Vries, Christopher. Flowscapes explores infrastructure as a type of landscape and landscape as a type of infrastructure, and is focused on landscape architectonic design of transportation-, green- and water infrastructures. These landscape infrastructures are considered armatures for urban and rural development. With movement and flows at the core, these landscape infrastructures facilitate aesthetic, functional, social and ecological relationships between natural and human systems. Through transdisciplinary design-based case studies at different scale levels Flowscapes seeks for a better understanding of the dynamic between landscape processes and typo-morphological aspects; here interpreted as flowscapes.
Urban landscape infrastructures. Designing operative landscape structures for the built environment
2015 •
Daniel Jauslin
This paper explores infrastructure as a type of landscape and landscape as a type of infrastructure. The hybridisation of the two concepts, landscape and infrastructure, seeks to redefine infrastructure beyond its strictly utilitarian definition, while allowing design disciplines to gain operative force in territorial transformation processes. This paper aims to put forward urban landscape infrastructures as a design concept, considering them as armatures for urban development and for facilitating functional, social and ecological interactions. It seeks to redefine infrastructural design as an interdisciplinary design effort to establish a local identity through tangible relationships to a place or region. Urban landscape infrastructures can thereby be used as a vehicle to re-establish the role of design as an integrating practice. This paper positions urban landscape infrastructure design in the contemporary discourse on landscape infrastructures. The space of flows, as opposed to ...
LA. X Celebrating 10 years of Landscape Architecture Education
LA. X Celebrating 10 years of Landscape Architecture Education
2022 •
Nico Tillie, Inge Bobbink, Denise Piccinini
The Master track programme in Landscape Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft was launched in 2010. It all began with the introduction of the discipline of landscape architecture to the Faculty in 1948. The journey from this modest post-war beginning to the tenth anniversary of the Master track programme in 2020/2021 has been an adventurous one and can be broken down into three stages. The first stage – preparing - was a period in which education in landscape architecture was introduced and gradually developed. The decision to offer a Master track in Landscape Architecture was taken in 2007 and led to the planning stage, an intensive period of research and development culminating in the launch of the Master track in 2010. In the third stage - cultivat- ing - the structure, content and delivery of the curriculum was refined and the scope of the programme was broadened. Over more than seventy years, the interplay between professors, teachers and students has brought landscape architecture education in Delft to a level of maturity of which the Faculty is justly proud.
Flowscapes Series editors Scientific committee (peer review) Flowscapes Designing infrastructure as landscape
Daniel Jauslin PhD
Designing infrastructure as landscape Flowscapes. Designing infrastructure as landscape Social, cultural and technological developments of our society are demanding a fundamental review of the planning and design of its landscapes and infrastructures, in particular in relation to environmental issues and sustainability. Transportation, green and water infra-structures are important agents that facilitate processes that shape the built environment and its contemporary landscapes. With movement and flows at the core, these landscape infrastructures facilitate aesthetic, functional, social and ecological relationships between natural and human systems, here interpreted as Flowscapes. Flowscapes explores infrastructure as a type of landscape and landscape as a type of infrastructure. The hybridi-sation of the two concepts seeks to redefine infrastructure beyond its strictly utilitarian definition, while allowing spatial design to gain operative force in territorial transformation proces...
2017 •
Daniel Jauslin PhD
Flowscapes explores infrastructure as a type of landscape and landscape as a type of infrastructure. The hybridization of the two concepts seeks to redefine infrastructure beyond its strictly utilitarian definition while allowing spatial design to gain operative force in territorial transformation processes. The publication provides perspectives on the subject from design-related disciplines such as architecture, urban design, urban planning, landscape architecture and civil engineering. The book builds upon the multidisciplinary colloquium on landscape infrastructures, that is part of the Flowscapes graduation design studio of Landscape Architecture at the TU Delft. The authors explore concepts, methods and techniques for design-related research on landscape infrastructures. Their main objective is to engage environmental and societal issues by means of integrative and design-oriented approaches. Through focusing on interdisciplinary design-related research of landscape infra...
Flowscapes Design studio for landscape infrastructures
2013 •
Daniel Jauslin
The newly established Flowscapes studio addresses relevant sociocultural, ecological and technological issues from the perspective of spatial planning and design. Urbanization, ecological crisis and climate change are complex problems that only can be addressed transdisciplinary and from an international perspective – in particular regarding environmental issues and sustainability. While the technical challenges are considerable, the spatial and cultural challenges are by far the largest. Therefore, a new understanding of space-time condition of landscape – and its potential for change – offers promising opportunities to find new solutions to these problems. In order to redeem control over the processes that shape the built environment and its contemporary landscapes a fundamental review of the agency of landscape architecture design is required (Steenbergen et al., 2009).
DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ
Transformation in Composition
2018 •
Rene Van Der Velde
Delta Interventions - Design and Engineering in Urban Water Landscapes
2016 •
Anne Loes Nillesen
This book presents a selection of research-by-design projects developed in the Delta Interventions Studio at the Delft University of Technology, including a short overview of all graduation projects from 2009-2015, and reflections by senior scholars. We hope this book will inspire others working on delta issues and designing interventions. The Dutch Delta is known for its extensive flood protection system, which permits residents to live in a safe and attractive environment. The Dutch expertise in ‘designing with water’ has become an important field of study as well as an export product. Due to climate change, the Netherlands will face new water management challenges, requiring additional measures to reduce flood risk. In this light, the 2005 International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam and the 2007 Dutch Delta program both focused on addressing long-term water-related issues; this put ‘designing with water’ high on the agenda for spatial planners and architects. At the time, in de...
Flowscapes: Designing infrastructure as landscape
2015 •
Daniel Jauslin
Social, cultural and technological developments of our society are demanding a fundamental review of the planning and design of its landscapes and infrastructures, in particular in relation to environmental issues and sustainability. Transportation, green and water infrastructures are important agents that facilitate processes that shape the built environment and its contemporary landscapes. With movement and flows at the core, these landscape infrastructures facilitate aesthetic, functional, social and ecological relationships between natural and human systems, here interpreted as Flowscapes. Flowscapes explores infrastructure as a type of landscape and landscape as a type of infrastructure. The hybridisation of the two concepts seeks to redefine infrastructure beyond its strictly utilitarian definition, while allowing spatial design to gain operative force in territorial transformation processes. This academic publication aims to provide multiple perspectives on the subject from d...
Blind Spot: Metropolitan Landscape in the Global Battle for Talent
Jonathan Manns
A research paper produced by the Deltametropolis Association which considers the role of quality metropolitan landscapes in regional economic strategies. Exploring research and case studies, it concludes that the Dutch Deltametropolis fails to take full advantage of landscape in the global battle for talent.