Finance Process Improvement | How to Fast-Track Your FPI in 2023 (2024)

Getting and staying ahead of the competition in today’s business environment means making smart decisions to improve your organization’s use of resources (both time and money). A big part of the continuous improvement is making refinements to the fundamentalfinance business processesthat your teams carry out on a day-to-day basis.

Making process improvements in the finance function is a great place to start, due to the number and complexity of routine activities that the team regularly completes. Finance process improvement can serve a host of benefits across your organization.

This article will lead you through some key finance process improvement examples to help you on your way to a smarter, more streamlined way of working.

What is Finance Process Improvement?

Finance process improvement is the changes in efficiency that you make to standard tasks carried out by financial workflows. Implementing process improvements in the finance function often involves using technology to add automation, improving accuracy and consistency, and helping your business achieve its organizational goals. Finance process improvement can serve a host of benefits across your organization.

Typical Problems in the Finance Function (You Should Avoid)

The activities above are all critical to ensuring smooth running and overall success of yourfinancial process management. However, if you rely on manual, labor-intensive processes to complete these tasks, you run the risk of creating unnecessary problems.

For example, without automated processes to fall back on, it’s possible that your team misses deadlines, overlooks key tasks, and battles an error rate that is way too higher than it should be. It’s natural that this affects the morale of your team, causing them to feel as though they are wasting their time, undertaking useless or monotonous tasks, and being criticized for poor performance. It’s unlikely that the productivity of the finance function in a situation such as this is positive. That’s why finance process improvement can add real value to your business.

Here’s How to Improve Your Processes:

Now that you’ve figured out some of the obstacles that are hindering your finance team’s ability to do the job quickly, efficiently, and accurately, let’s take a look at some finance process improvement examples that you could consider implementing in your organization and the benefits they can offer you:

1. Reduce your error rate

By putting in place simple interventions such as automated forms, tailor-made workflows, and revised data permissions, you reduce the likelihood of human error contributing to poor accuracy. Implementing software is a quick way to make some key process improvements in your finance function.

2. Increase the processing speed

This finance process improvement will come about through identifying and eliminating unnecessary or duplicated tasks, automating simple activities, and performing some activities simultaneously.

3. Reduce your costs

Naturally, you are looking for a finance process improvement that positively influences your bottom line. You can reduce your costs by implementing automated finance processes that require less employee intervention. These processes can also reduce the headcount of your finance team or allow such employees to focus on more value-adding activities to contribute positively towards your business goals.

Common Finance Processes (That Need to Be Improved)

There are great opportunities to realize process improvements in the finance function. By its very nature, the department is home to routine and repetitivelist of finance processes. Here are some examples of common activities that could benefit from finance process improvement:

  • Accounts payableand receivable, including invoice and payment processing and billing activities
  • Expense management, includingemployee expense reimbursem*nt, cost allocation, and reporting
  • Budgeting and forecasting, including forward financial planning and P&L activity
  • Auditing and cash flow, including regulatory reporting, policy compliance, and cash flow management
  • Payroll processes, including salary payments, compensation and benefits administration, and income tax distribution

Helpful Tips on Finance Process Improvement

If you’re tempted by the time and resource savings demonstrated by these process improvements in the finance function, it’s time to get started and make them happen in your business. Here are some of the most common steps that organizations take:

Audit your finance function

This is the first step that you should take in order to realize the strengths and weaknesses of the department and find opportunities to make process improvements in thefinance process mappingfunction. Don’t try to tackle everything at once–stick to the issues that, when rectified, can offer your business the most significant gains.

Get your team behind you

Don’t miss this crucial stage–you need to build support for change across different areas of your business, including from senior management and from the employees that work in the finance team themselves.


There are plenty of opportunities to put finance process improvement examples in place in your business by utilizing software and automation to gain efficiencies. Once you startimplementing process improvementsin the finance function, you’ll quickly see the positive effects they can have across your whole business.

Finance Process Improvement | How to Fast-Track Your FPI in 2023 (2024)


Finance Process Improvement | How to Fast-Track Your FPI in 2023? ›

Finance process improvement examples could be as simple as creating more formalized guidelines to automate the accounts payable process. Using technology to automate your finance process has a positive impact on the consistency, speed, and accuracy of finance processes.

What is an example of a finance process improvement? ›

Finance process improvement examples could be as simple as creating more formalized guidelines to automate the accounts payable process. Using technology to automate your finance process has a positive impact on the consistency, speed, and accuracy of finance processes.

How can financial management process be improved? ›

6 ways to improve your business financial management
  1. Identify your regular expenses. ...
  2. Monitor your financial position. ...
  3. Ensure customers pay you on time. ...
  4. Keep up-to-date accounting records. ...
  5. Stay on top of taxes to meet tax deadlines. ...
  6. Invest in equipment and automation.

How to improve finance operations? ›

Where to start optimizing financial operations
  1. Use strategic sourcing to improve savings. ...
  2. Standardize your procurement workflows. ...
  3. Establish purchasing prerequisites. ...
  4. Automate your AP process. ...
  5. Integrate your accounting and financial operations systems.
Apr 16, 2024

How to improve accounting process? ›

10 Tips to Improve Your Accounting Department
  1. Be timely with reconciliation. ...
  2. Put cutoff policies in place and stick to them. ...
  3. Research is not a waste of time, ever. ...
  4. Pay your taxes. ...
  5. Align reporting within accounting. ...
  6. Do accounting in the cloud. ...
  7. Don't treat accounting like it's just compliance.

What are the five stages of process improvement? ›

The five steps in business process improvement are:
  • Identifying the process to be improved.
  • Analyzing the current process.
  • Designing the improved process.
  • Implementing the improved process.
  • Continuously monitoring and improving the process.

What are the three stages of process improvement? ›

Think of a Process Improvement Exercise as having three important and necessary phases, 1) The Assessment Phase, 2) Problem Solving Phase, and 3) Implementation Phase. Like the triangle below, from the organizations' perspective the work gets tougher and more involved as you move down the phases.

What is financial process improvement? ›

Process improvement in finance is typically about identifying inefficiencies, bottlenecks, or areas where businesses can make financial operations more efficient and accurate, such as budgeting, accounting, financial reporting, and payroll processing.

What is process improvement in finance? ›

Put another way, finance process improvements streamline your workflows in some way, often through technology, to automate manual tasks, increase accuracy and speed, and just generally drive better business intelligence for your decision-makers.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings.

How do you optimize financial performance? ›

By setting clear financial goals, analyzing financial statements, implementing cost-cutting strategies, generating revenue, managing cash flow, planning investments, minimizing debt, monitoring key financial metrics, and developing long-term financial plans, businesses can achieve optimal financial performance.

How can I improve my analytical skills in finance? ›

Some tips to enhance financial analysis skills: Take courses or pursue certifications in financial analysis. Analyse real financial statements and reports regularly. Familiarise yourself with financial modelling tools and spreadsheet software. Keep up with industry trends, news, and changes in regulations.

What are the four ways an operation can be improved? ›

Here are some steps you can take to improve your workplace's operational efficiency:
  • Identify areas of improvement. ...
  • Automate processes where applicable. ...
  • Share resources among departments. ...
  • Streamline operational processes. ...
  • Ensure organization.
Feb 3, 2023

What are the 3 important activities in the accounting process? ›

Answer and Explanation:
  • Identification: As the first step in the accounting process, every economic transactions are identified. ...
  • Recording: Recording stands for considering a transaction into the books of accounts. ...
  • Communication: Accounting information is prepared to be interpreted by its users.

What are the six accounting processes? ›

The steps in the accounting cycle are identifying transactions, recording transactions in a journal, posting the transactions, preparing the unadjusted trial balance, analyzing the worksheet, adjusting journal entry discrepancies, preparing a financial statement, and closing the books.

What is process improvement in finance function? ›

Implementing process improvements in the finance function often involves using technology to add automation, improving accuracy and consistency, and helping your business achieve its organizational goals. Finance process improvement can serve a host of benefits across your organization.

What are the two main types of process improvement? ›

The two main types of process improvement are incremental and breakthrough improvements. Incremental improvements involve making gradual, small-scale changes to existing processes, with the aim of enhancing efficiency, quality, and productivity while minimizing risks and disruptions.


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