FAQ | HACLA (2024)

What is the difference between Public Housing and Section 8?

Public Housing:Under the public housing program the HACLA is the owner-landlord of the property.

Section 8:Section 8 is a voucher program that lets you find your own unit to rent anywhere in the City of Los Angeles.In Section 8, the landlord must agree to participate in the program and sign a contract with the Housing Authority.

Does the housing authority offer homeless services?

The Housing Authority does not offer homeless services directly to individuals. However, other agencies do. Please call INFO LINE at 1-800-339-6993 or TTY 1-800-660-4026 for referrals or visit the Housing and Urban Development website for more assistance.

How long will I have to wait before I am called for an apartment?

Your wait time depends on your place on the waiting list and the availability of units and funding and any special needs you may have and whether you qualify for any preferences.

Public Housing:The wait list for public housing is dependent upon available vacancies for each bedroom size and your family admission preference.

Section 8:For Section 8, the wait list is dependent upon funding and the availability of vouchers.

Do I have to be a citizen of the United States to be eligible for public housing or Section 8?

Currently families are eligible for both programs as long as at least 1 family member has eligible immigration status. “Mixed” families – those with members without legal status will not receive the full subsidy. Their rental payments will be pro-rated based upon the number of family members with eligible immigration status.

How long will my application remain active?

Public Housing: Applicants will remain "active" until their eligibility has been determined and signed a lease or as long as they notify the HACLA of any changes to their contact information and respond to HACLA for eligibility determination appointments and/or waitlist updates notifications.

Section 8:The Housing Authority will keep your application active until you are contacted for an interview.However, once you are on the waiting list it is YOUR responsibility to keep the Housing Authority aware of any change of address.If you move and do not give us a change of address, you will be removed from the waiting list.If your name comes up and we find that you are not eligible for assistance, your name is removed from the list and you must submit a new application. If you have already applied for Section 8 and want to know your status on the waiting list, call HACLA-4-U(833-422-5248).

How much will my rent be?

Section 8: Families will generally pay at least 30% of their monthly adjusted income toward rent, not to exceed 40% of monthly adjusted income in the first year of the lease.Your portion also depends on the rent of the unit you choose. If your rent is higher than the maximum subsidy the Housing Authority can pay, you have to pay the difference out of your own pocket.However, you are not allowed to rent a unit that requires you to pay more than 40% of your adjusted monthly income toward rent.If the rent is too high, you have to find another unit.

Public Housing: As with Section 8, your rent is based upon your reported verified income. Generally your rent will be 30% of your adjusted monthly income.

Is there a minimum age requirement when applying for housing assistance?

For both the Public Housing and Section 8 programs, the head of household must be at least 18 years old at the time of applying, unless he/she is a legally emancipated minor.

Is there a minimum income requirement to qualify for housing assistance?

Public Housing: There is no minimum income requirement for public housing, however, you need to establish that you are capable of paying your portion of the rent if admitted.

Section 8:There is no minimum income requirement.However all families are expected to pay a minimum gross monthly rent of $50.00.

Is there a maximum income that would make me ineligible for housing assistance?

Yes, Housing and Urban Development (HUD) establishes the annual income limits to be eligible to apply for public housing and Section 8. The income levels are updated every year. Refer to our “Public Housing” and “Section 8 Housing” sections for their respective income limit information. Please note that the regulations are different for families already receiving housing assistance.

Can I apply for a specific public housing development?

No. HACLA operates a community-wide Public Housing wait list. Applicants cannot apply for a specific site.

How can I find out about the status of my application?

Public Housing:To check the status of your Public Housing application call 833-422-5248 (833-HACLA-4U)

Section 8:To check on your Section 8 Application call833-422-5248 (833-HACLA-4U)or write to:

Section 8 Application Processing Intake & Contracting (APIC)

2600 Wilshire Blvd., 2ND Floor

Los Angeles, CA 90057

Include your name, Social Security number, date of birth, current address & address used when you first applied.

What should I do if I change my address, reported income and family size after I submit my application?

Public Housing:Call 833-422-5248 (833-HACLA-4U)or email application.help@hacla.org to report changes.

Section 8:If you have already applied and need to report a change of address, or if you have any other changes or questions, please submit them in writing to:

Section 8 Application Processing Intake & Contracting (APIC)

2600 Wilshire Blvd., 2ND Floor

Los Angeles, CA 90057

You can also fax the information to (213) 252-1218. Please include your name, address (old and new address if you are changing your address), social security number and date of birth.

FAQ | HACLA (2024)


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