"Fake Woke" by Tom MacDonald - Song Meanings and Facts (2024)

by SMF·Published · Updated

On “Fake Woke”, Tom McDonald confronts a modern-day social phenomenon known as “cancel culture”.Cancel cultureis another name for what transpires when a person says something politically incorrect and resultantly is ostracized by the online community.

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You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Tom MacDonald's Fake Woke at Lyrics.org.

nd McDonald himself, being a rapper who isn’t afraid to say what’s in his heart, has had his own fair share of encounters with online haters.But this track really isn’t about him.Rather he is calling out people who engage in such practices as being “fake woke”, which is basically a roundabout way of labeling them hypocrites.In other words, they will attack a countercultural figure like himself while at the same time accepting someone like say Eminem, a rapper who says things even more controversial than Tom.Or they would consider the likes of Cardi B as a viable role model for young girls or push rappers who advocate illicit drug use to the top of the music charts, despite themselves claiming to be “woke”, i.e. aware and sympathetic to what’s going on in the world.

McDonald also brings up controversial political and racial issues also, as is his norm.But basically what he is saying throughout is that if a person decides to be socially-aware in one area, then they should also endeavor to be so in all areas. Once again going back to Eminem for instance, Shady shouldn’t always be talking about his love for his daughter while simultaneously making tracks about “slay(ing) hoes”.

And overall McDonald goes about calling out all types of people he feels are contradictory and criticizing a number of popular social movements of the day as being misguided and/or uncompassionate.

"Fake Woke" by Tom MacDonald - Song Meanings and Facts (1)

Facts about “Fake Woke”

This track, which was both written and produced by Tom McDonald, was officially released on 29 January 2021via 999 Records.

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Upon being released itinstantly blew up on iTunes, first scoring a number one of the US Hip-Hop Songs Sales Chart and then replicating the feat on the US Song Sales Chart in general.Moreover within a day it also garnered in excess of 1,000,000 views on YouTube.And of course McDonald relished its successon Twitter.

His achievementwas also celebratedby the folks over at Alex Jones’sInfowarsconspiracy theory website.And what they are particularly impressed by, besides the song “bashing cancel culture”, is the fact that it blew up “not having a record label, manager or distribution network”.So the implication is that the aforementioned 999 Records is perhaps a front for Tom McDonald, who is in fact known as an independent artist, releasing the song himself.

This track may read like its dissing Eminem during a moment of time when it’s beenopen season on Slim Shady.But the lyrics which refer to Em don’t really read like disses, assome have interpreted them.Indeed McDonald himself, who hassorta called Eminem outin the past,went on to implythat his references to Marshall Mathers on this track weren’t meant as a diss.


In all, Tom is giving zero f**ks, basically calling out the popular masses for being misguided hypocritical people.

Furthermore, it appears Tom wants people to set aside their differences and come to the realization that everyone is being ‘played’ by the powers that be. These so called powers that be don’t want the ordinary people coming together in unity and opposing the system that is messing everyone up!

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28 Responses

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  1. Anonymous says:

    February 1, 2021 at 8:20 pm

    I’m an eighty four year old white Christian male and I don’t get rap “music”, BUT I support Tom’s right to his opinion. It’s all about our FREEDOM being eroded away by “elitists” who think they are the only ones who should be free to speak what they believe.


  2. Anonymous says:

    February 2, 2021 at 12:47 am

    He is spot on, damn good song!


  3. Beth says:

    February 2, 2021 at 9:15 pm

    Finally, the truth is out!!!


  4. Anonymous says:

    February 2, 2021 at 9:38 pm

    I am a 62 year old Christian women and I think Tom has told the truth about how things really are today! Proud of you for standing up and telling the truth!!! I hope your song will make a change! Be strong and proud you have opened many people’s eyes! Great song write another


  5. Anonymous says:

    February 3, 2021 at 2:10 am

    i think he is spot on.


  6. Anonymous says:

    February 3, 2021 at 2:16 am

    The double standards that I see practiced by the woke mobs is very troubling for culture and society, it’s harmful, shallow, and dangerous.


  7. Anonymous says:

    February 3, 2021 at 5:30 pm

    I might be only 13, but I believe that Tom’s song is spot on and all the truth is coming out.


  8. Topher says:

    February 10, 2021 at 9:10 am

    Thank goodness we have Tom McDonald, he is rapping from rooftops all the things we want to say. I’m glad he’s reaching millions of people and making them aware of the truths in his songs.
    Tom, you are the best. I’ve never appreciated rap music, but his stuff I really enjoy!!


  9. ActualWokeAmerican says:

    February 28, 2021 at 7:12 pm

    Another ignorant white boy trying to be edgy and “controversial.” Ha! Saying it in a rap video doesn’t make it true, Tom. You’re welcome to keep rapping to those who will listen. That’s your right. But the vast majority of us could care less about you or your twisted views of culture change in the world, and will continue to ignore you. I’m only here because youtube made me watch your vid in an ad, and I wanted to make sure your followers were aware that while yeah, what you’re saying makes the likes of Alex Jones happy, the rest of us will continue to just laugh at you as a privileged white boy who hates that cultures change. Cry more, baby boy. We. Don’t. Give. Two. Ducks bout you. Quack quack. Peace.


    • Actual American says:

      March 3, 2021 at 9:47 pm

      I see ActualwokeAmerican bought his box, AWA wont get the reference, which if you think about it that actually makes sense.


    • Anonymous says:

      March 5, 2021 at 4:59 am

      You said you didn’t give two ducks well I don’t even give one about your opinion.


    • Anonymous says:

      March 15, 2021 at 4:19 pm

      You should have listened to “people so stupid” I swear Tom wrote that song for people like you.


    • Mom says:

      April 28, 2021 at 6:09 pm

      Seriously? All I’m hearing from you are personal insults with no substance and for you to say you don’t care about him or his rap, just proved his point. It’s so sad. I feel bad for you and everyone else that you’re so hateful.


    • Anonymous says:

      April 28, 2021 at 6:22 pm

      Don’t speak on others behalf, you don’t know my position. Sounds like you’ve been brainwashed.


      • Anonymous says:

        July 28, 2021 at 11:27 am

        That is the problem…these people speak as if it is their business. They need to mind their own business….


    • Anonymous says:

      June 8, 2021 at 3:59 am

      Don’t speak for us, karen, “Actualwoke” people don’t hate like that. This song is for people like you. Read the lyrics, buddy. Dig deeper, use the peanut brain of yours and figure it out. Waittttt….. Yeah….. youtube made you watch a music video… as an ad…. and made you click on a song meaning and fact site….. and comment an entire paragraph of hate? Quack quack… oh so you did give 2 ducks… quack quack quack- oh 5….. man, where did that come from? Must have lost it in your CRUSTY breath.


    • Anonymous says:

      July 7, 2021 at 7:49 pm

      You not caring means no one will also listen to you because you are out here fighting for equality but at the same time you are bringing down other people. Isn’t the aim of all this thing that’s going on to bring peace? You are so afraid of the truth that everything that comes out of a white person’s mouth is viewed as racist. I don’t get why you are so angry at someone voicing their own opinions. EVERYONE’S voice matters it doesn’t matter what color your skin is. Why can’t we all just find a peaceful way to sort out our problems? I


    • WHATEVER says:

      August 30, 2022 at 4:44 am

      HERE I GO….OLD NEW SAYING…Opinions are like assholes everyone’s got one….FREEDOM OF SPEECH ..Freedom to FLUSH


  10. Kurtbutthurt says:

    March 10, 2021 at 9:31 pm

    I love the guy to death. The way he calls everybody out to think about what happens instead of focus on 1 group. He doesnt attack anybody and only those who hate the facts will get angry over it. And its an eye opener for the ones that do listen and wants us to come together. I cant say anything negative about him, accept that the world need more toms.

    I love the song whiteboy too its acactly how i feel about it(don’t care what others will say about it) i hate what happened in the past, i hate racism but i shure as hell don’t let anybody label me racist nor will i appologise for things i didnt do.

    And no lives matter that is in tact what is happening now we rather fight against each other then stand with each other so basicly its everyone on its own.

    His songs are full of facts and offcourse there will be things we don’t agree on but that is normal if 2 persons totally 100% agree on everything at least one of the 2 will be fake.

    Shortly said we need more tom macdonalds and less gangster rappers. Peace from the netherlands.


  11. Mike C. says:

    April 4, 2021 at 5:15 pm

    I’m just a simple minded 70 year old who is trying to make sense of it all. I had to listen to the video and go to a place to read the words and I must say that he spoke as if he were aware of everyone’s feelings who just want to go to church or a football game or buy a beer without having to decipher if its okay with the woke masses. Its your world now we are in our twilight good luck with your “wokeness”….great Rap song and I hat Rap…Mike the Baby Boomer..


  12. TheBogs Official says:

    April 11, 2021 at 6:23 pm

    Tom’s songs have brought to the front, truth about all those who claim such things. A massive glut of whiney, selfish, hypocrites with distorted sense of entitlement. Their B.S is causing the exact opposite of what they say they want.


  13. The best song ever! says:

    June 8, 2021 at 3:53 am

    Man, He is right. Many of us were thinking that, but too scared to speak up. I’m glad someone said it. People say mentioning someone is African-American is racist, while we are being called “Little white girl” or “Skinny white boy.” People are lighting fires and blocking streets- for what? I’m glad Tom decided to take a stand! Hate if you want, but it’s the sad truth. Also, why are song apps blocking this song? Wow….


  14. Anonymous says:

    March 25, 2022 at 7:53 pm

    Tom, you keep producing the truth my brother!
    Eventually this twisted world will wake up and be woke for reals and it’ll be thanks to people like you who share your views and opinions about what’s really going on. Solid I’m rocking wit you Tom.


  15. Anonymous says:

    June 25, 2022 at 10:23 pm

    Wow. People gaslighting in comments over a rapper gaslighting people that understand everything comes with consequences. QQ some more yall.


  16. Leslie O. says:

    November 28, 2022 at 1:56 am

    After reading the comments, I am seeing those that clearly are not open minded and they are taking his music personally and like an attack. This is clearly the problem. It is ok for the cancel culture to speak their opinions, but anyone else that has a different opinion needs to just shut up and sit down? That is not how this works. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, beliefs, emotions and what they feel is right for them. However, at the end of the day, it is not ok for us to force our personal beliefs onto others. This is where a huge chunk of hate is coming from. Stop being influenced by anyone or anything that could cause you a negative mindset. Society has become the biggest set of narcissists and hypocrites. It is truly sad to see and be part of. Personally, I will be making changes within myself that will be more positive and open minded. Just because I believe in something doesn’t mean that your differences are any less important. We just need to stop being so hateful and one sided.


  17. Flynn says:

    August 21, 2023 at 1:38 pm

    Like it and he’s half right. Speaking of right, what about the right’s cancel culture? Cancel a womens right to choose. Canceling books like Shakespear, Death of a Salesman and Catcher in the Rye and To Kill a Mockingbird. How about the hypocrisy of people on the right who complain about socialism and them participate in it whenever it benefits them such as farm subsidies, farm CV subsidies, farm tariff subsidies, disability, unemployment, Medicare, medicaid, Green Bay Packers, home heating subsidies, veterans healthcare, GI Bill , CV lump sum payments, pay roll protection program are just a few examples. What about THAT hypocrisy?


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"Fake Woke" by Tom MacDonald - Song Meanings and Facts (2024)


"Fake Woke" by Tom MacDonald - Song Meanings and Facts? ›

“Fake Woke” is a powerful song. But it's not an easy one to listen to. MacDonald's lyrics talk about racism, murder, drugs, sex, violence and evil, hitting those subjects hard without glorifying them.

What does Tom MacDonald song about? ›

His music often discusses controversial social and political topics in the United States.

What style of rap is Tom MacDonald? ›

Here's an accurate breakdown of his kind of rap: _Style:_ Tom MacDonald's rap style is a blend of: + Conscious rap: He addresses social issues, politics, and personal struggles. + Battle rap: He's known for his sharp lyrics and diss tracks. + Storytelling: He shares personal anecdotes and vivid narratives.

Does Tom MacDonald write his own songs? ›

Despite his controversial approaches, he has managed to build his success almost single-handedly, having produced his own beats, writing his own lyrics, and his girlfriend directing his music videos.

What is the facts song on the charts? ›

Following its release, "Facts" reached number one on the U.S. iTunes sales chart. "Facts" debuted on the Billboard Hot 100 at number 16, giving Shapiro his first and only appearance on the chart and MacDonald his fourth and highest-charting entry, following his 2021 songs "Brainwashed", "Fake Woke", and "Snowflakes".

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Bowie's iconic character Major Tom was based on director Stanley Kubrick's Dr. David Bowman, who was played by Keir Dullea in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey.

How much did Tom MacDonald buy from Eminem? ›

MacDonald paid $100,000 for the beat and has always said that Eminem is one of his biggest musical influences, so working with him and using his beat must have been a huge thing for him.

Who did the McDonald's rap? ›

Yachty has spoken in the past about how hating his student job at a McDonald's in his hometown of Atlanta inspired him to pursue rapping. Now, why he teamed up with the Canadian McDonald's is anyone's guess.

Who was Eminem's first love? ›

Kim Scott. Kimberly Anne Scott, known as Kim Mathers in the public arena, rose to fame mainly because of her tumultuous relationship with Eminem. Scott has been a central character in many of Eminem's songs. The roller-coaster relationship between Eminem and his high school sweetheart is well-documented.

Was Tom MacDonald in the WWE? ›

Before he was a rapper, Tom MacDonald wrestled for several Canadian promotions such as PWA and MPW, and appeared at events alongside WCW and WWE Superstars. He actively competed between the years 2003 and 2009.

Does Tom MacDonald live in the United States? ›

Currently living in Los Angeles, Tom was born in Vancouver, Canada and spent most of his teenage years as a professional wrestler.

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Trending on Billboard

The song earns MacDonald his fourth and highest-charting Hot 100 entry, after “Snowflakes” (No. 71 peak), “Brainwashed” (No. 89) and “Fake Woke” (No. 96), all in 2021.

Does Tom MacDonald have a masters degree? ›

MacDonald attended Stonehill College, earning a B.A. in Sociology. Fifteen years into a career as a computer programmer, he went back to school and received a Masters in Business Administration from Boston College's Carroll School of Management.

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In a 2008 essay for The New York Times, Vega confirmed that Holden was the actor whose death she had read about and inspired the line in the song.

What song represents Tom Robinson? ›

Summary: Some songs that represent themes or characters in To Kill a Mockingbird include "Strange Fruit" by Billie Holiday, which reflects the racial injustice faced by Tom Robinson, and "Blowin' in the Wind" by Bob Dylan, which captures the themes of moral courage and social change embodied by Atticus Finch.


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