Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (2024)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

White Christmas Recipe

This easy no-bake slice is very sweet and rich so cut it into small pieces to serve. For Christmas gifts, package squares of White Christmas in clear cellophane bags and tie with ribbon.

For accuracy, we use digital scales to weigh ingredients. We have included volume measurements in Australian Standard cups (250ml).

250g Copha
140g (1 cup) pure icing sugar
180g (1 cup) sultanas
100g (slightly rounded 1/2 cup) chopped glace cherries
100g (2/3 cup) finely chopped dried apricots
85g (1 cup) desiccated coconut
106g (1 cup) full cream milk powder
40g (1 1/4 cups) rice bubbles

Above Photo: 100g (slightly rounded 1/2 cup) chopped glace cherries

Line an 18cm by 28cm (inside top measurement) slice pan with baking paper.

Melt Copha in a small saucepan over low heat. © exclusivelyfood.com.au

Above Photo: Block of unmelted Copha

Sift icing sugar into a large bowl. Add sultanas, cherries, apricots, coconut, milk powder and rice bubbles and stir until well combined.

Add melted Copha to bowl and stir until well combined.

Transfer the mixture to the prepared pan.

Firmly press the mixture into the pan using the back of a spoon.

Tightly cover pan with plastic wrap or aluminium foil, and then refrigerate until slice is cold and set.

Cut White Christmas into small squares to serve. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator. © www.exclusivelyfood.com.au

posted by Amanda and Debbie at 5:26 pm Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (8)Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (9)


Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (10)Family First said...

May I know what is rice bubbles? Is it a kind of breakfast cereal?

18/9/08 4:17 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (11)Amanda and Debbie said...

Rice Bubbles breakfast cereal is made from puffed grains of white rice.

19/9/08 10:37 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (12)Quinn said...

Can I use 1/2 cup sugar instead since it will be very sweet?

24/9/08 8:55 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (13)Amanda and Debbie said...

Hi Quinn

If you reduce the amount of icing sugar, you may also need to reduce the amount of Copha. If you make a reduced-sugar version of the white christmas, please let us know how it turns out.

14/10/08 11:10 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (14)Anonymous said...

I made these today. And my family loves these! Espeically my mum. And she is a connoisseur of White Christmas.

Thanks for the great recipe!


22/10/08 9:51 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (15)GailM. said...

I saw this on the SEw Mama Sew blog today. Is the first ingredient, vegetable shortening. Like Crisco. - 100% vegetable fat? This looks so good, I am definitely going to give it a try.

10/11/08 4:28 am
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (16)Anonymous said...

Hi, these look nice I am definitely going to try them, but have you noticed that the cup measurements are incorrect and are a bit confusing, I will go ahead with the gram measurements and see how I go!

18/11/08 2:40 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (17)Amanda and Debbie said...

Hi Anonymous

Which cup measurements are incorrect?

18/11/08 2:43 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (18)Anonymous said...


I would really like to try this recipe - however, I am not sure what Copha is? Is it like shortening or some kind of butter? What a beautiful treat it makes!

26/11/08 1:42 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (19)Anonymous said...

I know what anonymous is talking about with the cup measurements. The thing is different things have different weights. Eg. one cup of sultans weighs 180g while something lighter like milk powder for one cup you only get 106g. If you measure out the grams and put them into a cup you will find all measurements are correct.
Also - thanks for a great recipe, I made them today and they are great!!!!

26/11/08 2:58 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (20)Anonymous said...

Thanx heaps for this recipe. Fantanstic!

28/11/08 12:42 am
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (21)Anonymous said...

To reduce sugar, use instead 1/2 cup icing sugar and 1 1/2 cups milk powder.

29/11/08 5:38 am
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (22)Anonymous said...

Just wondering where I can get copha from? I looked in Coles but couldn't find it.

1/12/08 2:12 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (23)Amanda and Debbie said...

Hi GailM and Anonymous

Copha is a vegetable shortening made from coconut oil and soya bean lecithin. Unfortunately, we are not aware of any suitable substitutes.

Hi Nessa

In Australia, Copha should be available in the refrigerated section of most supermarkets (including Coles).

5/12/08 6:00 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (24)Anonymous said...

This recipe is meant for me.
My oven blew up two weeks ago. Well gave up really. So I need no bake recipes like this. Plus I need to provide something for a stall at a market.
Thanks heeps.
And have a happy christmas, two weeks to go..................

12/12/08 3:53 am
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (25)Anonymous said...

"Kremelta" vegetable shortening is a New Zealand equivalent to Copha.

14/12/08 7:11 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (26)Procrastinateher said...

This is the same way I've been making white christmas for years, thankyou.

For those who have been asking:
- rice bubbles is a breakfast cereal, it's puffed rice which is pretty much an unflavoured version of coco pops.

- Copha = vegetable shortening, you can usually find it in the same section as the block margarines if a store has it. Try Woolworths.

- yeah if you're going to decrease the sugar, either decrease the amount of copha used, or it's better to increase the amount of another dry ingredient i.e. milk powder, coconut or rice bubbles.

15/12/08 7:34 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (27)Unknown said...

hello - i would like to make this for christmas, just wondering how long it will keep for?


16/12/08 1:03 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (28)Amanda and Debbie said...

Hi Melw

We have never stored the White Christmas for more than a few days, so we aren't sure what the maximum keeping time would be. If you wish to make it more than a few days before serving, we recommend storing it whole (or in a couple of large pieces) and slicing it on the day of serving.

16/12/08 11:59 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (29)Leah said...

To the people with the cup/gram issues: keep in mind that one cup does not always weigh the same amount. A cup of rice bubbles, for example, will weigh much less than a cup of sugar because rice bubbles are much lighter than sugar.

Love White Christmas but have never made it myself; am looking forward to trying this recipe!

17/12/08 5:33 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (30)Anonymous said...

Yes Copha is vegeatable Shortening.

22/12/08 3:07 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (31)Anonymous said...

Copha actually solidifies when it cools, so you'll have to get a vegetable fat that does this as it's the key to making chocolate crackles and white christmas.

A possible alternative would be white chocolate if you can't get copha, but this would involve a little experimenting in the kitchen.

22/12/08 5:31 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (32)Chipperchik said...

This was really great. I have already changed it, with the help of my kids. Replace red glace cherries with craisins, sultanas with dark choc bits and apricots with glace pineapple. Still great but with a twist - my kids love pineapple.

23/12/08 5:47 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (33)sam said...

Fantastic to get this recipe. My nana used to make this every Xmas and it was a treat we always looked forward to. I'm going to get all nostalgic and make it today for friends and whanau gifts tomorrow.

In New Zealand our Copha vegetable shortening equivalent is called Cremelta.

And this treat usually doesn't hang round long enough to get stored but it should keep in fridge for about a week.

24/12/08 11:46 am
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (34)Anonymous said...

I am in france and i have magically managed to ind all ingredients but milk powder. since there is no water added, im not sure that i can use regular milk as a subsitute and the only milk powder we can find here is baby formula lol
Any help??

5/2/09 10:19 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (35)Amanda and Debbie said...

Liquid milk would make the rice bubbles soggy and prevent the White Christmas from setting properly, so it wouldn't be a suitable substitute for the milk powder.

Are you able to buy Regilait products? It appears that milk powder is part of their range.

6/2/09 12:30 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (36)Anonymous said...

Easy to make with the kids and tastes delicious! Thanks very much.

18/11/09 3:18 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (37)Melli said...

so yummy....although i also added some white choclate bits, my son loved it!!!

26/11/09 8:25 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (38)Anonymous said...

Instead of glace Cherries use Angas Park Sweetened Cranberries. DELICIOUS!!

30/11/09 8:37 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (39)Anonymous said...

my nana use to make this, but she also added almonds- flaked or slivered. using them breaks the sweetness down a little.

27/3/10 11:30 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (40)Leslie said...

I am in the US. I am planning our Christmas dinner to be a "Christmas around the world" theme. This looks like an amazing dessert recipe, but I am not certain I can get the ingredients here. We do have an English grocery here, but in the event they do not have some of the ingredients are there equivalents in the US?

For example, are rice bubbles similar to Rice Crispies (made by Kelloggs)?

Can I use Crisco for the Copha?

Is icing sugar simply confectioner's sugar or powdered sugar?


14/12/10 5:10 am
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (41)Anonymous said...

For Leslie -
Crisco is the same thing; as are rice bubbles. Confectioner's sugar used to make frosting is the same as icing sugar :)
Good luck with this - although if you have a 'christmas around the world' theme, pavlova or lamingtons might be a more 'Aussie' contribution. I'm sure Amanda and Debbie could point you in the direction of a wonderful recipe for those...

16/12/10 8:56 pm
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (42)Anonymous said...

Hi, Can anyone tell me what the equivalent to Copha is in the UK? I am struggling to find a replacement product...

19/12/10 4:59 am
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (43)Anonymous said...

I tweaked this a little as I can't stomach dried apricots & instead made up the volume with pistachio nuts. I also added about 1/2 tsp of ground cardamon ... so yummy they didn't last long at family Christmas lunch ... even got asked for the recipe which is always a good sign. :) I like the idea of halving the sugar as I found them a tad sweet.

31/3/11 2:10 am
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (44)Anonymous said...

I tweaked this a little bit as dried apricots don't agree with my stomach. I replaced the dried apricots with pistachio nuts & also added about 1/2 tsp of ground cardamon ... was delicious & went down well with coffee at Christmas time. :)

1/4/11 12:44 am
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (45)tan19720 said...

Hi, I've moved to the UK from Oz and when I make this I either buy the copha from SANZA, which is an online store selling foodstuffs (sweets, biscuits, cooking ingredients etc) from Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. or I use the same amount of vegetable shortening (all the major supermarkets sell it, in the section where all the butter is) and add a few drops of coconut essence/flavouring. Alternatively, substitute 1/2 of the milk powder for coconut milk powder (all the Asian/Indian supermarkets stock it over here). Either works really well :-) tan

16/12/11 6:13 am
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (46)tan19720 said...

Hi, also meant to note that cup sizes in UK/AUS/NZ are bigger than US at 250ml; US cup is 225ml or 4/5 the size of the other. that may account for any issues US readers might have with the mixture's consistency.

16/12/11 6:17 am
Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (47)DocSavage7 said...

Looks like a similar way I make WC. A question was asked about how long you can keep it? I make several trays, slice them up, put them in plastic ice-cream containers and put them in the freezer. We have stored them this way for upto 6 months (Kids couldn't find them), and they were as good as the day they were made!

21/12/11 8:59 am

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Exclusively Food: White Christmas Recipe (2024)


What is white Christmas made of? ›

White Christmas is an Australian dessert made from dried fruit such as sultanas, glacé cherries, desiccated coconut, icing sugar, milk powder and Rice Bubbles, with hydrogenated coconut oil (such as the brand Copha) as the binding ingredient. The hydrogenated oil is melted and combined with the dry ingredients.

What is a true White Christmas? ›

In the United States, the official definition of a white Christmas is that there has to be a snow depth of at least 1 in or 2.5 cm on the ground on 25 December in the contiguous United States, and in Canada the official definition is that there has to be more than 2 cm (0.79 in) on the ground on Christmas Day.

What is a typical White Christmas? ›

A white Christmas is defined as having 1 inch or more of snow on the ground Christmas morning. The graphics provide a general sense of the likelihood of a white Christmas over the entire country and the Midwest. They are based on the latest (1981-2010) U.S. Climate Normals from NOAA's National Climatic Data Center.

What did they use for fake snow in White Christmas? ›

A run of classic holiday movies started in 1942, and many used asbestos to simulate snow. For example, the film Holiday Inn, which introduced the song “White Christmas,” used asbestos for fake snow in the final scene.

What did they use to make the snow in White Christmas? ›

On the set of White Christmas, asbestos snow was used to imitate the peaceful fall of real snow. Not widely known to be dangerous at the time, the toxic mineral was filling the lungs of all those working on the film.

How did they make White Christmas in color? ›

Principal photography took place between September and December 1953. The film was the first to be shot using Paramount's new VistaVision process, with color by Technicolor, and was one of the first to feature the Perspecta directional sound system at limited engagements.

What is Santa's White Christmas ice cream? ›

Ingredients. Milk, Cream, Sugar, Cocoa Espresso Flakes (sugar, Coconut Oil, Cocoa Powder [processed With Alkali], Hydrogenated Coconut Oil, Cocoa Powder, Coffee, Salt, Soy Lecithin, Natural Flavor), Corn Syrup, Santa's White Christmas Flavor (water, Coffee, Natural And Artificial Flavors), Carob Bean Gum And Guar Gum.


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