Credit Score Calculator - Find your FICO credit score range. CalcXML (2024)

Credit Score Calculator - Find your FICO credit score range. CalcXML (1)Although credit scores are calculated differently by the various credit bureaus, you can get an estimate of what your score may be by using this calculator. The three main things that help you have a good credit score are first, having a long history of making all debt payments on time, second using the proper mix of credit, and third not maxing out on available credit. Use our credit score calculator to help you determine a possible range of credit scores.

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Improving Your Credit Rating

Credit Score Calculator - Find your FICO credit score range. CalcXML (2)

Even if you have not fallen on hard times, you need to knowabout your credit rating and how to make sure it accuratelyreflects your credit history. Negative information in your creditreport can adversely affect your ability to get credit or get thebest loan interest rates. Information about your credit history iscollected by credit bureaus, who then sell this information tolenders and others who need it in connection with loans, getting ajob, or other financial applications you may make. You mustauthorize the credit bureaus to give out this information bysigning a waiver on an application you make. There are threeprimary credit bureaus in the United States who collect anddisseminate this information: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.You should obtain a copy of your credit report from each of thesebureaus at least once a year to verify that the information theyhave is correct.

You build your credit report every time you apply for anduse credit. Creditors send information about your credit historywith them to one or more of the credit bureaus. Most of theinformation is accurate and timely, but sometimes it is not. Whenyou miss loan payments, pay late, default on a loan, or have adebt dropped (called a charge-off), that information goes on yourcredit report.

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What Is Your FICO Score and Why Is ItImportant?

Just because you want to buy a home doesn't mean that alender is eager to loan you money. Lenders look at your pasthistory in handling your finances, which is where the FICO scorecomes in. By the end of this article, you will be able to identifya good FICO score and how it was determined.

The FICO score boils your credit history down to athree-digit number that instantly tells a lender whether you arecreditworthy. This score dictates what terms—ifany—you will be offered in a mortgage. Pioneered by theFair, Isaac Corporation, this score and similar ones used by othercredit reporting services rely on the following factors:

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How Lenders Rate Creditworthiness

Lenders must evaluate the risks of lending money to others.In commercial lending, creditors generally follow the sameprinciples to evaluate a borrower's creditworthiness.

A creditor usually looks at three factors known as the"three Cs": capacity, capital, and character.

  • Capacity. The present and future abilityto meet your financial obligations. Some of the areas examinedwould be your work history and the amount of debt that youalready owe.
  • Capital. Savings and other assets thatcould be used as collateral for loans. Even if you are notrequired to post collateral, many creditors express a preferencethat you have assets other than income that could be used torepay a loan.
  • Character. This boils down totrustworthiness, promptness in paying your existing bills andother debts, and your credit history.

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Credit Score Calculator - Find your FICO credit score range. CalcXML (3)

IMPORTANT: Use of this tool is subject to the following terms and conditions: This tool generates an estimated range of credit scores based on the information you provide. This is an estimate only and only for personal use. Credit bureaus, banks and other financial institutions each calculate credit scores in a variety of ways and for their own purposes; therefore, there is no guarantee that your actual credit score(s) as calculated by these financial institutions will fall within the estimate or estimated range provided by this tool. Prior to making any financial or other decisions involving your credit score(s) or any such estimate, you should obtain your actual credit score(s) from appropriate credit bureaus, banks and/or financial institutions as well as consult with a financial services professional. CalcXML, LLC is not a credit bureau or credit repair service provider and does not receive fees for such services, nor is it a credit clinic, credit repair or credit services organization or business, as defined by federal and state law. YOU AGREE YOUR RECOURSE FOR ANY PROBLEM, CLAIM OR DISSATISFACTION IS SOLELY WITH CALCXML, LLC, BUT YOU ALSO AGREE THAT CALCXML, LLC CANNOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN ACTUAL CREDIT SCORES AND ANY ESTIMATED CREDIT SCORE RANGE (OR OTHER ESTIMATE OR INFORMATION) PROVIDED BY THIS TOOL, AND THAT THIS TOOL AND THE RESULTS OF ANY USE OF THE TOOL ARE PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS ONLY. By clicking the Submit button above, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this paragraph and disclaimer.

Credit Score Calculator - Find your FICO credit score range. 
	CalcXML (2024)


What is the FICO credit score range _________ to ____________? ›

Base FICO® Scores range from 300 to 850. Industry-specific FICO® Scores. FICO creates auto scores and bankcard scores specifically for auto lenders and card issuers.

How do I calculate my FICO score? ›

The main categories considered are a person's payment history (35%), amounts owed (30%), length of credit history (15%), new credit accounts (10%), and types of credit used (10%). FICO scores are available from each of the three major credit bureaus, based on information contained in consumers' credit reports.

How to find out FICO credit score? ›

You can check your FICO Score for free by accessing your credit report from one of the major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion) once per year. Some credit card issuers and financial institutions also offer their customers free access to FICO Scores.

What is a very good FICO credit score range? ›

What is a good credit score?
Credit Score RangesRating
740-799Very Good
1 more row

What FICO score is bad? ›

In the FICO (that is, Fair Isaac Corporation) scoring model, scores range from 300 to 850. This number is designed to signal to potential lenders how risky a particular borrower is. If your credit score lands between 300 and 579, it is considered poor, and lenders may see you as a risk.

Is FICO score 8 good? ›

A FICO score of at least 700 is considered a good score. There are also industry-specific versions of credit scores that businesses use. For example, the FICO Bankcard Score 8 is the most widely used score when you apply for a new credit card or a credit-limit increase.

What's the difference between my FICO score and my credit score? ›

Is "credit score" the same as "FICO® score"? Basically, "credit score" and "FICO® score" are all referring to the same thing. A FICO® score is a type of credit scoring model. While different reporting agencies may weigh factors slightly differently, they are all essentially measuring the same thing.

Can I pull my own FICO score? ›

The first place you should check for your free FICO Score is with your credit card issuer. Many card issuers provide their cardholders with free access to their credit score. While there's a good chance you'll have access to your credit score, the key is whether it's your FICO Score or VantageScore.

Is Credit Karma your FICO score? ›

Though Credit Karma does not currently offer FICO® scores, the scores you see on Credit Karma (VantageScore 3.0 credit scores from TransUnion and Equifax) provide valuable insight into your financial health. It's important to keep in mind that no one credit score is the end-all, be-all.

Does my bank have my FICO score? ›

FICO® Score Program.

The feature is accessible through Online Banking, the Mobile website, and the Mobile Banking app for iPhone and Android devices. Your FICO® Score is based on data from TransUnion® and may be different from other credit scores.

Which credit score is most accurate? ›

There is no single credit score that's considered the most accurate. The truth is, there are several types of credit scores available to lenders—and many versions of each of those scores. Scores are calculated based on many of the same factors. But thinking of these scores in terms of accuracy can still be misleading.

Why is my FICO score higher than my credit score? ›

Why is my FICO score higher than my other credit scores? Every credit-scoring model is different. And credit scores can change based on what credit report is used to inform the model. Those variances can make some scores higher or lower than others.

What is a good FICO score to buy a house? ›

Some types of mortgages have specific minimum credit score requirements. A conventional loan requires a credit score of at least 620, but it's ideal to have a score of 740 or above, which could allow you to make a lower down payment, get a more attractive interest rate and save on private mortgage insurance.

Does anyone have a 900 credit score? ›

While older models of credit scores used to go as high as 900, you can no longer achieve a 900 credit score. The highest score you can receive today is 850. Anything above 800 is considered an excellent credit score.

What is a good FICO score to buy a car? ›

Most obviously, a good credit score, usually a score of 680 or above, can ensure a low interest rate. Lower monthly payments. The more competitive your interest rate is, the less expensive your monthly vehicle payment will be. Smaller down payment.

What is the FICO credit score range quizlet? ›

Credit scores range from 300 to 850. A rule of thumb: The higher your score, less risk, lower interest and less down payment required. Lower scores could require a larger down payment and could have higher interest.

Is a FICO score of 800? ›

Your 800 FICO® Score falls in the range of scores, from 800 to 850, that is categorized as Exceptional. Your FICO® Score is well above the average credit score, and you are likely to receive easy approvals when applying for new credit. 21% of all consumers have FICO® Scores in the Exceptional range.

What range is a FICO score computed? ›

FICO scores range from 300 to 850. Within that range, scores are classified into five categories: excellent, very good, good, fair and poor.

What exactly is a FICO score? ›

A FICO® score is a particular brand of credit score. A credit score is a number that is used to predict how likely you are to pay back a loan on time. Credit scores are used by companies to make decisions such as whether to offer you a mortgage or a credit card.


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