Everquest 2 Review - Is EQ2 Worth Playing? [Visions of Vetrovia] - MMORPG.GG (2024)

Everquest 2





  • Good Quests and Storytelling
  • Fantastic Soundtrack
  • Plenty To Do For Collectors
  • Good Variety of Gameplay


  • Confusing Systems
  • Hard/Expensive to Reach End-game
  • Loads of Bugs
  • Outdated User Interface
  • Developer: Daybreak Games
  • Latest expansion: Visions of Vetrovia (2021)
  • Original Release Date: November 8th, 2006
  • Games similar to Everquest 2: Everquest, Neverwinter, Dungeons & Dragons Online, World of Warcraft

This review is a review of Everquest 2 as a whole in 2022, including the latest expansion, Visions of Vetrovia.

I started playing Everquest 2 the day it launched back in 2004 and kept playing until it went free-to-play in 2011.

It didn’t quite live up to the legacy of the original Everquest which was my first MMORPG, but EQ2 along with the first couple of expansions were still some of the best times I’ve had in an MMO.

Everquest 2 Review - Is EQ2 Worth Playing? [Visions of Vetrovia] - MMORPG.GG (2)

I’ve had a few brief returns to Norrath since then but as most of my friends have quit and my old guild has long since disbanded, I found myself moving on to other MMOs.

Until now. Recently I’ve found myself wondering how much Everquest 2 had changed in the decade I had been away, so I decided to make a return. At the very least to get a trip down the Norrathian memory lane.


Everquest 2 has always had the bones of a really good game. At launch, it had decent graphics for an MMO at the time, the music and sounds are great and the gameplay was fast and exciting compared to many other MMOs.

All of this didn’t really matter much though as it launched just a few weeks before World of Warcraft, which became a giant in the MMO space, leaving all other titles in its shadow for years to come.

But even in WoW’s shadow, EQ2 managed to thrive for half a decade due to the fact that the original game was very good.

The first expansions and adventure packs were also good and included some very memorable areas, features, and challenges.

But like many other MMOs, the quality of EQ2’s content started declining with time, which was very noticeable as I made my return. All the earlier areas in the game were still fantastic. They are well designed and genuinely fun to explore.

If you can gather a group of friends and casually adventure through Norrath, I would advise you to do so.

As you move closer and closer to current content, however, its faults start to become apparent. The latest expansion Visions of Vetrovia first takes you to an area called the Svarni Expanse and the first thing to greet you is a full set of level 120 gear. You don’t even have to complete a single quest or kill a single mob, just loot a chest.

Once the gear is equipped you can almost one-shot most mobs in the entire zone, but solo instances are so difficult that you will likely not make it past the first few mobs unless you’ve spent a lot of time or real-life money upgrading your character’s mercenary, mount and familiar.

Everquest 2 Review - Is EQ2 Worth Playing? [Visions of Vetrovia] - MMORPG.GG (3)

At almost level 122 (cap is 125) I was completely stuck and I couldn’t progress any further because the mobs just became too tough. It’s all too clear that this has been designed on purpose to milk the remaining player base for a few dollars.

All of EQ2’s end-game systems are also unnecessarily complicated and hostile towards new players. Understanding how your character works with all the different types of stats and systems takes a huge amount of time and effort, and will surely drive new players away.


In terms of graphics, Everquest 2 really shows its age, and it has held up a lot worse than its contemporaries like World of Warcraft, but this is to be expected with older MMOs.

Many of the game’s areas are still stunning even with the dated graphics.

My biggest issue is that there is no form of scaling for the user interface, so if you play on a high resolution the UI becomes tiny.

Everquest 2 Review - Is EQ2 Worth Playing? [Visions of Vetrovia] - MMORPG.GG (4)


The soundtrack in Everquest 2 is fantastic. The music from the original game reminds me a lot of the music from the Narnia movie which also came out at around the same time as EQ2. The voice acting and sounds are also very good for their time.


So if you are looking to get into or getting back to EQ2, you might be wondering if the game is still active or if it’s dead by now.

The truth is that the population of EQ2 has been declining for years, but like most MMOs, there is still a dedicated community, and you should still be able to find people to play with, especially if you join a guild.

Everquest 2 Review - Is EQ2 Worth Playing? [Visions of Vetrovia] - MMORPG.GG (5)

According to a report from Daybreak Games and EG7, the owners of the Everquest Franchise, Everquest 2 has around 29.000 monthly active users and 21.000 paying members, which is a bit lower than Dungeons and Dragons Online and less than half of the population of the original Everquest.

These numbers match well with player numbers on Steam, where the original EQ has about a little over twice as many players as EQ2.

Saying exactly how many people play Everquest 2 is impossible but there still seems to be enough for a healthy population, and the fact that Daybreak Games still is releasing expansions for the game certainly verifies that.


Everquest 2 has been a free-to-play title since 2011. Most of the game can be enjoyed without spending much at all.

I would recommend at least getting a membership for $14.99 a month if you plan on sticking around. Memberships can be purchased with Platinum on the Broker in-game as well, but be prepared to spend some time farming.

Everquest 2 Review - Is EQ2 Worth Playing? [Visions of Vetrovia] - MMORPG.GG (6)

Without a membership, you will have limitations when using the Broker, mail, guilds, and spell or ability upgrades. A full list of membership perks can be found here.

As you get closer to end-game, EQ2 becomes slightly more pay-to-win. You can get most things without paying, but upgrading Mercenaries or Mounts will take months without spending any cash.

Who Is Everquest 2 For?

In the end, I would say it’s worth it to at least give Everquest 2 a try. Parts of the game are fantastic while other parts are not so great, but that is true for most MMOs out today.

The game can be a good fit for fans of Neverwinter, who enjoy many ways different ways of character progression.

Fans of other old-school titles such as DDO who enjoy theory crafting, making builds, and exploring deep and intricate dungeons could also get a kick out of EQ2.

Everquest 2 also features a huge amount of appearance gear and mounts, pets, and items to collect which might appeal to WoW players who enjoyed collecting mounts and transmog.

What is your opinion of Everquest 2? Let us know in the comments below.

Everquest 2 Review - Is EQ2 Worth Playing? [Visions of Vetrovia] - MMORPG.GG (2024)


Everquest 2 Review - Is EQ2 Worth Playing? [Visions of Vetrovia] - MMORPG.GG? ›

In the end, I would say it's worth it to at least give Everquest 2 a try. Parts of the game are fantastic while other parts are not so great, but that is true for most MMOs out today. The game can be a good fit for fans of Neverwinter, who enjoy many ways different ways of character progression.

How many people still play eq2? ›

EverQuest II
MonthAvg. PlayersGain
Last 30 Days273.1-16.9
July 2024290.0+78.1
June 2024211.8+63.5
May 2024148.3+19.1
94 more rows

What is the max level in eq2 free to play? ›

All content up to and including Planes of Prophecy is available to Free-to-Play players with a maximum level of 110. There are no plans to include expansions in the Free-to-Play lineup beyond Planes of Prophecy.

How long is a day in eq2? ›

Norrath to Earth Time Conversion
Norrath TimeEarth Time
1 Day72 Mins
1 Week8 hours and 24 mins
1 Month (30 days)36 hours
1 Year (365 days)18 days and 6 hours
5 more rows

Does eq2 have PvP? ›

PvP, or Player vs. Player combat allows characters in EverQuest II to fight and kill opposing teams' characters spontaneously throughout the world, not only in arena or duel battles. PvP has a different ruleset than normal combat.

What is the current level cap in EQ2? ›

Increased Level Cap – adventure up to 110. Ascension Levels – the players can ascend to level 15. Mercenary Levels – mercenaries can level up to 10. Tradeskill Levels – the players can craft up to 110.

Will there be an EverQuest 3? ›

A new Everquest MMO game, which we'll call Everquest 3 from here on out for simplicity, is currently in the 'ideation phase'. The news came from Enad Global 7's 2023 Capital Markets Day, where EG7 CEO Ji Ham outlined the company's plans for its biggest franchises.

How do you make money in EQ2? ›

Perhaps the quickest way to start making money in EQII is by taking quests and hunting NPC's. Quest rewards vary, but usually include some coin and often a loot item or two, such as armor, jewelry, or weapons. Hunting rewards are quite similar; some NPC's drop money, some drop loot, and some drop both.

What level can you fly in EQ2? ›

Flying mounts do exactly what the name implies. They allow you to fly through zones which are designed for flight. While they can be used in some of the zones that were added with early game expansions, their use is typically used in newer zones. You can use a flying mount beginning at level 85.

How many races are there in EQ2? ›

When creating a character, how many races can I choose from in EverQuest II? There are 19 character races in EQII. Of these, 14 were playable in EverQuest: frogloks, halflings, dwarves, high elves, wood elves, iksar, trolls, ogres, dark elves, barbarians, erudites, gnomes, half elves, and humans.

How many characters can you have in EQ2? ›

EQ2 subscribers start with 7 slots per region. Free-to-Play accounts (F2P) start with 2 slots per region. The "per region" means that you can have a full complement of characters on each of the server "regions", i.e., for a paying member, 7 on Test, 7 on the US servers, and 7 on the EU servers.

How many quests are in EQ2? ›

EverQuest II has a heavy focus on quests; more than 6,000 exist.

How many classes are there in EQ2? ›

character classes are organized in a symmetrical hierarchy with twenty six classes total. There are four major archetypes of classes: Fighter, Mage, Priest, and Scout. With game update 48 eighteen of twenty six are neutral, meaning you can create them to reside in either an evil or good city.

What does EQ2 stand for? ›

Definition: The equity equivalent investment product (EQ2) is a long-term deeply subordinated loan with features that make it function like equity.

Can you transfer servers in EQ2? ›

Transferring to a new Server requires the purchase of a Server Transfer Token from the Marketplace. The base price is 2,500 Daybreak Cash prior to any Membership discounts or promotions.

How big are the groups in EQ2? ›

Groups in EQ2 contain up to six people. When you're grouped, the Group Window shows you each group member's Health, Power, and afflictions.

Is EverQuest still active? ›

Subscription numbers would rise to over 500,000 active accounts four years after release in 2003. By the end of 2004 the title's lifetime sales exceeded 3 million copies worldwide and reached an active subscriber peak of 550,000. As of September 2020, EverQuest had 66,000 subscribers and 82,000 monthly active players.

How many people play Everspace 2? ›

MonthAvg. PlayersPeak Players
Last 30 Days271.7601
June 2024292.4614
May 2024715.72,158
April 2024207.61,110
39 more rows

How big is EQ2 download? ›

By default, the EverQuest 2 Launcher will use streaming, where the game will only download those areas you visit, without requiring you to download the complete game at once (which at this time is approximately 24 GB). With streaming, you can usually start the game within a few minutes of launching it.


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