Does Tofu Protect Against Cancers and Heart Disease? (2025)

Tofu is a soybean-based protein that turns liquid when soaked, cooked, and crushed. With the help of a coagulant,the liquid thickens to become tofu, a dairy-, gluten-, and cholesterol-free food popular with vegans and those with specialized diets.

Often used as a meat substitute, tofu is high in protein but low in fat, sodium, and carbohydrates.Tofu is extremely versatile, and while it doesn't have a ton of flavor on its own, it takes on flavors of whatever you cook it with.

Firm Tofu

You can find tofu in firm, extra firm, medium, and soft textures. Tofu that is more firm has a higher calorie content and provides more nutrients because it contains less water. Softer tofu has higher water content and fewer calories, carbs, protein, and fat.

Firm Tofu Nutrition Facts

The following tofu nutrition information for a half-cup (126g) of raw, firm tofu prepared with calcium sulfate is provided by the USDA.

  • Calories:181
  • Fat: 11g
  • Sodium:17.6mg
  • Carbohydrates:3.5g
  • Fiber:2.9g
  • Protein:21.8g
  • Calcium: 861mg
  • Manganese: 1.5mg
  • Selenium: 21.9mcg
  • Iron: 3.4mg


Tofu is a low-carbohydrate food. A half-cup serving contains just 3.5g of carbs, most of which come from fiber. There are 2.9g of fiber in a half-cup serving.


Although one serving of firm tofu contains around 11g of fat, most of the fat isheart-healthy. Tofu provides 2.4g of monounsaturated fat and 6.2g of polyunsaturated fats. About 1.6g of fat in a serving of firm tofu is saturated fat.


Firm tofu is an excellent source of protein, with nearly 22g per serving. Since tofu is a complete protein (which means it contains 9 of the essential amino acids required by the diet), it can be used as a meat substitute. Many people who don't eat meat use tofu as themain protein in a meal. Firm tofu is now considered one of the best plant-based meat alternatives.

Vitamins and Minerals

Firm tofu prepared with calcium sulfate is an excellent source of calcium, providing 861mg or 66% of the daily value (DV). Firm tofu is also an excellent source of manganese (providing 1.5mg or 65% DV) and selenium (providing 21.9mcg or almost 40% DV). It is also an excellent source of copper.

Firm tofu is a good source of iron, phosphorus, zinc, and magnesium.

Tofu Calories

The calories in tofu vary by type, but a half-cup of firm tofu will provide about 181 calories. That's about 144 calories per 100g. A 100g serving of silken tofu contains about 55 calories.

Tofu Health Benefits

Soy foodslike tofu containisoflavones, a phytoestrogen similar to the hormone estrogen, and may providecertain health benefits.

Relief from Menopause Symptoms

Some research suggests that soy foods like tofu may help to relieve hot flashes commonly experienced during menopause. One study also suggests that soy isoflavones may be helpful during the entire perimenopausal period for improving the physical and psychological symptoms that women often experience.

May Help Prevent Certain Cancers

Although studies are still in their early stages and not yet conclusive, there is some evidence that isoflavones may help prevent certain cancers, including breast and prostate cancer. Researchers began investigating the relationship because breast and prostate cancer rates are much higher in the United States and European countries, where soy intake is low compared with Asian countries, where soy intake is high.

A 2020 study in China showed that moderate soy intake was not associated with breast cancer risk among Chinese women but that higher soy intake may provide some preventative benefits.

A 2018 research review found a significant relationship between increased soy intake and a reduced risk of prostate cancer. However, researchers continue to say that more studies are needed to fully understand the relationship between soy foods and cancer risk.

May Reduce Risk of Heart Disease

There is some evidence that consuming soy foods may potentially reduce your risk of heart disease. For instance, a 2020 study published in the journal Circulation found that a diet rich in soy products, such as tofu, may lower the risk of heart disease in both men and women.

According to the 20-year study, men and women who ate tofu at least once a week had a lower risk than those who consumed soy less than once a month. However, not all soy products were helpful. Soy milk, for instance, did not affect overall risk. Researchers concluded that soy foods, like tofu, could be included in an overall healthy diet to help prevent heart disease.

May Promote Osteoporosis Prevention

Soy foods may help with osteoporosis prevention, according to some research. For instance, one research review published in the Journal of Medicinal Food evaluated how soy isoflavones may provide potential bone-specific effects. High in isoflavones, tofu is used in some of the best food supplements for bone health.

Those researchers found evidence from epidemiologic studies that soy intake may help reduce menopause-induced bone loss by decreasing bone resorption and stimulating bone formation. But they concluded that the relationship is still unclear, and more evidence is needed.

Soy Allergies

Soy, the main ingredient in tofu, is one of the top food allergens in children and adults. Soy allergy starts in childhood, and most are outgrown in adulthood. People allergic to wheat, beans (legumes), milk, or other foods can also have an allergic reaction to soy.

Symptoms of soy allergy range from mild, including hives or itching in and around the mouth, to severe reactions including anaphylaxis, which can be life-threatening.

Adverse Effects

The National Institutes of Health suggests that soy is safe for most people when used as a food or taken for a short time as a dietary supplement. They recommend thatwomen at risk for breast cancer or other hormone-sensitive conditions discuss soy-containing nutritional supplements with their healthcareproviders before consuming them.

In the past, there has been concern that certain depression medications (MAOIs) may interact with fermented soy products due to their potentially high level of the amino acid tyramine. People taking MAOIs were told to limit the amount of tyramine in their diet. But newer evidence suggests that those concerns may have been overstated. However, researchers still recommend contacting your healthcare provider for personalized advice.

People taking the blood thinner warfarin should also consult their healthcare provider about consuming soy products because it may affect the efficacy of the medication.

Tofu Varieties

Tofu comes in four varieties based on the water content: the firm has less water and more calories and nutrients per serving.

  • Extra-firm tofu or dry tofuis extremely firm. It can befried, grilled, or used as a meat substitute in a stir-fry. Extra-firm tofu can also be marinated for extra flavor.
  • Firm tofucomes packaged in water. It can be barbecued, mashed, or crumbled and added to salads. Firm tofu can also be scrambled.
  • Soft tofuis used in blended foods like salad dressings, dips, and soups.
  • Silken tofuis an undrained, unpressed Japanese-style tofu. It has the highest water content of all tofu types. It isalsoused in blended foods, like smoothies and pudding.

Storage and Food Safety

You'll find most kinds of tofu in the refrigerator section of the supermarket. Many times it is kept near cheeses. Silken tofu, however, is usually found in the aisles near other vegetarian foods.

Tofu can be stored in the refrigerator at home although some silken varieties can be kept in the pantry until opening. Once opened, however, you should refrigerate the product and use it within 2 to 3 days.

Unopened, you shoulduse the product by the "best by" date on the package. Tofu will have a foul odor when spoiled.

You can freeze tofu, and some people freeze it for a thicker, meat-like texture. Manufacturers suggest that you avoid eating tofu that has been frozen for more than 60 days. Tofu is often used as a protein in many popular frozen meals.

How to Prepare Tofu

Before preparing tofu, open the package and drain the product. You can also press it between paper towels to remove excess moisture. Remember that tofu takes on the flavor of the foods it is cooked with, making it easy to add to your favorite recipes.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is tofu made of?

    Tofu is a plant-based proteinmade from soybeans that are soaked, cooked, and crushed into a liquid. Next, a coagulant is added that thickens the liquid to become tofu.

  • Is it okay to eat tofu every day?

    It is okay to eat tofu every day. It is a nutritious, plant-based source of protein. Some people are concerned about the effects of soy on hormones or interactions with medications; you should speak to your health care provider if this is the case.

Does Tofu Protect Against Cancers and Heart Disease? (2025)


Does Tofu Protect Against Cancers and Heart Disease? ›

Many of the health benefits of tofu — including reduced risk of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease — are attributed to its high isoflavone content. One common fear is that the isoflavones in tofu may increase the risk of cancer, especially in people who are postmenopausal ( 12 ).

Is tofu good for heart disease? ›

Their analysis found that over a 20-year period, those who had the highest intake of isoflavone, a compound in soy products, had the lowest risk of heart disease. The researchers said the findings suggest that tofu and other soy products could be included in an overall healthy diet to help prevent heart disease.

Is there a downside to eating tofu? ›

Incorporating tofu into your daily meals and snacks can bring several health benefits. Those benefits include brain health promotion, ease of menopause symptoms, and heart disease prevention. However, eating tofu has some risks, as it might lead to digestive issues or interact with certain medications like MAOIs.

What foods prevent cancer and heart disease? ›

Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and whole grains. The nutrients, plant compounds (phytochemicals) and dietary fiber found naturally in these foods can help reduce inflammation and insulin resistance, as well as prevent and repair cellular damage.

Is it safe to eat tofu every day? ›

Similarly, the American Cancer Society sees no dangers from eating soy. "For the vast majority of people, it should be reasonable to incorporate tofu in their daily diet without any issues," Sun said.

When should you not eat tofu? ›

Avoid tofu if you take medicines called MAOIs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) for mood disorders or Parkinson's disease. Tofu contains tyramine, an amino acid that helps balance your blood pressure. MAOIs block the enzyme that breaks tyramine down. Combine the two and your blood pressure could get dangerously high.

Is tofu good or bad for kidneys? ›

Tofu is kidney-friendly because it is a plant-based protein source that is low in phosphorus, potassium, and sodium. Tofu is safe to eat for all the following conditions and treatments: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)/Transplant. Hemodialysis (3 times/week)

Is tofu anti-inflammatory? ›

Tofu contains several anti-inflammatory, antioxidant phyto-chemicals making it a great addition to an anti-inflammatory diet. Tofu is also a good source of 'complete' protein – meaning that it has a well-balanced amino acid profile – in addition to fiber, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper and manganese.

Is tofu or chicken healthier? ›

Tofu nutrition. This meatless option is a staple for vegetarians, and rightfully so. It boasts more fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and folate than chicken and contains fewer calories.

Is tofu high in estrogen? ›

Soy contains isoflavones, which are plant estrogens. High estrogen levels have been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer. However, studies show that soy products don't contain high enough levels of estrogen to increase the chances of developing breast cancer.

What starves cancer cells? ›

Ketones become the energy to cells in the body. Early (preclinical) studies showed that some cancer cells can't use ketones as energy. So, changing the diet to be high in fat and low in carbohydrate will lower glucose levels and starve cancer cells. Normal body cells adapt and can use ketones to survive.

What is the number one cancer fighting food? ›

"Cancer-fighting foods"

The list is usually topped with berries, broccoli, tomatoes, walnuts, grapes and other vegetables, fruits and nuts. "If you look at the typical foods that reduce cancer risk, it's pretty much all plant foods that contain phytochemicals," says Wohlford.

What kills cancer cells in the body? ›

Chemotherapy is a treatment approach that uses potent drugs to destroy cancer cells or to stop or slow their growth. It's sometimes called systemic therapy because these drugs circulate throughout the body.

Is one block of tofu a day too much? ›

Keep in mind that an average tofu block consists of about 340 grams, so you'll want to have about half a block per week to fall within approved standards. The main draw to consuming bean curd is that it's a complete protein ― which is no small thing.

What is the downside of eating too much tofu? ›

The significant disadvantages of Tofu may cause allergies in some people. The symptoms of soy allergies include skin rash, inflammation, itching, fainting, breathing difficulty, abdominal pain and throat swelling. In rare scenarios, Tofu may cause osteoporosis and estrogen-related cancer.

Is tofu bad for high cholesterol? ›

Although eating soy-based foods can slightly lower your low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, known as the "bad" cholesterol, the American Heart Association has concluded that soy alone doesn't lower cholesterol enough to make a big difference in your health.

Is tofu OK for high blood pressure? ›

Are soyfoods a good fit for people with high blood pressure? Absolutely. Low sodium soy products such as unsalted edamame, roasted (unsalted) soy nuts, soy milk, tempeh and tofu can make important contributions to heart-healthy diets.

Is soy good or bad for heart? ›

But soy won't hurt your heart, and soy does have other benefits. "It's high in polyunsaturated fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and low in saturated fat.

What are the side effects of eating tofu? ›

The significant disadvantages of Tofu may cause allergies in some people. The symptoms of soy allergies include skin rash, inflammation, itching, fainting, breathing difficulty, abdominal pain and throat swelling. In rare scenarios, Tofu may cause osteoporosis and estrogen-related cancer.


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