Denture - RimWorld Wiki (2024)


An installed denture.

Base Stats

Medical ItemsBody Parts
Weapon Class



Dentures are an artificial body part that replaces a pawn's jaw. Dentures have 80% efficiency leading to reduced Talking and Eating efficiency on colonists that have them.


  • 1 Acquisition
  • 2 Summary
    • 2.1 Installation
  • 3 Analysis
  • 4 Version history


Unlike most other prostheses, dentures don't have a separate item form. Instead, they only exist as a condition applied to a pawn. They require no material other than the medicine used in the operation. Simply order the surgical operation on a pawn to install them and the condition will be applied.


This section is a stub. You can help RimWorld Wiki by expanding it. Reason: Many check tags to be resolved - stat impacts are before the addition of the tongue and the change in body part importance and need verification.

Dentures replace the user's entire jaw. Dentures have a part efficiency of 80%. This partially replaces the functionality of a jaw - when coupled with the jaw body part having a Talking importance of 100% and an Eating importance of 90%, it results in restoring 64% Talking and 72% Eating and, or a loss of −36% Talking and −28% Eating when replacing a healthy jaw.

These capacities, in turn, affects the following stats: Negotiation Ability, Conversion Power, Train Animal Chance, Eating Speed, Tame Animal Chance, Trade Price Improvement, Social Impact. The Eating loss results in in a 19% reduction in Eating Speed. The end result of the Talking loss depends on the skill.

  • Tame Animal Chance and Train Animal Chance will remain unaffected as the 20% reduction is within the allowed defect of the stat. However, any further loss, such as from pain or sickness, will directly affect both chances.
  • Other affected stats typically have a 5% allowed defect and 90% weighting, thus Negotiation Ability, Trade Price Improvement and Social Impact are only reduced by approximately −14%. [Verify]

Installing dentures results in −19% character quality and thus a 19% reduction in the affected individual's pawn value.

As an artificial part, dentures will give a mood buff to anyone with the Body modder trait, and a mood penalty to anyone with the Body purist trait.


Installing the part requires 1,500ticks (25secs) of work, 2x medicine of herbal quality or better, and a Medical skill of 3.

Removing the part requires 2,000ticks (33.33secs) of work, 1x medicine of herbal quality or better, and has no Medical skill requirements.

If the operation fails, the medicine will be destroyed.[Verify]


Short of a healer mech serum, there is no other way to repair a missing or shattered jaw. Thus, dentures should be installed on any colonist with that issue.

Dentures are also useful for Body modders. Outside of Social oriented colonists, dentures only incur a minor Eating penalty, and they can be installed without any research. This is often worth the positive moodlet, going from -4 to +4 if the body modder had no other artificial parts. However, a denture's debuff will be permanent unless a healer mech serum is applied (apply the serum after removing the denture).

Version history[edit]

  • 0.7.581 - Added

Artificial body parts

Archotech armBionic armPower clawProsthetic armWooden handDrill arm Elbow blade Field hand Hand talon Venom talon Flesh tentacleFlesh whip
Archotech eyeBionic eyeBionic earBionic tongueCochlear implantDentureAesthetic nose
Head implants
JoywirePainstopperCircadian assistant Circadian half-cycler Gastro-analyzer Learning assistant Mindscrew Neurocalculator Psychic harmonizer Psychic reader Psychic sensitizer Venom fangs Control sublink (Standard, High) Mechlink Mech gestation processor Remote repairer Remote shielder Repair probe
Bionic spineRevenant vertebrae
Bionic stomachNuclear stomach Reprocessor stomach Sterilizing stomach Fleshmass stomach
Bionic heartProsthetic heartHeartAdrenal heartCorrosive heartMetalblood heart
LungDetoxifier lung Fleshmass lung
KidneyDetoxifier kidney
Visceral implants
Death acidifierAesthetic shaper Coagulator Healing enhancer Armorskin gland Stoneskin gland Toughskin gland Immunoenhancer Love enhancer Ghoul platingGhoul barbs
Archotech legBionic legProsthetic legPeg legWooden footKnee spike
Psylink neuroformer Xenogerm
Scyther bladePsychic silencer

Denture - RimWorld Wiki (2024)


Can you replace jaws in Rimworld? ›

Out of the two available jaw replacements (the other being a Bionic jaw) dentures are most certainly the more cost effective option, both because of its cost being a unit (or two) of medicine and also because it lowers the value of the affected pawn by approximately 30%.

What do dentures do in RimWorld? ›

Dentures are an artificial body part that replaces a pawn's jaw. Dentures have 80% efficiency leading to reduced Talking and Eating efficiency on colonists that have them.

Can you amputate in Rimworld? ›

To amputate: Under the patient's Health tab is the Operations tab; "Add a bill" to amputate the infected body part. You may also have to/want to upgrade the patient's default "medicine" used for procedures - that's under their Health/Overview tab.

How to fix a shattered jaw? ›

Severe fracture treatment.

Your provider may do surgery, putting metal plates or bars on the broken area of your jaw. The plates or bars hold the bone in place to allow it to heal. Your surgeon may also hold your jaw closed with wires or elastics to aid in healing.

Are prosthetics worth it Rimworld? ›

Artificial parts offer some benefits over regular, fleshy counterparts: They are immune to certain health conditions. None can be infected or scarred, while health conditions like cataracts, bad backs, and heart attacks are prevented, depending on the part. Injuries to artificial body parts do not cause pain.

What organ is worth the most in Rimworld? ›

Organ harvesting[edit]
  • 1 kidney worth 900.
  • 1 lung worth 1,000.
  • Either 1 heart or 1 liver, worth 1,200.
Jun 24, 2024

Why are dentures good? ›

Dentures can help fill in the gaps and improve your smile if you miss one or a few teeth. They can also help improve your speech by eliminating any pronunciation problems that you may have.

Can jaws be replaced? ›

In the traditional jaw-replacement procedure—called fibula free flap surgery—the surgeon replaces the damaged jawbone with a section of bone cut from the fibula, the outer bone in the lower leg, which can be removed without compromising the patient's ability to walk.

Can jaws be reconstructed? ›

Jaw Reconstruction Techniques

Bone plates and screws are used to secure the jaw's new position, and in some cases a bone graft will be needed. Bone can be transferred from your leg, hip, or rib and placed with temporary wires.

Can you replace an eye in Rimworld? ›

Archotech eyes replace natural eyes. Archotech eyes have a 150% efficiency, which results in a +50% improvement to Sight if two are installed.

How do you replace structures in Rimworld? ›

Use the new Replace tool in the "Architect/Structure" menu to replace any building's materials. Or place a building with new stuff over an old building. New stuff is even applied to blueprints and frames.


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