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Civil Procedure Review

I. Jurisdiction II. Erie III. Joinder IV. Res Judicata

1. Subject Matter Jurisdiction

2. Personal Jurisdiction

5. Venue

3. Due Process

4. Service of Process (Notice)

6. Removal

7. Waiver

1.Joinder of ClaimsPermissive Joinder of

PartiesCompulsory Joinder of


2.CounterclaimCrossclaim3rd Party Claims

3.InterventionInterpleader (Not on

Final)Class Action

1. Res Judicata(Claim Preclusion)

2. Collateral Estoppel

(Issue Preclusion)

3. PartiesWho is subject to

claim or issue preclusion?

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I. Jurisdiction Checklist

Is ThereSubject Matter Jurisdiction?


Question 18 U.S.C. §1331


18 U.S.C. §1332


18 U.S.C. §1333


18 U.S.C. §1333

5Disputes Between

States, Counsels, and Ambassadors

United States Constitution, Article III: Federal Courts Are Courts of Limited

Federal Question Basics: 28 U.S.C. §1331 Does the claim arise under the constitution, treaties, or laws of the U.S.? Is the complaint well plead? E.g., does NOT plead possible defenses as basis for FQ? Remember, NO $ Amount limit: Can have SMJ over a $1 dispute. Federal Jurisdiction may be exclusive to federal court (e.g., patent or copyright claims); or Federal Jurisdiction may be concurrent with state court jurisdiction (e.g., civil rights or federal

employment liability act (FELA) claims), subject to the right of removal.

Federal Question Flow Chart

There is FQJ There is NO FQJ.

Does the π’s well pleaded complaint allege a state law cause of action in which federal law is an essential element?

Does the federal law that is an element authorize a private right of action?

Yes NoDoes the π’s well pleaded complaint allege an express or implied federal cause of action?




Don’t rely too much on this. I derived this rule from Smith v. Kansas City Title and Merrell Dow v. Thompson.

Aronovsky says the COA are still split and the SC has not ruled. So, in some circuits this would work but don’t treat

it as a hard and fast rule.

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1) COMPLETENESS: Diversity must be complete. There cannot be anyone on the left of the “v” and the right. All π’s must be different from all ’s.

2) DATE: Diversity is calculated as of the date the action was instituted.3) CITIZENSHIP (Domicile)

a) PERSONS: Where you were born and continues through your life unless:i) You physically change your state; andii) You have the intention of remaining in the new state for the indefinite future.iii) If person has multiple homes in different states, look of that person’s center of gravity by looking at:

(1) Where does the person live?(2) Where is the family?(3) Where does the person pay taxes?(4) Where does that person work?(5) Where are the cars licensed?(6) Where does the person vote?

b) CORPORATIONS:: Every corporation has two domiciles: i) state of incorporation; and ii) its principle place of business (usually where the corporate headquarters is located. Two tests for principle place

of business:(1) Nerve Center Test – place where corporate decisions are made; or(2) Muscle (Plurality) Test - place where the corporation does most of its manufacturing or service providing.

c) UNINCORPORATED Associations (e.g., labor unions, partnerships): Cumulate domiciliary state of each member. So, a national labor union like the Teamsters could never pass the federal diversity test because it has members in all 50 states.

d) PARTIES IN REPRESENTATIVE ACTIONS (e.g., representative of a child, probate, or derivative actions or class action suits: i) Classical Rule for Derivative Actions & Class Actions: diversity is based on the citizenship of the representative.ii) Modern Rule for Probate and All Others: diversity is based on the citizenship of the represented party.

4) AMOUNT IN CONTROVERSY: must be over $75,000, exclusive of interest and costs but inclusive of punitive damages.


1Federal Question 18 U.S.C. §1331


18 U.S.C. §1332


18 U.S.C. §1333


18 U.S.C. §1333

5Disputes Between

States, Counsels, and Ambassadors

United States Constitution, Article III: Federal Courts Are Courts of Limited Jurisdiction:

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Question18 U.S.C.


2Diversity18 U.S.C.


3Alienage18 U.S.C.


4Admiralty18 U.S.C.


5Disputes Between

States, Counsels, and Ambassadors


(Pendant & Ancillary)

18 U.S.C. §1367


SUPPLEMENTAL JURISDICTION BASICS 1) Pendant & Ancillary Jurisdiction: United Mine Workers v. Gibbs – state tort claim added to federal employment

question. Supreme Court ruled that federal court could assume jurisdiction over state claim because they all emanated from the same set of facts. This ruling, called the pendant doctrine, expanded the definition of case and controversy under Article III.a) Ancillary claims doctrine allowed π’s to bring a case and allowed ’s to assert jurisdictionally insufficient compulsory

counter-claims, cross-claims, and 3rd party claims.2) §1367: After some restrictions in Owens and Finley, Congress codified Gibbs in §1367.

a) §1367(a): Matters originating from a common nucleus of operative facts are now considered part of the same case or controversy for Article III purposes.

b) §1367(b): Codifies Kroger but rejects Finley. limits reach of jurisdiction only in diversity only cases — exercise of jurisdiction must be consistent w/§1332 (diversity statute)i) No supplemental jurisdiction; must have independent jurisdiction for claims by against persons made parties

by: (1) Rule 14 (Impleader)(2) Rule 19 (Compulsory Joinder of Parties)(3) Rule 20 (Permissive Joinder of Parties)(4) Rule 24 (Intervention)

c) §1367(c) — gives Ct discretion to hear cases (like Gibbs — but not clear whether list is illustrative or exhaustive)i) Says that the Ct may decline to exercise j if:

(1) Claim raises a novel or complex issue of state law(2) The claim substantially predominates over the claim(s) over which the dc has original jurisdiction(3) The Court has dismissed all claims over which it has original jurisdiction(4) In exceptional circ*mstances – other reasons

Remember, §1367(b) applies ONLY if diversity is the sole

basis for being in federal court.

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20(π), 23

Supplemental Jurisdiction Flowchart

18 U.S.C. §1367


Same case or controversy?


This is a basic requirement of


Federal Questionor


Fed. Ques. §1367(b) limitation does not apply to Fed


Party added under what Rule?

14 19 20 () No SMJ

This is the §1367(b) limitation.

Claim by π or ? §1367(b) limitation

does not apply to claims brought by .SM




The literal language of §1367 lets the claim in. But the legislative history

indicates that Congress wants the claim to stay out. The Courts of Appeal are

split. The Supreme Court granted certiorari in 2000, Justice O’Connor

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Constitutional Bases:



Notice And Opportunity to Be Heard

Full Faith and Credit Will Be Given in Each State

Statutory Basis

State FederalLong Arm Statute

Rule 4(k)(2)

Can Restrict Constitutional Personal Jurisdiction But

MODERN BASIS OF PERSONAL JURISDICTION must have sufficient minimum contacts within the forum state such that maintenance of the suit does not offend traditional notions of fair play and

substantial justice.International Shoe Co. v. Washington

Traditional Bases of Personal Jurisdiction

CONSENTEXPRESS: Carnival Cruise LinesIMPLIED: Hess v. PawloskiWAIVER: Insurance Corp of Ireland Contract / Agent Appointment / Shows up

to Litigate

DOMICILEGordon v. Steele: Kid at

CollegeMilliken: WY Domicile Served

in CO


Tag Jurisdiction Lives!Burnham v. Superior Court

Ex-Husband Served While Visiting Kids



1. B urden on the Parties: Economic, time, relative burdens.

2. L aw: What forum’s law?3. I nterest of the State: in providing a forum for &

protecting its citizens.4. M ultiplicity of Suits: Will they all be resolved?

5. F orum: Alternative forum available? Fair & convenient?

6. E vidence: Where is the bulk of the evidence?7. W itnesses: Where are the witnesses?

1. C ause of Action: Where did the cause of action arise?

2. A ctivities: Scrutinize these activities in the forum state:

a. Systematic & Continuous = General Jurisdiction

b. Sporadic = Specific Jurisdictionc. Direct vs. Indirectd. Dangerous activity?

3. P urposeful Availement: Has purposefully availed itself of the benefits & protections of forum’s laws? Hanson v. Denkla.

MODERN SERVICERule 4 (a-e, h, n)

Reasonably Calculated Under the Circ*mstances to

Give NoticeMullane v. Central

Hanover Bank

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Transfer of Venue: 28 U.S.C. Forum Non Conveniens

Possible Exam Questions

Venue Rules: 28 U.S.C. §1391

VENUE: Underlying Policies: Judicial Efficiency; Limit Forum Shopping;

Venue in diversity cases. § 1391(a).

1. Any dist. where any resides, if all ’s reside in the same state.

2. Any dist. Where a substantial part of the controverted events occurred or where the disputed property is located. Can have venue in multiple locations.

3. Where any is subject to PJ Venue in all other cases. §

1391(b).1. Same as in diversity cases,

above.2. Same as in diversity cases,

above.3. Where any can be found only

Venue of corporate ’s § 1391(c).

1. Anywhere corp. is subject to

Venue for aliens 28 U.S.C. § 1391(d).

1. Any alien, incl. alien corps., can

Federal Courts NEVER transfer to State Courts. Use FNC in such


State Courts NEVER transfer to federal Courts or to different States. Use FNC in such case.

§1404 Balancing TestConvenience of parties & witnesses + Interests of justice must substantially outweigh π’s interest in choice of forum.

Choice of Law: Diversity Cases Only

Laws of the transferring state apply unless venue was improper, in

Venue Exam TricksTransferring Court can only send a case to a court where the “action could have been commenced or initiated.” Therefore, the receiving Court must have all 3, even if the transferring Court doesn’t:.

1. Subject Matter Jurisdiction2. Personal Jurisdiction3. Venue

Public vs. Private Factors - Balancing Test

Private Interest Factors 1.Access to sources of proof 2.Ability to compel attendance of

witnesses 3.Convenience to voluntary

witnesses 4.Difference in substantive law that

will be applied in new forum is not decisive in dismissing on grounds of FNC, but could be relevant if the law in the alternative forum were completely inadequate. Piper.

Public Interest Factors 1.Local interest in having disputes

resolved locally 2.Court congestion

General RuleFNC is tough on π’s, especially in light of statutes of limitation and Pers. Juris. Courts know this and

won’t grant FNC unless:1. There is an alternative forum;2. waives statute of limitations

defense;3. consents to jurisdiction in

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No Removal for In-State Defendants in Diversity-

Removal: 28 U.S.C. §1441

Federal Question Flow Chart



4. State to Federal ONLY; 5. ALL ’s must consent; 6. ORIGINAL ’s only; no

counterclaim ’s

1. Completely Discretionary2. Must have been qualified to grant

original jurisdiction.3. May grant supplemental

jurisdiction as long as at least one separate and independent federal claim eligible for removal.

Federal Question ClaimsPass Through Federal Question

Filter28 U.S.C. §1331

Non- Federal Question ClaimsPass Through Supplemental

Jurisdiction Filter28 U.S.C. §1367

There is FQJ

There is NO FQJ.

Does the π’s well pleaded complaint allege a state law cause of action in

which federal law is an essential element?

Does the federal law that is an element authorize a private right of


Yes Does the π’s well pleaded complaint allege an express or implied federal

cause of action?




Same Case or

Common Nucleus of

Meets Supplemental Jurisdiction

Requirements under §1367?

§1441(a)Court May

Exercise or Decline Per Authority Granted under

Not Part of Same Constitutional


Separate & Independent


Yes No

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§1441(a)Court Must


§1441(c)Court May Keep

OrCourt May Remand

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Personal JurisdictionNoticeService of ProcessVenue

Consolidation of Defenses

Rules 12(g) and 12(h)

SMJ Is A Constitutional Issue and Cannot Be Waived.Parties to an Action May NEVER Consent to Waiver of SMJ

What May NEVER Be Waived? What May Be Waived?

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Is state law substantive / black letter



State law applies (f/ Erie

& RDA)


Fed Rule on Point?(look at twin aims of Erie before deciding)


(Grey Area)

Hanna HoldingApply Fed Rule if it’s


Valid if reasonable person would consider

it procedural


Byrd TestIs state rule bound

up with (implementing of)

state created rights& obligations? Does it

regulate primary behavior?

Hanna DictaAnalyze in light of twin aims of Erie.

1. Forum Shopping?2. Inequitable admin.

of the laws?


State law

State law

Fed lawRule of form & mode.


Fed. Countervailing

Interests (for fed law)

(always have uniformity, but

weak on its own. Byrd was judge/jury relationship which

outweighed outcome


Outcome determinative test (for state

law)If outcome would

be different depending on which

law applies (i.e. statute of

limitations is very determinative if its run in state and not



Erie Doctrine FlowchartThe discouragement of forum shopping and avoidance of inequitable

administration of the laws

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III. Joinder

Joinder of Claims3 Sentences at most on exam:

1. In federal practice a π can join any claims he or she has against the .

2. In a state following the FRCP, a π can join any claims he or she has against the because those are the Federal Rules.

3. If state X follows the more traditional rule of demanding a transactional relationship, use

Permissive Joinder of Parties: 2 Prong Test1 ¶ at most on exam.

T&O + CQ = Permissive Party Joinder1. Claims or defenses stem from the same

transaction; AND2. There is a common question of law or fact

Compulsory Joinder of PartiesRule 19(a)1. Who is necessary and should be joined if

possible?a. Will parties be injured by failure to join

outsider?b. Will outsiders be prejudiced by result?

Exam Tip: Probably only situation in which outsider is not compulsory is tort action. Joint tortfeasors are NOT compulsory; π may only want or need to sue the rich .

2. Can you join the outsider? If not, why not?Exam Tip: look out! Reason could be SMJ and/or PJ. If so, be ready to perform the entire analysis.

3. I can’t join this guy; what do I do now?

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§1332- Diversity and $ Amount Or

Joinder- Big PictureMust satisfy both FRCP and SM Jx.

FRCP Subject Matter JxAND

Joinder by Joinder by Or

Claims 18 (a) Claims 13 (a, b, g) Parties 14, 19Or

A party asserting a claim to relief as an original claim,

counterclaim, cross-claim, or

third-party claim, may join, as

many claims as the party has

against an opposing party.

20(a) Permissive Joinder. All persons

may join in one action as plaintiffs if they assert any right to relief … arising out of the same transaction,

occurrence, or series of

transactions or occurrences and if

any common question of law or fact common to all these persons will arise in the action.

All persons may be joined in one action

as defendants if there is asserted against them any right to relief … arising out of the same transaction,

occurrence, or series of

transactions or occurrences and if

any common question of law or fact common to all these persons will arise in the action.

(a) Compulsory Counterclaims - A

pleading shall state as a counterclaim any claim it has

against any opposing party, if it arises out of the transaction or occurrence that is

the subject matter of the opposing party's claim and does not

require for its adjudication the presence of third

parties of whom the court cannot acquire jurisdiction. But …

(see exception).(b) Permissive Counterclaims. A

pleading may state as a counterclaim

any claim against an opposing party not arising out of the

transaction or occurrence that is

the subject matter of the opposing party's

claim. (g) Cross-claim Against Co-Party. A pleading may state as a cross-claim any claim by one party against a co-party arising out of the

transaction or occurrence that is the subject matter

either of the original action or of a

counterclaim therein or relating to any

property that is the subject matter of the

original action.

14(a) When Defendant May Bring in Third Party. At any time after commencement of the action a defending

party, as a third-party plaintiff, may cause a

summons and complaint to be served upon a person not a party to the action who is

or may be liable to the third-party plaintiff for all or part

of the plaintiff's claim against the third-party


§1331- Federal Questions

§1367- Supplemental Jx

$75,000.01 minimum



- District courts shall have original Jx arising under the Constitution etc.

Note: this is not exclusive JX

Amount claimed in good faith is relevant, not

amount the court awards, UNLESS

to a legal certainty cannot recover $75k. Claim must exceed 75,000 not

actual award.Diversity must

exist at the time the complaint is

filed with the clerk. It need

not exist at the time of trial or when the cause of action arose

Well Pleaded Complaint Rule- For a litigant to invoke federal

question jur. It is necessary both that the case “arise under” the constitution or some

other aspect of federal law and that this fact

appear on the face of a well pleaded complaint. If a substantial issue is

not raised as a legitimate part of the

plaintiffs own claim for relief there is no federal

question jurisdiction under the statute. Issue that the D raises in the

answer or that the plaintiff anticipates are

irrelevant for jurisdictional purposes.

A plaintiff can often cure the lack of diversity problem by dismissing non-diverse parties.Merrell Dow-A

complaint alleging a violation of a federal

statute in a state cause of action, when congress has

determined that there should be no private,

federal, cause of action for the violation does

not state a claim “arising under” the

Constitution or Laws of the United States.

Where DC has original Jx, they shall have supp. Jx over all other claims that are related to the original claim when they are

part of the same claim or

controversy.EXCEPT- when they original claim arises

SOLELY under §1332 the DC

WILL NOT have Jx over claims made by ’s

against persons under RULE 14,

19, 20, or 24. see §1367(b)The DC may also

decline supp. Jx if:1) A novel or

complex state law issue

2) Claim dominates the claim which original Jx was

based.3) Dc has

dismissed claims under DC’s original Jx.4) Other

compelling reasons.

14(b) When Plaintiff May Bring in Third Party. When a

counterclaim is asserted against a plaintiff, the

plaintiff may cause a third party to be brought in under circ*mstances which under

this rule would entitle a defendant to do so.

19(a) Persons to be Joined if Feasible. A person who is

subject to service of process and whose joinder will not

deprive the court of jurisdiction over the subject matter of the action shall be joined as a party in the

action if (1) in the person's absence complete relief cannot be

accorded among those already parties, or

(2) the person claims an interest relating to the

subject of the action and is so situated that the

disposition of the action in the person's absence may : (i) as a practical matter

impair or impede the person's ability to protect

that interest or (ii) leave any of the persons already parties

subject to a substantial risk of incurring double,

multiple, or otherwise inconsistent obligations by

reason of the claimed interest.

20(b) Separate Trials. The court may make such orders as will

prevent a party from being

embarrassed, delayed, or put to

expense by the inclusion of a party against whom the party asserts no claim and who

asserts no claim against the party,

and may order separate trials or

make other orders to prevent delay or



Real Party in interest: one who will benefit from action, one who has a substantial interest.

Original claims: claims by ’s against ’s.

Counterclaims: made by ’s against

’s, it is an independent cause

of action.Cross-claims:

claims between co-parties.

3rd Parties: a party brought into the

action by a current .

3rd Party claims: claim by acting as 3rd Party , to join a

3rd party.

3rd Part


Original ClaimCounter ClaimCross Claim

3rd party ClaimClaim by 3rd P

19(b) Determination by Court Whenever Joinder Not Feasible. If a person as described in subdivision (a)(1) - (2) hereof cannot be made a party, the court shall determine

whether the action should proceed among the parties before it, or should be dismissed, the absent person being

thus regarded as indispensable. The factors to be considered by the court include: first, to what extent a

judgment rendered in the person's absence might be prejudicial to the person or those already parties; second,

the extent to which, by protective provisions in the judgment, by the shaping of relief, or other measures, the

prejudice can be lessened or avoided; third, whether a judgment rendered in the person's absence will be adequate; fourth, whether the plaintiff will have an

adequate remedy if the action is dismissed for nonjoinder.

“Arising Under” In order to invoke federal court jurisdiction the federal issue must be a sufficient or central part of the dispute.

Parties 20 (a)

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Counterclaims, Crossclaims, and 3 rd Party Claims (Impleader)

Counterclaims1. Compulsory: Rule 13(a); use it or lose it. Underlying policy concerns: efficiency and economy. A counter

claim is compulsory if it “arises out of the same transaction or occurrence” that is the subject matter of the ’s claim (counterclaim must be pleaded)

2. 4 Part Transaction & Occurrence Test to define when a claim or counterclaim arises from the same transaction: (from Plant v. Blazer Financial Services) State Courts will usually respect Rule 13(a); but it is not guaranteed. I.e., if you fail to pursue your compulsory counterclaim in federal Court, state Court will probably not allow a new suit on the same facts.

a. Are the issues of fact and law raised by the claim and counterclaim largely the same?b. Would res judicata bar a subsequent suit on ’s claim absent the compulsory counterclaim rule?c. Will substantially the same evidence support or refute ’s claim as well as ’s counterclaim?d. Is there any logical relation between the claim and the counterclaim?

3. Permissive: Rule 13(b); everything else.4. Exam Tip : Rule 13 pretty much allows a to counterclaim against a π for anything he wants. Remember

Pugsley said the title “plaintiff” doesn’t mean squat in Tort law; it just means you filed first.5. Diversity Actions: If your compulsory counterclaim under Rule 13(a) is could not be plead alone (<$75k or no

diversity), invoke §1367 Supplemental Jurisdiction and be sure to use the buzzwords:a. Common Nucleus of Facts

Cross-ClaimsRule 13(g) ( vs. )1. Always Permissive2. Can invoke §1367 if claim won’t stand alone.3. Exam Tip : When in doubt, examine Transaction & Occurrence; it’s pretty much the basis of everything in

CivPro, so if you’re blanking out, start writing about T&O.

3 rd Party Claims (Impleader) Rule 141. Adding New Parties: Theoretically, an infinite number of parties may be added to the action, from retailer to

manufacturer, to each-and-every supplier involved along the way. 2. Exam Tip : Remember that every party added means you must establish personal jurisdiction over all these

parties. Big exam points here.3. Can invoke §1367 if claim won’t stand alone.4. 3rd party ’s counterclaiming back will probably be compulsory because permissive counterclaims are usually

transactionally related and therefore NOT subject to supplemental jurisdiction.5. Rule 14(a) Amendment: original π may amend complaint to directly assert claim against newly impleaded 3rd

party .6. Kroger Rule: Original π cannot assert supplemental §1367 claim against parties brought under Rule 14 (third

party practice); Rule 19 & 20 (Basic Joinder Rules); and Rule 24 (Intervention). It does NOT say anything about Rule 13 (counterclaim and cross-claim).

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Negligence or Tort

Compulsory Counterclaim


Rule 13(a) Compulsory Counterclaim

Negligence or

Tort Permissive

Counterclaim for

Negligence or Tort

Rule 13(b) Permissive Counterclaim

Negligence or Tort

Negligence or Tort

Rule 13(g) Crossclaims

Crossclaim for Product


Existing Co-(Party to Original


A counter claim is compulsory if it “arises out of the same transaction or occurrence” that is the subject matter of the ’s claim (counterclaim must be pleaded)4 Part Test to define when a claim or counterclaim arises from the same transaction: (from Plant v. Blazer Financial Services)

1) Are the issues of fact and law raised by the claim and counterclaim largely the same?

2) Would res judicata bar a subsequent suit on ’s claim absent the compulsory counterclaim rule?

3) Will substantially the same evidence support or refute ’s claim as well as ’s counterclaim?


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Negligence or Tort

Negligence or Tort

Rule 13(h) Joinder of Additional Parties to Crossclaims or Counterclaims


Existing Co-(Party to Original


Joinder of Additional Parties (Not In Original


In this example, an original crossclaims

against another original AND joins a

3rd party as well. 3rd Party(Newly Joined)

Rule 14(a) S1 – Adding Third Party Defendant

Negligence or Tort

(3rd Party


3rd Party

Contribution or Indemnity



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Rule 14(a) S6 – TPD Can Assert Claim Against

Negligence or Tort

(3rd Party )

3rd Party

Contribution or Indemnity Claim

Requires same Transaction or Occurrence as ’s claim

against 3rd Party

Rule 14(a) S7 – Can Assert Claim Against TPD

Negligence or Tort

(3rd Party )

3rd Party


Requires same Transaction or Occurrence as ’s claim

against 3rd Party


TPD MUST assert all defenses

available under Rule 12 and

counterclaims and crossclaims under

Rule 13.


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Rule 14(a) S9 – TPD Joining Another Third Party Defendant

Negligence or Tort

(3rd Party


3rd Party

Contribution or Indemnity


3rd Party

Contribution or Indemnity



Negligence or


Breach of Contract

Rule 18(a) Joinder of Claims

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Negligence or


Rule 20(a) S1 Joinder of Parties - ’s

Co - Negligence or Tort

Permissive Joinder of Parties: 2 Prong Test1 ¶ at most on exam.

TO + CQ = Permissive Party JoinderClaims or defenses stem from the same transaction; ANDThere is a common question of law or fact binding the parties.

Negligence or Tort

Rule 20(a) S2 Joinder of Parties – ’s

Negligence or Tort

Permissive Joinder of Parties: 2 Prong Test1 ¶ at most on exam.

TO + CQ = Permissive Party JoinderClaims or defenses stem from the same transaction; ANDThere is a common question of law or fact binding the parties.


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Interpleader Rule 22, 28 U.S.C. §1335

“You all figure out who I need to pay if I am liable (which I may not be)”

Issue 28 U.S.C. §1335 Rule 22 Subject Matter Jurisdiction - Diversity Minimal diversity; determined between

claimants. (At least 2 claimants diverse)Complete diversity; stakeholder on one

side and claimants on the other

- Amount $500 in controversy $75,000+

Personal Jurisdiction and Service of process

Nationwide service of process Need personal Jurisdiction; service under Rule 4

Venue Residence of one or more claimants Residence of any claimants (if all from one state); district where dispute arose;

district where property is; district where any claimant found if no other basis for

venueInjunctions Statutory authority for injunctions (28 USC

§2361)Only basis is provision in 28 USC §2283 for stay “where necessary in aid of . . .

jurisdiction”How to Invoke: stakeholder invokes and is called

Post a bond with the Court to cover value of controverted property.

Deposit controverted property with the Court.

Interpleader BasicsDefined: Interpleader is an equity device designed to protect persons in possession of property (stakeholders) the ownership of which is or may be claimed by more than one party. It is a device to resolve at one time the claims of many persons to one piece of property or sum of money, such as a bank account claimed by more than one person.

Policy Objective: So that the stakeholder will not have to pay the same claim twice.

Practical Application: Interpleader is a ’s tool to join all claimants at once; but may be employed by a through use of cross-claim [Rule 13(g)], compulsory counterclaim [Rule 13(a)], or permissive counterclaim [Rule 13(b)].

Remember, you need PJ over all the claimants in order for Rule 22

interpleader to work!

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Intervention Rule 24

“I wasn’t invited, but I am coming anyway”

Rule 24(a): Intervention of RightAutomatic, uncontestable right if:1. Unconditional Right Granted by Federal Statute; OR2. Applicant has interest in transaction or property + disposition will impair his interest - no existing party can

adequately represent his interest

Rule 24(b): Permissive InterventionAt discretion of Court if:1. Conditional Right Granted by Statute; OR2. Common Question of Law or Fact; OR3. Limited Purpose Intervention: Courts my grant intervention for limited purposes, such as contesting

scope of protective orders and confidentiality agreements. Example: Environmental Lawyers intervene to contest Oil Co. settlement agreement ordering destruction of discovery documents which may show broader

Rule 24(b¹): Limited Purpose InterventionJudicial Expansion of Rule 24(b):1. Limited Purpose Intervention: Courts my grant intervention for limited purposes, such as contesting

scope of protective orders and confidentiality agreements. 2. Example: Environmental lawyers intervene to contest Oil Co. settlement agreement ordering destruction of

discovery documents which may show broader pattern of abuse, suppression of which arguably would be contrary to public policy.

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Intervention Flowchart

Does a Federal Statute grant unconditional right of


YesMUST Grant

This is Rule 24(a).

Does a Federal Statute grant conditional right of


YesMAY Grant

This is Rule 24(b)Court will consider delay or

prejudice to original parties.


Is there a party to the case who will adequately

represent the applicant’s legitimate interest in the

controverted matter?(Can an existing party cover

your ass? )




MUST GrantThis is Rule 24(a).

Is there:A common question of law or fact?

- or -A limited purpose that would serve public policy?

YesMAY Grant

This is Rule 24(b)Court will consider delay or

prejudice to original parties.

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Class Defined Policy Objective Practical Application23(b)(1)

Mass version of Rule 19 joinder. Class members may NOT opt out

and are BOUND by the holding.

Avoid inconsistent decisions or impairment of interests of class members. Avoid harm to ’s and absentees.

In a limited fund case; if suits brought individually, first π takes it all. Class Action protects other π’s.


Limited to Injunctive or Declaratory Relief

No $ damages Class members may NOT opt out

Protect rights where large numbers of persons are affected.

Civil rights cases.


$ Monetary Damages Must be superior to other

available methods

Judicial efficiency Allows relief where individual π’s

could not economically pursue

Class action for everyone who was overcharged 10 cents on every can of tuna they bought at Ralph’s. No one

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Class Actions Rule 23: “We Were All Screwed Over!”


1. C LASS: is roughly definable and is a member; 2. E CONOMY: Judicial Economy is Served; 3. N UMEROUS: Potential ’s too numerous for


4. C OMMON LEGAL THEORY: Claims have a Common legal theory or arise out of the same transaction or occurrence;

5. T YPICAL: Claim of named must be Typical of the class;

6. A DEQUACY OF REPRESENTATION: Named parties must Adequately represent the class;

7. B RULE 23(B): Action must fall within one of three categories of Fed Rule 23(b)

Identifiable Class Named s (or s) are members of the class

JURISDICTIONFederal Question: Normal Rule Applies

Diversity: Class action is a representative action. Diversity is based on the representative. Just make

sure you pick a from another state. Amount in Controversy cannot be aggregated. If it’s classified as a 23(b)(2) injunctive claim, you

would value the injunction and that could get you over the $75k

Or you could file it in state court. But in a 23(b)(3) case you’d have a big problem if

your individual claims were not each over the $75k requirement.

Personal Jurisdiction: Not the Shoe, Denkla, VW test. Focuses mostly on notice. For 23(b)(3) damages case, requires: Adequate representative Notice Right to opt out. Not required for 23(b)(1) or (2) cases.

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Must present common questions of law or fact. (Predominance of common question)

bears cost of notice to all class members.

Notice must inform members may opt-out.

action Could be only effective method of

deterring behavior of some ’s (many small violations).

would sue individually. But as a class it would make sense and Ralph’s would have to react.

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“Go Away, Leave Me Alone, I Don’t Want To Talk About It Anymore!”

Res Judicata(Claim Preclusion)

Collateral Estoppel

(Issue Preclusion)

Mutuality of Estoppel(Who or which parties are subject to claim or

issue preclusion?Res Judicata Basics

1. Definition: RJ means you cannot re-litigate a matter that you previously litigated or could have litigated.2. Merger & Bar: The controverted matter (cause of action) is like a poker chip, you only get two choices: bet it or

don’t bet it. You can’t break it in half and play part now and part later. Additional theories that could have been plead but weren’t are merged into the first judgment and further litigation is barred by RJ.

3. Claim for Relief is The Key: So, what’s the claim for relief (cause of action)? Is it litigation to preserve a right or to remedy a wrong? Courts have held both ways and a minority of jurisdictions still use the right-wrong test. But the majority position is to focus on the transaction. On the exam, focus on transaction & occurrence. If the claim arises from the same transaction or occurrence, it’s probably covered by RJ.

a. Example: In-other-words, if bought a toaster that exploded and killed her pet iguana, she’s probably got half a dozen theories of recovery under tort and contract law (strict liability, warranty, breach, etc.). But all those actions arise from the same occurrence – the toaster explosion. Most Courts would rule this a single cause-of-action for RJ purposes.

4. Exam Tip: Be sure to let the professor know you defined the cause-of-action so that he knows you understand its central importance to the concept of res judicata.

5. Remember the Policy Rationale: Courts will interpret claims broadly in order to encourage joinder and discourage multiple litigation (judicial efficiency). But Courts will interpret claims narrowly if they are concerned about the harshness of preclusion and the burden on the .

Collateral Estoppel Basics1. Definition: CE means you cannot re-litigate an issue that you previously litigated or could have litigated. If RJ is a

meat cleaver, lopping off the entire claim, CE is a scalpel, severing only the issues previously adjudicated. There are 3 requirements for CE:

a. Same Issueb. Actually Litigatedc. Necessarily Decided (This is important. The issue may previously have been decided but was not necessary to

resolution of that case.2. Example : Driver A hits Driver B, sues B for negligence, and wins. Assume that there was no compulsory

counterclaim rule, so B never counterclaimed against A. Now Driver B wants to sue Driver A for his injuries.a. B is NOT barred by res judicata because even though his claim arises from the same transaction & occurrence,

claims are specific to the , so that single accident gave rise to valid claims for both A and B. b. But B will be estopped from asserting a claim of negligence against A. This is because A actually litigated and

necessarily determined that B was the negligent driver in the accident. For purposes of the exam, don’t worry about comparative negligence claims.

PET MSame Primary rights involved?Same Evidence?Same Transaction or

NILIssue Necessary to the first action?Identical Issues?

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Was there a final judgment in the previous case? (Final means all steps in the adjudication except

execution & appeal.)

NO CLAIM PRECLUSIONRJ won’t apply if the matter hasn’t

been finally and validly decided by a proper Court!

Do the issues in the current case stem from the same transaction or occurrence as a previously litigated


Was it considered “on the merits”?

Yes12(b)(6)Default judgment or Consent decreeSummary judgment & Directed Verdict (JMOL)

NoJurisdictionVenueJoinder of an Indispensable Party

Was it valid?Proper court with subject matter and personal jurisdiction?§1738 “Full Faith & Credit” valid state court decisions are binding in federal court unless state court lacked competency.

Does 2nd Action Involve Same Parties or Those In Privity?

(Privity requires a legal relationship between the parties)

CLAIM PRECLUSIONEntire claim is precluded, including matters that

were or should have been litigated.









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Flow Chart - [DOC Document] (2024)


Can I make a flowchart in Google Docs? ›

Follow these steps to get started:
  1. Open a Google Doc.
  2. Select Insert > Drawing > New.
  3. Use the shape icon to add flowchart shapes and the lines icon to connect them.
  4. When you're finished, click "Save and Close."

How detailed should a flowchart be? ›

The flowchart should be kept as simple as possible. If it starts getting larger than a single page, it should be broken into multiple flowcharts. One way to do this is to identify the most common sequence within the primary flowchart and then develop additional flowcharts that show major variations.

What should be documented in a flowchart? ›

As you know, flowcharts are made up of a sequence of actions, data, services, and/or materials. They illustrate where data is being input and output, where information is being stored, what decisions need to be made, and which people need to be involved.

How do I make a fillable chart in Google Docs? ›

It is very easy to create fillable forms in Google Docs (in basic format), open a Google Doc, and add tables from Insert > Table. In that table, you can add different fields along with creating columns or rows for the responses section.

Which Google program is best for flowcharts? ›

Google Docs is a versatile project collaboration application. With its built-in drawing tool, not only can you write and format text documents but you can also design a custom flowchart -- and even a Google Docs project timeline.

What is a common mistake in a flowchart? ›

If you use too many crossing lines or arrows, you might create visual noise or ambiguity. If you arrange your symbols in an illogical or inconsistent order, you might create logical errors or contradictions. To avoid this mistake, follow some basic design principles for your flowchart.

What are the rules for writing a flowchart? ›

Rule 1: Flowchart opening statement must be 'start' keyword. Rule 2: Flowchart ending statement must be 'end' keyword. Rule 3: All symbols in the flowchart must be connected with an arrow line. Rule 4: The decision symbol in the flowchart is associated with the arrow line.

Is it better to Create a flowchart in Word or Excel? ›

Both applications have different advantages. It's easier to format a flowchart in excel and PowerPoint than in Word. Also, the drawing canvas in Excel is bigger than the canvas in Word.

What is the easiest program to make a flow chart in? ›

10 Best Flowchart Software Shortlist
  • Lucidchart — Best flowchart with collaboration and data import features.
  • Miro — Best flowchart with built-in communication features.
  • FigJam by Figma — Best for creating online flowcharts quickly using 300+ built-in templates.
  • Creately — Best free flowchart software.
Apr 24, 2024

What Microsoft program is best for flowcharts? ›

Visio and Microsoft 365

Visio is an innovative solution that helps you visualize data-connected business process flows with a host of integrated features that bring the power of Microsoft 365 to Visio. Create, view, edit, and collaborate on Visio diagrams from inside Microsoft Teams.

How detailed should a process flowchart be? ›

The level of detail included in a flowchart should be driven by the objectives of the project. A flowchart should only go to the level of detail needed to sufficiently document the process and perform the necessary analysis. In many cases high level maps and detailed maps are needed.

What is a flowchart short answer? ›

A flowchart is a diagram depicting a process, a system or a computer algorithm. It is a diagrammatic representation of the solution to a given problem but, more importantly, it provides a breakdown of the essential steps to solving the problem.

How to make a flowchart in Google Docs? ›

To create a flowchart in Google Docs, follow these steps:
  1. Open a Google Doc.
  2. Select “Insert” > “Drawing” > “New”
  3. Use the shapes icon to add flowchart shapes.
  4. Use the lines feature to connect flowchart shapes.
  5. Add text to your flowchart.
  6. Customize your flowchart.
  7. Click Save and Close.
Feb 26, 2024

Does Google Docs have a workflow tool? ›

Setting up Workflows with Google Docs

Google document workflow management empowers Google's offline office suite to collaborate on documents and manage approvals effectively.

What is the best program to make a flowchart? ›

The 15 Best Flowchart Software Tools in 2024
  • Draw.io. via Draw.io. ...
  • Google Docs. via Google Docs. ...
  • Cacoo. Via nuLab. ...
  • Creately. via Creately. ...
  • Microsoft Visio. via Visio. ...
  • Mural. via Mural. ...
  • FigJam. via Figma. ...
  • FlowMapp. via FlowMapp. FlowMapp is a UX planning tool that helps create visual sitemaps, user flows, diagrams, and more.
May 8, 2024

Can I make a chart on Google Docs? ›

Go to Insert > Chart. Click on the Chart and choose the type of chart or graph you want to use. The chart or graph will automatically be inserted. To edit the data within the chart, click on the link icon and choose the Open Source option to open your Google Sheets source data.

Does Google Sheets have flow charts? ›

Go to the Insert tab, click Drawing to open the Drawing window. On the Drawing window, you can use the shape icons to add flowchart shapes and the line or arrow icons to connect them. When you finish making the diagram, you can click Save and Close button, then the flowchart will be added on the spreadsheet.


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.