Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (2024)

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (1)


Rating: 4 stars


Use peanut oil or butter for flavor, add 2 garlic chopped garlic cloves and 1 TB minced fresh ginger in with the other vegetables. Make your own fresh curry powder from the recipe by Bruce Adelis on this site or Alton Brown's. Use fire-roasted tomatoes. Make at least six hours aheaad of time, preferably the day before. Then add on to your plate, as Indians do, a tablespoon of a relish (we LOVE Patak's eggplant relish). Serve with naan bread and a vegetable like sauteed spinach or steamed green beans. Yum.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (2)


Rating: 5 stars


Fairly new to a vegetarian diet, so I read all reviews and made this with no expectations. Followed the recipe ingredients, but let it simmer a little longer so the flavors could marry. Will make this again soon. Might add the brown rice to make it a little more filling.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (3)


Rating: 5 stars


I added a locally made seasoning blend that included paprika, sugar, cumin, cinnamon, cardamom, parsley, coriander, turmeric and "spices." I also made quinoa to go along with it and added a cut up nectarine for the last few minutes of cooking.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (4)


Rating: Unrated


This isn't an accurate review because it's a variation of the recipe.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (5)


Rating: 5 stars


didn't have cauliflower so used green pepper and yellow squash. roasted my sweet potato with olive oil and a little sugar on it. added some extra spices that others mentioned, except cumin. sauteed celery with the onion. had some thawed coconut milk that i topped it with. can't wait for the leftovers!!!

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (6)


Rating: 5 stars


My husband and I loved this! The only additions we made were a dash of cayenne pepper when the broth and tomatoes were added and some garam masala towards the very end. We had a light cucumber tomato salad as an appetizer and ate the vegetable curry with nothing but some naan. My kitchen smelled amazing, and the dinner was more than satisfying. Delicious!

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (7)


Rating: 4 stars


Calorie count is off. More like 450 calories per serving, if it serves 4.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (8)


Rating: 5 stars


That said, I did embellish it somewhat with extra spices as per the previous reviews. I used all the veggies as stated (cauliflower, not broccoli) and added a small package of home-frozen red kale. When sauteing the cauliflower, onion, sweet potato mixture I only added the 2 teaspoons of curry powder. When the liquids were added I added another teaspoon of curry, a teaspoon of cumin, 1/4 teas. cinnamon and 1/4 teas. cayenne. About the time it was finished cooking, I tasted it....somewhat flat I thought....so added a teaspoon of Garam Masala as per one reviewer. Helped a great deal. But next time I make this (and there WILL be many, many more times!) I will mix all the spices together - maybe upping the cumin and cayenne - and saute the veggies with all the spices, except the Garam Masala, reserving that for the last few minutes of cooking. Served it on top of brown rice with lots of cilantro. I had yogurt but didn't bother. I can hardly wait for the left-overs tomorrow!

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (9)


Rating: 4 stars


One of my first forays into vegetarian cooking, and it turned out quite well! I added 1/2 cup of coconut milk with the broth and some kale to the vegetables as well. Simmered for about 20 minutes so everything was nice and tender, and served over brown jasmine rice. My husband enjoyed it so much, he had seconds! Will keep this one in the rotation for sure.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (10)


Rating: 5 stars


Great flavor and so very easy to make. I followed other reader reviews and added an extra 1/2 tsp each of ground cumin and crushed red pepper. Served over brown rice with nan bread on the side. Totally satisfying and healthy.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (11)


Rating: 5 stars


This turned out really good!! I'm not a big fan of cauliflower, so i added steamed broccoli toward the end instead. That was the only change I made. I will definitely make this again, next time I'll double the sweet potatoes!

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (12)


Rating: 4 stars


I thought this was great and easy to make. I added a little more curry powder, a dash of cayenne and some turmeric. I will definitely make it again

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (13)


Rating: 4 stars


Really good!!!! I doubled the amount of potato, onion and cauliflower and at the end of cooking let it simmer longer. Also I cooked rice and served it as a side dish.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (14)


Rating: 3 stars


This recipe (and many other curries like it) will benefit from the addition of garam masala at the end of cooking. Garam masala can be found at specialty stores and Whole Foods, and is useful to have around. While relying on packaged curry powder as a foundation is great, it's always useful to be aware of the spices that make up curry powder, so that one can goose it up to one's own taste. One can also give one's curry spices a little more oomph by toasting them briefly -- just until one can smell the fragrance of the oils -- in a small dry skillet. Fire-roasted canned tomatoes give this (and most other things) some added depth.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (15)


Rating: 5 stars


This was a wonderful meal or side dish and fast to prepare. I added some golden raisins to it and tossed some toasted almonds over it at the last minute for some crunch. I think it would have paired well with goat cheese sprinkled over the top as we'll.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (16)


Rating: 5 stars


This is a great recipe!!! If you're not into recipes though, I do not recommend this! The only things I changed was I added a dash of cayenne peper, a tablespoon more of curry (any curry will do) and a little bit of cinnamon. Also I substituted cauliflower for broccoli but i recommend not adding it until later on because it cooks quick! This isn't bland at all! It's full of flavor and goes great with brown rice! If you want to make it for a family of four, just double the ingredients! Oh and add a handful of cilantro and a cup of onions for better flavor. Remember, add more curry and a dash of cayenne pepper!

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (17)


Rating: 2 stars


just wasnt crazy about it even though i thought it sounded great

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (18)


Rating: 2 stars


I was excited to make this but was disappointed with how it turned out. It was a little spicy, but bland in every other way. I don't think I would make this again.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (19)


Rating: 3 stars


This is a good recipe and I love how many vegetables are in it. I would make it again, just because its something different and it is filling, however, it was not good cold (like snacking from the fridge on leftovers). My DH said it would be good with Jasmine rice or something else starchy. I also could not find Madras curry powder at the store, so I just used regular-- maybe that would help get it another star?

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (20)


Rating: 3 stars


A little bland, but easy to prepare.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (21)


Rating: 2 stars


Meh. DH and DD ate/liked it. I typically like curry and even though I spiced it up a bit, I just wasn't impressed with this dish.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (22)


Rating: 3 stars


I'd make it again but would make a smaller batch and find a real Madras curry.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (23)


Rating: 5 stars


This recipe is one of our favorites. It is comforting and hearty yet also healthy. And it's easy to make!

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (24)


Rating: 5 stars


Fantastic!! I made it as is and we loved it. I served it over cous cous that I cooked using vegetable broth and a touch of the curry and it was a huge hit!! We have made it multiple times and it has become one of our new faves!

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (25)


Rating: 3 stars


I can tell from the recipe that it will be bland, given it calls for two tsps of curry powder and little else for flavor (except onions). But I just read one review complaining about the recipe and the writer DIDN'T FOLLOW THE RECIPE AT ALL! "I hate cauliflower and onion, so I just added more sweet potato..." Seriously?

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (26)


Rating: 4 stars


This is a great dish, something different to change it up a bit!! My husband REALLY loved this dish, and my kids thought it was okay. They still ate some. I think it's a delicious meal and it's super easy. I didn't follow it exactly, i used broccoli, and instead of curry powder, i used some curry sauce I already had, and didn't use any vegetable broth. And it turned out great! Would definitely make again!!

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (27)


Rating: 5 stars


made it as is, was completely surprised because I don't usually like chickpeas, but it was delicious, will make it again!

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (28)


Rating: 4 stars


Great dish! Quadrupled the recipe & served to a dinner party of 12 vegetarians who loved it. 4 stars out of 5 because it wasn't quite as bursting with flavor as I expected of a CL 4-5 star dish. I modified using more onions, more curry & 3T fresh lime juice & it was still tasty, but still could have been even more exciting. I still enjoyed it & will make again & modify, but want others trying it to know what to expect. I do like a lot of flavor! While subtle, the flavors were lovely & balanced & my friends enjoyed it (and 2 of them are professional chefs - a good recommendation.) I served over cashew rice I made with vegetable stock (rather than water), mixed brown & white basmati rice, & added about 1/2C raisins, 1C cashews & grated coconut at the end. I garnished the whole dish with fresh organic cilantro, greeen onion and a little fresh mint chopped up all together with a dollop of greek yogurt

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (29)


Rating: 3 stars


I added cumin, cinnamon, red bell pepper chunks, additional oil and curry. I also had difficulty getting the sweet potato cooked all the way. I would boil them next time. Overall the family enjoyed this. It was better reheated the next day for lunch. But what a nice flavor profile and so different for a change. I will make again. I gave it three stars because I had to keep adding to it to increase the flavor. I pretty much used the recipe as a guide.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (30)


Rating: 3 stars


We liked this. It was tasty in a virtuous way, like eating at the health-food store cafe. Super quick too, especially with cauliflower florets from the grocery salad bar. I used a good bit more olive oil, as I always do with CL recipes, and followed others' recommendations and used fire-roasted tomatoes, added raisins and a little cinnamon and red pepper flakes, plus probably a tb curry powder instead of the 2 tsp and a pinch of fennel seed. I had some ordinary yogurt to use up so I drained it to make it thicker. Also, I made it late afternoon and kept it warm for a few hours - I'm wondering if, as bobsclock said, it just needs time for the flavors to meld.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (31)


Rating: 4 stars


I made this recipe as is and paired it with brown rice; no substitutions less the addition of a smidge more salt (an extra 1/8 tsp). It was pretty good the first night but I was not over-the-moon about it; however, when reheated the next day for lunch it proved to be a lovely mingling of flavors and textures. I would definitely make this again.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (32)


Rating: 2 stars


I am also one of those people who found the recipe to be really bland. I added some cumin and some salt in addition to the curry powder and still found it to be pretty tasteless.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (33)


Rating: 5 stars


I just love this recipe. It's easy, nutritious, and it has become a fall tradition.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (34)


Rating: 5 stars


Wonderful! The cilantro and dollops of yogurt are a must! My kids devoured it :)

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (35)


Rating: 5 stars


Super easy and very tasty! I waited until after 6 pm before I finally decided what I wanted for dinner and was so excited that it was ready before the hour was even close to being up! I would absolutely make this again. I added a tsp. of cinnamon, handful of golden raisins, and some crushed red pepper to bring out the heat just a touch. The cinnamon and raisins added just a touch of something sweet to offset all the savory items in this dish. This is a perfect weeknight meal that would probably yield leftovers for the next day.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (36)


Rating: 4 stars


This dish is easy, delicious and fast. I made it once as-is, but since my husband nixed the cauliflower, I've omitted it and doubled the sweet potato. If your health allows, you'll probably want to add a bit more salt to bring out the flavors. Make sure your curry powder isn't too old to be flavorful, and definitely use basmati or jasmine rice; it's just not the same with brown rice. This really does come together in 30 minutes provided you cut the potatoes small enough, and it's very tasty!

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (37)


Rating: 5 stars


This was delicious! Maybe I didn't cut my sweet potato small enough but it needed 20 minutes of cooking instead of 10. Like others that made it, I also added some cinnamon, cumin and crushed red pepper. I was also out of onion, so I used one clove of garlic and about a tablespoon of minced ginger, which I added along with the curry powder. This is very delicious and satisfying!

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (38)


Rating: 5 stars


A perfect Sunday dinner that hit all the right notes. So flavourful, rich but not heavy. Used Italian bottled pureed tomatoes instead of the canned tomatoes (about 1 cup) and used double the stock. Lots of yogurt on top with the cilantro and served with the rice dish, made with scented Thai rice. A hit with all the family. It's going in the permanent dinner collection :)

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (39)


Rating: 4 stars


I was very impressed with this meal, pretty quick to make and very tasty. I didn't have any curry on hand, so I used some garam masala I already had. I also added some curry flavored cashews. My 3-year old ate it but put up a bit of a fight, not sure if it was the meal or just that kind of night. I wish that I had some naan because it would have been a great addition. Will make again for sure.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (40)


Rating: 4 stars


This was very good! I loved the flavors and it made for a great weeknight meal.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (41)


Rating: 2 stars


I really wanted to like this. But, as usual for CL recipes, it was BLAND. And I'm saying that after I QUADRUPLED the Madras curry power and also added cumin, cinnamon, and red pepper flakes!! I hate both cauliflower and onion, so I just added more sweet potato. Couldn't really taste the sweet potato flavor until the 2nd day. I skipped the yogurt, because I didn't want to lose the little bit of flavor that the dish had. I guess I could have mixed more spices in with the yogurt and tried that. I love curry, but this was a waste of my time. BLAH.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (42)


Rating: 5 stars


This recipe was simple yet so satisfying. I added extra onions which made it even sweeter. I can see myself curling up on a cold night with a steaming bowl of this stuff and watching a good movie. It would be great over rice, quinoa, or pasta or just by itself. I'll be making it again and again.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (43)


Rating: 4 stars


Enjoyed the sweetness of the sweet potatoes. Used chicken broth instead of vegetable broth, and omitted the yogurt.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (44)


Rating: 3 stars


Easy to make. I substituted pumpkin for the sweet potato since I had lots of pumpkin. Didn't have madras so I had to do the substitution. I thought the flavor was a little bland. Don't know if the madras would make the difference. I would probably boost the spice a bit if I made it again. My husband thought it was good and he isn't crazy about all vegetable dishes.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (45)


Rating: 5 stars


This recipe was quick to make, easy to follow and tastes delicious! It is now one of my staple menu items along with recipes like spaghetti. It tastes even better the second day. Make the rice in advance and buy chopped veggies for faster prep.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (46)


Rating: 3 stars


Fast easy recipes with good flavor!

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (47)


Rating: 5 stars


Love this recipe! Very flavorful yet so easy. I substituted butternut squash for the sweet potatoes, and used diced tomato with jalepeno to add a bit of kick. Also added some broccoli. Have served this dish to friends and gotten rave reviews.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (48)


Rating: 5 stars


This was so easy and really delicious. I used regular curry powder and added some red pepper flakes likes others suggested. I also used the fire roasted tomatoes. Served it over brown rice and stirred in some 0% fat fa*ge yogurt. Do not skip the yogurt - it tames a bit of the heat and gives a nice creaminess to the dish. Having the left overs for lunch today.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (49)


Rating: 5 stars


Wonderful. I used a milder curry powder and then added red pepper flakes so I could control the heat. Also, as other reviewers suggested I added 1/4 t cinnamon and 1/2 tsp cumin. Served over brown rice. This goes into the monthly rotation.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (50)


Rating: 5 stars


This was an amazingly yummy dish! My husband and I LOVED the flavor and found it the perfect fast dinner on a fall night. Per another reviewer's comments (and because we didn't have madras curry powder, only "normal"), I did use a can of fire roasted tomatoes and added a little extra cinnamon, clove and cumin. We had it with cashew rice. Delish!

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (51)


Rating: 4 stars


This was so quick and easy! Its a wonderful combination of flavors and textures. I followed the recipe as is except to add more curry. Will definately make again.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (52)


Rating: 3 stars


Confused, photo shows cashews, reviewers mention cashews, but they are not on the ingredient list. Will try tonight!

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (53)


Rating: 5 stars


This was my first curry to make and I loved it! I used the fire-roasted tomatoes as suggested and added red pepper flakes because I only had mild curry. I really enjoyed this! I served it with wheat naan rather than rice. I don't like cauliflower so I used broccoli instead and it worked great!

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (54)


Rating: 3 stars


I think there is a mistake in the ingredients. The picture distinctly shows cashews but this is not listed in the ingredients.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (55)


Rating: 3 stars


I liked the flavor and this is a great way to eat lots of vegetables. Cut the veges into 1/2" pieces and used fire roasted tomatoes. The yogurt did not add anything to the dish. I doubled the recipe and ate this for lunch as well.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (56)


Rating: 4 stars


Easy weeknight meal. I had to add more chicken broth and simmer longer than the recipe stated. Maybe I didn't chop the sweet potato small enough. I found the dish to be adequately spiced. I used the Madras Curry powder. Served over brown rice with cilantro and chopped cashews. My meat-loving husband didn't even notice that this was vegetarian!!

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (57)


Rating: 2 stars


I am another one who found this recipe to be somewhat bland. It smelled good while cooking but was definitely lacking something. I have a lot leftover so will try to spice it up somehow. There are definitely better curry recipes out there so I wouldn't bother with this one again.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (58)


Rating: 2 stars


This dish was really boring...lacking flavor despite the extra spices that I added. I don't think I'll be making this one again.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (59)


Rating: 5 stars


Great curry recipe! I do however add a bit more curry powder, gave it that extra kick it needed! Check out my finished result at my blog - http://thechefamy.blogspot.com/

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (60)


Rating: 5 stars


I was amazed at how easy this recipe was. I modified it a bit though. I added 1/4 tsp crush red pepper flakes, 1/4 tsp cinnamon, and 1/2 tsp cumin in at the same time as the curry. I made this quick one night when my cousin came in to town last minute and since she is in love w/ sweet potatoes she loved it and asked for the recipe. This will be a recipe that I go to for a quick healthy fix; def. a keeper. Also I didn't have any yogurt or cilantro and it still turned out great!

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (61)


Rating: 4 stars


I thought this was delicious. That said, as many people have mentioned, the recipe as-is is seriously underspiced. We kicked it up with some garam masala and some red pepper. The result? A Delicious, quick, healthy weeknight meal we all enjoyed. My one year old *loved* it (and so did the hubby!)

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (62)


Rating: 3 stars


This dish was really easy to make. It was a little spicy, so the yogurt was a nice cooling factor. I blended the yogurt with chopped cilantro in a food processor and added a little salt which was amazing!

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (63)


Rating: 5 stars


Yum! Too often these low cal curry dishes are also low flavor. This one isn't! It packs a punch. I'm adding it to my recipe book.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (64)


Rating: 5 stars


Excellent vegetarian dish. I did kick up the flavor a little by using fire roasted tomatoes, but otherwise it was perfect!

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (65)


Rating: 4 stars


Had to add some extra spices. Used brown basmati rice from Trader Joes Over all very yummy

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (66)


Rating: 3 stars


I made this as directed (but with regular curry and hot pepper instead of madras curry). I thought it was really tasty, and attractive on the plate. I'm not even a huge fan of curry but I still enjoyed this. The cashew rice and the chickpeas add a nice nuttiness to the dish. I served this with half a loaf of naan and a light beer.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (67)


Rating: 4 stars


REALLY enjoyed this for an everyday meal. Used curry powder and 1/8 tsp. Red Pepper instead of the Madras. Perfect heat. Bought Sweet Potato Spears (diced em) and Cauliflower Florets from Trader Joe's to save on prep time. They also sell fa*ge yogurt. ALL ingredients were essential for great flavor. Will definately be making this again soon!

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (68)


Rating: 3 stars


I enjoyed this recipe. We have a nut allergic person in the house so I skipped the cashews. I also did not have fresh cilantro but fresh parsley worked fine. I also added more curry than the recipe called for. Tasty and filling.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (69)


Rating: 5 stars


Loved this! I added a little extra curry powder and a dash of cayenne. We will definitely make this again, and I would serve it to guests as well. I served it with Trader Joe's frozen naan bread.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (70)


Rating: 2 stars


My boyfriend and I thought this recipe was almost tasteless. The picture looks exciting, and I thought it would have a lot of flavor. After following the recipe, I still had to add more curry, salt, and fresh cilantro to my portion so that I could taste something. The yogurt is intended to "mitigate the curry's heat", but I found it unnecessary. I guess the yogurt just gives it a creamy flavor. This recipe could possibly be a base for a more complex recipe. By the way, I used brown rice instead of basmati because that's what was in my pantry.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (71)


Rating: 4 stars


I really enjoyed this meal. It was healthy and tasty both. Also, it looks beautiful on the plate.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (72)


Rating: 3 stars


This recipe is great for a weeknight when you don't have a lot of time to cook. Very tasty. Will definitely make again.

Fall Vegetable Curry Recipe (2024)


How to make vegetable curry Jamie Oliver? ›

Method. In a little vegetable oil, fry the onion gently for 10 minutes in a large pan then add the remaining vegetables and stir together. Add the curry base sauce and simmer gently for around 25 to 30 minutes, taking care not to overcook the vegetables.

When to add cream to curry? ›

You make the curry in your skillet and once the curry is ready, you add the chicken and cook it in the curry. Then you add the heavy cream to make it rich and creamy.

What is the secret ingredient for curry? ›

Whether you may be familiar with the differences between curries from various countries, such as Indian versus Japanese curry, and perhaps even know how to make them at home, there's a special flavor enhancer that you may not have thought to add: honey.

What can I add to my curry to make it taste better? ›

The easiest way to fix a bland and tasteless curry is by adding spices like red chili powder, cumin, coriander, garam masala, curry leaves and turmeric. Just make a quick tempering and pour over the curry to give it a nice punch of spices and herbs.

Do you cook vegetables before putting in curry? ›

If you are (pre-)steaming the vegetables, your are keeping their individual flavor whereas by cooking in the curry sauce you get a more evened out flavor as the various ingredients contribute to the overall flavor and absorb the spices. This may or may not be what you prefer, but it's how your first recipe is designed.

Why do you put lemon juice in curry? ›

First — and most obviously — lemons add lemony flavor to dishes. As a charter member of the citrus family, the lemon hits both sweet and sour notes. In addition to adding its own distinctive flavor, the acidity of lemon juice and zest sharpens the other flavors in a dish.

Will coconut milk thicken a curry? ›

Coconut Milk/ Cream

Coconut is a great ingredient used for thickening curries. It can be used in any form – milk, cream or grated. This method is most suited for Thai, South Indian and other Asian curries. It not only makes your curry flavorful, but also makes the curry creamier.

How do you deepen a curry? ›

Natural foods that peak umami taste receptors include tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, and roasted spice. Add umami ingredients sparingly to your curry dish for a deepened and elevated flavour.

How long to simmer curry? ›

Bring to the boil, lower to a simmer and cook on a gentle heat uncovered for 25-30 mins or until rich and slightly reduced. Stir though the yogurt, coriander and ground almonds, season and serve with warm naan or fluffy basmati rice.

Is it better to use coconut cream or milk for curry? ›

Coconut milk and cream are mostly interchangeable in recipes such as curries and soups. If you prefer a richer flavour and texture, try coconut cream or vice versa. However, be careful when substituting coconut milk and cream in baked goods.

What cream is best for a curry? ›

Cooking cream

As a result, it works well in very hot dishes (in the oven, in the pan and basically anywhere). Cooking cream's best friends are curries, casseroles, custards, baked desserts, and pasta sauces, and the cream base helps to create smooth textures and gives an added richness.

How do restaurants make curry so creamy? ›

The actual sweetness and creaminess of such curries meanwhile, usually comes from fried onions and either cashews and/or dairy products. Instead of (or in addition to) onion, ground coconut may be used. White poppy seeds and/or watermelon seeds are also used in some creamy sauces.

What makes curry the best? ›

First and foremost, Curry is renowned for his amazing shooting ability. His unmatched three-point shooting accuracy and range have redefined the game of basketball, making him a constant threat .

What gives curry depth? ›

Cumin: Warm, earthy and slightly peppery, cumin is a one of those spices for catering that can transform an authentic spicy dish. Its aromatic qualities can boost the depth of a curry. You can use ground cumin, or cumin seeds can be added throughout the cooking process to enhance flavour gradually.

What makes a delicious curry? ›

Build a deep flavour

The three core ingredients of almost any Indian curry are garlic, onion and ginger. There are a few styles of curries that don't use garlic to ensure subtle flavour isn't overwhelmed, but it's a good rule of thumb that those three ingredients are likely to be included.


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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

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Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.