Definition, Examples, Coefficient of a Variable (2024)

Definition, Examples, Coefficient of a Variable (1)

Created by:Team Maths -,Last Updated:June 5, 2024

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Coefficients are numerical values placed in front of variables in mathematical expressions to indicate multiplication. For example, in 3𝒙, 3 is the coefficient of the variable 𝒙. Coefficients quantify the contribution of the variable to the expression, playing a crucial role in algebraic equations, polynomials expressions, and various mathematical calculations.

What is a Coefficient?

Coefficients are fundamental in algebra, as they quantify the contribution of variables in equations and functions, allowing for the manipulation and solving of mathematical problems. They are used extensively in various fields, including physics, engineering, and economics, to model relationships and predict outcomes.

Coefficient of a Variable

A coefficient is a numerical factor that multiplies a variable in an algebraic expression. For example, in the term 5x, the coefficient is 5, meaning 5 times x. If the term is −3y, the coefficient is −3, and in 1/2 z, the coefficient is 1/2​. When a variable stands alone, like x, the coefficient is implicitly 1. Coefficients help in simplifying expressions, such as combining 2x+3x to get 5x, and in solving equations, like solving 2x=10 by dividing both sides by the coefficient 2, resulting in x=5.

How to Find a Coefficient?

  1. Identify the Term:
    • Locate the part of the algebraic expression that contains the variable you are interested in.
  2. Find the Number in Front:
    • Look at the number directly in front of the variable. This number is the coefficient.
  3. Check the Sign:
    • Note if there is a plus (+) or minus (-) sign before the number. This sign is part of the coefficient. If no number is present, the coefficient is 1, and if there is just a minus sign, the coefficient is -1.


  1. Simple Coefficient:
    • Term: 5x
    • Coefficient: 5
  2. Negative Coefficient:
    • Term: −3y
    • Coefficient: -3
  3. Implicit Coefficient:
    • Term: x
    • Coefficient: 1

Numerical Coefficient

A numerical coefficient is the constant numerical factor that multiplies the variables in an algebraic term. It quantifies the contribution of the variable(s) in the term. For example, in the expression 4𝒙y, the numerical coefficient is 4, indicating that 𝒙y is multiplied by 4. In −3a²b, the numerical coefficient is -3. Identifying numerical coefficients is essential for simplifying, solving, and understanding algebraic expressions and equations.

Leading Coefficient

The leading coefficient is the numerical coefficient of the term with the highest degree in a polynomial. It is the coefficient of the term with the greatest exponent when the polynomial is written in standard form (terms in descending order of their exponents). The leading coefficient plays a crucial role in determining the polynomial’s behavior, especially its end behavior.


In the polynomial 3𝒙⁴+2𝒙³−5𝒙+7, the leading coefficient is 3, as 3𝒙⁴ is the term with the highest degree.

For the polynomial −7𝒙⁵+4𝒙³+𝒙−2, the leading coefficient is -7, as −7𝒙⁵ is the term with the highest degree.

Different Types of Coefficients in Maths

1. Numerical Coefficient:

  • The number that multiplies a variable in a term.
  • Example: In 5x, 5 is the numerical coefficient.

2. Constant Coefficient:

  • A fixed number that doesn’t change and isn’t multiplied by a variable.
  • Example: In x+7, 7 is a constant term, not a coefficient.

3. Fractional Coefficient:

  • A coefficient that is a fraction.
  • Example: In 1/2y, 1/2​ is the fractional coefficient.

4. Negative Coefficient:

  • A coefficient with a negative sign.
  • Example: In −3z, −3 is the negative coefficient.

5. Zero Coefficient:

  • A coefficient that is zero, which makes the entire term zero.
  • Example: In 0x, 0 is the zero coefficient.

6. Leading Coefficient:

  • The coefficient of the term with the highest power of the variable in a polynomial.
  • Example: In 4x³+3x²−2, 4 is the leading coefficient.

7. Proportionality Coefficient:

  • A constant ratio between two directly proportional quantities.
  • Example: In y=kx, k is the proportionality coefficient.

8. Binomial Coefficient:

  • The coefficients in the expansion of a binomial raised to a power, represented by combinations.
  • Example: In (x+y)²=x²+2xy+y², 1, 2, and 1 are the binomial coefficients.

Tips and Tricks on Coefficient

  • Identify the Variable: Find the variable in the term; the number in front is the coefficient.
  • Check for Signs: Note the plus (+) or minus (-) sign before the number, as it affects the coefficient.
  • Implicit Coefficients: If no number is written, the coefficient is 1; if only a minus sign, the coefficient is -1.
  • Combine Like Terms: Add or subtract the coefficients of like terms (e.g., 2x+3x=5x2x + 3x = 5x2x+3x=5x).
  • Distributive Property: Multiply the coefficient by each term inside parentheses (e.g., 3(x+4)=3x+123(x + 4) = 3x + 123(x+4)=3x+12).

Coefficient Examples

Expression: 6x
Coefficient: 6
Expression: −4y
Coefficient: -4
Expression: 3a²b
Coefficient: 3
Expression: 7x³ + 2x
Coefficient of x³: 7
Coefficient of x: 2
Expression: −5m²n+9n
Coefficient of m²n: -5
Coefficient of n: 9
Expression: x
Coefficient: 1 (implicit)
Expression: −z
Coefficient: -1 (implicit)
Expression: 4p²q³
Coefficient: 4
Expression: 8t−3t²
Coefficient of t: 8
Coefficient of t²: -3
Expression: 2x⁴−7x²+x−5
Coefficient of x⁴: 2
Coefficient of x²: -7
Coefficient of x: 1 (implicit)

How do you identify the coefficient in an expression?

To identify the coefficient, look for the number directly in front of the variable. For example, in 5x, the coefficient is 5.

What is a leading coefficient?

The leading coefficient is the coefficient of the term with the highest degree in a polynomial. It is significant in determining the polynomial’s behavior.

Can coefficients be negative?

Yes, coefficients can be negative. For example, in −4y, the coefficient is -4.

How do coefficients affect the graph of a polynomial?

The coefficients determine the steepness, direction, and width of the graph of a polynomial. The leading coefficient, in particular, affects the end behavior of the graph.

How do you find the coefficient in a term with multiple variables?

Identify the numerical part that multiplies all the variables. For example, in 5x²y, the coefficient is 5.

Are coefficients always integers?

No, coefficients can be any real numbers, including fractions and decimals. For example, in 0.5x, the coefficient is 0.5.

Can coefficients be zero?

Yes, a coefficient can be zero, which means the term does not contribute to the expression. For example, in
0⋅x, the term is effectively zero.

How do coefficients relate to derivatives in calculus?

In calculus, the coefficient of a term in a polynomial is multiplied by the exponent during differentiation. For example, the derivative of
5𝑥³ is 15𝑥² (5 multiplied by 3).

How are coefficients used in systems of equations?

In systems of equations, coefficients are used to form the equations that describe the relationships between variables. They are key in methods like substitution and elimination.

What is an implicit coefficient?

An implicit coefficient is the coefficient that is understood to be 1 if no number is written in front of the variable. For example, in x, the coefficient is implicitly 1.

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Definition, Examples, Coefficient of a Variable (2024)


Definition, Examples, Coefficient of a Variable? ›

A coefficient is a number or an alphabet that is multiplied by a variable of a single term or the terms of a polynomial. For example, in the term 7x, 7 is the coefficient. The coefficient of x in the term 3xy is 3y.

What is a variable coefficient? ›

Coefficient is a number that is being multiplied by the variable. 2x+6x+14. The 2x, 6x, and 14 are terms because they are being added together. 2 and x; 6 and x are factors because they are being multiplied together. 2 from 2x and 6 from 6x are the coefficients because they are being multiplied by the variable.

What is an example of a coefficient variable and constant? ›

In an expression 3x2 + 5x + 2, there are 3 terms: 3x2, 5x and 2. The variables are x2 and x. The constant is 2 and the coefficient of x2 is 3 and that of x is 5. Thus an expression is a combination of terms, variables, factors, coefficients, and constants.

What is a coefficient example for kids? ›

Let's take the expression 3x + 5 as an example. Here, the number 3 is getting multiplied by the letter x. So, the special number 3 is called the coefficient of the term 3x.

What is the coefficient of the variable in the expression 2 − 5x − 4 8? ›

Answer and Explanation:

The coefficient of the expression is -5.

What is an example of a variable coefficient? ›

The coefficient of a variable is the value of the integer or any letter that is present with the variable. For example, the coefficient of variable x in the expression 2x + 3y is 2, and in the same expression, the coefficient of variable y is 3.

What is an example of a coefficient? ›

A coefficient is an integer that is written along with a variable or it is multiplied by the variable. In other words, a coefficient is the numerical factor of a term containing constant and variables. For example, in the term 2x, 2 is the coefficient.

How to identify coefficients? ›

coefficients are the number when you multiply a number and a variable. For example 5a the coefficient in that term is 5 if you have 48e the coefficient is 48. So the coefficient is the number when you multiply a number times a variable.

What are the different types of coefficients? ›

Linear coefficients: Coefficients associated with linear terms (terms of degree 1). Quadratic coefficients: Coefficients associated with quadratic terms (terms of degree 2). Leading coefficients: The coefficients of the term with the highest degree in a polynomial expression.

What is an example of a constant and variable? ›

In an algebraic equation, x+y = 8, 8 is a constant value, and it cannot be changed. Variables: Variables are terms which can change or vary over time. Its value does not remain constant, unlike constants. For example, the height and weight of a person do not always remain constant, and hence they are variables.

What is the simple definition of a coefficient? ›

1. : a number or symbol by which another number or symbol (as a mathematical variable) is multiplied. 3 is the coefficient of x in the expression 3x. 2. : a number that serves as a measure of some property (as of a substance or device)

What is a coefficient for dummies? ›

Algebra simplifies expressions with coefficients, which are numbers preceding variables. For example, 3 is the coefficient in 3x. Rather than using a multiplication sign between 3 and x, the number is just written in front of a variable, which means that the 3 and x are multiplied together.

How do you explain coefficients? ›

The coefficient value signifies how much the mean of the dependent variable changes given a one-unit shift in the independent variable while holding other variables in the model constant.

What is an example of a constant and a coefficient? ›

A coefficient is the number in front of the letter, eg 3x2 3 is the coefficient. A constant is just a number eg y=3x2+7 7 is the constant.

What is the difference between a variable and a coefficient? ›

In an algebraic expression, the letters represent the variables, the value of which can be changed. Constants are the terms in an expression that includes only numbers, the value of which does not change. Coefficient of a variable is the number written along with the variable in the term.

What is the coefficient of the variable in the simplified expression? ›

Coefficient = the number being multiplied to a variable (in 2n, 2 is the coefficient) Reduce = combine or simplify by doing whatever operations we can. Term = a part of an expression separated from the rest by addition (in 3a + 6b, 3a is one term and 6b is another term)

What does coefficient of variable mean? ›

The coefficient of variation (CV) is the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean. The higher the coefficient of variation, the greater the level of dispersion around the mean.

What is the coefficient of 3x and the variable? ›

Answer and Explanation:

In the expression 3x, we can see that this is just a constant number multiplied to a variable. Thus, the coefficient here is 3 and the variable is x.

What is the coefficient of 2 variables? ›

The correlation coefficient is measured on a scale that varies from + 1 through 0 to – 1. Complete correlation between two variables is expressed by either + 1 or -1. When one variable increases as the other increases the correlation is positive; when one decreases as the other increases it is negative.

How do you interpret variable coefficients? ›

A positive coefficient indicates that as the value of the independent variable increases, the mean of the dependent variable also tends to increase. A negative coefficient suggests that as the independent variable increases, the dependent variable tends to decrease.


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