Deadline: White House : MSNBCW : June 6, 2024 1:00pm-3:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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wind damage would be the biggest issue. washington, d.c., just some stronger storms will pass north of you. how incredibly sad. a grandmother, a mom and two children in the house. a huge tree and a tornado hit. >> a tree falling is my worst nightmare. anything to do? >> i always tell people when we have hurricanes, you look at your property. know the direction the wind is blowing so that way you go away from the tree it could fall. but a tornado they twist. >> they had no heads up. >> there was no warning. there was no watch. very sad. >> worst fear. bill karins, thank you very much. that's going to do it for me today. "deadline: white house" starts right now. hi, everyone. it's 4:00 in new york. the choice facing our country in just a few short months has

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never ever been more stark than it is today. that's because of thousands of miles away from our shores, president biden today marking the 80th anniversary of the d-day invasion that pivotal turning point in the fight against the nazis in world war ii. he did so with more than two dozen heads of state and government leaders. president biden making the case that we must honor the legacy of those who laid down their lives in the fight against fascism by today supporting ukraine in its war against an aud democrat. he argued for everyone to resist the tide of authoritarianism. watch. >> we're living in a time when democracy is more at risk across the world than any point since the end of warld were ii since the beaches were stormed in 1944. now we have to ask ourselves. will we stand against tyranny, against evil, against crushing brutality of the iron fist? will we stand for freedom?

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will we defend democracy? will we stand together? my answer is yes. >> the specter looming over president biden's remarks, of course, his own need to defend democracy here at home. against an ex-president who has shown he can't begin to comprehend any cause bigger than his own. the guy who prefers the company of autocrats like vladimir putin over the leaders of our allies, the guy that could not be bothered to leave the hotel to pay his respects to the americans who died fighting for this country during world war i because he didn't want to get his hair wet. the guy who called americans who lost their lives serving their country, quote, losers and suckers. in contrast to donald trump, who refused to embrace nato in his speech five years ago, president biden offered a a full-throated defense of that alliance, which

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has been the lynch pin of our national security for decades now. >> america's unique ability to bring countries together is an undenial source of our strength and our power. isolationism was not the answer eight years ago. and it's not the answer today. we know the dark forces that they fought against. they never fade. aggression and greed, the desire to dominate and control, to change borders by force, these are perennial. the struggle between a dictatorship and freedom is unending. >> president biden taking part in what has become a national tradition when leaders or presidents taking the opportunity of an the anniversary of d-day to be there to show respect, to reaffirm our

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basic democratic values and principles. but this year with the stakes of the 2024 election not just about policy, but about whether we remain a democracy with all that in question, today's also a moment to reflect and call out what the choice will be and what we as a country deserve. according to a new message from liz cheney, in a video she posed this morning, she draws a contrast between former presidents and the ex-president who threatens to send the country sleep walking into dictatorship if reelected. waft that. >> today we give thanks for all that was gained on the beaches of normandy. we remember what was lost with respect, admiration, and love. this freedom and these hopes are what the heroes of d-day fought and died for. >> america deserves a president as good and steadfast as our nation. a president of character.

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driven by a noble purpose, one who honors the sacrifices of our troop. not a man consumed by spite, revenge and self-pity. >> a country to cross roads in its own tug of war between democracy and autocracy. president of history, ruth is here. plus former white house communications director scaramucci join us. and the co-founder of american veterans for ukraine, paul rite cough is here. i want to ask that we put the picture up of president biden because humans behind him, future generations, we don't always get to see that. i imagine american presidents will go and honor d had of day and be at the cemetery, but they won't get to give the speech in front of those folks, some whom fought. >> they are almost all gone. 80 years ago today,

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19-year-olds, some 17 and 16-year-olds stormed the beaches of normandy, thousands died. they saved the world. they stood up for freedom and against tyranny and reflecting on that now is so important. especially for the younger generation that sometimes forgets. i think about my grandfather who served three years in the south pacific. they stood up to fight tyranny. it's important to remember they didn't do it alone. there were thousands of canadians with them, the french were there, ands it was an alliance. and we have an alliance again today. that was an important part of the possessage of d-day. we are aligned against tyranny. we had our greatst generation. ukraine now has theirs. they are defending democracy. and we have to stand with them now because every generation has a test. that was their great fight. this one maybe ours. >> the interesting thing about tieing it to ukraine is that ukraine, i led with that idea of

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a tug of war. ukraine encapsulates the tug of war. the vast majority of americans stand with ukraine in their fight, but not a large swath of trump's base. >> and they are out of touch. there's a line here. to quote your old boss, you're either with us or against us. and if my grandfather and all those world war ii vets already gone heard that we were thinking about appeasing the russians, that we were quibbling about fighting against the russians to defend europe, they would find it unbelievable. so it's a call of our patriotism. it's a call for unity. for america to show how we can bring people together and set is an example. and right now, we have to refer to our last example to the greatest generation from before.

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>> anthony, you are part of an effort now to tell the truth about the trump -- you have been doing it since you left, but the trump white house, i used to make it relative, grab them in the you know what was the worst thing he did. stop doing that. but i really did think that a circuit breaker for his support among republicans would be when he was reported first in the atlantic and then corroborated multiple other books and by other journalists to truly believe and to have said that men and women who die serving our country are suckers and losers. to have queried john kelly about anyone who died. to have such puzzlement at that. and then to tell mark milley he didn't want to see anyone

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wounded serving the country, that nobody wants to see them up here. i think that was the quote. i really thought that that disdain and animosity toward the men and women of the military would do two things. one, turn off veterans from supporting him ask liking him. they didn't do that. they showed up in some disproportionate numbers, and turn republicans away from him and it didn't do that. why not? >> there's a lot of reasons why not. it has to do with the way they perceive him. they perceive him as a grievance, avatar for their anger, so those issues about the military or other issues that you and i in a bush campaign, that would have been game over in 2004 as an example, but today there's a very large group of

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people unfortunately that have these per seethed issues about the country and they see him as an avatar of their anger. so when donald trump said i could shoot people on fifth avenue, i can say nasty things about our veterans, and he said it directly to general kelly who are has confirmed that. and obviously, they lost their son robert in afghanistan, so you have to think of the horror of that gold star family member has to hear that from donald trump. but the answer the answer is all secondary to whatever their anger is about the country right now. we have to fix that, by the way. we can't hate those people. we have to bring those people back into the social contract with us. >> but how do you fix them? i don't recommend we hate those people, but how do you help people that must hate themselves? to want sunshine to serve as commander-in-chief who think they are suckers and lose terse

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they get injured or die serving the country. >> it's a terrible thing. i think that the president, president biden has actually done a great job for these people. president trump may identify their grievances and may push buttons of their anger, but if you think of the reshoring, the manufacturing, the infrastructure deal, you think of the microprocesser foundsers that are going into the united states, he has such a case to make for these people coming back to the democratic party. their grandparents may have voted for franklin roosevelt, london johnson, and he's got to make that case. he has to press that case alongside the values of the democracy. i think he will win because of that. but you're not going to get some of those people back. you and i both know that. we can scratch our heads about it. we say it's ridiculous. that they would take that from

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donald trump, who is now a convicted felon. but they are there. i have met with those people. no matter what you say to them, they will cut you off. wants to demolish the democracy. they cut you off. >> when you have a moment so steeped in what people think makes us a great friend and partner, our role on d-day, my son was 7 or 8 when he became obsessed and fixated. he started building recreations of it during the pandemic. and would spend hours before he knows everything that there was to know and measure what was age appropriate to know. saving private ryan is sort of imprinted in the minds of anyone who was sort of growing up and

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that was the first visual they had of this story they heard. it's so central to the character of the nation. i wonder what role sort of being reminded of our history and the things that make us feel like a great ally and friend plays in fighting back this wave of authority tasmism that has engulfed the really party and threatens the country. >> there's lessons in the selfless heroism of those young men, many have never been out of the country. and they came and fought and many were sacrificed. and this campaign led to the liberation of france, but there's another lesson. what happens when you have is a dysfunctional aud democrat who has full power who thinks he has all the answers about military strategy is in fact this dealt a pretty bad blow to german air defense and also naval strategy

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through the destruction of the courts. and there was such discontent with hitler, who continued to meddle and think he was the genius that just a month later toward the end of july, this was when german military officials had an assassination plot against hitler that it didn't work, but it came close to working. so there are lessons about investing and having systems where you have destructive individuals with total power who cost lives, but not their own people as well as many, many millions of others. >> you want to show you how the biden campaign sought to take some of the things we're talking about and put it in a political message. >> it's somebody who gives a [ bleep ]. i served in the marine corp. >> i served in the 1990s into 2014. >> i was a navy pilot for ought

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years. >>s this is the first time i'm shaking the hand of a president of the united states. it was impactful the to me to see an individual that supports troops when we return hole. >> i see a man in joe biden who accepts accountability and responsibility and when i see his predecessor donald trump, i see a man who is only in this for himself. >> who criticizes veterans, who doesn't see it important to go to the funeral. >> donald trump has zero accountability in his life. >> he's a draft dodger. simple as that. >> i think the election is the difference between authority tasmism and democracy. and i came to see if a president that cares about maintaining democracy. >> donald trump is not fit to be commander-in-chief. he's not fit to lead a squad. he's definitely not fit to be president of the united states. >> we have two candidates running again for president who are veterans themselves. i think that's important because veterans issues will be a focus.

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they will be a weapon, they will be a chew toy. and this is a very important political battlefield. the fight for veteran voices not only as advocates on behalf of the campaigns, but independent voters. 50% of my generation are independent. these are the folks up for grabs in places like michigan and arizona. those are the folks that can be moved by patriotism. and by the threat that dth presents as commander-in-chief, his characters, those issues will resinate with a certain number of voters. you'll never get to trump's base. don't waste your time. but there's the battle for the middle. and that battle cannot only be focused on veterans but used by veterans to move the middle. and i think those are the folks that are movable. it's a smart political play. it's smart for biden to hit first on it. hillary didn't do that. trump had the upper hand because he kept pressing it over and over again. it's a smart move for biden to do that now. >> the power of the the ad is

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these men and women, these veterans speaking in their own words, but in terms of available material, this is the atlantic reporting. when trump cancelled a visit to the american cemetery in 2018, he blamed rain for the last-minute decision saying the helicopteren couldn't fly and secret service wouldn't drive him there. neither claim was true. he rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would be dishevelled in the rain. according to four people of firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. in a conversation with staff members on the morning of the visit, trump said, quote, why should i go to that cemetery. it's filled with losers, end quote. in a separate conversation, trump referred to the 1800 marines who lost their lives as suckers for getting killed. this is who he is. it's reporting that's been corroborated by further journalists and authors of books. i take both of your point and paul's about the trump base, but

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i think veterans issues are something that when i was working on campaigns animate a larger swath of the country. most americans see themselves as people advocates and protecters of the men and women in the military. nz it certainly was a powerful thing to before. it made voters to protect our freedoms at home. i don't know that's ever been more tangibly important and relevant. what do you see is the way to make sure people understand trump in his own words on veterans. >> i was debating whether to bring this up to you, but who i'm named after was on that beach 80 years ago. he was part of the army corp. of engineers. he assaulted omaha beach and

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built the pontoons and platforms to get the heavy equipment on to the beach. he was wounded. he survived the wound. went on to fight in the bat of the bulge. he's a decorated hero. i think he would turn in his grave hearing donald trump talk about these people. and i'll say something to you that i would like the biden campaign to really think about. men like my uncl survived normandy, came back to america and you know what they said? they said i'm so blessed to live an ordinary life in america in a free country. and we've got to get the biden campaign to get out there and find people, my uncle is now deceased, he tied in 2005 on memorial day, but we have to get people like him and like those people in that ad to get out there and explain to people what the danger is and donald trump is tipping you off. with all of this disrespect for you and the cause of freedom.

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they have to do that. and they have to do more of those ads. >> i think i can't believe you were debating, i'm so happy you shared that with me and your uncle would -- i think about a the flag. like how far we have come. the flag used to be such a sacred thing. when mine gets wind whipped, we run to the store. so much has been desecrated in the name of the tribalism and nativism that serve ises up donald trump's ego. and i wonder, andive i'll fwif you the last word before we take a break, what is the most effective way to keep everyone animated, make sure voters know they have all the agency, voters hold all the cards. this is a depressing thing to be reminded about when we talk

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about donald trump. they are suckers for getting killed. but the good part of that story is nobody has voted yesterday p. it's how my college girlfriends used to date. but the idea that we can just take this one metric, who would be an honorable commander-in-chief seems so clear. >> yeah, and you only have to look at the history of how autocrats treat their militaries and trump has been -- the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, general milley, who has not given to hyperbole, he said he knows he's on a list. he thinks he will be imprisoned if trump comes back. and when you have autocrats who don't have to answer to any

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parolmentment, they don't have to absentee to anyone and don't care about their people, the tragedy of the strong men is that he despises his people. he thinks everybody is a dupe, so he treats his military like he doesn't care what happens to them. the same holds with putin today. so there's a profound lack of respect that these people show to the people. and the reason the gop is working so hard to take our vote away is because they fear us, just as trump fears people, so does the party that's made itself his personal tool. that shows us that we have power. we have agency. and they are afraid of our power. >> when we come back, another moment we have to show you from today's events. president zelenskyy meeting with a veteran. who was said with a standing ovation gathered in normandy today. plus poking holes in the story

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of justice alito and his wife who is fond of flags. and did he in turn lie to congress about it all? and later in the broadcast, more fallout from speaker johnson's new addition to the intelligence committee. there's brand new reporting on how the speaker of the house blind sided members of the committee in exchange for putting trump's in new positions of power. all those stories and more when "deadline: white house" continues after a quick break. don't go anywhere today. continues after a quick break. don't go anywhere today. introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.

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you're a savior. [ applause ] >> you have seen it four times. i have never not cried. i thought this would be the non-crying time, but it wasn't. it's an extraordinary moment there. president zelenskyy embracing a veteran. if you couldn't hear all that, it ends with the veteran saying i'm praying for you. president zelenskyy thanks the veteran and the veteran turns around and thanks him.

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the veteran fought against tyranny during world war ii. and then zelenskyy turns and thanks him for keeping europe safe, for saving europe. we're all worried and focused now on vladimir putin, putin the man, the presumptivive republican nominee for president calls savvy and genius. it's another chilling reminder of the stakes of the november election. not just for us, but for the world. joining our conversation, former top official during the obama administration rick stank the. ruth, anthony and paul are also back. >> ukraine is the existential crisis of our time. we capitulate what happens in world war ii. it's the first invasion across the border since world war ii. now one thing we didn't mention is that one of our allies in world war ii was russia. it was the soviet union. but we also don't talk about that they made a treaty with hitler in 1939.

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hitler treaty against the west. it was only when hitler made the greatest military error of all time of invading the soviet union, when they became the member of the allies. putin is playing that hitler role. that tran call person trying to conquer europe. you hear president biden say that. after ukraine, there's poland, there's the baltics, so that's energizing us now. it's one of the reasons that biden tauds about ice lasmism. we can't afford to not participate this these things. and by the way speaking of isolationism, remember the first america first movement was before world war ii. those are the echoes we're hearing now. >> just to stay with the echoes, are we too shallow now for those messages to be politically persuasive ones?

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>> we talked about that a lot. >> each new generation has to learn about democracy and freedom. part of the problem of the fact that we haven't talked civics in america, we toept have enough situations like this is that people don't understand that. they don't understand the commitment. so when donald trump says there's suckers and losers, yeah, why did they do that? and part of that is because we have the community, part of it is the idea of service and self hasn't been something we talk about. that's dangerous. >> part of it is we relied on the military to fight our wars. and when they come home and suffer and struggle, they feel more alone than ever. it's completely distinct from post vietnam. that's something even uglier. there is an isolation in the way that the military takes on the

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burdens of protecting the country. >> yes, twe don't have a draft. there's a really important factor in this generation. every generation has had a backstop, a social backstop, where they have been called to serve. this generation is on patriotism. it's less than one-half of 1% that serves in uniform. i think that video, that's what it's all about. >> can we play it again? first of all, we have to find out what that veteran's name is. but they get it. they both understand combat. that's the key. zelenskyy is a leader who gets down on one knee and pays respect like you would to my grandfather. >> and they get it. they understand it's one team, one fight. just like it was back then. it has to be one team, one fight now against a common enemy. that's what they did on d-day. that's what we have to do now. we don't even have to send our boys and girls. all we have to do is write a check to defeat the russian

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military, knock out putin and save the world. this is the easiest ask for a generation we have ever had in this country. now is the time to pay it. if you're not sure, talk to those guys. talk to the veterans and ask them what's at stake. and ask why this moment requires courage, leadership, and some kind of sacrifice. at least a commitment. >> i don't like to ask more of them. they have already given more than just about anyone ever in our history. but we might need them. to help deliver this message. i want to show you this hour is devoted to the choice because it was never clearer than in today's news cycle. here's what tommy tuberville had had to say about zelenskyy. >> stop media attention. he stopped churches from meeting. this guy is a dictator. and here we're backing him. you know the whole story. nato, if you're putin, you don't want our missiles in it ukraine pointed at him.

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we wouldn't want it in mexico. >> you know who else the mexico comparison? the baghdad bobs on tv on russian state tv. so straight from russian state tv out of the mouth of one tommy tuberville. >> listen, it's terrible. so we also have to figure out whys there's a flank of rug hacks inside the republican party. that i don't have the answer to. i want to go back to something that was very important. we have no hereditary memory of fascism in this country. if you're in the uk, you tour blits sites. if you're in france, norman di. germany, you can go right to where they still left the russian sol the engineer graffiti on the walls of their legislative body. we don't have that memory.

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so when they are talking about charles lindberg and america first movement, franklin roosevelt successfully put down that movement, and he left us with a democracy and a stable democracy that built the post world war ii order. so when a guy like tommy tuberville is talking like that, a person in europe hearing that shakes their head and says, what are you talking about? you can't have a dictator run the united states. it failed here. it fails everywhere. we have 5.7 billion people living under some form of dictatorship. we need the united states as a beacon of freedom and a place that strengthens the alliance of free speaking, free feeling people everywhere in the world. but we don't have the hereditary memory. that's why the people are suspect to this type of nonsets sense. >> it's why they sort of nod

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along to describing the enemy of the people, to describing our judicial system. the rule of law in america has for decades been the model around the world. it's why they allow trump to denigrate it and nod along. it's all part of the playbook. everyone, pleases stay with us. a short break. a short break. but now i have rinvoq. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema—fast. some rinvoq patients felt significant itch relief as early as 2 days. some achieved dramatic skin clearance as early as 2 weeks. and many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death.

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i see my generals are going to keep us so sief. these are central casting. if i'm doing a movie, i pick

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you, general. everybody knows what happened. so what i do is i authorize my military. >> i have generals that are great generals. my generals and my military, they have decision-making ability. >> no one knows at a more granular level the degree to which trump sought to rule. i say rule on purpose instead of govern, rule as an autocrat in a way that is akin to the way kim jong-un and vladimir putin rule than the generals. and i have said this already and i'll say it again. we have no right to ask more from the men and women of the military than what they have already given, particularly general kellie who are lost his own son fighting for this country. that stipulated how exactful is it for a public to hear from the generals about how wayward and how unfit a former commander-in-chief is who seeks power again. >> it's absolutely central

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because these are people who will reach constituencies who might not be completely progressive and agree with all of social agendas and stuff, but they are patriots. and they know the price that can be paid by having somebody who was completely amoral like trump, who believes that there's no such thing as ideal. autocrats like trump, they become nihilists. they make the country destructive. that's whys it's just so horrible when they lead had armies, especially when we have the most powerful army and military in the world. it's a huge responsibility but i want to say something connected with discussion isolationists. it's not that we're going to be

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isolationist. team trump is team china. that's very clear from the way that tuberville and others are parodying talking points. they are gunning for nato. it's not that they want to withdraw nato, they want to take nato down. so isolationist, but with an eye to helping the autocratic forces in the world. that's way more dangerous. >> to had that point, the world leader that trump has most infusively celebrated is victor orban. tell me the state of denial, or maybe not, it looks like denial in the business community about what it would mean to become what trump idolizes? >> those guys didn't get burned by them yet. so they are taking this superficial analysis.

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and i'm a wall street personal person is so i'm going to take something cynical. they say if i give trump the money and he wins, good for me. if he loses, joe biden is not going to come after me. he's a traditionalist. he's not going to be on a biden enemy list. mark milley told me he's on that list. i i know i'm on that list. his buddy steve bannon says they have this list. they are going to persecute the people. i have friends that have defended donald trump in court, defense attorneys that have turned to me at dinner and said donald trump wants to use the fbi, but then the attorney said the only good news is he has no sense of his, so he probably doesn't know what that actually means. but ruth know what is it means. and it's something that we have to worry about with this guy, but these business people are making a superficial decision. when i talk to them, hey, think

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about the rule of law. capital flows into this country because of the predictability of our lay laws and the decentralized nation of our government. awe just take a look. you don't have to be a social or political scientist to understand that. we have to preserve this democracy. even if i have some policy issues with the biden administration, i'm a patriot first. i'll be be a partisan last during this election. and i will explain to as many people as possible the threat that this man presents to their way of life. the way of life that my uncle on that beach 80 years ago fought for. >> we need to devote a separate hour to talking about that because i think that when you have that conversation, and i have had a lot of them, i usually end up yelling at them. you probably don't.

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fine, you make the venn diagram. but what if your daughter tweets out a picture of trump looking fat as he swings a golf club. you don't think he would target your daughter and your company and have the bud lite-like protest? you think the threats wouldn't come for you. look what he's doing to the judge. any company or any stock would be safe is asinine. the biggest cowards in the civic space are business leaders. they are supported by daughters and sons and wives. i think they will have something to say about abortion and trump the autocrat who may low their tax rate, but would make crimes out of basic health care. they have employees. employees who may not like working at a company that supports america's awe dock ra sit. anthony has written a book about these. we have to have you back. thank you so much.

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check it out. stick around. up next for ursst us, why there's no room for neutrality. we'll talk to one reporter who is putting this day in perspective for all of us. puttn perspective for all of us. in here, you can expect to find crystal clear audio, expansive display space, endless entertainment, and more comfort for everyone. but even with all that... we still left room for all the unpredictability,

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we cannot let what happened here be lost in the silence of the years to come. we must remember it, we must honor it and live it. we must remember, the fact that they were heroes here that day does not ab solve us from what we have to do today. democracy is never guaranteed. every generation must preserve it, defend it ask fight for it. >> the 80th an verse riff of d-day, president biden with a kl to action to all of us to preserve and protect democracy in the years to come at a time when one of the two political parties is intent on doing the oposite. the gap between what today represents and what is happening here at home didn't go unnoticed by one journalist. the ohio capital journal write, we have members of a major political movement including the current speaker of the house who refused publicly to accept the clear outcolt of a presidential

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election. he adds, think about that this d-day. we are honoring people part risking and giving their lives and suffering injury for something that this crowd won't pass up a few bucks and a little fame for. our ancestors gave all for transcending gift that too many of our leaders are happy to crap all over and possibly destroy. i'm a reporter, but i don't have to be neutral about democracy. in fact, all of us in the press have a responsibility to fight in our way for democracy, especially on especially on d-day. none of us should be neutral if we want to be patriots and truly honor these heroes. joining us is marty. you can teach all of us a lot. i love this message. you write in the thread, that i sent it to my team, and said

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police find him for me. talk about the opening scene of "saving private ryan." it's striking, and it was especially striking around j-6, even after the 2020 election. you know, we had people who were not willing to forthrightly say the election has been decided, joe biden is now the president, whether i like it or not. meanwhile, we had these young men, 19-year-olds jumping off of landing craft into almost certain death, fighting for this principle that some people were refusing to deny, because it might cost them much less. they were jumping into pre-sighted machine gun from german soldiers in concrete bunkers, just waiting for them.

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i can't conceive of the guts to do that. they were risking all to stop a murder os dictator who disdained the entire concept of democracy, repelled by the idea of sharing power with anyone, much less the bunch of nobodies who made up german society. at bottom, that's what democracy is, sharing power in pursuit of the public interests. the way that is done is through voting. talk about how this frame of reference is the right one. how does that shape your thinking on how to cover this election? >> thank you, nicolle. i think it's important in this election to remember that one of the candidates does not accept democracy. there are a lot of arguments about policy that are important and a lot of different views that can be held about that, but

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democracy has to be at the threshold. that's what all also believed in, what the whole system is founded upon. so, if people can't vote, they can't have their votes counted, they can't have their votes listened to as policy is being formulated, what's the point? >> you have the ability to sort of cut through and find a really comfortable spot to stand on, which says i'm not going to be neutral when democracy is on the line. it's all some writing this time. it's not stuff we're learn with big scoops. he's running as an autocrat. how do you solve for that? what is your advice? >> it goes against everything we're taught to do, to flatly

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say, especially a major party for president, what he's saying is wrong, it's un-american. it goes against everything that the enlightenment assistants for. we have to remember that our jobs are meaningless unless we stand for this. you know, the reason that the founders put a free press into the constitution was so that we could criticize the government, we could inform the electorate, and then the electorate can go cast informed votes that would affect who the government was made up of. >> you know, trump is running against the press. he always governed against the press early in his presidency. he described the media as earn mys of the people. i think it was the publisher of "new york times" and talked about how that endangers journalists around the world to describe the press as enemies of

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the people. now in his 2024, he's talking about taking this network off the air. he is running against the press, and a lot of his supporters agree with that. how do you see this moment of threat to the media? >> it's a giant threat. that's what autocrats do. the first thing they do is take over the press. that's what putin, stalin and hitler did. marty said something very, very important. we have the first amendment because the idea is we protect the press so the press can protect democracy, so we can accuse somebody in a leadership role of doing something authoritarian. that is why we're here. you can be neutral about a candidate, you can be neutral about a party, you can't be neutral about democracy. in a way that protects all of us. i wish journalists took an oath to the constitution. that's what we have to protect ultimately, too. >> last word on there.

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>> if he was in the military, and was convicted, he would lose his security clearance, and we want to make him commander in chief in i hope more folks on the fence think about that. >> all right. you guys have really sort of inspired all of my democracy defending juices. marty, i hope we can call on you over the next five months. you're a stiffening of the spine to all of us. i love that you had the time. thank you very much. and rick and paul, thank you both. the next hour of "deadline: white house," supreme court justice alito's story falls apart. his neighbors speaks on the publicly, which puts a giant hole through his story on the upwhydown flag that flew on his infrastructure. we'll bring you that story, next. l bring you that story,

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the court on ethics matters, like when it's proper to recuse, is supposed to consider the appearance of bias and impropriety. nothing says appearance more than flying a flag. the second thing is that we've had to count on the factual description of what took place of justice alito, which appears to be in conflict with corroborated statements. so, it exposes yet again the absence of a proper fact-finding process at the supreme court about these allegations. >> his again, everybody.

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it's 5:00 in new york. two key points raised there by senator sheldon whitehouse on this very program at this very hour yesterday, as criticisms surrounding justice alito as refusal to recuse himself from january 6th-related cases continued to mount. questions remain exactly why two flags brandished by the insurrectionists themselves were also flown outside the justice's residences. for his part, justice alito put all of the blame for both flags being flown on his wife. the first excuse for the upwhydown american flag was outtheir virginia home. we quote him -- my wife's reasons for flying the flag are

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not relevant for present purposes, but i note she was greatly distressed at the time due in large part to to a very nasty neighborhood dispute that i had no involvement. a house on the street had a sign d. and a man trailed her all the way down the street and berated here, including what i call asle vilest epithet that can be addressed to a woman. the neighbor is speaking out? her own words. she is named emily baden, who said she actually used the bad word, now her husband. she said the alternate irindication happened after justice alito's wife had been upset with anti-trump lines that she had put out on her lawn. >> at best, he's mistaken, but at worst he's just outright lying. there was a neighborhood who

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even witnessed this, and witnessed me using that unfortunate term. what else i said in that interaction is so important. i hope it's not getting forgotten in the discourse around the word. in that interaction she approached us, started screaming at us, used all of our full names, which to me felt like a threat. you're a stranger, we don't know you, how do you know our full names? i just started yelling how dare you? they both were there at the same time. how dare you? you're on the highest court in the land, you represent the supreme court of the united states, you're behaving this way, yelling at a neighbor, harassing us, how dare you, shame on you. i did use the word. so, if that in any way, you know, distracts in that real message, i do regret using the word. the message is important. it's like the power imbalance

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between these people and me, i am -- i'm nobody to them. valid point there. on top of that, the justice's story doesn't fit a timeline. time doesn't move in the way the alitos suggest that it did. the altercation between the neighbors, which alito says was the catalyst for the wife flying the same flag that was used on january 6th and the deadly insurrection, that happens on february 15th, 2021. we know that, because emily baden, who you just saw there, filed a police report that day. "new york times" reported that the flag photos were taken on jan war 17th, 2021, nearly a month earlier. senior correspondent at fox and officer of "the agenda" and writer and editor for protect

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democracy, linda captain terr is here, and harry litman is back. ian let me show you one more piece, that the alitos were never d. the alitos have security. here she is talking about that. >> they have a security detail that parks in front of their house, or in front of the house across the street from them. we are four our five houses away. sometimes that detail will be in front of our house which, you know, obviously i can't say for sure, i don't know their motivation, but we took it an intimidation, the same day that the "new york times" article came out. i don't know what else we're supposed to get from that. >> let me say i am for in anyone in public life having ought security available to them. it's good he had a detail, but this moving of the car and her feeling called out by mrs. alito

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are pieces of the story not represented in mr. alito as interview with shannon bream of fox news when the story first broke. >> i guess i'm going to echo what senator whitehouse said in the clip you played earlier, which is that the legal obligation isn't just that he avoids broke prity, he avoids the appearance of impropriety. that's what the code of judicial ethics says. the statute dealing with recusal, he avoids not just bias, but the appearance of partiality, so you have a special obligation at that level. there's a lot of confusion, maybe alito just misremembered what happened. who knows why the security vehicle was parked next to the house, but if you create the appearance that you're using your security to intimidate a

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private citizen? that is not allowed. again, we are talking about the most powerful -- one of the most powerful people in the country. he blames it on his wife. you may have heard the phrase caesar's wife before, when you were that important, you have an obligation, even if you're a member of the family. >> let me read this to you, harry litman. this is from the doj justice manual on disqualifications. any justice, judge or magistrate of the united states shall disqualify himself or herself in any proceeding niche his or her impartiality might reasonably be questioned. it seems like we're ten train stops past reasonable when you have two flags, also carried by the insurrectionists on your two different properties. >> i think we're in a different country from appearance. you're exactly right. that's just what alito says in

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the back of his hand, in the letter to congress saying i'm not going to recuse. that's bad for the reasons the white house says, but man, he says it's not relevant what her reasons were, and there are other details that you might take an marginal, except he said them. the one justice who's ever had to resign for personal contact, the real complicating factor is he didn't tell the truth. in a fairly immaterial way. look, alito says briefly, it looks like it's a month. alito says it was triggered by an alter case that it looks like it happened february 17th, when the flags were flown january 16th. >> it's -- we can't say exactly, but there's a big discrepancy

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here. a hearing is called for, because it's a problem in and of itself. as i said previously, it's not just about an appearance when a flag is flying as the white house says, on the most contentious social issue of the day. we, i think, at that point he has embraced a position that we've gone beyond i think the appearance standard we're always talking about. this is the worst i think of the scandals of the last several years involving the supreme court. >> there's a laziness about how he deals with press. he monitors programs like this one closely. when i remind someone of the circ*mstances. he was bush's second choice after bush's dear friend didn't survive congress.

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he, in his biting remarks in the public forums in which he speaks, he often response almost to perhaps on people who appear such as these with very thin-skinned defenses of the perception of a very political, very partisan, i would argue really radicalized segment of the current makeup of the united states supreme court. i think what he doesn't counsel on is the media will not be afraid. they won't back down. these are the facts he's trying to run away from. this is the lazies in on the attack of the press about the flags flown. this is from "the washington post," quote -- alito told fox news reporter shannon bream that the neighborhood dispute began when his wife went to speak with their neighborhood in january 2021. alito was upset that the woman was displaying an anti-trump

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sign, with an expletive, within 15 feet of her children who await the school bus. emily baden put it on x, but the schools had been shultzered. only a small group of -- students didn't return to the what is room until jan weigh 16th, 20201. so, again, a timeline that was offered by samuel alito in an interview with shannon bream of fox news. it doesn't appear to be truthful 689. >> there are a lot of facts that just don't line up in justice alitto's story. we can all assignment he went to shannon bream, because he wouldn't receive the proper pushback to this timeline, now the timeline is coming out following what harry was saying,

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justice alito wrote a letter to congress about his version of eid vents of which he was a key witness. his wife didn't do it on his own. he was there as a witness. he wrote in his own words to congress what he said happened. now, the neighbor is disputing a feud key facts. number one, when the flag went up, and number two, who instigated this incident. what i would be worried about if i was justice alito is there is a police report documenting a version of events. i think more of this is going to come out, but they were counting on the neighbor would remain so intimidated she wouldn't speak out and give her version of events. speaking of thin skinned, just because of a neighbor would have used vile language shouldn't be so triggering as for the supreme court court justice's wife and

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himself become involved in an altercation where the police were required to be called. on top of that, if we're going into what congress should be exercising some oversight of is the neighbor's allegations or suspicion that the secret service may have relayed the names of the neighbors to the alitos? there's more of a story there and threats that congress should be pulling upon to find out the real story. >> so intriguing, ryan goodman tweets this, justice alito's letter explaining may have include false statements to congress. what would change the status quo, that the democratic senators on the judiciary committee seem publicly and privately to feel limited in their tools to do anything about any of this. john roberts seems to be, i don't know what he's doing, self-soothing? wanting it all to go away in i'm

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really not sure. with an immunity decision in the pipeline, i can't imagine fewer eyes for this makeup anytime soon. is there a remedy? >> i think the only thing that can change is is a new democratic congress. maybe thrilled be a hearing, with political theater, maybe people could change their minds, but that's it. you only thing they can do is stage some polite cal theater. if you want any kinds of reforming, lots of things that congress can do, adding new seats, to stripping the supreme court of some of the its string it super some of its bucket. a lot of things that congress can do, but if you want to change the status quo, if you

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want the supreme court to be less powerful, and the democratically elected branch of government to assert their power, you have to have a majority in the congress willing to do so and a president willing to sign the bill. ultimately what becomes of this will be determined by the outcome of the november election. >> as if we needed one more thing, amanda carpenter, to remind -- to take to the country -- i used to bemoan the impetus of the department of justice a to ascertain -- i think it's the most motivating message to take in probably 20 years, you are the only ones left. no one is coming to save you, you decide if you want these nine people to live by rolls that -- forget the rest of the branches of government.

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no other judge living in an absent, a graft-less bubble where there's no ethical standards, no one calls fouls, no one does anything. you do you. i think it's an incredible if it's brought to the country. who does that? >> well, we all do that. you are right, nicolle, but let me make a bit of a case for the political theater that was sort of dismissed. i don't think congressional oversight is political theater just because it doesn't necessarily guarantee a certain outcome because you hold a hearing, justice alito, if he lied to congress should not be able to get away with that so ea easily. i do not understand this. senator durbin seems to be all right allergic to the idea of conducting oversight over the supreme court. i don't know why. they have a right to ask questions. they have a right to ask for

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more information. when there is a clear timeline of events where justice alito was a witness to something that resulted in a police report, he has an obligation to give a real and true versions of events in which he was involved. i don't think that's a hard case to make. if he doesn't want to answer questions, great. all the reason to make momentum for real reform for the supreme court later. but you have to throw there's a groundwork to show how resistant they are to uphold their norms. i like to associate myself with amanda's correction there. it's not an either/or. everyone has a role to play. i've had members of the senate judiciary, i don't understand the responses they give me. they don't seem to be field empowered by their majority.

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>> supposedly durbin is looking on the for the confirmation of judges, they just passed the 200 mark, but even apart from politics, one thing we can say, in the absence of any teeth, when we are just ad hoc, when the political theater has gotten to a pointy justice alito has made a representation and really it might be wrong. it might be false, it's all the more important in the absence of any kind of formal guidelines at that point to follow through. i cannot see the argument against at least a hearing. i can barely construe his letter, giving every indulgence to it not being untruthful, but man, do we have to know that. the difference between a justice who -- when things get really tough, doesn't tell the truth to congress and one who does, to answer your question to ian, that would be impeachment

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territory. it won't happen with a republican congress, but he i agree with amanda, independent we need to know, and if it's established, that itself is a major difference in our politics. >> thank to all of you for having this conversation. thank you for starting us off this hour. when we come back, the grave threat that now faces or national security after house speaker mike johnson named two of the trumpiest insiders to figures who played big roles in the insurrection, to the once esteemed house intelligence committee he? what the republican chairman is saying. and it's critical for trump's plan to reach out to african american voters. we'll find out what byron donald was thinking when he said there

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in the wake of the politically craven decision by house speaker johnson to support scott perry and ronnie jackson to serve on the house intelligence committee, both of whom were described as legislative terrorist by congressman connelly, we're now learning the decision didn't just come as a surprise to us, but also to the republican chair of the committee. congressman mike turner, who doesn't even get a heads-up, he

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turned out the two newest members were being added through the press. several members, republicans and democrats, say they worry about the integrity of the panel in the way of johnson ace point, adding that the indignity of allowing turner to learn from social media was salt in the wound. joining us author of "long haul" frank fit figluizzi, and mary mcchorder here. mary, let's start with you. just deal with the risk that eave of these men cob compromised by their own exposure. perry's phones were seized, in all the testimony provided by

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the january 6th select committee, pet personally sought pardon, so in his own mind has concerns about exposure. ronnie jackson was demoted because of his own substance abuse. they seems like classic marks for adversaries. >> they do. in fact, the criteria for given security clearances focuses on the same risks you have identified. i don't think think either man would be able to get a security clearance. one of the major adjudicated factors is your allegiance for the united states, in criteria that would be -- including sympathy for persons who have attempted to overthrow the government operations, or make it impossible to -- for the government to function. these are things exactly that the january 6th rioters engaged

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in, things that people like scott perry and ron june jax been have expressed support spoke. they also including inappropriate sexual conduct, inappropriate drug use. as a rule they should on those factors creates a security vulnerability. they also are direct conduits to mr. trump. so, you can imagine, as the intelligence committee is trying to do its job and wants to hear from members of the intelligence community about threats across the spectrum, whether it's maligned foreign actor, potentially trying to interfere with our election. whether it's threats domestically for violence, political or others, can you imagine a potential reluctant to

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even share that information with the committee when two people on the committee are so compromised, so i think we have to be concerned about some sort of self-limiting of the information that's shared. also, you know, the fbi being concerned about taking any action and communicating it with the committee that that will put targets on their backs. we have seen them will have have targets on their backs. i'm sure frank has things to say about that. >> frank, christopher wray's current position that january 6th was an act of domestic terrorism. ted cruz agreed at the time, and walked that back on tucker carlson. if the current sitting director of the fbi believes it's

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domestic terrorism. scott perry had his phone seized because of his role in january 6th. he was chief architect of the lead person trying to install jeffrey clark as the acting attorney general. he asked for a pardon on that. he refused to respond to a subpoena. ronnie jackson, the guy who attested to trump's destiny to live to 200 and a weight number that's closer to mine than trump's was demeeted to captain in the navy because of his drug and alcohol use. he was a failed trump nominee for the secretary of veterans affairs. he attended the stop the steal rally on january 6th. again, january 6th is defined by the current fbi director as, quote, domestic terrorism. they are now on the intel

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committee. >> this is the congressional version of the fox garden the henhouse. i can't overstate how potentially devastating this. i've and before the committees, in multiple times. every time what i experienced is there weren't republicans and democrats on the committee. there were simply americans. i obvious lie to say that classified intelligence is the great equalizer, that regardless of party affiliation, once you see the threat and risk defined, all you want to do is defeat the threat and risk and support of intel community. did they ask any hard questions? you bet. i had to have the answers, bur you're talking about -- much of the budget is classified, even black budget. what does that mean? it means the public may never

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know if these members say we're nixing that program. what would that look like? we really don't want you working russia that strong her, you should ease back on china. whatever the issue is, don't tell me anymore about saudi arabia assassinating journalists, we don't want to hear it. all of that could be happening. i can't imagine a combative dynamic that would start between the briefers of the agency, and committee members if they just want to wreak half von with the intelligence community, its budget and collection activity. matt gaetz, congrats to ronnie jackson and scott perry. president trump now has major reinforcements for his plan to obliterate the deep state. this is the mo procedure-trump committee we've ever had.

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lauren boebert, finally some champions. the maga wing is very, very happy about these appointments. >> well, i mean, to frank's point, in my experience as well, that is one of the things we looked for. we looked for the fact that the members there took intelligence seriously. they acted in a very bipartisan manner, as frank said, once you've been privy, you kind of put your politics aside, because you see the threats out there. i worry -- why wouldn't we think that's the same for these two? just listen to the reaction to matt gaetz and lauren boebert. listen to what they've had in the past.

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there is concern this will be weaponizing the intelligence committee. we've seen it in the judicial committee. the speak has said essentially they'll have a three-pronged attack essentially to weaponize their committees to go after the quote, unquote deep state. you know, i think we just have to be concerned about how these members on that committee will influence that committee, how they will influence the interaction between the actual intelligence committee our specialists, analysts who have put them -- to protect our -- for foreign and domestic. how will that changes thor interactions when people will justifiably be concerned about where the allegiance of these two men is.

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is it to the security of the united states or to donald trump? what they have thrown so far in recent year, is it's the latter. >> i didn't see any criticism or condemnation of breaking with donald trump after the mar-a-lago indictments from either of these gentlemen. again, maybe i missed it mary mccord. thank you. frank will be back later in the hour to talk about his new book. top trump surrogate is on the short list just set this -- black families in the country benefited from under jim crow. that was said, in the year 2024. jasmine crockett will be our next guest to respond here at the table. don't go anywhere. guest to res the table. don't go anywhere. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds)

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2:37 pm

during jim crow, the black family was together. during jim crowe, more black people were not just conservative. black people have always been conservative, but more voted conservative. then lyndon johnson, we go down the room and we are where we are. >> it's per verse, talking about the jim crowe era like a better

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time, trump cyr gatt, contender for the vice presidential nomination after mike pence walked away, set ner, no how, no, thank you. he's seeming to pine for a tine. asked whether or not he regretted saying those things, he insisted he never insinuated anything like nostalgia for the jim crowe era, we a saw what he said. under black crow, the family was together, and on and so. how minority leaders hakeem jeffries took exception to the comments. >> the speaker has come to my attention that a so-called leader has made the factually knack rate statement that black folks were better off during jim

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crowe. that's an outlandish, out-of-pocket observation. we were not better out of. when a young boy named emmett till would be murdered, when black women could be sexually assaulted without consequence because of jim crowe. we were not better off when people could be systematically lynched without consequence. how dare you make such an ig nonobservation. you before check yourself before you wreck yourself. >> you better check yourself before you wreck yourself. i think they call that a mic drop moments. joining me to talk about it all. jasmine crockett, congresswoman of texas.

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>> there's clear reason that republicans don't want us to know history or study history. when you say ignorant things like what byron donald does, it reminds me of uncle ruckus, those family with boondocks. that's what it looks like, it looks like uncle ruckus storytime, where he believes if he just says the right things that donald trump will pick him. the republican party will consistently reject black folk, especially at the very stop. it's one of the reasons even though he is right about something, black people traditionally are a lot more conservative than, say, where the party is. the one thing we can't change as black foe is the fact we are black. deciding we're going to side with the party that will side with the likes of the proud boys, the likes of the kkk, the neosnazzi, we can't do that.

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we can't exist in the same space, but we can exist in the same space with people who are also enduring their own struggle. the fact he decided to invoke lbj, the man who made sure we got the civil rights act swiped into law, which was courageous in and of itself at the time, we got that, and then you look at the current supreme court that's trying to roll everything back, and look at the current house and senate that refused to make sure voting rights are passed, and the things that people marched for, they're turning in their grave. we have a saying a lot of times, were our ancestors' wildest dream. while i believe that i think ancestors are looking at some of the worst nightmares, and leading the pack is byron donald. >> if it's all b.s., tell me,

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but what is giving legs to this idea that donald trump has may made inroads? >> i think there's a level of frustration when it's not made clear what the quote, unquote black agenda is. you can talk about black men potentially falling off. i don't know that i think there's a great exodus going to trump. if anything, i think some are saying i'm not moot investigated, because i'm not feeling i'm getting results from anybody when i vote. that's what i hear more of. >> disenchaptered. >> exactly. >> we got to know each other when you and the democrat from texas -- feeling it wasn't matched at the national level. >> if anything, i hear, what are you all doing? at least i have an administration i can say this is what they're doing and these are the things they have done. they have done great things, if you have not -- i can talk about

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all day long about student debt relief. i ain't got it just yet, but i know people who have. i say talk to some of your friends, because they have received it, and how is it affecting or impacting their lives? >> i'm embarrassed to even ask you about this, but i have to. joe rogan has this thing where rappers are into trump now because he's a convicted felon. how crazy is that? >> listen, i don't believe in nonsense. >> how do you deal with it? disinformation. he would you say a purveyor of it during covid, and hakim -- leader jeffsries went to the floor to deal with this. when joe rogan was spreading disinformation about a health sure, everything thought it had to be dealt with, but how do you deal with disinformation? >> listen, they can glorify it

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as much as they want to, but i can tell you, as someone who has practiced criminal defense, this ain't going to work. if anything it will backfire. i appreciate those who have taken to social immediate, he is not one of us. let me tell you, there's never been a criminal defendant that i represented that said, yeah, let me talk noise about the judge. in fact, let me put it out on social media, it's never okay, and this guy has treated differently. >> for sure. he talks about a two-tiered system of justice. it's so great to have you at the table. will you please come back? >> yes. >> i feel like there's a million things we need your voice on. >> yeah. when come back, strain

2:45 pm

figliuzz i will be lack to talk about "long haul form" it's about seer yates killers. it's amazing, stay with us. lers it's amazing, stay with us

2:46 pm

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850 murders along u.s. highways, most of them section trafficked women, hundreds unsolved, all they believe is linked to longhaul drivers. the professionals who strive to stop the killings, rue detrafficking and aid victims is not pleasant,y yet it's a story that need to be total. frank is with us. frank, i had an early copy of it. i'll read enough to have a sense. i couldn't put it down after reading you get so pud into this undertow. my family, as a woman who has drip at night, pulling into gas stations, every woman can relate to this sick feeling of not being saved, but what you shine a bright line on is the

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marginalized and voiceless, hundreds of victims of long-haul serial killers. tell me about the stories. >> it is my open, at least one of the objectives, to shed light on this, and to give voice to the women who are dead and whose voices have been snuffed out. people aren't championing the cause here of this fbi highway serial killings initiative enough. 850 murders alongside or nation's highway over the past few decades, mostly sex trafficked women. two united nationsconsidered active and unsolved. when i asked the fbi how many suspects are they looking at right now in the 200 unsolved cases, the answer is 450 suspects. they make no bones about the fact that they are looking at long-haul truckers. by the way, after 2000 miles on the road in a big rig, i wrote

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flatbed, a different kind of trucking, i came away incredibly impressed with modern-day trucking my book is partially dedicated to the american trucker, who our economy absolutely depends on. we're only talking about a small fraction of long-haul truckers, thank goodness. it is enough to really wreak havoc on our nation's highways. the killers are grabbing the victims in one jurisdiction, raping and learning them in another jurisdiction and dumping remains in another jurisdiction but police do a finger-pointing thing. i don't know who the victim is pretty there is no way to know where she was taken and where the crime occurred. i just know i have a dead body and that is where the fbi's initiative comes in. >> for a lot of the women, it is falling down the stairs. it is abuse or addiction. and then they become susceptible. talk a little bit more about the victims.

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>> indeed appeared just as there are commonalities among long-haul serial killers that we could talk of and go into deeply in the book, similarly, there are commonalities across the victim community of sex trafficking. i threw my biases and preconceptions ideas out the window i talk to women, one was a preacher's kid, another went to college in the midwest. if you think this cannot happen to you, this grooming and recruiting but you can't have a friend or family member fall into the trap of trafficking, inc. again. now, it is moving online. everybody is -- what are the commonalities? early trauma in childhood, often unwanted touching or sexual molestation, including rape. a tower of trauma , whether it is domestic violence on the home, death of a loved one, it

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is there. early exposure to drug use often starting with marijuana and escalating fast to hard drugs. and then a series of bad boy boyfriends that become the pen, the recruiter, the groomer. >> it is an unbelievable story. i cannot wait to see it, the tv version of this, i am certain. thank you for writing it and thank you for joining us to talk about it the book is called long-haul. it is out now but it is a must read pretty quick break and we will be right back. res ladd that lets you place, flatten, or reverse orders so you won't miss an opportunity. e*trade from morgan stanley welcome to the wayborhood. so you won't miss an opportunity. with wayfair, finding your style is fun. [ music playing ] yes! when the music stops grab any chair, it doesn't matter if it's your outdoor style or not. [ music stops ] i'm sorry, carl. this is me in chair form. i don't see you. -oh, come on. this one's perfect for you. but you. love it.

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3:01 pm


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.